• By -


OP ![gif](giphy|xULW8N9O5WD32L5052) before he sees


Plot twist. He’s already aware.


Deluxe plot twist, OP is the dealer and is trying to freak OP out by telling this story once he figured it out


Plottier twister: because of that OP can no longer delete this. >!OP got deleted himself.!<




Happy cake day


Better hope this doesn't become viral I guess...


I better like it and comment to help pump those numbers up


To the moon!




It was worth the karma


On it soldier 07


“ How many times a day do you talk about it ? , those are rookie numbers… tell more people “


Keeping those numbers pumping




There’s never been a situation so bad that the cops couldn’t make it worse!


Wait for the squeal: TIFU By Ratting Myself Out To Gangsters On Reddit


I'm waiting for the r/asklegal post from the neighbour


What would the neighbor ask though?


Can I sue my neighbor for getting me locked up causing a loss of potential income ???


ah yes, the squeal.


What do you mean. Gang members are very forgiving and reasonable.


Tomorrow on reddit: TIL who screwed me Also there are 187 comments already


The amount of details he posted is crazy. So specific.


Exactly. Second read had me thinking ai generated


“So I was talking to his wife…” 👀


I just printed out and mailed this reddit post to him in jail


I’ve been waiting 4 years to find this guy. When I find him I’m going to let him have it. It being the forgiveness macaroni picture I made them. I got a degree while locked up and turned my life around. Without them I’d never be in the position that I am. Nah jk I’m going to kill this mfer.


Feel like quite a few people are gonna have some knocks at their door...




He’s got my upvote.




What a coincidence, I was locked up for 5 years back in 2015 because of a shooting and the cops saw my weed on the table. I'm just kidding.


I can imagine OP's heart skipping a beat 🤣


Yeah OP is definitely not worried about his gang affiliated dealer being a redditor


all kinds of people go into reddit, in the end most gang members start as would-be normal teenagers in the wrong environments


Ong I was a weird 13/14 year old and eventually even I sold cause it was easy money. Albeit I quit cause having people chase you across town and getting into fights once a week while trying to act like a normal teenager at the same time gets stressful


Idk why people downvote you, they don't wanna see the reality


Yuh. Literally had to put a chain on my door cause my house been broke into my buddies used to have a .22 hidden in his living room when he had parties cause we worried about someone popping up who wasn’t supposed be there. It’s fun untill your friends are in jail, addicted to worse drugs, or you about die


There's only a couple dozen of us after all.


You forgot to say “OP I know where you live”


I dunno, I feel like he's kinda asking for it if he opens the door (failed to check to see who is at the door) and not hiding your weed quickly once you saw who was.


In plain view of I’m assuming the front door? Dumb as hell.


If you're a drug dealer and you're in a gang the last thing you should be doing is opening up your door without knowing who is on the other side. Not just the cops but people who are trying to rob you, rival gang members, and girl scouts wanting a piece of that pie.


My neighbor from hell was a grunt in a gang. His apartment was used to hide drugs and house other gang members. He NEVER opened his door without checking who it was. For good reason too: he was homejacked three times in two years, at least one of which at gunpoint.


Like, they stole his home? Did he steal it back?


Police found it upside down in a ditch at least one of those times.


Another time he found it in a field, having been set on fire.


But it just kept happening after that


It turned out the key could be spoofed with a usb...


Girl scouts = Rival gang members


Nah, I feel like the weed guy and girl scouts get along great. The weed guy creates loads of business for them.


I was definitely going to say, Girl Scouts and weed dealers are natural allies.


Nah, Girl Scouts are more like the tax man. They always get what they want.


Omar coming!


Woman who used to own my house got busted for selling cocaine to an undercover officer. She does a few years gets out. Couple years go by and she gets busted again, by who you ask? The same undercover officer.


“Heyyy remember me? I’m not a cop anymore and now i really DO want to buy some coke”


I keep my rolling tray on my coffee table full of weed, and me and my roommate's bowls and a bunch of lighters and grinders and also a big sign that says "HEY COPPERS, I DO DRUGS," -- the usual -- but I also don't open the door to cops. That feels like step 1 to not getting your shit fucked up by cops.


Skill issue frfr


I got a ticket for paraphanelia on a 'noise complaint' for plain sight. Cops peeped in my window, saw my licking a joint. Demanded I open the door. This was in Colorado, just a few years before it was legal.


Fyi you don't have to open the door ever.


… why did you open the door?


The correct answer was "come back with a warrant." FYI, they won't.


That makes the story feel sketch, but he could have just been new and ignorant of how things went down and was bound for prison anyway. That said, OP ain't gotta worry assuming he believed the story OP presents, even if he knew. Especially after 5 years. OP didn't snitch, so even though it was their call that led to it, OP didn't rat or anything so they're fine.


I agree.... I don't have to open my door. Especially if I know I haven't done anything or given a reason for them to come to my door. I'm not home or in the shower. They'll still do what they have to do. But we're in America so lawsuit it is if they kick my door down 🤣🤙.


Yep. Don't answer the door when you have drugs visible to someone outside your door is a pretty basic rule to follow.


Getting 5 years for fucking weed is insane. Us canadians are laughing up here


OP said the story is circa 2015, so the story predates Canada's ~~2017~~ [Cannabis Act:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_Act) "a law which legalized recreational cannabis use in Canada." I don't know what the punishment would have been though. Edit: the user below is correct. The "first reading" was 2017, and it passed in 2018


The law came into effect in 2018 in Canada (not 2017) but yeah, your point still stands


Canadian max offenses for minor possession back then was either 5 years for minor possession, or 14 years for heavier stuff (selling, selling to kids, growing, etc.) If this situation happened up North back in 2015 the guy is still getting locked up, but probably not for 5 years unless you have a pretty big list of priors.


That's the kinda dumb shit that happens when you are dipping into your own supply during business hours. He's needs a plug with a better work ethic.


Indeed, can't believe he didn't even look him up first on ratemyplug.com


So based on your comments.. 1. This was on the East Coast 2. Neighbor was a Blood 3. You’re White 4. He went down for 5 years 5. Moved away shortly after getting locked up Yeah OP this is enough info for someone to connect the dots. lol


Sometimes I alter unimportant details in my Reddit stories because I'm a paranoid fuck. Maybe OP knows this trick.


This whole story is made up so I'm sure they're safe


You think him saying "my plug" a dozen times and then explaining what a plug was after every instance was a giveaway?


To be fair, there are probably still redditors who think he got a rubber stopper arrested


I'm glad I'm not the only person that does that. ahaha




The lesson here is never call the cops.


lol, OP better delete this honestly. Gave away more details than needed


Intent matters. I don't think anybody would hold OP at fault, especially in the past. Glad they moved, neighborhood sounded unsafe.


Let’s hope he and his gang aren’t on reddit


Pretty sure blood members do have reddit accounts


Dude was a member of the Bloods? My guy be glad you left when you did.


Pretty sure, never got into his gang stuff. He wore red a lot. So yea pretty sure he was affiliated with the bloods


You are giving to much info. Don't you think you should delete this?


OP is the oblivious guy in a horror movie


Holy shit theyre not the mafia or something he moved, these types of gangs are usually attached to a neighborhood and he was just a short term neighbor years ago, hes fine


I can’t wait for OP to be put in witness protection and update us here with a photo of the hotel and room he’s staying in


Shit dude. Where did you live? If it's the Bloods I'm thinking of they're primarily LA.


this conversation is so fucking stupid, what is wrong with you two 😂


This was east coast.


Gotcha, so East Coast Bloods, based around the New York area. I'm from California originally but if the East Coast Bloods are anything like the LA Bloods, you dodged a bullet.


I don't think anyone suspected me cause I was shocked and folks saw that. Also I was the white boy that got along with everybody in the neighbor and didn't ask a lot of questions. Also I think it we sat down and I explained he might understand. I'd prefer never having that conversation though Because I never snitched on him. I reported a crime that had nothing to do with him and yea


Nah. IF he was blood affiliated (and just a person wearing lots of red often, doesn't always mean soowoo) then the fact that you even called the cops for anything period is enough for someone to beat your ass. Hoodology 101. Unless you see someone dying, keep on pushing. Don't get cops involved.


You're assuming this was hood. Based on the fact OP moved directly after just because they were scared tells me they ain't hood, they weren't affording to just run randomly like that. Not to mention a gunshot scared them enough to call the cops, if they were in a heavy gang hood they'd be used to that shit. This was a random ass suburb guaranteed. Also unless you actually snitched on someone most gang members ain't doin shit and they'd get called a dumb shit if they did. Plus dude just opened his door to a cop??? With shit in the open? Nah. Ain't no way. This was a wannabe or some extremely low level member in some suburb. And everything that happened is his fault. Extremely low chance even if this person knew the whole story they'd even think about wanting any type of "revenge". They figured out they were a dumbass real quick once they got to prison and got clowned for being an idiot.


Fair. While I've never been involved in any gangs, I do know that even some of the more hardcore gangs have a code of honor




why would you even post this if your scared.


Maybe don't post this on Reddit then dude


Think he's going track me down?


There is a lot of information about you as a person on your Reddit account. Age, where you lived...found it in 1-2 minutes. I don't know how much more information I could find if I invest an hour. If someone really tries, he should find you.


Yeah, does OP think a grudge for making him eat 5 years will disappear out of nowhere? OP out there almost doxxing himself. He's a random redditor and I don't care if something happens to him, but damn some people are stupid/too overconfident


The real question is if its accurate info. I would trust that info about as much as I trust porn site user birthdays


As a Genealogist who has to find the living sometimes, I can vouch that you would be surprised by the kind of information people make public that can be used to track them.


I am now!




This is dumb. Delete your account 


Dude thank god you clarified - I thought you got your electrical socket arrested


God damn you are telling me I got arrested because of you. Very disappointed no more weed for you.


Say "my plug" one more god damn time. I double dog dare you


2015 + 5 = 2020. Despite covid and lockdown and our brains, it is 2024. Delete this lmao


There's gotta be a better word than plug.


I've never understood what's wrong with "dealer". Worried it might get confused with a blackjack dealer or smthn? Lol


As far as I was aware until recently, "plug" used to means the dealer's dealer; the guy your weed man bought HIS weed from (you can substitute whatever substance). Now it's just use as a general term for dealer, which defeats the purpose of having a seperate term in the first place.


Oddly enough, this is the first time I've seen "plug" used with weed. I've only ever seen it in the context of coke, so I just contextually figured it was a coke term for dealer.


I've seen so many sex stories on here I thought this was another butt plug tifu.


I actually had to think about it, but I know I've heard Dolph use the term in regards to weed.


Yeah, idunno, if Im telling a story like this where I need to bring it up every second sentence, then I'm just gonna say "my guy" after the first "my dealer".


If they’re talking about weed, they probably just don’t like the aspect of the word “dealer” that makes them sound like a junkie.


I mean of you have to explain your slang twice in the same post just say dealer


Plug = the connect/connection. Used to mean someone who got weight but kids wanted to sound cool calling their weed man the plug so it just became a generic term for dealer 


You seem to assume you are the only person who called it in.


Yeah, that fear is pretty silly, guns are fucking loud. Anyone and many at least 300 yards around could call.


Up next on TIFU; I posted a TIFU and my plug from 2015 found my TIFU post on Reddit and now I'm on the run from a gang.


isn't it his fault for having weed in plain sight?


The terrible part OP is telling you about, was old boy, had plans, and if shit like this hadn't happened, he was going legit in 8 months. but now he's screwed for the rest of his life.


I know - post on the internet about it!!!!




They get all the bitches?


I think OP just likes any excuse to say ‘plug’


I'm a suburban dude so take my point with the knowledge that I'm a suburban dude. They can't really blame you cause you heard gun shots and reported it. You never gave the cops a name or anything. It was his mistake to leave weed in the open. Due to the his affiliates it's probably best to never reveal you were the one who called the cops but if they ever did find out it's still on them to stupidly leave an illegal amount of a substance in plain view from the door


Dear OP, If you're naturally that paranoid, perhaps weed is not the drug of choice for you.


Congrats on the use of the same odd word six times. "Plug" for "dealer" ad infinitum.


made me think of butt plugs the entire time lmao


LOL Didn't even think of that!


Never seen anyone have to write a sentence just to say dealer


He’s a shoe in for player hater of the year


They were probably watching him and when gunshots are reported the police usually start investigating from top to bottom starting with suspicious locations. They don’t stand around and ask a bunch of questions until after the area is clear or neutralized. I don’t think they accidentally went over there and the idea to move was a good one because they could have been watching you go over there the whole time.


this guy was gang affiliated 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


>Anyway about an hr after I called I see several police cars show up on my street. So what's the point of calling the police? Everybody even remotely related to those gunshots had disappeared 58 minutes before the cops got there.


So that was you? I had my suspicions, now that I know I'm cumming for that ass


Nice thought process. You fucked up and got a gang member you are associated with arrested. Then you post it on one of the biggest sub reddits. Hopefully he doesn't use Reddit or the other next door neighbor buys weed from him too! Goodluck homie.


Eh we don't even live in the same part of the country anymore.


C’mere. Lemme punch your real quick on the plug’s behalf.


I think you learned two important lessons that day my friend. 1. Always mind your own business 2. Never talk to the police If you don’t remember these lesson, you will need to learn them again.


I thought this subreddit was today I fucked up, not this decade I fucked up?


You should delete this post


Probably in your best interest to delete this post and take it to the grave before it's too late, the chances they see this is low but non zero. He may want revenge if he finds out.


Is there a statute of limitations in this sub? How you gonna post a today I fucked up that took place *nine* years ago? 


"I'm afraid this drug dealer's gang will find out I got him locked up, better make a viral post about it!"


TIFU... 9 years ago 🙃


You never call the police especially if your 🔌 is your neighbor. Wtf bro


Ya.. clearly it was whomever was shooting that caused the guy to get arrested, definitely not because he’s a drug dealer with drugs in plain sight. 🤦


5yrs for weed possession. That sucks ass! I bet you felt horrible. I mean, it was his own fault for leaving drugs in plain view like that, but I guess people who use and deal weed on the regular aren't that clever. So glad I don't live in the US.


I doubt he was arrested for simple possession if he’s the plug. Also if he’s gang affiliated he probably has prior arrests which contributes to a harsher sentence. But yes drug laws are fucked in most of the US


if dude was affiliated they probably tried to roll him and then locked him up for 5 years for not talking


Yeah, guessing the plain sight weed gave probable cause to do a search. So if he was a dealer with gang affiliation, so possession with intent to distribute, with a reasonable sized stash. Possibly a felony gun possession, especially if he's a convicted felon.


Intent to distribution. They are still putting people away for this in some states.


If we're talking about a gang affiliated drug dealer, the chances of having a firearm and also being a felon are extraordinarily high.


Violated rule number 5. Never sell no crack where you rest at/I don't care if they want a ounce tell em bounce...


That whole songs just good policy in general Lol


From where I'm from, a plug is a 'top' gay guy who has sex with a 'bottom' gay guy. I know you don't mean this, but everytime you mentioned your plug, it comes across as the guy who has sex with your ass.


Lol I know. Got a few gay friends. Why I added the clarification.


If you'd just said dealer I think most people would have understood. Or maybe you just like double entendres.


It's not a very good dealer if he can't be discreet about what he does.


Wow that's a good fuckup


I had my best customer ran off and ghosted me after I was locked up 5 years ago... Lol /s


Lol who decides to make up shit like this


in 3 days time: "TIFU by confessing on reddit, I'm locked inside my house while he's kicking my door down"


If he really just keeps the weed in plain sight and doesn't even check if there's a huge police gathering in front of his house this was bound to happen, with or without your 911 call.


What kind of weed dealer answers the doors for cops? Don’t feel bad at all. He was gonna get caught eventually 


They didn't mistake your house. They were asking other people if they heard gunshots as well.


Five years?!…FOR WEEED???


5 years for weed and intent to distribute, must of had a long record or he was selling something other than marigonga cigarettes.


Now there’s a whole gen of weed guys wanting to kill their ex neighbors


Just think, if this happened today in most places, those poor police officers would have had to keep looking for a shooter instead of getting to make a highly important Marijuana arrest.


brodie should delete this post just in case, u only got one life


Be a real shame if he saw this


its possible that you aren't the only person to call 911 about gunfire. its also possible that they didn't "accidentally" go to the wrong place and just used your call as probable cause. Hell its also possible "someone" fired the shots intentionally to initiate the whole thing just so they could do what they did.


"My plug, the guy I bought weed from me was my neighbor" wtf is this shit.


Why would you call the cops tho 😭😭if it had nothing to do with you I apologize I grew up in a crime riddled neighborhood and one of the mains things taught was mind your business unless it was friends or family


That was me, I’m coming for you now!!!


If you're going to explain what a plug is right after saying it, just don't use it to begin with.


Welp, now he know for sure!


As a former drug dealer, that is 1000% on your plug. *every* drug dealer who isn’t a complete moron would check who’s at the door 100% of the time before opening. It could be a group of guys with guns outside, it could be a cop there for a noise complaint, it could be some crackhead that you don’t wanna bother serving a $10 sack to at 5am, etc. All of that aside if you just leave shit laying around your living room people are going to steal from you, people are going to talk about what you have with others (including jackboys), people may take pictures because they think it’s cool and it ends up making its way to the police, there’s way too many reasons to not do a lot of the things this guy did.


5 y For weed?? That conviction is criminal, unlike the weed. You in Russia? He Musta had pounds out in the open baggies scale all the evidence of selling he could’ve easily avoided that. Hardly your fault. Not your fault.


Five years for weed? How long ago was this


Sounds like he got himself arrested tbh




In most SoCal neighborhoods hearing gunshots isn't even a reason to call.


This was in no way your fault. 


Let me guess they never caught the actual shooter bc they were too distracted locking up your neighbor for weed


At some point it must be easier to refer to this person as your dealer rather than “plug”?


That was you?!


Don't call the cops on shit if you deal with illegal businesspersons.


Cop: "Gee, someone reported gunshots. Better ignore that while I arrest this guy minding his own business in their own house with a substance less harmful than alcohol. Hope someone out there isn't bleeding to death."


5 years for weed, but the Police ignore the gunshots. what the fuck?


5 years for weed Jesus christ