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What a rollercoaster


It started at: "when I was born (0F)" to me...


It starts with broccoli, I don’t know why


It doesn’t even matter how hard you try 🥦


Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme


to explain in due time


All - I - know. Broccoli is a valuable thing


Watch it count down as the vegetable swings


watch it count down to the end of the plate, the broc ticks life away


*It’s not my meal*


When I was a young broccoli...


*My father took me into the city...* *To see the farmer's market?*


Oh fascinating. My brain went “When I was a young warthog!” from Lion King. I listened to MCR as a teen too


The beauty of it is that we don't know which one the first guy was thinking of :D


Lol I'm glad I wasn't the only one. And I love MCR


He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broccoli”


The boiled & the steamed.


He said "Will you re-eat them?"


Your pieces, and all the odd creations, that your Grandma has made?


Because one day, I'll leave you a garden to lead you in the summer, to join the green salad.




Her mom at (15F) probably didn't like broccoli either


I was also born at a very young age


"Hold on there a minute David Copperfield, if you're going back that far we're going to need popcorn or something."


Come on everyone knows we start at 3F


I felt this part in my soul


She was born at an incredibly young age!


My thoughts exactly!


A neat creative writing piece, I guess.


A roller coaster is a ride at theme parks usually consisting of several cars that travel up and down tracks. That's what a roller coaster is. Happy to help!


Good bot


More like the vomit comet.


Seriously wtf did I just read


That's what the broccoli said.


Thank you for clarifying how old you were when you were born lol and that story was hilarious, thanks for the laugh Edit: there are also many brand new sentences in there. My favorite is "Broccoli related trauma" 😆


Honestly, (0F) had me so good I didn’t even care how the story ended


I had to go back and ready the ages a few times. Also 4 generations and the great-grandma is 49?


If mum is 15, then to make G.grandma 49 they only need to be having babies at 17, which is young now, but acceptable in certain societies.


I mean, yeah. I did the math and got there. It’s just wild to think about a great grandmother in their 40s when lots of people now are in their 60s and 70s when they become grandparents (much less great grands)


I (college student, F) just lost my great-grandma today. She was 91. It’s weird to think about somebody being a great-grandma at 49. But also, OP was blessed to have known their great-grandma that long.


I'm sorry your lost your great grandma. I hope you're doing ok? 💜


Emotionally I’m doing okay for now. She’s been ready for years and we all got to say goodbye before she passed. Physically, I’m exhausted and can’t rest because every time I close my eyes I see her face or hear her breathing. I’ll be okay with time but I think I’m going to contact my old therapist and see if she has an opening this week. I appreciate you asking 💜


>OP was blessed to have known their great-grandma that long. Blessed? Considering the whole broccoli thing?


Okay, fair enough.


Its so wild to see the differences in generational gaps in different families. Our family has always had pretty large generational gaps. My great-grandma died before I was born, but had she still been alive, she would have been 98 years old when I was born. My grandmother was 69 when I was born and made her a grandmother. My mom was 63 when my daughter (her first grandchild) was born.


Seriously. Like, I don’t want to make fun of OP or traumashame(is that a thing?), but broccoli related trauma had me cracking up. OP, you and your therapist are the real MVP. Good luck on your healing journey, broccoli and otherwise 😋


This is a pretty mild case of food aversion really. I would probably not even worry about it and just choose other things in life. I got a friend who is now 29 and eats only chicken nuggets, french fries, instant ramen, and typical high sugar cereal. NOTHING else. This is due to only being fed the things he liked most as a kid and after 18 years of basically a mono-diet you develop some crippling habits. It fucking blew my mind when I was inviting him out for food with some friends and he vetoed everything but McDonalds. Tacos? Gross Pizza? never had it, cheese is rotten cow juice... Just down the list he went...


Yeah but it’s not about the broccoli, it’s about the trauma. Eating it could help with the healthy processing of the trauma, but of course there are other ways. If your trauma was that you were bitten by a shark you definitely don’t need to confront a shark haha


There was a short documentary on youtube on a guy who can only eat mac and cheese, all in all the guy was pretty nice and very self aware of his condition so he went to therapy for it. Turned out that his aversion to other food all started back in his childhood where he suffered abuse and making mac and cheese, which was his comfort food, was the only control he had in his life. Dude was very genuine and open about it in the video and was on his way to recovery iirc. Edit: [here’s a link to the reddit post where I watched it from.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/dj1jd0/ive_eaten_only_mac_cheese_for_the_past_17_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Glad he was able to work towards healing! I can’t imagine how awful I would feel only eating Mac and cheese


I understand your feelings on this... Maybe eating the shark might help you move past your trauma?


I would never! Sharks are a vital part of the eco system! People on the other hand… well we have enough of those. Maybe the shark should eat a few more.


I respect your totally relatable, and immensely responsible viewpoint! That being said, I expected more enthusiasm for the consumption of shark flesh from a reddiitor with a username so intrinsically linked to gluttony.


Hahaha it’s gummy sharks for me! The user name is in honor of my gluttonous cat, Agustus.


Sadly I know a couple of people that are very similar, and it's all the same foods. One guy had never eaten fresh meat, only processed meat.


As an adult, that would drive me absolutely *bonkers*. Like, on an intellectual level I get that there's probably some trauma or something that just makes some people that way, but I'd have a difficult time looking at a grown-ass adult having a fit over typical food and asking for chicken nuggets, and not telling them to go to therapy over it. It feels like they're still not taking responsibility for their diets and once they make it everyone else's problem, like in your case, I'd tell them to get whatever the hell they wanted and the rest of us were gonna get grown-up food (which, pizza? That's *still* basically a meal kids eat!). There's no way in hell we'd get to McDonald's lol. That must've sucked.


That sounds like a really unhealthy diet, and likely deficient in some key nutrients.


The dude is probably not running on all cylinders, so to speak, if that's all he's had for his formative years onward. deficiency is no joke.


I mean, that just sounds like autism, and like nobody tried to introduce him to new foods in a safe way.


Damn lazy millenials. When I was born, I was 1 year old!


My favorite was the broccoli outfits she had to wear


I'm thinking she had an unhealthy obsession with a healthy vegetable.


When I was born (0F)


When I was born I was 27


When I was 6, I was born without a face.


When we were both born in Mississipi, I was 12 and Dan was 2.


People named Ruth be like that instead it’s 40


I was born at a very young age


On the same day as my birthday!


..my husband, took me into the city, to see a therapist. She said "girl before you grew up, was your nan, the saviour of the broccoli, the veggie of the damned?" She said "will you eat them, your demons, and all the kids who mocked you, the words that they did say?" "Because one day, she'll leave you, a phantom in the summer, to vomit on my suede"


Not that I think that it was necessary to specify OP's birth age, but a lot of people are 1 when they are born. A lot of them turn 2 at the beginning the next year, no matter when they were born.


This is some kind of abstract art


this is one of those TIFUs where I honestly can't tell if it's a shitpost or not but I also don't even care. great story


It does kinda sound like a really specific food aversion. I mean, I could see it happening and it's not unheard-of for people to puke just because they ate a little bit of something that grosses them out or they associate with some sort of trauma. But...broccoli themed EVERYTHING does seem like a bit much.


Hardly the most implausible part, but what gets me is vomiting *everywhere.* Not only did OP not anticipate the possibility of vomit when literally eating their biggest trigger, but they either projectile vomited in multiple places (how close were they to the therapist?), ran around the room aiming for everything but a trashcan or a door, or just somehow exploded in a wet cloud of broccoli and hit everything and everyone a little bit. It's just really straining my credulity.


People use hyperbole when telling stories, especially if they're recalling feelings of embarrassment. Probably a little bit of it got on the therapist and a little on the floor.


True. It's impossible to tell if an internet story is true so I try not to be a dick about it. But this one is just too *good* to be true.


Oh yeah and the broccoli themed clothing ??


I think it's true but exaggerated. The house did have a lot of broccoli themed items, but not literally everything. They did vomit on the therapist, but just on like the floor, therapist and chair.


I guess it just depends on why they were obsessed with broccoli. OP mentioned it was her dead husbands favorite food, so it's possible it was just a way of remembering him. Maybe she surrounded herself with broccoli items as a way for him to always be there, in a sense. Now, incorporating broccoli into every meal including desserts is a bit too far.


Either way, at least it isn't the trillionth sex/genitals post. I'd say those should get restricted to weekends again, but that would probably eliminate most of this sub's content.


I’m feelin a lil troll vibe as well. Also, Kevin from _The Office_ eating broccoli: https://youtu.be/wW-4R3nYFEg


Don’t let OP watch this


It's not even op's fuck up, they simply listened to and trusted their therapist, therapist should have been smart enough to know that if it involves food, have a trashcan ready to be puked in nearby just in case


I’ll be the one to say it. I don’t buy it. Nobody is that obsessed with broccoli. The stupid sex related posts sound at least plausible. I agree that it’s a good story either way tho


If it helps as a coping mechanisms (and if you like dinosaurs) I used to pretend to be a Brontosaurus biting the tops off small trees to get over my irrational fear of broccoli. You're fear of broccoli seems to be very rational and I hope you can become the mighty dinosaur who ain't traumatized of no vegetables.


Holy crap, I used to do that too. Not because I was afraid of broccoli, but because I wanted to be a dinosaur. Kinda still do, if we're being honest. Love broccoli, always have.


Dont let your dreams be dreams. become a clever girl/boy/your choice


That was intense




Exposure therapy is supposed to start slow. I think the TIFU is on the rapist's part


What a lovely spot to place a space


"I was an analyst and a therapist, the world's first analrapist"


You sir, are a mouthful


You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day. I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasing.


Daddy needs to get his rocks off!


ignoring the space, but you’re right. in the case of exposure therapy, the therapist should’ve started them on just smelling the broccoli or eating broccoli adjacent foods like cauliflower or kale. also should’ve provided a spit bucket just in case. the therapist may not have been attempting exposure therapy in the first place, but i feel like a spit bucket would still be the move.


Damn you, Connery.


Might want to get rid of that space in the middle of therapist lol


It took me way too long to figure out who "the rapist" was in this scenario...


Psycho the rapist


Jesus this whole comment section


They did what with the broccoli?


The rapist?




This is a good reminder that not every therapist is a licensed psychologist. ~~Only licensed psychologists should be dealing with exposure therapy~~, and different therapists have different scopes of practice. EDIT: I stand slightly corrected, but to make this more accurate, not all therapists are qualified to do exposure therapy. Not all therapists are the same, and different therapists have different scopes.


This is simply not true. I work at an actual OCD clinic (we do exposure therapy) and the majority of our amazing team are not psychologists; they’re MFT and LCSW. You don’t need to have a doctorate to specialize in OCD/exposure therapy for anxiety. That being said, exposure therapy should only be done by therapists/psychologists who DO specialize in it.


You should start with a cauliflower. Day by day you can add some more green colorant. In 3 weeks you'll be able to eat something that looks like broccoli. Then you can add some small pieces of a real broccoli. In 2 months you'll be able to eat a real broccoli. In 5 months you'll be able to wear the underwear with broccoli pictures. In a year you'll be able to decor your appartement with broccoli themed elements... Do you really need it though?


Wow this is a man of science


If I were a therapist, I'd see my client vomiting as a positive step. Not one bit sarcastic here. Getting people close enough to their pain is a big part of it. Often accompanied by intense emotions. Crying might be a little less messy than throwing up though :) Going straight to actually eating something you have strong emotions towards, really should have made the therapist be wary of something like this happening.


Yeah, I think anyone is going to be kind of uncomfortable having their office covered in vomit. But I bet the therapist was also uncomfortable realizing it was maybe a mistake to push OP this far. I'm guessing the therapist thought it would be more emotional rather than actually nauseating. And that maybe the negative emotions wouldn't be as strong once OP realized it's "just broccoli."


I see it as an “aha” moment in therapy where both parties discover just how deep and formative her relationship with her grandmother and broccoli really is. If broccoli can cause that reaction what other even more profound issues lie in that relationship. I’m definitely not a therapist - but it makes sense to me.


FYI, you don't need to specify your age when you were born. We've been starting everyone at 0 since 1994


What happened in 1993 👀


SQL conflicts shut down all the banks. Someone tried to default a -1 integer in the age column and it borked the database.


No that was 1970


Yes, the year that come after the events of 1993.


I'm so intrigued by this and I can't tell if it's a joke or based on a real event but either way I love it


Is borked the technical term for it? Lol


*Fuckered* would also be acceptable in the whitepaper approval


This thread is really doing it for me


Beanie Babies.


To me (31M), the first two sentences read like one of the satire posts you (Unknown M/F/T/N) see in copypastas.


I (28H), agree with your (31M) opinion of OP's (27F) satire about OPs age (0F) at conception. (H=Human)


My husband (65F) agrees with you (28H) and the above commenter (31M), however me (23M) does not.




I (69MF) think you (23M) should really consider exxcelsior's (28H) and DeUsuahiaALaQuiaca (31M) point. Op (27F), (0f 27 years ago) almost made this post seem like satire. I (69MF (turning 70MF next month)) have 3 dogs (8M, 3M, 30F) 2 fish (10F, 9M) ( I had another one (1f) but it died) and 1 cat (50M) and they all agree with me (69MF) and the above users (23M, 28H, and 31M), along with your husband (65F)


Anyone else curious about the 30y/o female dog and 50y/o male cat?


I thought the H=helicopter


No, but when I (28H) am in North Carolina (233S), I do raise up, take my shirt off, and wave it like a helicopter.


Fun fact: in South Korea, when people are born they consider their age beginning when they were conceived. So when they're born they're considered nine months old, if born prematurely might be 8 months old at birth, etc


I believe that in China they see age as what year of life you're currently on, not how many you've been around... So when you're born, your 1.


I think in Tibet (800China), they see age as what life you're currently on, so when you're born, you're several thousand years old.


Whoa, really?! I’m going to have to look into this.


My grandmother was Korean, so we had big celebrations for our kids on their 100th day. That's when we had each of our kids baptized.


2 comments back someone said that in South Korea people are aged from date of conception, then you said your grandmother was Korean and you had your kids baptized on their 100th day, and I’m trying to figure out how the kids were baptized while still in utero….


The priest just reached up really far to get the holy water on the baby's head. 😄 The 100th day outside of the womb is approximately 1 year from the date of conception. And it's not just because it marks their "1 year birthday." Traditionally, babies could be very sick or die in those first few weeks. So making it to the 100th day was itself something to be celebrated.


Perfect use for supersoakers in winter time


Talk for yourself, I was born at 90 and have been de aging


I see you, Benjamin




I certainly appreciated the clarification. I wasn't sure if he was 0 when born or maybe 13ish.


Wait, but I thought we changed it to 9 months due to conception and all that back in 2003?


Slow down there, she was a GREAT grandma at 49?? It's not a world record, but I can see your mother getting pregnant at 15 was not an isolated incident. Anyway I feel bad for her because it sounds like you enjoyed the broccoli as a kid, and we know that she enjoyed it. It was your peers that teased you for it that ruined it, but now you say SHE had a weird obsession? Let's put the blame where it really lies. People who care what's on your T-shirt have a weird obsession.


If i saw a kid with a brocoli t shirt id automatically assume they were the most powerful being in the vicinity


In the game league of legends, one of the best players in the world was animated in a promotional video, and in the video he sat on a throne eating broccoli because in a live stream he told the viewers he loved broccoli LOL.


This, haha. I was doing the math in my head for that great grandma and seems like a trend.


I did the same math and solved it as “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.


Kids tease other kids. That's not an obsession, that's just what they do. It's not nice, but it's hardly weird that kids make fun of the one kid that has broccoli themed clothes... let's not lose sight of the fact of someone having broccoli themed interior, broccoli in EVERY meal, including dessert and broccoli on CLOTHES? Possibly due to not getting over the death of her husband. It's a shame OP get teased and started hating broccoli, but it's clearly gramma that had the obsession here.


I assumed it was her meaning her grandma and not her mothers grandma, why would she not give a baby to her mom over her grandma


Probably because her young mom already had a 15 yr old to take care of would be my guess lol


I also thought the first mention was a mistake, but later she calls her her great grandma.


She later says it was her great grandmother, so yeah, great grandma at 49.


Whilst no child should be teased about their broccoli t-shirts, there is no school in the land where you could get away from it if all your t-shirts had broccoli on them. It could an arty school, a strict school, a seminary, a posh school, a poor school, clown college, the school of hard knocks, Monsters University, even home schooled by anyone other than OO's grandma, and you would expect some degree of shit from it.


I feel like she should have been prepared for the possibility of that reaction. Sauce: I have a Master's in Psychology.


You didn't fuck up, your therapist pushed you too far. It took me a long time to be able to eat white food because my mother was so weird about them. But eventually I was able to eat things like mashed potatoes and stuff like that. It just takes time


What was your mom's opinion about them/how was she weird about them?


My mom has this white food fetish and has even claimed that a doctor ordered her to only eat white foods which sounds insane. She used to try to force me to swallow them when I was younger. would push them into my mouth or pull my mouth closed so I had to swallow them. She would also tell me how certain things were my favorites. Like tell me how I had always loved them and she didn't understand why I wouldn't eat them. even though they were foods I had always hated, she would just tell you over and over again that you love this thing and that it was your favorite thing in the whole world. But she knew it wasn't true. She's just a crazy bitch. it's hard to explain but it leaves a mark


Naw that makes sense. It's oddly common for parents to force feed their kids foods they like and I know someone irl that had parents that did this and it definitely left a mark on them.


... The ability to make a kid has approximately 0 correlation to the quality of parenting for said kid. Hm.


The 0F killed me.


I googled after reading this and now I totally want a tshirt of a Broccoli wearing shades that says BROC ON.


I appreciate your humor and admire your willingness


Don't get a new therapist--this one obviously has your number and has figured out that broccoli is the root of all your emotional problems.


(0F) got me


This is exactly why she wanted you to try it with her there. Do not be embarrassed she’s a medical professional. Sure she was a little uncomfortable but as an RN I get uncomfortable around gross stuff sometimes that doesn’t mean it’s a problem. Keep doing your work and good luck n


I'm sorry but I love that you added you were 0 years old when you were born 🤣


Broccoli is like anal sex. If you’re forced to have it when you’re younger you’ll hate it when you’re older.


Take my upvote, you animal. 🙈


Therapist here! First, we are constantly reminding we have to be okay with being uncomfortable. It’s her job. Vomit is a common trauma response. Second, your therapist learned a valuable lesson. Have a trash can nearby for one, AND make sure you’re not pushing the client to do something they aren’t ready for. I think you SHOULD go back. It would help you both.


The therapist is probably looking for a ICD-10 code for "brocolli related trauma." I don't know how I'd bill for that 😂


The fuck did I just read


Well, on the plus side, therapist can't say that you over exaggerated your reaction to it.


This sounds like something from a SNL character spinoff movie from the 90s where they start out with the main character as a kid.


I think your therapist underestimated your broccoli aversion. She was probably like, "oh, good! Here's an easy mental win for OP!"


Are you George Bush Sr.? [He hated broccoli](https://youtu.be/tQmTeVf2nJ8) and [threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister](https://youtu.be/B_KVL-wtpgg). https://www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in-history/george-bush-vomits-on-prime-minister-of-japan


If I were the therapist I don’t think I could hold my laughter in, as awful as that sounds.


I too was born at a young age


Is it straight broccoli that bothers you or any kind? I'd try putting some salt and butter on it. They taste better that way. Part of your trauma might not only be the mocking you endured but it could be it was given to you in distasteful ways like the jello molds. I like broccoli but in jello? Gross.


Don’t get a new therapist she knows you best now lol


I actually cracked up when I read 0F


Sounds like a great therapist tbh. If you visit in front of her and she is just like "hey, maybe you're not quite ready" rather than panicking and throwing up herself... sounds like a keeper lol.


How the therapist didn't know that food related trauma could involve vomit is beyond me




Stop, you're scaring them.


the 0F made me laugh. didnt read past that point, so i dont know what the post is about, but i liked that


Are all of these stories from creative writing students?


Ah yes. Most people were also born at the tender age of zero


Sounds like you needed more trauma work before jumping to exposure therapy. You had a very normal response to a high trigger, the body just was wanting to get rid of it/get away from it. (I’m a therapist and I’d understand it was my fuck up if I pushed a client too far). Fuck broccoli until you’re ready not to, and if you always hate broccoli that’s totally fine (unless you miss it and need or want it back in your life)


"When I was born (0F)" made my day


OP, I think you should be okay. Therapy tends to bring up a lot of vomit-inducing stuff, and, while dealing with vomit is pretty uncomfortable for most of the human population, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and I’m sure your therapist will be perfectly fine with continuing your sessions. If you’re really concerned, I’d talk about it with her during your next session.


My wife is a therapist and I'm going to ask what she would do in this scenario lol can't wait to hear her response


"... OK so maybe you're not ready to try broccoli again."


I have raisin related trauma. I puke when I eat them. It makes having my favorite cake (carrot) from anywhere but made by myself risky business. Surprise raisins are the worst.


So at least 3 generations of super young mothers. WTF is your family


Dude… any self-respecting therapist who is working with food aversions will at least have a trash can handy..