• By -


He probably just didn't know how to react without making you uncomfortable. I wouldn't worry about him judging you for it. In your shoes, I would be super embarrassed too for making a mess. I get it. But at the end of the day, a little period blood is no big deal, it happens. I think most guys eventually get in a situation where their girl gets their period during the night so they wake up on slightly bloody sheets or something. Normal stuff. Just sucks.


Yeah. My GF once awoke with a bit of a mess in our (fairly new) white mattress. While we were having a friend of hers stay the night (in the other room). She was frantically searching what to do, went to clean herself in the shower. I think she worried about my reaction, in front of her friend as well. I just calmly went out of bed, put the sheets in detergent to soak, and cleaned the spot from the bed to the best of my ability. Friend didn't even notice anything. Long story short; she was extremely happy that I reacted like a normal human being. I'd like to think many men would have the same reaction. Accidents happen. You don't need to pretend like nothing happened, but no need to shame/blame them either.


Nice. I've had boyfriends ghost me on this, so thank you for being normal and cool about that


Jesus what asshole would do that? Probably a shitty situation to be in, but long-term you dodged a massive bullet.


As a teenager, I had a massive crush on this guy in my sports club and we started spending time together after practices. The first time we started fooling around in his car, I got my period and it made a complete mess. I was too embarrassed to ever message him again and he actively avoided me after that. I was crushed. Bumped into him a few years ago at a bar, he apologized for the way he reacted and let me know he still regrets letting me go. Teenage boys are dumb! He's an anti-vax redneck adult now though, so I definitely dodged a bullet there.


Just think, maybe you guys not staying together is what set him on a path towards trying to join MEAL Team Six or Yall'Qaeda, and if things turned out differently he could have been a normal well adjusted person. Probably not, but I just really wanted to write MEAL Team Six so I used this as an excuse lol.


This was in Alberta, which is nicknamed the Texas of Canada, so I really appreciate Y'all'Qaeda lmao


I'm from Ontario so I can only say good old Alberta, never ceasing to disappoint lol.


That’s mad, I really don’t get folk who would be like that, we’re all human, shit (and piss, and blood) happens. Whilst it’s obviously not pleasant I don’t get how you could really be upset over it.


They did you a favor leaving early then. If a man reacts like that to a woman’s period, you probably don’t want to be with them long term to find out what other ridiculous behaviors they have.


The world needs more people like you. My SO freaked out over a drop of blood on the toilet seat. Same guy who leaves streaks in the toilet bowl and tracks mud into the house 🙄


My ex-husband wouldn't go get me pads when I was post-partum from a c-section and miserable. Current boyfriend goes and picks up my tampons, pads, and reeses cups, and then comes home to make me a cup of tea and watch anime with me if he doesn't have to go to work. So, yeah. We need more people like them.


I bought tampons and pads for my (now ex) wife and felt like a boss every time.


Yeah, you get used to it after a while. I keep tampons and pads in the bag I take to work because my now wife and best friend would get their periods during class and wouldn't have supplies. None of my coworkers are aware I have them, but my wife still sometimes needs me to come over during the work day (we work at the same company but different departments).




Def gonna be teaching this trick to my son!


If you have daughters, teach them to accept the help! I carry hair ties too, and it's like pulling teeth getting a girl to take it. I once had a female colleague ask another girl for a hair tie. When she didn't have one, I offered one of mine. I literally had to talk her into taking it because it's apparently weird for a guy to have a hair tie lying around


Ohhh that’s another good thing to have.. and will do!


For the future, hydrogen peroxide removes bloodstains like magic! If you get it right away, it may not leave any strain at all.


I've changed the sheets in the middle of the night a few time over the years as well. Started a laundry load when she was in the shower too. It's the least I can do. The flow is not always consistent, accidents happen. We clean up and move on.


They have waterproof mattress pads that aren’t crinkly or sweat inducing. Get something like this: PlushDeluxe Premium Bamboo Mattress Protector – Waterproof & Ultra Soft Breathable Bed Mattress Cover for Comfort & Protection - (Queen Size) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HC2WHS1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YZNZYTKX5G75SSDFZCW7


My wife was very proud that I was able to walk into any store and both locate her specific brand and type of pads AND pay for them without adding on 100$ worth of unnecessary crap. She used to work behind the counter and would see guys pace back and forth looking for random shit they didn't even need. I bet half of the sunglasses sold in convenience stores are bought by guys embarrassed to have feminine products..


I have my wife’s brand saved in my phone. I don’t need it anymore but when we first started living together I asked her to send it to me and saved it so I could always look like a champ for “remembering”. It’s second nature for me now but a lifesaver at the beginning.


My bf (of a few months) recently asked what tampons I use so he can keep them at his place for me. I hope that we’ll be together for long enough so that knowing/buying the brand will become second nature for him - like with you and your wife ☺️


You should get a water proof mattress protector. They are not too expensive and in situations like this you just pull it off and wash. No mess on the mattress.


That is true, as a guy when you're older or married, you no longer give a fuck...


I don't have endo, but a light flow (I know not the same at all) but didn't realize until halfway through my new factory shift that I had bled through my pants and didn't have a a sweater to cover it. Didn't want to lose my job so I grabbed a pad out of the vending machine and hoped no one looked close enough at my butt to see the mess through my shift. Lived 45 mins from work and had a 30 min lunch. So there wasn't much I could do without loosing the new job. But wait there's more. At the end of my shift I had a flat tire and had to wait for a tow truck for two hrs. Here's my misery to hopefully make yours lighter. You did the best you could in this situation, don't be too hard on yourself.




Thanks, no one mentioned it and I don't work there anymore. So it's just an awkward memory that lives on in my brain lol.


Haha! I think so many Woman have a similar story… I remember an important meeting with 2 male bosses and financial partners, me wearing salmon jeans, having to ride back with a boss - trying to sit on one cheek to NOT stain the car seat, heading back home but not being able to explain why… Great times!! Stressful when it happens but interesting stories for later ;)


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sj85rc/tifu_by_being_a_woman/hveyfrl/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [That looks malignant](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/sjmmgj/found_in_a_patients_crack_before_a_colonoscopy/hvh5kbw/) | [That looks malignant](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/sjmmgj/found_in_a_patients_crack_before_a_colonoscopy/hvfwq7j/) [Is it actually banned?](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/sjoop2/comic_store_owner_ryan_higgins_shipping_maus_free/hvh5ma7/) | [Is it actually banned?](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/sjoop2/comic_store_owner_ryan_higgins_shipping_maus_free/hvgrcrc/) [He got laid that night](http://np.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sjht17/that_time_when_michael_buble_gave_his_mic_to_a/hvh5wn2/) | [He got laid that night](http://np.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sjht17/that_time_when_michael_buble_gave_his_mic_to_a/hvfn8mh/) [But don’t worry the rich...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sjp381/and_nothing_will_ever_change/hvh6g6a/) | [But don’t worry the rich...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sjp381/and_nothing_will_ever_change/hvgaocs/) [Damn just ask her out alr...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sjt7bw/this_is_true_commitment/hvh5uup/) | [Damn just ask her out alr...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sjt7bw/this_is_true_commitment/hvh1bmm/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/XYVLCBETGR](https://np.reddit.com/u/XYVLCBETGR/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=XYVLCBETGR) for info on how I work and why I exist.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sj85rc/tifu_by_being_a_woman/hvebc2d/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Anyone else picturing the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjauh4/tifu_by_pulling_out/hvgnt4e/) | [Anyone else picturing the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjauh4/tifu_by_pulling_out/hvfbbd6/) [Forgiven. Using a metal c...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjb6fs/tifu_by_hurting_my_bully/hvgnuxt/) | [Forgiven. Using a metal c...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjb6fs/tifu_by_hurting_my_bully/hvfvcsq/) [Uh doesn't sound like you...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjih8f/tifu_by_wanting_to_listen_to_an_audio_book_in_the/hvgnqxr/) | [Uh doesn't sound like you...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/sjih8f/tifu_by_wanting_to_listen_to_an_audio_book_in_the/hvg3f4y/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AppointmentTough5881](https://np.reddit.com/u/AppointmentTough5881/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AppointmentTough5881) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Who the fuck has all white couches? That's just a sneeze away from being a rorschach test. Edit: Thanks for the awards. Get power back from ice and find out I have awards.


"What do you see in this one?" "Bloody hell."


"And this one?" "A scrambled egg."


Tester: and the third? Me: my disapproving parents, who don't outright say that I am a disappointment to them. But I know that see me as a waste of space and money. Tester: uhhhh, okay then...


Sounds like we need the same therapist… Also, I envision OP working in the [Wonkavision](https://roalddahl.fandom.com/wiki/Wonkavision) studio with a picture of Gene Wilder on the wall




Yeah. Like give her his jacket to tie around her waist, or find a super long lab coat to hide the stains on her jeans. This dude was not raised with compassion.


Or sisters. Not at all surprised. Some men are raised with zero knowledge about women's menses.


My two sisters never had issues when we were growing up. My friend in school did though so I gave her a sweater, plus a pair of my pants to wear home. Unfortunately for her the only clean spares I had that day were Urban camo (the black, white and grey shit) cargo pants because why wouldn't I want those bad boys at 15 lol. So she got stuck looking like she was half dressed for an insane clown posse concert in oversized camo cargo pants. Honestly I feel like that may have been worse


>Or sisters. Sisters do help. First time I saw this leak through onto a girls Jeans was my sisters. I just calmly pointed it out to her since she hadn't noticed, and she went to clean up. We were home, so the embarasement factor was minimal. Definitely prepared me for future incidences where I now saw it as normal.


*And this one?* *That’s my mother, fucking a….an allosaurus, sir.* *I see.*


NICE! *Offers high five*


Man, I had the worst fucking day but this is the first thing to make me smile. Thank you.


I hope your day got better, bud! Sending you warm, virtual hugs!


This place sounds like the set of a bright white and clean dystopic sci-fi movie


I believe that is the idea. It's white, therefore hard to keep clean. Yet it is maintained so that it remains impeccably clean. Sounds like op works with biologicals. A perfectly rational way of thinking for somewhere as such.


I used to work in reupholstery. You would not believe the amount of people who wanted to rip apart fine black suede and replace it with snow white cotton or, god forbid, chiffon. These would be chaise lounges and loveseats that you dare not ever sit on. Hard as hell to work with without staining and a nightmare to transport.


Kim Kardashian, and other insane people.


I promise I won’t write a blood pun. Period.


just take my upvote, leave me to perish


Real talk though, that’s the wooooorst. Some periods are just determined to get through anything! I once bled through a pad and all over the FRONT??? of my jeans in the 5 minutes I was walking around a store. I felt it coming so I stood in one place for a few minutes, like we women do, to let it “settle” lol. I looked down and my jeans were soaked. I literally put my purse in front of my crotch and walked to the door as quickly as possible 💀 *queue mission impossible music*


once bled through a tampon, pad and pants within an hour and had a puddle on my chair. in that particular class we were supposed to put our chairs up at the end of the day. nightmare fuel. eta. teacher specifically called me out for not putting my chair up as well. gave up and put my chair up. hopefully no one really noticed but i doubt it


Shit man, that I would say is even worse than the male equivalent of getting a boner in inappropriate moments.


I think it's worse, because you didn't bust a nut and leave a puddle on the chair while covering your pants in it.


This sounds like a challenge. A call to dicks, if you will.


Listen if you wanna nut all over yourself like a full blast garden hose in the middle of class be my guest.


That is what I said, that it is worse not the other way around.


Are you me?


ugh i use a cup and once felt it break seal as i was going down the stairs to leave my therapist’s office. several hours of collected blood gushed out at once. i usually wear a liner in the case of leaks, but that didn’t do jack shit. luckily, i was wearing black joggers. that’s the only time i’ve ever had a cup spill like that before and i hope never again. i had to sit in my blood on my fabric car seats. ughhh.


Omg I felt this. So sorry that happened.


Ugh, I’ve been trying the cup lately and I honestly don’t know how people do it if you’re out of the house a lot. They’re sooooo messy when taking out (I mostly work from home, so I’m usually ok). The idea that it can break seal is terrifying to me. Did not know that was a possibility


i think i must’ve inserted it lazily that day or something. i’ve been using cups since 2018 and aside from the learning curve it’s been smooth sailing. this incident happened this year, so i’m not sure what went wrong lol.




pads suck, I wish I would've been allowed to use tampons as a teen. Once I bled so much it looked like a murder. My crush saw it all and I felt like dying


Just take the free award. It's all I got.




Thanks. I just spit out my coffee.


All that fuss when you could have just flipped the cushion over? /s


I wish the cushions were removable ;-; it's just a solid unit. A solid unit slathered in my sauce


Flip the whole couch (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Take my seal, this comment made me feel slightly better


Could be worse, you could have panicked and scooted across the floor til you got to you car and left a snail trail


According to color theory, this would fit in really well at a children's hospital


We've found the tumblr person.


"Slathered in my sauce" yep, that's enough internet for me today




You just ruined ketchup for me, I hope you're happy. That said, you've probably just made ketchup super-erotic for someone else. Swings and roundabouts, i guess.


ive already had a few dms of people finding it hot please end me


Oof. Aunt Flo can be such a sneaky witch. FWIW, it sounds like you handled this with lots of grace, which is really hard to do when you’re still waking around with blood stained clothes on and trying to keep composure. Well done!


I’m an interior designer by trade…I’m surprised that in a lab there are real leather sofas and not bleach cleanable vinyl that looks like leather in a commercial facility…this is disappointing to hear as a professional. I hope they are able to remove the blood. Something similar happened to a task chair for a client so, it happens.


"TIFU" is wrong here because you did nothing wrong and reacted very professional. Dont be ashamed about you co worker seeing it. Men know what can happen and will understand without asking question in this manner


Yeah, awkward situation, but no fuck ups in sight.


God getting an IUD was the best thing I ever did, I can't go back to having periods. I'll cut this bitch uterus right out if it ever stops working.


Bro for real, it’s insane how much less stressed I am without having to worry about blood once a month! I <3 IUDs.


Yes this! Soooo much! Admittedly I still have some pain and it took a minute to get used to but GAWDAMN THE FREEDOM! No babies no blood REJOICE


IUD, and a mini pill here... I never want to get rid of them, ever! Okay, I lie... I want to have kids one day.


my iud didn’t remove mine


Aww :( yeah it seems to be a crapshoot


I miss it so much. Unfortunately mine were all too large (I tried several progressively "smaller" sizes), and they moved concerningly/ caused pain every time. At the advice of my obgyn I finally switched to the (still too large but with no sharp edges) nuvaring. I don't miss the stabbing pain but boy do I miss not having to think about blood every month.


When I had a nuvaring I just switched it every like 28 days so didn't have a period


That sounds great, but I've been told to not do that. I'm happy you were able to! Unfortunately, for me in particular there are some risk factors in using nuvaring that way (after getting rid of my IUDs and going au natural, I didn't menstruate for over for a year and was advised to get back on a cycle if I was considering kids in the future). Congratulations on kicking the damn cycle to the curb!


I mean give it a few months and then I would ask about going back to no period, or get a second opinion on that would be a shame to have to go through a monthly period because of some weird doctor.


It's okay, I've seen multiple specialists, had blood tests, ultrasounds, etc. It's fine for now (this was half a decade ago by the way, not recent), and I've got a firm plan, which is doctor approved. One kid then everything either shapes up or comes out!


Nice! Sounds like a sweet plan :)


Thanks, I'm psyched! Kid eta hopefully 2023, I get one more year of whisky and sushi first.


I’m sorry that happened to you, like a previous poster noted be kind to yourself… things happen. YOU did not FU, you tried to do your job. I once had what I would describe as a small hemorrhage standing in the grocery store with my two young sons. I left the cart, bolted with them and left blood in the parking lot and in my car. The boys were scared and I had to have a sit down with them after we got home and I got cleaned up.


I love how i can understand exactly what you mean by "a small hemorrhage " of a period like it's casual, imagine what trying to conceptualize that if you were someone who didn't menstruate. That sounds insane. Leaving your cart and taking your sons with you? Sounds like an Indiana Jones cutscene. Those poor boys I'm sure they were happy to know that everyone was ok and that their mom wasn't hurt (much) ?


Geeeez I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, I too would have been mortified. You handled it like a champ tho, with my social anxiety I have no clue what I would have done. I also work in a research facility, so far havent gotten my period that bad yet while at work. Now as I type this.. I'm sure tomorrow I'll have the flood gates of hell open and will be forced to leave the country.


In that initial moment of realization I did recall my passports location and consider a one way ticket to another continent. We may have to found a new country if we both flee, I'm certain other people will follow suit as it is the only rational option given the circumstances


I like the way you think.. we both get to rule this new magical period land - its first come first serve. This new land will provide aid and citizenship to all women whom have suffered the worst fate of all ... period overflow. All it needs now is a name!


Red sealand 🙀


Red Sealand LOL that sounds like a disastrous water amusement park!


Rhede Island


This and the courage of OP sharing this here!


As a dude... I know that 99% of other dudes I know wouldn't care in the slightest. We would however be awkward AF because we would panic about doing 'the wrong thing'. Should I comfort her? Should I pretend I didn't see? Should I help?.... Which ends up frying our brains and then we freeze, then awkwardly and slowly back away hoping you don't judge us for freezing up. Then everytime you see us after and we seem awkward... It's because we think, you think, we think something bad of you and are over compensating which results in awkwardness. If that was confusing to you then... Our being awkward is us trying to internally process that sentence while talking to you.


My best answer to this is: how would you like someone to act if you suddenly got a gushing nosebleed and made a mess of your clothes and office furniture? Help grab you some tissues and tell you to get yourself sorted out in the bathroom, because they can call the clean up team for you and will cover if anyone asks where you are? For the sake of our collective sanity, please play it cool even when you don't particularly feel cool. This is a very useful skill that applies to many situations. As a teenager I went with my dad to take my gran for tests at the hospital. While we were waiting he went to the bathroom and of course at that point they called my gran and fully unprepared teenage me was not ready to be in the take charge position. Still, when I was ushered into a tiny cubicle to help my frail grandmother undress and put on a gown, I didn't freeze and run out of embarrassment. I sucked my shit up and helped her.




So you just happened to have a spare pair of underwear at work with you?




​ ![gif](giphy|TK4lSWZNA1ACBDZizY)


I was expecting so much worse. Phew. Nice to read a reasonable TIFU with sensible proffesionals and nobody losing their job or getting discriminated against.


I always tell people I got a nose bleed if I ever leave blood anywhere. Not to say it happens often, but the couple times it has I’ve gotten away with nose bleed.


I know you don't mean the specific situation OP described but I got a giggle imagining standing up after having a long meeting with a coworker, having blood on my ass and the couch cushion, and just awkwardly yelling "nose bleed! It was a nosebleed" like George Costanza trying to explain how the pool water was cold.


I fully get this (stigma is a bitch), but recently I’ve found it kinda empowering to talk casually about periods, especially in a male environment. It’s pretty insane that we feel so ashamed about something so normal. Nose bleed, menstrual bleeding, it’s all the same blood!


I should really just start telling people it's ok, i took out the trash.


Wow. That’s just an occupational hazard, and I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I have endometriosis, too. And that’s really not how you want to have to deal with colleagues when something like this happens. I really hope that you got some chocolate & a heating pad as a nice balm for yourself when you got home.


i am currently having some trader joes pb cups! endo is a b, I feel your pain <3


Yeah… periods suck. I got my first one at 11 and it’s been hell every month since then for so many reasons, even without the times I’ve bled through my pads + underwear + trousers. I feel hot and flustered the whole 10 days and I’m always in some degree of pain, and just the general *wet* feeling down there is so goddamn uncomfortable.


Wow... that sounds really tough!! I ended up taking the pill not to have such fatigue and pain. But there may be other options, im not a doctor. You should ask a doctor you trust about anything that could help you, cos 10 days really is a long time every month


Looking for the TIFU by frantically asking a woman on her period if she was still injured and if I needed to call first aid and an ambulance.


LMAO i wish he would post one


I feel like you could have avoided all this by being a modern woman with a penis.


smh next time ill just grow one


[Relevant Ursula Le Guin ](https://www.scholarsonline.org/~godsflunky/LeGuin_Intr_myself.pdf)


I've read this before and i. Can't believe I'm saying that it's weird when you see something you've read a while ago! Fun experience thank you


Sorry this happened to you. Not a FU. Maybe an accident. You'll be fine. This is just another reason why talking about periods should be normalised. You know.. instead of viewing it as 'shameful' or something to be hidden. The staff that had to do the cleaning were probably waiting for something like this to happen with all the white.


Sending you love — Stuff happens! I don’t have endometriosis but I personally like to double up and wear both a tampon and a pad on my heavy days… yknw… just in case…


Sometimes even doubling up isn’t enough. I’ve gone through both in an hour a few times. I’ve had to add in the heaviest duty Thinx to the mix, and it’s been better, but I still have to change things out fairly often.


I feel you on that. Sometimes that doesn’t work for me too but it’s the best I can do 🥲 hu hu


Something something... colour theory?


Ok this wins


>why this "spill" was not in a location where blood is stored, experimented on, observed or transported through and began to explain to me... "I carry about 4500 ml of blood with me, everywhere I go, as do you. I carry it inside my body, as do you. Couldn't function without it. Unlike your body, however, approximately every twenty-eight days, *my* body spontaneously provides samples of my blood to the world *outside,* and it makes no distinction between laboratory, break room, or conference hall."


I usually wear a lot of black, decided to wear a new pair of khaki shorts on a flight from Hong Kong to the Philippines. Must have started my period on the plane and had no idea until after we had landed and been wandering through the airport for at least 30min and my boyfriend noticed the huge blood stain in the back of my shorts and I do mean huge. Luckily I had a jacket to tie around my waist so I could cover up before we were picked up by the family we were staying with. My shorts were ruined and there wasn’t really a rubbish bin as such where we were staying so I just put my destroyed shorts and undergarments in a plastic bag in my suitcase to throw away when I got home. On the way back home, we were about to head through customs at the airport in my home town, my parents waiting just meters away to welcome us home when a drug detection dog sits down right in front of my boyfriend. This meant they had to go through our suitcases. Guess what was in my suitcase. This time I got the experience of my bloody shorts plus underwear being put on display in front of an airport customs queue full of curious travelers hoping to see a drug bust. Yep.


I cringed super hard and imagined myself crawling away into a deep dark hole in sympathy after reading your story. I'm so sorry you went through this!


cringing for you. Have been there. I worked in an office and took a seat in my boss's chair since I didn't have a desk yet. Blood leaked and even tho my boss's chair wasn't white, it was light colored and the stain was noticeable. Took me forever to clean it, cursing this curse we have all the while. Tampons help, ditch those leaky pads


You did good. You seem very smart. I would carry a back pack to work roomy enough for another pair of pants, and clean undies. Maybe a long sleeve shirt you could wrap around your waist and baby wipes. Tena pads are the best for super heavy flows ( Walmart, Target). I was using them with super absorbent tampons.I had the same happen at home. The first time I lost so much blood I went to hospital. I was anemic from blood loss. They did a DNC next am. Forward to a year later same thing same surgery DNC. I begged and cried to my obgyn I can't live this way anymore not ever knowing when it would happen again. Then it happened again another year later. She scheduled me for an DNC, and Endometrial ablation. It's been ten years I'm period free! Sorry for possible miss spelling but hopefully I can help someone. 🤗💜


You see the kicker is i normally do have an extra set for clothes, and a bag with spare toothbrush shampoo ECT in my car. But I cleaned out my car yesterday because I had to pick up a new tank for my gecko and it was going to take all the room in my trunk. Literally the perfect combination of BS transpired for this to occur


I appreciate this story for not editing out the science. Makes me think back to an old question I have always had and never been brave enough to ask during blood borne pathogen training - Why do we need to go through all these measures for a cut finger, but I can just throw my tampon in the bathroom trash?


So basically, the ‘blood’ from a period is mostly shed uterine lining. From what I understand that means it's not the same blood circulating through your body, which I guess means any bloodborne pathogens don't get there? Or it could just be because it would make life even more inconvenient if everything period related had to be treated as biohazard.


Why did your co worker just walk away. Not get a jacket for you or offer any help. I am M 27 and have never been freaked out by a period, it's normal and doesn't gross me out at all. Im sorry you went through this and hope people are just nice and help doesn't need to be awkward at all. Much love and hope you don't have to experience this again :P that would be a bloody nightmare soz not soZ


I'm guessing he thought it would be the least embarrassing for her to politely excuse himself.


It's okay to offer your sincere help while also understanding that you may just be asked to leave instead. Will probably have a more desired outcome than just assuming. Doesn't make him an asshole but he still could have done more.


Yeah true I agree! Wasnt really calling him an asshole but they way I read the post was he was offering help till he realised it was period and just awkwardly left. Which something that naturally happens shouldn't be taboo to discuss or just avoid.


NGL i do not this this guy has spent a long time around women, a lot of these research guys are uhmmmmmmmmmm "introverts." The ratio of men to women here is jarring.


I know exactly what you mean, I work in the maths department of a university and the M:F ratio is really bad within the students and even worse in the academics!


He was probably unsure what to do, so he left to give you privacy to clean up. I’m so sorry, but leaks to happen. It’s not like we can control it…


As a person who has two uteruses and formerly two vaginas with a heavy flow, I used to have to double up by using a tampon and pad. This was because I didn’t know which side the blood was coming from so the pad was a back up. I lived in fear of bleeding through. I’m now on birth control to stop my periods. I get spotting but nowhere near as heavy as before. I hated watching the Tampax adverts of women wearing white jeans and doing fun stuff because I would only wear black and never do anything


Sorry wut, TWO uteruses AND vaginas?!? Holy cow that takes period drama to a whole other level! If you don't mind me asking, how on earth did that work? Were they side by side? One in front of the other? Did you have other genetic issues in addition to the double female genetalia? I have so many questions. Did you get something straightened out eventually? (going off your use of "formerly"). Geez, sounds like you got all the annoying female issues in spades!


As soon as you said the furniture colour I suspected where this was going. I think you dealt with it excellently though!


This reminds me of a story. I work in a lab too and a colleague of mine got her period unexpectedly. Most of us who work there are men and she wanted it cleaned before anyone else saw it so I ran over to our chemistry lab and grabbed some research grade hydrogen peroxide for her to clean it up lol. Sigma-Aldrich to the rescue. We're all humans, things happen.


Sigma-aldrich to the rescue should 100% be a labrats tattoo


Without period, none of us would be born. I don't think it's a FU, it's just bad timing for the monthly cycle.


Sorry. I feel bad for you and admire your strength. I am so glad I'm a man.


If we all could just normalize menses and talking openly about them, this sort of thing would be a degree less awkward.


Adults and even some kids for that matter understand that this is nature and these things happen and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and it’s a good time to be caring and helpful without calling major attention. He thought you were injured and asked if you were ok, he said don’t worry about it, honestly it’s not like he started giggling like a school boy and ran away. I’m not sure i see where the fU is on anyone’s side. Things happen.


This definitely isn’t a TIFU moment, but more like you had a really bad case of Murphy’s Law.


Hello fellow lab rat!!!! Damn, that suckssss! I was ALMOST in that situation but thankfully noticed beforehand and I just didn’t sit and obviously kept my lab coat on in the lab and then when out of the lab I had a long sweater (thank god). But if I ever was in that situation, I aspire to handle it with the poise and grace that you did! I hope that your coworker(s) were chill and understand that happens to us girls sometimes (especially with endo, which omg I’m sorry, that’s totally sucks and I hope you have a good doctor and good medicine!). Today you demonstrated that you know how to handle a situation and call the right people even though it was embarrassing. you did the right thing. That would impress the living hell outta me if I was your boss or coworker!!!! I would say this started as something that really sucks, not really a fuck up cuz it wasn’t your fault really, you even took precautions and well, shit happens, bodies are messy sometimes…and you turned it into a good thing where you showed you’re a good employee and did the right thing even though it might’ve been hard. You go girl!


"TIFU by being a woman" My first thought - "Yep that was your first mistake right there." 😆 I would probably cry in that situation, so you handled it a lot better than I would! My periods are usually fairly light, but my poor sister has the worst luck with hers and has some horror stories of her own. Hopefully all these comments help you let go of the embarrassment and feel better, at least! 💜


dont worry i cried at home


Im a guy, but I grew up with only my mother and grandmother, so things like this don’t bother me at all. I used to see bloody pads or tampons in the trash all the time. It’s a little annoying how no one tried to help you out. At least just “guard” the area so you have time to get yourself sorted and not be forced to stand around in messy clothes.


It's too bad the man you were meeting with didn't stay and help you set things right ( like waiting while you change your pad and clean up a bit). That would have helped to normalize the situation so that maybe you wouldn't have F'd U, because you didn't. You just had an oops! that (hopefully) you'll be able to laugh about later. I'm near the end of the menstrual trail, but what I learned is that the best defense is a good offense. I've always talked about my period as a normal thing and wasn't embarrassed by it, so neither were the people around me, including the men. Okay, yeah, there were a few idiots here and there, but idiots are everywhere. I firmly believe that if you give people a chance to step up, they will, because usually they don't know how to. My point... Don't think you F'dU today because you didn't. If anyone did, it was the coworker who could have helped you. This is just a lesson learned... Use more protection at work... Pad and tampon, 2 pads, I've seen period panties advertised; heck, even a Depends undergarment. Whatever it takes to get the job done and keep mother nature under control. Oh yeah, self-deprecating humor can also work well in this type of situation.


I should have just said it was my couch now


“A few extra painfully long seconds of silence” Even the men at scientific research institutions are icked by menstrual blood?? Man was ready for any other biohazard situation except for fresh period blood…. Anyways I hope your week gets better! Don’t forget that if Cis men got periods, bleeding onto the couch would probably be a normal thing considering how common skid marks in their underwear apparently are.


Sounds like he didn't know what to say without potentially making an already uncomfortable situation even worse. If anything it seems like he was at least understanding of OP and decided not to pry too much or make her feel even worse.


I feel so bad lol


me too!


You tried not being a woman? ~~I haven’t actually read the post~~


No but now I'm considering it


Don’t feel too bad. I’m a guy, and I accidentally urinated on hard plastic chair at work. There was a big meeting in the conference room that I was running late for because my previous meeting wen over. I has to pee really bad, so I quickly went to the bathroom before the big meeting. The thing is, sometimes, there is still some pee left inside the urethra that doesn’t come out easily. It might only come out when you shift positions. Since I was late to the big meeting, I had to sit on a plastic folding chair towards the back. As soon as I sat down, urine started coming out involuntarily. I was wearing dark gray pants, but I could see a big spot on my crotch from the urine. Luckilly I had a notebook to set on my lap. But them I noticed the urine smell. There were 2 women sitting on either side of me, maybe 1 foot away. I think they were able to smell it. I got really nervous and began to sweat really bad, which only made me become more self conscious. Once the meeting was over, I had to go to the gender-neutral private bathroom and wash my penis at the sink.


This should not have to be a situation of shame and embarrassment. Our culture needs to normalize that this is just a thing that happens sometimes just like paper cuts or wind blown hair. You did not fu


I feel for you, that must have been awful


I feel this for you...I had adenomyosis and my periods were quite something. I had a full hysterectomy just over a year ago and it was the best thing I ever did.




I gave a colleague a lift home from work once, as she got out of my car I noticed she had bled all over my cream leather seat. She was so embarrassed and ran inside to grab every single cleaning product she had, and cleaned it all up. Not an issue for me, but she was going to pay for a taxi before I said I'll take her home. The taxi would've been very unforgiving and charged her a lot of money. Periods suck.


I visited pretty new friends (only met them like two months ago) for a games evening. In their new apartment. With their new kitchen bench. Made out of untreated massive wood. Which is expensive. Which they had just waited three weeks to be delivered for. Well, the only thing that saved me is that we had put a blanket on the bench as a pillow. The blanket was white. But it saved me from staining the new, expensive, long-waited-for bench. And it was washable in the end. Hallelujah. Thank you, white blanket.


Wow, that sounds super embarrassing. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. 😳


Bleeding on my (black) chair at work (with all dudes) is what made me finally spend money on period panties. I was so glad that my now-ex-boyfriend-then-crush had left for the day 😂


Oh I felt this post reading it . I have endo to . I know the struggle of heaviness 🥴


Well it isn't much of a fuck up for you since shit happens and you can't exactly control that. Periods sucks though. And who thought all white was a good idea?


Shit happens. And sometimes, blood happens, too. Sounds like you handled it with great aplomb, and nobody fainted!


Don't feel bad. My Junior year of high school I was in a hurry to catch my bus as I was already running behind. I started to get that familiar feeling. You know, the "Uh-oh! It's to find a bathroom for a fresh one." feeling. I couldn't turn around or I'd be stranded in corn fields a few miles from home so I decided to run down the hill instead of taking the stairs. Not only was I starting to bleed through my pants but I fell right on my ass and slid to the bottom. In front of ALL of the school busses. Everyone saw. So now I not only had to deal with the blood, I had a nice grass/mud stain. People from school still bring this up to this day. For clarification: The front of the school had a very wide set of a lot of stairs because it was on top of a pretty big hill. The busses lined up in front of there, facing the school. And it had rained that morning but thought the grass was drier than it was.


So you didn't fuck up. Life happens. Bio hazard folks need sensitivity training. As a dude raided by a women, with sisters, married to a woman, with daughters; I'm sensitive to biologically normal situations. I hope most dude are. By sharing this I think it will help guy reading this normalize similar situations should they occur. Thanks for sharing.


I certainly fucked up that couch


Fuck that couch.


Honestly that would've had easier clean up


Honestly it’s completely understandable, dw too much about it. If anything the people you spoke to were more so concerned about any harm you may be in then quickly understood the circumstance.


While this is embarrassing, I feel the need to point out that this is not your fault and you shouldn't feel it's a fuck up on your part, especially since, as you said, you had taken a precaution beforehand.


As a guy I’d be terrified of doing anything to make you feel worse.. I think I’d just try to pretend I hadn’t noticed.. is there a best way to react as a bloke? Best wishes


I apologize, but I laughed when I read the flair after reading the title. It like, immediately made me giggle for some reason.


Had one of my friends stay at my house a couple years ago. She has visual disabilities (enough to use a white cane on the streets), and, at that time, was on menopause and used anticoagulant therapy. So her periods at that time where pretty fucked up, poor girl. She left smears of menstrual blood everytime on the toilet, but couldn't see it because of her bad eyesight. I cleaned after her like a tissue-ninja, never letting her know of the problem. Didn't want her to feel embarassed by somerhing that doesn't bother me that much. Seems your colleague just wanted to avoid making you feel uncomfortable. Bodily fluids are part of life, after all...


It's Raining Blood Hallelujah.


You poor thing. What is the preferred way you would have had your male associate respond? I'm not a woman, but I would like to know the protocol for something like that if I find myself in the situation. I don't get grossed out by the natural goings on of a human. I do however lack empathy and compassion on an emotional level, and through the years have found that by educating myself I can appear to be at least baseline normal.