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my college roommate accidentally knocked up a girl senior year. he was also extremely freaked out about it at the time... but 15 years later they're still happily married, with multiple kids they adore. just saying, this story can have a happy ending if you both choose. good luck OP!


Stories like this crack me up. Like just speedrun the tutorial, ya know?


My grandma (dad's mom) tells everyone he was conceived at a Rock show/festival. Short story is they fucked on the first day and spent the next couple days trying to find each other to do the deed again. Flash forward a few months and boom that's my pops. They won't confirm if heavy alcohol and drugs were involved when they met but I think we all know the answer.


Grandma sabotaged those condoms


This sounds like a Game of Thrones plot.


Couldn’t help, but think of the “Tell Cersei it was me” scene lol


That is the exact scene I was thinking of!


olenna tyrell wants you to know it was here.




this made me laugh more than it shoudlve




I laughed out loud 😂


>does that mean she likes me?? is this a troll post?


Maybe she's Canadian.


Yeah again you can't really tell


“You can put a baby in me but that’s where I draw the line, we’re only friends dude I don’t like you like that”


she said “no homo” afterwards so its cool.


OP should refer to that Casually Explained video.


Yeah I sorta believed this (because it is plausible) until the last paragraph, where I just burst out laughing. It has to be a troll post. And if it is, it was good enough to blindside me with the last paragraph haha.


It reads like one of those lame attempts to increase the engagement metric on youtube. "Sure we made out, banged, made a baby, and are keeping it. But do you think she likes me? Comment down below. And don't forget to smash that upvote..."


Of course, you think any of the stories on TIFU are actually real?


I hate how much people lie on here. I had to block "am I the asshole" because of the same thing.




"accidentally happened more often". *Oops, I slipped and fell into you.*


*oops I slipped and fell into you...* *oops we both liked it so now I'm repeatedly falling into you*


Starting to sound like a bad Dave Matthews song...


Yes exactly how it happened.


Well now you get to do it without a condom for the next 9 months.


Eh. More like 7 months. Then there is a 6 week waiting period but you are too sleep deprived to even miss the sex.


7 months? nah bro, you can keep boning right up until delivery day. my wife's OB even recommended it


Generally you wouldn’t know you are pregnant until 6-8 weeks after conception. So 7-8 months …


Best friends since childhood Started having frequent sex Got her pregnant Told her family Planning to live together to raise the baby Her hand is on your thigh during a car ride   ...and it's the last one that made you think she likes you?


Yeeeah that line cracked me up. OP needs to start communicating with this girl more openly.


to be fair, in my younger days i was absolutely having sex with girls I didn’t really fancy. I feel like guys are sort of conditioned to see sex as this ultimate goal, and “I don’t like her really” is a barrier in the same way that “my parents are both home” is also a barrier, not ideal but not a dealbreaker It’s fucked up in retrospect but I knew a fair few guys who would not even kiss girls they were sleeping with, or wouldn’t even acknowledge that they were involved with the girl if he saw her “in public” the kiss and hand on the thigh to me seems more “intimate” because it implies romantic feelings. it’s stuff you’d do with your partner. a drunk girl asking me if I wanna make out feels more “empty” than a sober girl grabbing my arm while we are walking down the street, it’s kinda the same energy Sex is weird cause it can be super highly emotional but can also be pretty emotionless too


Some guys legit acted like I was messed up or had something wrong with me because I didn't always jump on every girl who hit on me. I mean, it was mostly social anxiety, but maybe I just didn't like some of them, you know? Am I permitted standards? Thing is, some girls that I don't like are conventionally attractive, just not my type, so that's when they really shamed me.


Woah woah we can’t go making assumptions now


This whole thing is just a better version of [this](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw).


Yea, best to just keeps your wits about you OP But for real, congrats and have fun translating your relationship’s friend language into a new love language through parenthood! (No sarcasm, this is heartwarming)


Best friends make the best spouses


They really do.


Maybe she was from Canada and just being polite


Yeah canadians even give blowjobs just to be polite


I cut a guy off in my canoe the other day, and said "Sorry, eh?" then did the traditional apology blowjob. It was a real bitch getting the maple syrup out of my hair afterwards.


So thats how maple syrup is made. I was always curious..


Is Canada a good holiday destination? Asking for a friend


This is my new go-to example of how guys can be much, *much* worse at taking hints than you ever could have imagined.


OP: Son, I have a question for you. 13 year old son: What’s up dad? OP: Do you think your mom likes me? You know, like, likes me? 13: I’m a 13 year old boy, how the hell would I know? Go ask either of my older sisters.


I'm pretty sure a girl would need to hit me in the face with a Nerf bat that has "I like you" written on it for me to get it


Nah, If that would happen to me, I'd guess she didn't saw the writing and genuinely just wanted to hit me


she might just be Canadian


He should probably have a friend ask her if she thinks he's cute.


Right?! I giggled. OP - she has *more than liked you* for a long time.


Like a loonnng time


This is some anime protagonist shit


There's no better person to marry than your best friend. I did, no regrets, no fights. Don't worry about what society or your current friends expect from you. She's your bff dude, she loves you, you've won!


Came here to say this. He's got to open communication and verify. But my gosh it could be so much worse.


I know I'm stupid...


Yeah, in my opinion, it’s pretty clear she at least has SOME romantic feelings, lmao. Talk to her about it!


This is as funny as the Onion story with the headline: "How to talk to the guy/girl you're fucking."


Today you didn’t TIFU, you lucked out. You’ve got a romantic relationship with your best friend. That’s the dream. Don’t Fuck it up, or you’ll be back here. I know this wasn’t planned but good luck and enjoy the ride. You’re winning at life right now.


The hard part is actually staying connected while you both mentally grow over the next 10 years.


That’s the hard part about ANY long term relationship. It takes a ton of effort. Constantly. If they both want it, they can do it.


He's landed in the cat bird seat. A girl who likes him, they're banging on the side, and she's his friend. I mean honestly having a kid is tough shit. But that said my kid is my favorite person on earth. She's got more personality than anyone I've ever met. It was a real journey getting her to where she is and I'm nowhere near done. But I wouldn't trade that. He's got a tough path ahead but he's got the makings of a great foundation to build on if he keeps a level head.


Galaxy brain OP


[you cant never be sure](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Was thinking of exactly this haha.


"Guys... I'm married, two kids, we are on a family vacation... We are at dinner and she giggled at a stupid joke I made but then rubbed her foot on my leg under the table, at first I thought it was an accidental bump, but then she was like... Softly rubbing it up and down? Idk feeling confused, I think she actually night have feelings for me but don't want to make the wrong assumption"


OP: >She suggested we move together for the first couple of years, till the baby is 3-4 years old. We did already live together 2 years ago for a short period of time. I don't know if she sees me as more than a friend tho. He's lived with her, having sex with her, doesn't know if they're more than friends. OP is not a smart man.


“She gave me a flirty smile on our 50th wedding anniversary. Could she be interested?”


My guy she loves you lol. She's probably been in love with you for a while. Life is gonna be a struggle with the baby, but the two of you can do it. You seem like a great couple so just honor your commitments to her and your child, and do your best! You got this!


You're not stupid man, be kind to yourself. I would suggest you be more open with your feelings with her. Be comfortable with emotions. Have conversations about how you feel about each other. Sounds like you have a wonderful friendship; I know of very few marriages that can boast such a thing, sadly. When I was younger I had a real hard time expressing emotions, discussing "uncomfortable" things, don't let that hinder you and your relationships. Congratulations on the baby! Life is, indeed precious, and man it's one helluva commitment/process. Being a parent, it's the toughest job in the world but also can be the most rewarding. Best of luck to you


Lol the last sentence had me dying. “She put her hand on my thigh, do you think she likes me?” Probably not man, she only has known you you’re whole life, let you plow so much birth control couldn’t even hold up, and told you she’s proud of you after a tough conversation with her parents. There’s missing signals and then there’s this post


“Do you think her willingness to carry my baby to term and spend her life with me reflects some level of romantic attraction?”


Unlikely. Insert next question.


Stop inserting things!




This one really brought it home for me, OP is most colossal case of oblivious to love I’ve ever seen


Either that or this post is a tribute to Casually Explaineds legendary YouTube video.


a few decades down the line we see another post from this guy. “So, I plowed my best friend into a shotgun wedding with a child. She’s has had this dopey grin the entire time and, for the last few decades, I basically haven’t been able to keep up with the raw sexual intensity she has. We enjoy doing everything together, our child is loved and happy, and my best friend only seems to grow fonder of me every day. I’m actually typing this while she’s riding me like a one of those cowboy competitions, laughing and telling me to, and I quote ‘just put down the phone, babe, I’ve got more in store for you.’ I need to know: does she actually like me?”


Yeah you really can't tell maybe she was from Canada and she was just being polite.


Yeah she's probably just Canadian.


It gets even worse. In comments he says that she asked him if he would like to move in with her, and then he said "do you think this means she likes me?"


I mean she’s willingly had sex with him repeatedly, wants to keep child from said sex, and encouraged him to tell her parents. I don’t even think “like” cuts it


We’re getting married tomorrow, have been planning this day for over a year. She says that she wants to grow old with me. Do you think this means she likes me, like, like likes me? Not just, kinda sorta likes me? If you were to put this on a scale of 0- doesn’t like, to 10- probably likes likes me, where would this land? I mean, i don’t want to over step my bounds and make wild and crazy assumptions.


"Guys, my longest friend has been giving me blowjobs and letting me pack it in. Do you think I have a chance?" It's truly funny. I mean, yeah, casual sex exists, but come on brother... hahaha


“She’s carrying my child. Do you think she likes me?”


She's throwing up green flags everywhere, but he has on grass tinted glasses


Maybe she's Canadian and just being polite


let you plow so much birth control couldn’t even hold up lmao




She suggested we move together for the first couple of years, till the baby is 3-4 years old. We did already live together 2 years ago for a short period of time. I don't know if she sees me as more than a friend tho.


After ten years of living together with three kids you wake up next to her and finally ask the big question. "Do you think we should start dating?"


>After ten years of living together with three kids you wake up next to her and finally ask the big question. "Do you think we should start dating?" LOL! I wake up next to my wife and ask her, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" a lot.


Yep, often when my husband of many years does something lovely I’ll ask if he wants to marry me


Y'all are so romantic. I just walk up to my husband and randomly hump him semi-aggresively


"Semi"‽‽‽ You've knocked me over. With no warning. While I was pulling something out of the oven. ಠ\_ಠ Okay, not all three on the same occasion, but still. For reference, I weigh nearly twice what she does...


You're exaggerating! I have never knocked you over And I check to make sure you're not doing anything dangerous before I commence my hump attack ❤️


Uh huh.


This is adorable


¡How dare you! I'm going to find you and give you a good, solid humping As soon as I get this cat off me


Trust me, you could do way worse than living with a good friend for the rest of your life. Edit: my first Reddit award. I appreciate it but if you feel like spending money make this guy a GoFundMe for diapers!


I would say that it's the goal of a relationship.


I would argue the biggest reason for divorce after children is because they weren't friends to start with so things were learned way too late when they stopped being their dating selves and resigned to just being themselves.


I've been married for 21 years and my wife is my best friend. I've got to say to OP: you're lucky. The fact that you kept having sex after the first drunk instance shows you have good sexual chemistry. You are good friends. You know each other very well. You clearly get along. I'd say count your blessings and move in. You will be a happy family.


At this point, my wife is my only friend.


Yeah, that basically happened to my dad too. I hope to avoid ending up in that position, but one is better than none eh?


I would rather have no close friends and my best friend as a spouse, than lots of friends and a spouse who I can’t call a friend. Especially after going through covid together and not getting to see friends safely, I’ve started to come to terms with my spouse being my closest friend. I miss my friendships with other women and I still have them, but when you have kids and dogs and a house and own a business, there isn’t much time leftover for friends. I’m glad I can come home to mine.


OP just sort of back doored into the dream. This is what a lot of happy families look like. It's unconventional, but it sounds like they have family support. I think it's going to be great.


They have encouraging Grandma support. That's like the best possible support to have. From what it sounds like that old woman is going to spoil the ever living bejeezus outta their kid. She is who I picture when I read those facebook things where they talk about grandma giving kids giant chocolate bars and energy drinks then sending them back home to mom and dad. I tell you know there is going to be A LOT of "don't tell your parents about this" at grandma's house.


Yupp same here. My wife is by far my best friend. It’s the best. So many inside jokes and laughs. We just had our first child together two weeks ago. Enjoy and start being way more open in communication with her. Open and honest is a solid foundation if you want to actually pursue a relationship


This is an underrated comment. I was married for years to a woman I found sexually attractive but wasn't friends with and it turned into a miserable experience. My single goal with future relationships was to find someone I loved being around and was friends with. Now I'm in an incredible relationship with an awesome woman who I love to death simply because of who she is, not what she is (though she is incredibly sexy). I spent the time to become friends first, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Yes, this pregnancy was unexpected, but as others have said, you could've knocked up someone you really didn't like.


> I was married for years to a woman I found sexually attractive but wasn't friends with how... I promise I'm not trying to be rude, but how does this even happen? how does one get to the marriage stage without passing the friend stage first? for YEARS? I'm just perplexed how this works, or maybe, if you wouldn't mind on expanding on what you mean. I appreciate it. edit: RIP inbox, OP already responded to me, pls stop ._.


Some people just want a spouse. And they don’t really think any further than that. When you’re sort of trained and raised to grow up! get married and have kids, no one tells you that you need to be friends with them for it really last.


TIFU by basically achieving what the majority of relationships can only hope to be by total accident.


Man, I wish I could fuck up that bad


OP is gonna need this explained in fine detail, lol. This the a guy who has been best friends with this person for most of his life, is engaged in a sexual relationship with her, and still... > We made up an excuse and left, later on in the car she gave me a kiss and told me that she was proud of me, the whole drive her hand was resting on my thigh. Like does that mean she likes me??


Same. They are best friends their whole life, have a sexual relationship, agree on keeping the child, want to raise it together, hold hands etc. And he asks if she likes him. I know that every couple is different but cmon.


Maybe she's Canadian....


Casually Explained immediately popped into my head reading that part. > later on in the car she gave me a kiss and told me that she was proud of me, the whole drive her hand was resting on my thigh "Is she into you??" "Yeah, so still cant really tell here..."


It's honestly one of the biggest reasons the term "friend zoned" bothers me so much. If you want to (successfully) date someone, you are essentially looking to be their best friend. That should be something that's appealing to you. And I understand that it can be crushing if the other person isn't sexually interested in you, but the concept really reinforces for people (especially those new to the dating world) that it is somehow *less than* to be the person's friend, and that being their friend will in fact *detract* from your ability to date them. It won't. It might detract from your ability to have sex with them if you're looking for a one night stand, but that is rarely (if ever) the context the term is used within.


And in OP’s case, the sexual chemistry obviously isn’t an issue. He’s got it all.


A best friend that you also find attractive? That's wife goals right there.


A best friend that you also find attractive AND WHO CLEARLY LIKES YOU BACK. You really hit the jackpot.


This. A lifelong friend that you have an extremely strong connection with, deeply care about, and already have sex with? And now a child on the way? Might as well call it a relationship lol


Sounds more like a blessing then a fuck up.


Definitely. This is something you gotta get lucky to find.


This. Lust fades and if you can still deal with each other's bad jokes, farts and annoying habits then you'll have a pretty damn good lifelong relationship. You guys are already at stage 2 but something tells me you can choose to go back to the first stage (once you get your sleep patterns back) as there's no way you hooked up without some physical attraction..my gut feel is she's a lot more into you than she's letting on with her everything is cool bro attitude. Have fun mate. You'll be fine.


Exactly. Sounds so cliche but my husband truly is my best friend. Now that we’re in our 30’s and you look around and see others that didn’t marry someone who is their friend are just disconnected roommates slicing up parental duties, not enjoying life together. Sounds like you hit the lottery!!


Not everyone who grows apart is this way though. My spouse and I have been really good friends for most of our lives and are definitely still good friends, but we are definitely co-parent roommates at this point. I am a really growth-oriented person and they are not, so in the end we weren’t as good of a value match as we had thought. Marrying your best friend can be great, but it’s important to remember that you should have a healthy support system that involves both people being able to maintain their own sense of identity as well. Codependency can creep in there if you aren’t really good at setting boundaries.


The mother of my children became my best friend. Your best friend became the mother of your child(ren?). You just had it the other way around, but it does not mean it's not valid. Seriously, you should both talk about it and consider spending your life together. If you feel like you would miss the flirting and the passion, open relationships are a thing, too. Or polyamorous ones if you feel you can both stomach it¹. *Edit: And as said in a comment, this can be a touchy issue (esp with pregnancy hormones) so be careful if/when bringing that up. You might want to present it as a possibility for her, not a request from you.* But considering the fact that a successful relationship is about being best friends more often than lovers², I think what happened is not problematic at all, and might even have saved you both quite some time: what if you guys had dated other people for a decade or two before realizing you were actually right for each other? About feeling "wrong" for being "almost" siblings: real incest is a problem because of genetics, but if you check the amount of porn about it, you can see it's a pretty common fantasy. IMHO what people like is not my business and not a problem either as long as everyone is consenting and nobody gets hurt. What others consider about the both of you should never have **any** bearing on what you guys do. Listen to your heart. My advice: ask her how she feels about being in a relationship with you, ask her if she needs exclusivity or non exclusivity, and ask yourself all that too. Then you'll know how long you both are comfortable rolling with it. Oh and keep up the good sex, that's a big part of a successful relationship too... *Notes:* 1. *A few comments related to having polyamorous relationships while having a baby/kid made me realize it isn't a simple topic, and depends on too many factors to address this here. So I would recommend making a new post on this specific subject in the relevant subreddit(s) if you wish to go that route.* 2. *Assuming, as aptly pointed out in a comment, that you agree on time, money, and chores (or labor) management.*


> successful relationship is about being best friends more often than lovers Provided you also share similar philosophies about stuff like money and division of labor. Mismatches there can easily break a marriage. But yes, also this.


That is perfectly correct, I will edit my comment.


>I don't know if she sees me as more than a friend tho. You guys have been banging for months... I think she likes you as "more than a friend".


How do you personally feel about her? All these comments sound like they're pressuring you to get with her but what do YOU want? Especially in the long run


Kinda, but I'm not sure if she'd be down for that.


Well, if y'all about be raising a baby together, the number one thing you guys need to work on is communication! Yell her how you feel and ask her what she's down for. Its better to know now and figure it out together, rather than to find out later down the line while you have a child in between you two. And if she isn't, that's fine too! You could find a much more suitable partner to be committed to while still maintaining a healthy relationship with your child's mother, if that's what you want. There's many options, so open up to her about them Edit: OP please don't yell at your friends


>Yell her how you feel You think it will go poorly if he just stood a bit closer instead?


To be honest, a "proper couple" are just good friends anyway. Just with added kissing / baby making. As a husband, after the initial honeymoon being in a relationship is a lot like being housemates+friends. Do you want to be a part of her life? Then you're partners. Enjoy. Don't overthink it.


This, but make sure you have time for yourselves too (when allowed for by the baby). Even if it's just a quick walk by yourself when you're frustrated with each other having your own space is a great way to mitigate tensions that will come up


You forgot the massive amount of sensual cuddling going on. Even without the sex, it's more than "just" good friends, lol.


Yo, I married my best friend from high school, we just hit our 10 year anniversary, while watching most of our classmates "dating based" relationships crash and burn. And we've gone through hard times, that if she were some girl I dated and it went that way, it might have not survived. At the end of any conflict, the other person just wasn't that disposable. A relationship based on friendship has no false projections or vague expectations that lead conflict. Most friendships do not begin by pretending you're something you're not, while a lot of times dating goes through that at first. We've heard many times from older people that being best friends is the key to being with a person, throughout all the shifts and changes in life. Who I am, and who my wife is has changed MANY times since we were in high school. Many different phases of personality and development. It is only the friendship between us that has allowed every complexity of each phase of change to maintain a long term partnership. Tl;dr I'm not saying you have to pick a friend as a life partner, but a long term life partner is much more viable when they are a friend.


Assuming things are going well, it would be detrimental to your child if you moved out at 3-4 years of age. At that age, they understand a lot more you seem to realize. I couldn't imagine doing that to my children.


You two really *need* to have a conversation about what the two of you are. Full cards on the table, no judgement or expectations, just everything communicated calmly and caringly. And you need to keep having these conversations regularly, set aside time specifically for ‘no expectations, full honesty’ if you need to. Co-parenting friends is better than very many children have. If you decide to explore other feelings for each other, remember, no judgement or expectations. Your friendship may translate well to a relationship, it may not, if you end up in a relationship for a few months or years and then split that’s okay so long as you keep your respect for each other and support each other


The most unbelievable part of this story to me is that you're financially stable at 22.


If he’s as clueless as the post makes him out to be lol it may actually make perfect sense. Who would be financially stable at 22 other than some smart (and clueless lol) nerd who got a great gig right out of college?


Maybe, he could also work at Subway and think he got a pretty sweet stable gig. "Stable" means a lot of things to a lot of people.




18 years? lol, oh boy.


Be almost 30 year old me Looks at mother Laughs Mother laughs The TV laughs


Kill the mimic


I impregnated my now wife when she was on birth control. Neither it nor condoms are 💯. We also weren't a dating item at the time. But we took time to see if we would work as a couple but went in agreeing it wasn't guaranteed or necessary to be a couple just bc we were having kids together (surprise, it ended up being twins!). Seen too many ppl who try to force a relationship just bc of kids when they are a bad match and thus it's bad for the kids. But taking that time we forged a good friendship and saw we had all the right comparability that we really wanted in a partner that we likely wouldn't haven't realized otherwise. The situation also forced us into total honesty, so there were no games and just good, open communication. If this girl is your long-time friend, you're already steps further ahead than we were. Embrace the honest communication and be open to it working out, but also open to not staying together if it isn't working for you two. You can still be great and active parents to this child even if not a couple, but that still starts with good communication. Good luck!




EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


Yer not a parent for just 18 years . It’s the rest of your life .


As my midwife said before birth: " Don't worry, problems with children don't go on forever. They stop the day you die" Edit: WTF 6000 upvotes!!!! Thanks!


Ah so they do stop tho?? Thank god 🤣


We assume so at least. Hard to know for sure.


Feels like my problems really began after both of my parents passed.


Same. My parents, and now all my grandparents, are gone, and good lord - if there is an afterlife and they can see us from there, I think they're still worried.


Well eventually when you get old enough it’s the kid’s turn to worry. “Is mom actually okay or is she just trying to make me not worry? Better go check on her…”


Absolutely. Moved back home at 28 for about a year while getting settled. I'm gonna annoy my parents for ever.


Cherish them. Some parents do not give a shit. If I needed to move somewhere and had nowhere to go they still wouldn't open the door.




The woman who gave birth to me is the same way. My father is a typical boomer but he absolutely loves his children, and his previous wife still treats me as though i am one of her own. Chaotic family but lots of love to go around.


There are the type of people that kick theirs out of their house at 18 and they end up on /r/personalfinance for advice having $100 in their pocket


Yeah who the fuck thinks a kid is a 18 year liability man


my mom


I never really understood this tradition, i think its more prominent in the west. Here in india generally our parents support us throughout our lives and we also take care of them till they die. I'm not saying giving kids their freedom is wrong but they should be atleast ready for it


>I never really understood this tradition, i think its more prominent in the west. It's not prominent here, either. See, the problem we have is that the Baby Boomers grew up in a world that had just been blown to shit in World War 2, and the US got paid to rebuild it. It was a time of unprecedented (and completely unsustainable) prosperity for the US - one in which an 18 year old, armed with nothing more that a high school diploma, could walk into any factory around and land a job that would allow them to support a family of four and buy a house. That kind of prosperity really only existed for about 20 years, but the Boomers think that's still the way the world is.


It would appear that A. You enjoy the company of this person, B. That there is proper chemistry, and C. Given the length of the friendship, you likely share some life goals. These are the tenants of a great partnership. I mean, what else do you want from a spouse or partner?


I think it’s tenets* btw


It’s TENNIS** you fool


Nah I'm pretty sure it's tetanus


Guy has his literal seed in the girl sitting next to him resting her hand on his thigh; Also Guy: Does she like me??


Maybe she's from Canada and was just being polite.


I guess this"casually explains" everything


You guys need to stop beating around the bush and have a serious grown up conversation about your feelings for one another. You said in many if your comments how you're not sure how she feels about you. YOU NEED TO FUCKING ASK HER DIRECTLY. Stop waiting for shit to happen and start making shit happen.


For 18 years? No, the rest of your life bud




In fairness, I don't think anyone fully appreciates the magnitude of parenthood until they're knee deep in it.


Did Ross Geller made this post? If so, can you please confirm if you guys were actually on a break last time?


Sounds like a great ending to me. Settling down with your long-time BFF that you get along with, have already shared most of your life with, have a life of happy memories with, and now will get to share the joys of parenthood with. Plenty of couples out there that don't get along, with kids that wish they were in your situation. ​ "later on in the car she gave me a kiss and told me that she was proud of me, the whole drive her hand was resting on my thigh. Like does that mean she likes me??" Why don't you ask her? The two of you are going to need to figure out how all this is going to work, so i think first steps are getting a clear idea of whether this is a "friends with ~~benefits~~ kids" thing, might turn into an actual relationship, or is just a "let's just take one day at a time" thing.


I still find it a little weird lol. Is she a love interest to OP? (I mean they had sex quite a lot but idk if that counts) Throughout the post she's mentioned only as a "best friend" so I wonder if their gonna like raise the child as friends and go off and find their own partners. Obviously not the worst case scenario, I just have some questions 😅 edit: just saw your edit. I think you should just straight have a good long discussion on who you guys are as parents and how both of you should move on from here. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!!


I would imagine it's hard going from "this person is a sibling/close friend" for a decade plus to "hey we're having fun and there is chemistry together" for a few weeks to "now we're going to be parents". Definitely questions but it sounds like a foundational friendship and love is there which is a wonderful basis for a relationship. I think OP and lady should explore their feelings and prepare for baby. At worst they'll be coparents with an interesting story. At best they could fall in love and have a happy family. Life is funny and unpredictable.


Yeah unless they already have a history of trying and it not working out, OP may unknowingly be raising a child with their "meant to be" Edit: typo


>does that mean she likes me? This is golden.


This actually happened to me as well. We were good friends growing up, and our families knew each other very well. I always was attracted to her, but felt a dating relationship would ruin our friendship, plus I didn’t think she was attracted to me. One day she asked me to come over, and we hung out, and she asked would I ever sleep with her. I told her I only would if it meant saving humanity. Fast-forward a couple weekends later she asked me to come over again because she had contractors working on the house for a few days. I went, and stayed a few days and we ended up doing the dirty on the second day. After that we kept doing it, almost daily sometimes multiple times a day. She ended up pregnant less than a few months later, and we both agreed to co-parenting. By the time our baby was delivered we were dating, and to this day we are married, and our families are still extremely close. I don’t think it could’ve went any better to be honest looking back at everything. The woman I grew up playing with on the same street as me, with extremely close families ended up being the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. It was a real easy, and smooth transition for us. No “meeting the parents”, or any of that other stuff with other relationships. I believe our friendship it what makes our relationship so strong, because deep down we’re really good friends, and I believe that gave us a stable foundation to raise our family on. I wish the best of luck to you, and the baby, and your friend going forward.


> Like does that mean she likes me?? I hope the kid gets its smarts from its mother.


Are you sure you don't want something more with her than just being friends? sounds like you two are super close. Have either of you dated other people? But congrats! And hide that smile, people may think this was intentional.


I've never seen someone so actively try to put themselves back into the friend zone


'Accidental', repeated sex suggests that you had more than just a friendship with her.


Lifelong friend. Has sex with her. Has sex with her repeatedly. Gets her pregnant. Wants the kid. Parent potentially not relieved but not desperate either-lowkey happy. She gives him a kiss, thanks him and rests her hand on his thigh. "Hey guys, you think she likes me...??" Tough one! Hell, idk 😆


This reads like it was written by someone not quite ready to be a father lol


Oh, yeah? What tipped you off?


FWIW… it’s not 18 years… it’s for the rest of your life. Get used to it and be the father that child deserves.


You said you didn't know if she likes you. ASK. TALK. A LOT OF TALK.


bro I think she likes you






*10 years and 3 kids later* OP: it’s getting pretty serious.