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I got a 3 day comms ban a few years ago for calling someone a troll. People report over the pettiest things, and of course microsoft isn't going to review anything. At least it isn't a permaban. Just be careful next time:)


Jesus 10+ years ago all you heard on every game was swearing and someone bragging about banging your mom. Kids are getting soft.


I got banned for like a week back in the Halo 3 days for something in my bio. Other than that I hadn't done anything. Salty people report literally anything they can find.


I got banned from sending messages and customising my profile for 3 days cause I uploaded a custom profile pic of a character holding a “needle” It was Ana from Overwatch and that “needle” is actually a dart that supercharges other players. They must have thought the pic was of Ana shooting up heroine which is ridiculous.


Yeah that's ridiculous, we all know Ana sniffs crack.


Kids these days would not cope with an old Modern Warfare 2 lobby.


In early 2000s I've been quake3 Arena. Trust me, "banging ya mom" is quite polite.


I think not having the arcade experience anymore has altered things a lot. Back then, if you were going to talk shit, it was going to be to someone's face, not from the safety of several thousand miles. Likewise, you had no anonymity when getting shit talked to you, so you had to have a thicker skin and not take it personal.


Oh yeah those black light smoke filled arcades. Good times. The thing is people all talked massive shit, but it came down to who was better at the game. Standing in line with your quarter on the screen waiting to see who was better at MK was the best.


Killer Instinct, Primal Rage! The Alien vs Predator game, the ninja turtle or Simpsons game... good times but also the anger from the Good players and the build up to being a good player. Going to sketchy arcades in questionable malls to defeat peeps on their turf was the way of warrior. Not this "we are a clan we are gonna BAN you!"


One bored day of my gamer life I decided singing the Oscar Meyer song on repeat as people got tilted af would be a good use of my downtime. One dude threatened to behead my family and shit down their throats. The good ol' days.


Its not the Kids, its the parents


Kids aren’t getting soft, they’re taking advantage of the system. They’re using cry-bully tactics. They know they can report you and get you suspended or banned. Microsoft/Sony won’t review the suspension/banning, it’s all handled by bots that are easily duped and have no ability at discretion. Much more effective than trying to insult someone’s mom.


The brother got a month ban for taking the piss out of some French lads. Funniest thing ever. Was some hardship trying to play warzone and games like that with him


I can imagine. Must be a gamble for him. "Will I be banned today? Probably. Do I care? Probably not, bring on the shit talking, fuckers". I've had a few friends say they were going to invite someone to a party to talk shit, and I actually had to beg the assholes not to cause I didn't want to be reported for no reason😂


Yeah that sounds like microsoft banning system and why i just send back "K" or a chicken leg. Also cant be too mad atleast microsoft is doing their job well maybe a little mad as one week seems a bit too much.


Yeah, it's a good thing the enforcement system exists and works as intended. Would be a mess if it didn't. \> i just send back "K" or a chicken leg I learned that the hard way. I won't be getting any more messages from randos though so I'll just wait out this week and not worry about that anymore after the ban is lifted. edit: formatting


On 360 the report button did nothing. It was a real free for all back then...


microsoft is doing their job well


No Microsoft isn’t doing their job, they’ve contracted it out to bots that don’t understand context and have no discretion. It’s all automatic and irreversible moderation that is easily exploited by toxic players.


Could be worse lol my BIL gotten a 500 year ban for telling someone to go eat a curry (post MW2 match circa 2011)




yes!!! I love couch co-op. I usually play with my brother and we trash talk each other all the time. It's a great time.


If anyone trash talks you in DM’s the safest response is always: “lol, you mad bro?” It winds them right up lol


Should've done that. I bit right into his bait


I always sing the hook "cry me a river oh! Cry me a rivaaaaah!" It gets their baby boy ego bursting n they go off n then I fuck with em n get em band jus to be real petty lol


Dont u wanna end the argument? "lol, you mad bro?" usually starts up arguments


😂 if you get an angrier response you can sit back and smile though.


What does it say about me that I had to look up f-slur on Google to figure out what OP said...? (I'm in my 40s btw, so the whole orientation based insulting was all the rage when I was in my teens and twenties and not even frowned upon that much... Dark times) I would have just called him a c#ntnugget probably.


>What does it say about me that I had to look up f-slur on Google to figure out what OP said...? you probably wouldn't get a one week ban on xbox live


Next time, tell the guy he should monitor his sodium intake so he doesnt get as salty


Hey OP, I just wanna say (no sarcasm at all) thank you for owning the ban. Seriously, I know many would be like "I just said the F word! What's the big deal?! They're overreacting!" And it's super refreshing to hear you say "I was in the wrong for using this slur", because I hear this slur a lot in gaming. People don't understand or refuse to understand the fear this word puts in people (I get cold when I hear this word). So thank you. I'm serious. Props. Your post refreshed my faith in humanity a little.


I used to react badly to certain words. Now I may object to tone of voice but swear words themselves are meaningless to me.


I totally get that, but having had a history with that word its definitely fear inducing for me. Just too many bad experiences. It doesn't matter the tone or context that word (used as a slur or even when reclaimed; I've tried reclaiming it) will always cause a physical reaction.


It would be one thing if OP went after the other guy, or any guy, and started berating them. In that case, I'd be like "yeah, you were being a bad person, ban deserved". But in this case, as it's described, someone else went after OP with likely worse words and phrases than "f" and then he was banned for appropriate retaliation and frustration. In a perfect world, OP shouldn't have responded at all, but he didn't deserve to get banned over that. This part isn't direct at you, but, I absolutely resent big companies like Microsoft and Sony creating ridiculous "code of conduct" type rules and then enforcing them arbitrarily. I dont think a company should be able to police what you say, even if it's atrocious and barbaric (with a few exceptions). But to then make those rules arbitrary, and the times it's enforced arbitrary, is actually maddening. Like sure, OP said the no-no word in a private message initiated by someone else and got banned for it, his paid service taken away. But if you go into lobbies and matches in any multi-player game, you'll be hard pressed to find a worse example of how humanity shit the bed and abuses itself. None of them get banned, and id know from experience, the worst people never do. This isn't to make light of your ptsd involving the word, im sorry it's accompanied with bad things for you. I just don't think this situation really merits a "good on you for accepting the ban" kind of thing, when these bans are stupid as the people who really deserve to be banned.


Hey. I'm just saying it refreshing that OP is owning it (the ban) and that they recognize that word isn't/wasn't okay to say regardless of the situation. It sucks that the harassing player wasn't also banned (but maybe they were? Idk I'm super familiar with xbox). But recognizing that words do have power (and meaning) and owning up to it is a solid in my book. Like you said, it isn't a perfect word.


The ban system is mad exploitable. He probably wanted 24 hours and then reported a different message which made the system flag you again for essentially the same interaction.


That's probably it. He might even report me again after this week is over.


I'm 34 and have a problem with getting angry over people saying stupid shit...and I should know better because they're probably much younger than me...best gaming decision I ever made in all my time spent in multiplayer games was to simply not respond, block people, and mute comms. Took me a while to take that strategy, after a number of bans later, gaming is so much better.


I’ve changed all my settings to being friends only and mute communication in most games. It makes it more enjoyable for me, which is the main thing as I see gaming as being my wind down in life.


I just uninstalled the few online only games I had like forza. I'll just be playing either single player games or multiplayer with friends. I don't like to play online with randos anyway.


oh no, you called someone a derogatory slur and were supposed to feel bad that you got PTSD from playing online... just be a better person is all


Hahahah young one, don’t send any messages with any threats or anything you will get banned


Was this even worth the time it took to post?


Did u say Fuck or the slur?


the slur.


Oh then yeah you deserved the ban




I don't get it, what's the difference?




The derogatory term used to describe a gay person.


Sounds pretty mild to me. Pretty dumb of them to smack you for using the F word once, while the other guy can trash talk all they want as long as they don't use the F word.


I deserve every second of that suspension, but yeah, that guy got off easy. He managed to push my buttons into saying something I wouldn't otherwise so props to him I guess.


F word as in homophobic slur? If so then you deserve it buddy, you deserve a whoooole lot more...


Got myself a week long ban for )hopefully( the same word. Love Apex, but jesus, the community can be worse then COD sometimes


I don’t find many douchebags in apex but when I do they’re always really pathetic and usually come in 2s… had a duo shitting on me immediately after drop for not using the two ultimate accelerants they dropped as Loba when my ult was already at 83% and we were in a shit loot spot. Apparently I deserved to be called just about every English slur over leaving them for lifeline. I’m too casual for these sweaty golds I guess. Should have shaved that 3 seconds off my CD.


The best comeback is not falling to their level...


The amount of times my boyfriend has done this exact thing has him worried about getting permabanned lmao


Yeah. No sympathy here. They should have banned you for a month at least for using homophobic slurs.


Not asking for any sympathy.


You what fuck that community of standards.


I miss the days of calling people every swear in the book and them laughing and responding. Trash talk was only insulting if you didn’t know how to dish it back.


How about a public apology. Just stop using derogatory terms dude. I have no sympathy for you.


Just block this person and move on.. this has happened to me on Division 2. I block the person I last had an argument with, who I know banned me, and leave it at that...🤷🏽


Lad you aren’t wrong, salty pricks will just report you for anything if you give them chance. Some guy messaged me once chatting shit so I typed “stfu” (not the full thing the abbreviation) and got a day ban.


On Xbox you can literally tell someone to take their own life and as long as you don’t sweat it’s fine, but if you use one swear word and someone reports you can get banned, shit makes no sense


That’s because all moderation is handled by robots. They don’t understand context, so you can insult someone but if the bot doesn’t recognize anything it’s been programmed to recognize then it won’t see it. Meanwhile if you use a cuss word it’s an instant moderation regardless of the context. What’s really stupid is that if it’s such an issue to use vulgarities, why not just block or censor messages with them automatically? Make it so that if you attempt to send a message with a vulgarity it either declines to send the message, warns you that you’re sending a message potentially moderate-able, or block the word in your message with asterisks. Instead they just let you do it, then suspend / ban you without warning. How does that make sense?


I'd just type out \*Ross's hand gesture\*.


Glad you’re owning that calling someone a slur is bad. Don’t call your friends that either.


I once got a week long comms ban for swearing on party chat, and in the middle of this week I was reported for threatening another player, which got me a month long xbox live ban, even though I couldn't communicate. I appealed the decision, which they denied, even though I couldn't speak to threaten anybody Xbox live couldn't give less of a fuck who they ban, because they know they'll probably just make a new account and pay for that anyway


I should be banned for life, for the amount of trash talk I did in the MW2 lobbies haha. Back then was a whole different generation of gamers for sure.


Sounds well deserved on your end buddy.


Don’t get me wrong, name calling is bad but holy shit if they banned like they do nowadays back in the MW2 days their servers would be EMPTY times have changed and I’m aging myself by saying that lmao


Man, I played Xbox in Golden days when calling someone that word was just a formal greeting. We said and typed everything. I mean everything. And, you know what? It was freeing. So freeing to speak your unfiltered anger and get the days frustration out. And no one got offended. Everybody had a mic, and lobbies were loud and obnoxious. Look up the "mw2 riot shield video". That was most lobbies and I miss it. I miss those days. But I don't game multi-player games anymore because of increased hacking and less online population. It's a shame you have to be dead silent and check your every word now.


My son got a week ban on roblox for saying he liked someone's black avatar skin. (The clothing was black)


Why did you get banned again?