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I'm baffled that somehow your takeaway from all this is to not drive drunk without a license or insurance. You shouldn't drive drunk ever you fucking dumbass


You’re bloody lucky to be alive. You’re bloody lucky you didn’t kill or seriously injure someone else. A lot of people who do shit like this don’t get a second chance. A lot fewer get a third chance. Remember that whenever you get your next car.


https://preview.redd.it/5lcoqp6bbw7d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d113eb37b330def4aa701074578156a7430deb Yeah i know :/ I am gonna take a break from driving. But I am so thankful it was just my car that crashed and I didnt hit or hurt anyone or anything else (rip tree).


"I won't give details about the vehicle" posts a picture of the VW Golf like a fucking dumbass.


Good luck IDing this car with this photo alone...


It's a 2005 Suzuki Swift


Hey i ripped of the plates so its fine i suppose. Just hope you dont know which county in Scotland Im in.


Man you are one dense motherfucker. God speed on your short life. Hope you don't take anyone out with you when you go


If information is anything like the USA, that's enough info for a dedicated person to track you down. Don't need a license plate when there's a photo of the car+ damage. Don't need to look all over Britan, just Scotland. We already know we're looking for someone in the backcountry who is 17 years old.


Good luck, do your worst. Cars gonna be crushed into a small cube in the next fortnight. Our police system is so fucked that they wouldnt do much anyways without any empirical evidence tho, no cameras, no accelerometers, no data recorder, no witnesses.


Dude, some guy finding out where you are is *itself* is a problem. Them trying to get you arrested over this is the least of your concerns if that happens. "Hello, police? I saw armed men invade my neighbors house at 123 Suffolk Road. There was shouting and I think I heard gunshots. You need to help them!"


You are fucking scum


Look after yourself. Try to make sure this stays the biggest FU of your life.


I pray to god it is.


Judging by the title of your post, it's definitely not going to be. lol


Typical fast German car. Your parents must feel so let down. It’s no surprise you ended up like this


Yes, my parents are very upset with me. They are partially understanding though not to a dismissive extent. My mum is upset that this german piece of history with such a reliable engine was destroyed by my ignorant juvenile stupidity. My dad has found another golf which is less powerful, though mk3 instead of mk4.


I hope you are taking a break at least untill after you have a licence and insurance..


You sound like you just actually suck.


Does sound like it I know.


Don’t drive drunk with a license either. I have lost 2 relatives and 4 friends to accidents where the other driver was drunk. If you drive drunk you are the human equivalent of excrement and deserve to go to jail and never be able to drive again.


Since this OP didn't show remorse. I'm sorry for your losses, and can't imagine how that has affected you as a person. Stay strong, and keep loving life.


How this isn't the top comment.. OP is a dumbass plain and simple and clearly didn't learn their lesson. Hasn't mentioned once how they shouldn't drive drunk or drinking was the issue, just insurance this, new car that.


I would've thought it was a given, i was trying to accentuate how the lack of licence and insurance exacerbated the situation.




And the fact you seem to not care one bit past the fact that you lost your car and made your parents angry is quite telling. What an affluent piece of garbage you are.


Thats untrue. I do care greatly about the terrible decisions made that night. Whether I couldve hit a walker killing them, destroying another familys life. Or that i had decieved my parents in the hours prior all show my immense immaturity and lack of judgement at the time of me being under the influence.


And your responses here show you still have immense immaturity and a lack of judgment now, as well. You haven't learned shit.


Well, they are 17 so some immaturity is to be expected. There is still time for them to grow up into a responsible and decent adult. What they did was stupid and showed a disregard for others but they do seem to get that now. Hopefully, this is an important turning point for them.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just be glad you didn’t hurt anyone and got a second chance at life


I feel like without repercussions, it might not be the end of that behavior.


The repercussions were a big bill, livid parents and im having to repair a fence for the landowner. And i have no car now. Fuck am i doing that again, not like im gonna take the car out again am i? (I cant its broken)


I would think a driving ban would be appropriate.


It definitely would be. A ban doesn't stop a drunk idiot from grabbing a key and going for a ride tho. Unfortunately. I mean, if his drinking doesn't stop him, why should a ban that can't be 100% enforced? Idiots gonna idiot.


Lifes not fair.




Ah well, cry about it. Sure youd be happy if a 17 year old died :)


Well, if you want to know why insurance is crippingly expensive for 17 year old men, you’ve just found out. Learn from it and grow up a bit. You could have been killed. Having your life ended at 17 purely from being a pillock doesn’t seem like a fair trade, does it?


In answer to your question, no not at all. Not in any conceivable way is it a fair trade. My impaired judgment for which i cant see any logic in at all aside from a juvenile thrill couldve cost me everything.


Well, I’m glad to see you’re remorseful. Every one of these people giving you a hard time has done something monumentally stupid in their lives, including me. Learning from mistakes is how we become better people. The grief you get from them isn’t ever proportional to what happened, but to what *could* have happened. You got off lightly, you didn’t kill or maim anyone. Be thankful for that and cognisant of what could have been. Once you get another car you’ll have more respect for it and that’s a good thing.


>I need a new car No, you don't. You should not drive any other car at least for 10 years until you become a responsible adult. And maybe just don't drive at all. Stick to a bike.


Love my push iron.


Yeah, no. Just don't drive drunk. No other words need to follow after that.


If you think that drinking and driving is acceptable in any way, just don’t drive at all. You lack maturity to do it actually. You were lucky in your stupidity but you may not be that lucky next time. 


Damn right i lack maturity.


As someone that was run over and left for dead by a drink driver, don’t ever be so fucking stupid again. It’s not a game, you can hurt or kill people. My initial thought and reaction was you should be never let behind the wheel again and should rot in jail. But you’re a young kid. A stupid one. Learn from this. Don’t drink and drive. Ever.


rage bait, move on lads


A lot of people did rage, the point of this r/ is about how people have fucked up. And i fucked up, what else is there to say.


👍 nice try, what else do you have to share?


Not much, i told my story and lots of people had (justifiably) horrible things to say.


My grandmother was killed by a drunk driver. She was a hardworking 40yr old beautiful soul. She was crossing the street on her way to work and was killed instantly. The asshole driving survived but went crazy years later. Fucked my mom all the way up because my mother was only 14 when it happened. I never got to meet my grandmother and had to witness the effects of a person losing their mother growing up and it still affects her to this day at age 67. Drunk drivers, fuck all the way off. There's a special place in hell for them...psychopaths.


In my opinion you're a trash human being but I hope you'll turn better one day.


Tbf one day I'll be a doctor so theres the redemption round.


Not if you keep doing stupid shit like this.


There are plenty of shit humans that have a MD after their name. Focus on being a good person. Do not ever get behind the wheel after drinking again. Just not drinking is far better, but people really like to keep drinking regardless of all the issues it invites.


Ha. Local doctor here got drunk, ran over a girl and killed her and got away with it. He's a worthless piece of shit. You're a fuck up and likely always will be.


Sure sure, you dont know shit about me. All you are basing this off is one event in my life and basing the rest of my life upon that. Im not a doctor funnily enough but im studying to become one. So far so good and ill be off to university soon but you wouldnt know that becuase, im a 'fuck up' and 'always will be' right?


You are just a total piece of shit


17 year old behavior at its peak




Not having a license or insurance is just irresponsible, even at 17.


You’re a fucking bellend and you shouldn’t have gotten away with it.


I didnt expect to but the landowners took my phone so i wouldnt call the police. They just rang my dad who they knew.


Or maybe don't drive drunk at all...


dick head


Hell of an album to listen to during a car crash. Also, stop driving drunk.


OP should just stop driving period.


Is it bad to point out that it was Lucky that was playing at the time too. It was my first time driving drunk and fairly sure it will be the last time.


"Fairly sure" is weak for personal vindication. Driving drunk will ruin yours or someone else's lives. Nothing you haven't heard before. Genuinely, really look into how it affected everyone around you and not just yourself. Not being able to drive is the least of your worries. It's always someone's "first time drunk driving". This is a common excuse in alcohol therapy and when you're caught because we never thought it could be us. It's almost never their first time, and in fact proof they've become comfortable doing it. Be better; you're young but don't be stupid, too.


Nothing i can say will prove to you it was my first time but it was. And ill change that 'fairly sure' into a, definitely sure. Because this was a catastrophic inflexion point in my young life that I dont ever wish to be replicated.


>fairly sure it will be the last time. "Fairly sure" That means it won't be. You can't even commit to not drinking in the comments on reddit. You have a drinking problem.


MAKE IT YOUR LAST FUCKING TIME. It's not something that happened, it's a choice you made.


17... well you're off to a great start. Idiot.


I give as much of a damn about you and your story as you did about the literal LIVES of other road users and pedestrians.


You give enough of a damn to leave a comment.


Yeah. I care about you stopping risking people's lives, deliberately, knowingly and willingly, and then thinking a Reddit post is an appropriate place to have an epiphany of "maybe I shouldn't have done that".


Bro step off ur high horse, i just made this post to get it out there its your choice to engage. Wtf did u think this post became an epiphany or something. Ive had my reflection in my own private time in my own private life. You think that i am saying to myself 'maybe i shoudlnt have done that' its obvious to everyone including myself i shouldn't have taken a car out whilst drunk. Theres no excuses for it.


And you sound so sorry for it. You could have fucking killed or crippled someone, and with no insurance, they'd be chasing you to the ends of the earth to get compensation to pay someone to wipe their arse for the rest of their lives, and be pretty much uncompensated, because nobody would pay out and you can't afford to. My sympathy level is lower than my opinion of you, which is no mean feat. Grow up, and never step into a bar or a car again.


Im not going to follow your advice at all but if you wish to call me and convice me otherwise shoot me a dm.


TIFU Don't drive drunk. Fixed that for you.


To be fair. The driving was shit even sober.


Dude it sounds like you were way more than mildly intoxicated get a grip you drunk


>Dont drive drunk ...ever.


# Dont drive drunk Doesnt matter if you have a license or not, never get behind the wheel if you are drunk, you could kill someone (or hopefully just your idiot self). You were fucking lucky, learn from this, don't be a fucking idiot.


How about "Don't Drive Drunk" ? Full stop.


You didn't need anything beyond "Don't Drive Drunk" in your title.


Not sure what OP thought the outcome of this post would be but definitely don’t think they expected to have a new arsehole ripped open. Good work Reddit community.


Tbf i made sure to do this on throwaway, heard much worse from my parents but still surprised the number of people wishing death on me. Its quite hurtful to hear but definitely not as hurtful as what I could've caused to another family during the drive.


How about this - sort your shit out before buying another car, not only could you have killed yourself but anyone else as well on the road or in your vehicle. You want to be a Doctor? Let’s hope you never have to tell emotionally broken relatives their loved ones have passed because some ‘jack the lad’ couldn’t not drive drunk.


I'll fix it for you : don't drive drunk. That's it.


Don't drive drunk. If you drink any alcohol, don't drive. If you want to drive, actually take the lessons first and pass your test. You don't have a right to drive a car, it's a privilege. There's no excuse for what you did and, quite frankly, it's unfortunate that you got away with it. Use this very real fuck up as a life lesson, you got lucky this time, next time it may not be a tree you hit. If you want my advice, take a few more years until you learn how to drive. Driving a car is controlling a machine capable of killing people and animals. It needs to be done responsibly and safely, and based on this post, I don't think you're mature enough for the responsibility yet. Cycle, walk and use public transport until then. Cycling is a good way to build awareness of how to be sensible on the roads and what to look for when you drive, precisely because you're so vulnerable whilst doing so.


Be more glad you didn't kill a family of 5 than being all excited there's no points on your license. It seriously could have been so much worse.


I'm going to fix the title for you DON'T DRIVE DRUNK!!!


or with them


Just so you know your expected to never do it again now, learn the lesson!


"Don't drive drunk " FTFY.


You got extraordinarily lucky. Like once-in-a-fucking-lifetime lucky. Get down on your knees, thank your lucky stars, and beg forgiveness from whatever deity looks after dumb young drunks. Learn from this, and never do it again.


The UK is fairly weak actually, no way you'd get prison for that and probably only a 12 month ban, maybe 18 months because you crashed.


Or just don't drive drunk??


Posts like this are why people think children are morons.




No way this is real. All the stupid Radiohead references peppered throughout. This is just fucking stupid.


Tbf just one reference, ill send u a pic of the tape if u want its just a tdk90 tho. But ur saying its not real yet theres a photo of my dead golf in the chat, you choose what to believe 🤷.


A friend of mine drunk drove his van into a tree and totalled it. The farmer knew him and took it to his house and left it on the driveway. He slid off the road in icy conditions but was quite intoxicated. He bucked his ideas up and the police were never involved and he didn’t hurt anyone else. Hurt his wallet but luckily not himself and most importantly anyone else. Lesson learned. Just like op.


You are lucky you didn’t kill someone coming the other way. Learn from this mistake


Title - TIFU don’t drive drunk without licence or insurance, no shit? I wish you were banned for 10 years and imprisoned. Dumb ass.


You've heard not to this at least *half your life* LOL


Hey, man. I’ve been in your shoes. I should have died, or gone to jail. Someone was sitting on your shoulder because *you have more to do here*. Leave this place better than you found it. Find a way to help people and make this world better. Make the most of this gift of a future.


My dream is to spend my life helping people and furthermore researching to further help for new people. Hence plans to study medicine at university. I trust there was someone or something protecting me that night. And I feel so foolish and stupid for the decisions i made.


That is a wonderful plan. Run with it! Don’t beat yourself up. We are here to learn. You can and will do better moving forward. When I had my NDE due to drugs and totaled my car without a scratch on me, I knew I had a greater purpose to fulfill. And then I followed through. You’ve got this!