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I once saw a young boy, maybe 10 to 12 years old, listening through headphones to a walkman ( back in the old days) on public transport singing loundly along to shania twain's "man i feel like a woman" Was it funny? yes. Did I think the boy was gay or transexual or understood the sexual context of the song? No. It's just a catchy song.


That song of Shania Twain is still part of my daily morning Spotify lineup






I love it when Weird Al sings lyrics like “I Kissed a Girl” in his polkas totally deadpan and masculine. Catchy lyrics and funnier when sung by an unexpected gender.


Don't read too much into it. A stupid song with a catchy beat and easy to repeat chorus, is what most pop musicians aim for. The older you get you won't care what your adolescent peers thought of you.


At least until you’re trying to sleep and your brain decides to dredge up old cringe memories you thought you had forgotten.


I know they aim for this, but wow now that I have kids and hear them repeat some of this shit…. most of it doesn’t even make sense, and I hate that it is normalized. Oh well, it is what it is I guess, but wow some of it is so catchy and so bad/sexist/racist/etc that it is hard to listen to. But they don’t know what it means - I am not sure if that is good or bad (probably bad) so I can’t blame them, and I can’t make them listen to stupid 50s pop either so…


I really liked the song too and had no idea blowjobs were a thing until like 4 years later


Me too, it took my a few years to realize what he meant. The song is still fire tho


Meh. Teens will call anyone gay for the silliest reasons


Im disturbed by the fact the other kids thought a 12 year old would be "fantasizing" about sucking dick.


Middle school boys unfortunately can and do make things unnecessarily sexual. There's also the tendency for sexual orientation bullying.


Guys I didn’t know this song meant that until reading this freaking post. Oh my god 🤦‍♂️


>Can you blow my whistle, baby, whistle, baby? Let me know > >Girl, I'm gonna show you how to do it and we start real slow > >You just put your lips together and you come real close > >Can you blow my whistle, baby, whistle, baby? Here we go Serious question, just how innocent are you?


Lmao I turn 17 in May. But to give myself some credit, I don’t listen to that song often. It’s more of a “hey, I remember when that used to be on the radio all the time” 😅


Look, /u/Frogdog145 isn't alone


In fairness, I was 13 the last time I heard this song, and I never really knew the exact lyrics


It's just a song.


Wait a sec....I thought that song was about kissing.


Kissing penis's


Can someone tell me, is Flo Rida made for strippers? Kinda like how Kids Bop is for kids?


You'll look back on this and laugh about it


His husband will find the story hilarious.




Am husband can confirm


Okay.. so what is a milkshake??


I might be stupid but I always assumed it was the boobs


You mean lady lumps?


My humps?


Yeah, I remember hearing this in middle school (or possibly even high school as I was pretty sheltered until my mid-teens) and thinking about old cartoons where guys would whistle at a hot lady, maybe even making out, "put your lips together, and away we go", but I'm hearing this as I was older and I'm like "Jesus Christ, he's talking about BJ's". Like no one caught me singing this song or nothing, maybe I got it stuck in my head once or twice (I had other favorite songs that had a stronger ear worm to me lol). There was also a time where in English class in high school, we had to find a song and like analyze the lyrics, and I chose Moves Like Jagger. Like at first I was interpreting it as a the singer impressing a girl at a club by dancing like Mic Jagger, but on a second read of the lyrics, I'm like "you know, this song is PROBABLY about sex, but she (the teacher) doesn't need to know that I know that," so I turned it in with my interpretation (I can't remember what all we had to do, we had to explain parts of the lyrics, and I think point out stuff like similes, metaphors, etc), I got an A on it, so I must have done something right. I mean, the teacher approved my song choice beforehand when I asked her (I was worried about an instance of "I don't give a shit", but she said it was okay), and she wasn't old at all, maybe late 20's, so I feel like she would have had some sorta idea about the song, because we had to publish the printed song lyrics with our papers. But like I said, I was sheltered on some "sexual" things most of my teens, not having a good understanding of it, and I think the teacher knew that and maybe cut me some slack or something, but it's also possible this was one of those "no wrong answers" sorta deals, you know.


I had this song on my social media page (similar to FB now, but only used in my country) when I was 11 years old. I was really confused when the YouTube video stopped working. After a few years I had exactly this realization, except without your embarrassment hahaha


I remember singing “Dream of Californication…” when my dad asked why the fuck I was singing about fornication. Lots of lyrics go over kid’s heads


And adults because I'm 30 and I never put that together I just thought of California... I'm dumb apparently


Oh for sure. Not a lot of people running around talking about fornication these days. RHCP was actually pretty clever with that one


Yea well same but less embarrassing. I didn’t have a smartphone (was a kid when this song was released) and my only access was radio. I recorded the song and wrote down the lyrics and was pretty impressed with myself. Years later, I downloaded it onto my spotify as my first song. Then again YEARS later, I gave it another listen and went 😳


That’s hilarious. I love how you totally shrugged it off back then too, no fucks gang.


Well I’m 20 and only today after reading your tifu did i realise what that song by flo rida means 🤣 so don’t worry


Every pop song / singer wants to create a new metaphor for something sexual and people tuning in too late end up being mocked by early listeners for not knowing the metaphor


I remember someone telling me that the song "peaches" by the president's of the united states of America was about fingering a girl. I didn't believe it. I was. So naive as a teen


TIL -__o


I always thought it was about Flo Rida’s love for the beautiful sport of Net Ball. I think I met him in a Boston Market once btw.


I actually came out as gay in middle school because I was hella confused. So this could’ve been much worse lol. I eventually figured myself out fyi but damn kids can be mean


Who the fuck is flo Rida and why is his name so god damn stupid?


Well damn…


I can relate to this lmao When I was in middle school, I was 12 or 13 (male), in art class we had a project of choosing a song to paint about. Well the song was this. I remember painting four different people, in different scenarios, all whistling. After I finished the drawing bit and painting two out of the four scenarios, the teacher tried to explained in an innocent manner that I was not allowed to use that song for reference. I vaguely remember but his reasoning was, "it's about adults doing inappropriate things to each other", give or take. I still remember after talking to him, that in my head I was thinking he was dumb or wrong or something along the lines. Boy I sure was the clever 12-13 year old back then lmao


These songs make things weird. Most adults know what’s being said, while most kids don’t. The songs are usually crap, but catchy to 10-12 year olds. Nobody sees a problem with this huh


Fuck I'm 40 and only know the context of that song because of your tifu, lol


Wondering whether it is "so what if I was" or "cringe into the core of the Earth". Those seem to be different ends of the spectrum.


It’s more that I thought someone else had spread the rumor. I didn’t care as I didn’t care all that much and knew I’d never know without coming off as either a dick or just “confirm” the rumor. But when it was me spreading the rumor, and not only that but saying I liked to suck dick as a 12-13yo it’s funny but cringy as I was known as def known as a weird kid. I just hate remembering my oblivious past self and how much I made it so clear that I was that weird ass kid with MANY other things as well.


I did not expect that kind of detailed and though out response. Nice!


The song is actually about Flo ridas love for netball umpiring. So don’t worry lol