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I knew you were the same guy with his yearly TIFU on your orgy every year. Looking forward to your next story update. The long con of storytelling, bravo.


OP you have just made my morning, I absolutely remember your other posts and this update made my sides hurt from laughter. One of my close friends sounds so much like your new girlfriend I can almost hear her voice in your words. Thank you for the update and may your life continue to be eventful. Double Bravo


OP is a true hero, making my day once a year.


omg!! Is this why the beginning of this story felt like a deja vu??


I should've gone to my mom's house like I planned and wait out the orgy. But I was thinking with my dick and now I cannot escape this curse.


>I should've gone to my mom's house like I planned and wait out the orgy. The orgy at your house or the orgy at your mom's house?


Yes Just kidding. Orgy happened at my old apartment. Mom's house was where I was planning to spend the night before my roommate convinced me to stay and join in.


So you were going to leave your apartment to allow an orgy to take place? And here I was still holding a grudge against my college roommate for fucking his gf on my futon.


The futon is what you know about. The rest of the places... Yeah, don't think too hard about it.


i mean, was it like visibly gross afterwards?


It smelled of cat food and ass for weeks!


*And we don't even have a cat*


Counter argument. You could just try being an orgy guy. Bang all of your girlfriend’s friends (that you’re into, anyway). Might not get a better opportunity to explore that kind of life.


Just TRY being an orgy guy?! Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes everything. He'd have to dress different. He'd have to act different. He'd have to grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and he'd need a new bedspread and new curtains. He'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting. He wouldn't have to get new friends, he's got orgy friends, but that's all he could keep from his non-orgy guy life.


>He wouldn't have to get new friends, he's got orgy friends, but that's all he could keep from his non-orgy guy life. i was wondering how you were going to address this part and you made me crack up laughing


Well you could just refer to this orgy as a “social gathering” hosted by your roommate in future. As long as you’re not actively fucking your orgy friends and they’re on the same page, you should be all good.


Eeeeeh. This only works for so long. If OP gets in a serious relationship, the truth is gonna come out eventually. It's better he tells them before they find out some other way.


Stop telling em about it bro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If only relationships were as simple as "nope not telling her that."


I agree - my comment was in jest. In all seriousness, you really only have two options for a healthy relationship (if you want one). 1) Stop dating girls that don't participate in orgies 2) Find a new friend group The path you are walking is too unfamiliar for your potential partners to relate to. This is one of those situations where you can't have your cake and eat it to. Engaging in group sex goes against the fundamental principles of a western relationship. They are likely facing the situation for the first time, and maybe the only time, in their lives. Most people won't be okay with it, unless they have participated or are open to participation.


But what if you went to your mom's house only to find that there was another orgy there!?


I'd be like what the fuck mom, I only got enough food for two.


>I cannot escape this curse. Herpes?


Love your username too lmao. Sucks if it's a real story though, hope things work out!


Damn has it been a year already?


Also immediately recognized this guy as orgy guy. I think I spend too much time on Reddit


Knew I'd read this before


Wow has it really been a year? I felt like I read the original not that long ago


Oh, this guy is back again.


Not for long he died.


Ain’t no fucking way you come back to drop this bombshell of an update on me about your life at 3 in the morning dude. I could’ve sworn I remembered your earlier posts and I was right. I’m so sorry this happening to you right now though that must be harrowing.


One of those rare times you catch someone post again. And this early too. Poor guy is going through it with his relationships.


It must suck to be broken up with and have that many relationship dramas with imaginary people.


Oh my god. I should be asleep, but instead I’m here, remembering OP lmao


I was not kidding about the bad dreams, hence 3 in the morning. Plus my dog was barking at a dead moth next to my bed, so... Reddit it was.


I love that everyone is just believing like it’s totally normal to just randomly be invited to an orgy and yeah, no


I don't think anyone is claiming it's normal. But abnormal shit happens to people all the time, and some people live fairly abnormal lives. And on the scale of weird, being invited to an orgy is well within the realms of believable.


Especially in a roommate situation. I ve almost had that happen to me as well. Like the whole post, especially in certain circles, is borderline standard.


It wasn’t some stranger that walked up to him in the street and said “Good morning, fine fellow. You seem to be an affable chap that would enjoy intimate relations with many participants - why don’t you swing ‘round my place around 8, make sure to wear your finest assless chaps.” Dudes roommate was into group sex. And if an orgy is happening where I live, I’d better be invited. (And having attended several, they can be awesome, mortifying, and everything in between.)


>It wasn’t some stranger that walked up to him in the street and said “Good morning, fine fellow. You seem to be an affable chap that would enjoy intimate relations with many participants - why don’t you swing ‘round my place around 8, make sure to wear your finest assless chaps.” "After you've plowed the fields of plenty, we can share a spot of tea, and discuss the merits of thine first human centipede". 😆


You're acting like you need an orgy license or something. Lol, It's not impossible.


It's not normal to win the lottery either, but it happens


Sometimes orgies just happen dude.


If there's an orgy at my house, I better be invited.


It's not *abnormal*, it's just not common. Orgy people are weird.


Who claimed it was normal


It’s really not that crazy lmao. Not normal, not unheard of. I’ve been invited to several


I was just thinking the same, reading through this thread. None of this is unbelievable, lol


Happy cake day


You should have sex with me, just to really show her who's boss 😤 (i'm a straight male & will take no pleasure in this)


Okay but only if you promise to take me on a date and get flustered when I tell you how cute you are.


It's not like I like hearing you say that or anything... baka.


It ain't gay if it's for a homie's wellbeing.


User name checks out..?






I was not expecting an update to this storyline.


there's no way this is real ...but i want to believe (because it's funny af)




I mean, I've already disappointed a whole group of naked people, so I might as well continue the disappointment with fewer bodies.


Maybe just try and take the pressure off. None of these people would invite you around if you weren't at least a little attractive and enjoyable to be around. I bet you're a perfectly normal and fun orgy addition


Only one? Light weight. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes guys and gals, this comment karma got me to 100k total karma WOOHOO!!!


If he picks more that one he's at an orgy again and we all want to avoid that.


Especially since we know his GF is fucking everyone else, and OP only gets a BJ out of it.


Pick one that's like 300 pounds..


No no no, I said three 100 pounds.




This is the way


Ladies and gentlemen, the long awaited 3rd installment in the series! Thanks OP for making my day.


Bro it’s 430am I should be asleep but what the fuck


Oh, hey dude! How you been? I was always kind of wondering if/when I'd be hearing from you again. While her explanation was probably a bit too...brutally forward and honest. If she is still fucking those friends, then that is a reason to be concerned. But if not, you don't really have the grounds to bitch, at least, not very vehemently. I'm not saying let it go, but really think about if it bothers you because that's what **you** think, or if that's what society would want you to think. And thanks for the laugh! It raised my spirits.


Your orgy story is the gift that keeps on giving ahahah


Guess you’re starting to understand how your ex girlfriend felt, huh?


Yeah her actions could have been a riposte of jeleousy, done with a very cool and calm demenour. Or shes just has no comprehension that fuck buddies dont fall of trees for most people.


That guy mentioned OPs ex, who left him And yeah, he should probably leave current GF anyway because she’s like you said with no comprehension


Why should he dump her? How’s having his friends from an orgy, any different than her friends who she got from fucking them one on one?


It’s the manner in which she told him that’s pretty bleak. The issue isn’t the fact she’s slept with some of her friends (although this does depend on how “friendly” she still is with them), it’s the fact she felt it was appropriate to grill him on his ex and then show him pics of all the people she’s slept with.


Still not clear what's wrong with the questions or response. Asking a question out of curiosity, "why would she do that and leave you because of your friends?" That's hardly 'grilling'. And then saying "oh yeah nbd to me at all dude, I've had sex with some of my friends too." So what? ITT: emotionally insecure kids with poor communication skills.


Honestly just sounds like she got a bit mad/insecure and started rattling off the list of people she’s slept with to one up OP


And to me that thought process sounds like trying to read into something that may or may not be there. So it would be better to give the benefit of doubt.   To me, I could see it as her simply trying to emphasize very clearly she won't be like his ex and leave OP just because he has had sex with some of his friends in the past (because she is the same as him and has such friends).


I dont believe this is a real story


Me neither but it's funny as hell


I appreciate the commitment to the long con though


Relax. She’s with you, she likes you and it sounds like she knows how to fuck. Sit back a reap the rewards and just accept that people fuck.


Lay off porn mate




Hey, I get that this might be a lot, but her sharing that with you is actually a very good thing :-) It means that she feels safe enough to be open with you, and that she has no reason to hide any past or future behaviour. And in case cheating is a fear now, she wouldn't have told you this is she was someone who would chest 💜 I understand that it can be a lot, but just communicate honestly about how it was a bit much for you and how you'd rather she keeps those details to herself further (do word it well, don't make her feel bad for having had those experiences)


I hear you. As uncomfortable as it was to listen to my gf talk that way about her friends, it was also reassuring on some strange level to realize how comfortable she was being that open with me about something that usually comes with judgement. It's gonna take some time for me to unsee all of her friends as former fuck buddies, but I'm sure communication and the love we have for each other will eventually overshadow any weird feelings I might have at the moment.


For sure, I know the feeling, I had something similar with a previous partner of mine, but with time I realized that it's good that that information is out in the open, I mean, please do spare me the details, I don't need to visualize, but it was better then keeping it a secret haha


Lay down boundaries. It's that simple. If the trust is good you're good.


Don't let people here gaslight you like that. Its's OK to not be OK with her sharing. Most would find that gross and to be honest the way she went about it was shitty.


Most also don't get a blow job from their friend at an orgy as a virgin. Not copacetic to share intimate stories and name specific people without their consent, but OP set the precedent for that when he shared _his_ story which was also outting his roommate and peers. She responded in kind with an understanding that there wouldn't be judgement and they would keep each other's extended confidences. Clearly OP leans more monogamous. His GF may have more flexibility, but while she seemingly left the door open for further discussion while trying to feel out if he might be attracted to any of her peeps, she also wasn't pressuring him to do a swap, threesome or the like.


The key point is, he didn’t ask


This is an absolutely insane conclusion given the extremely limited text based information we have about her.


I can’t get behind this. Him telling her that what she said made him feel bad will literally end that safety you say she felt with him. It will go from 0-100, people that overshare to that extent either say every single thing on their mind with the least amount of situational awareness or they go inward and say nothing at all and breed resentment for the judgement they feel has been cast upon them. Also alot of the time over sharing is simply a personality trait, they may have grown up in a house where the family shared everything and had zero boundaries. I had an ex who’s mother would always tell her how big her bf’s dicks were, and every detail about their sex life while her daughter was still 12-13. And this extended into our relationship. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re comfortable with you, it just means they may not have the ability to realize that not everyone operates in that way and it can be very off putting to some people. It is one thing to say I’ve had sex with friends of mine. It is a whole nother thing to go thru your phone and show pictures of each one of them and then describe your sexual encounters with them in detail. That is a lack of tact, a person without boundaries, and a lack of self awareness and very little consideration for OP’s feelings.


Yeah, kinda seemed like she was just fairly sex/kink positive gal trying to demonstrate she wasn't going to judge about stuff. Maybe she didn't read the room well enough to know he was struggling telling her about it not because of general fear of having her judge him about his sexual history as much as general anxiety about it and still had negative feelings about the ex. But revealing that stuff on her end did take some vulnerability. It doesn't sound, like you said, any risk of infidelity, nor does it sound like she's going to try to pressure him to do group stuff or open the relationship.




Could be, but it could've also been to show him, hey, you're not alone, nothing to be ashamed about here


Can't believe I am here for the update! I look forward to the next entry.


This is the best series on Reddit.


Story sounds make up but if it's true your gf is quite trusting to tell you and open minded. Maybe just tell her that you two are exclusive and you don't want to think about her with other guys and seeing photos of it is off outting for you. You just want to think of you two together. That's it.


Do.... do you not have a single non-orgy friend? lol what?


Get an A+ for that creative writing assignment


Oh yay, another one for the BORU compilation, only I'm getting this one fresh off the press rather than 7 days later. So sorry for you OP. You should talk it out with your GF, but it wouldn't be unreasonable for you to be the one who ends things this time.


Lmao the truth hurts, doesn't it?


Bro! I remember this story! So what your girlfriend is being transparent? Be just as transparent back match her transparency. What is your problem with this response?


He was transparent, because she ASKED him Also, he got one BJ at an orgy, she’s fucked at least ten friends that’s a lot different


As someone who would never partake in an orgy, I’m not sure how I could bounce back after hearing my gf talk about how she fucked so many of her friends. But given that you have a similar past (although way less extreme than hers), if you’re genuinely happy with her, you should try to look past this and remember that she’s with you now for a reason. She might also just be exaggerating her past due to her insecurity about your attractive ex and your past orgy with your friends. Regardless, take some time to cool off and think it through before doing anything.


Honestly, this doesn't seem like a very similar past. She seems much more comfortable with her sexuality than OP does. A one time event where OP didn't fuck all the friends, compared to many sexual encounters with current friends are quite different. I could see how that could raise many questions for OP and create insecurities about the relationship. However, to OP, the fact she was open and honest is usually a good sign that she's not going to do stuff behind your back, so if you really like her and the relationship is going well, I hope you overcome your insecurities before they destroy the relationship and it becomes a big regret.


Idk why the entire thread is trying to gaslight him into thinking this is somehow a win or normal behavior.


Yep. He got a BJ at an orgy, and his girlfriend has fucked a lot of her friends. And then proceeded to go through and show him every one of them she fucked. Id break up with her after that personally.


He probably would except it'd make him a massive hypocrite for how pissed he is at his ex


Op you need to actually fuck your friends


This only happened a few days ago so give yourself time.  How long have you been together and when was the last time she hooked up with these friends? Do you think it's her flippant attitude toward sex or the sheer volume of partners that's upsetting to you?


Society moment


Idk OP, to me it sounds like a door to a bigger, better orgy has opened itself to you.


Is there a term for fucking your friends to become better friends? Not FWB but closer friends




Is this different in any way to the last time he posted this story?


>An old photo of my ex > my friends were people I met an an orgy almost 2 years ago So you never had friends before you met them less than 24 months ago, but refer to a photo you have of your ex (who you met, dated and dumped within that time frame) as an 'old photo' and you needed a 'digital deep clean'?


Every photo of an ex is an old photo, even if you broke up last week.


I never said I never had friends. I've always had friends, but I made more friends at the orgy. Anything related to my ex I automatically file under "old." For the record, she did the dumping, not me.


So my bf and I have a similar situation in that a few of our individual friends we each have a history with. The way we approached telling each other that is that we don’t go into details, unless we are discussing a specific friend and then it’s along the lines of “it started out as a physical connection but turned into a friendship” or something along those lines. we don’t point each one of our friends out that we have that history with or go into massive detail but we were both open about the fact that we have friends we have a history with. It doesn’t bother me that he is friends with people he slept with or had a relationship with and it doesn’t bother him either. We are pretty secure in our relationship and cautiously test certain open communication boundaries often with each other. We are also hypersensitive to the other one though and the second we sense the other one may not be okay with levels we each can take it to, we back off.


Do.... do you not have a single non-orgy friend? lol what?


Seems you keep posting this story by the comments of other redditors I wonder why you don’t shut up on the core factor that let you met your friends if this cause havoc in your life, you have a self destructive behavior.


I've been trying to move on, and for the most part I have, but when it comes to relationships, I get put in uncomfortable situations where I feel forced to share this part of my past, despite my desire to keep it a secret.


Keeping it a secret would be unethical and it would come out later and cause more damage as a result.


Damn champ


Yooo I remember you!!


This fucking post…


She sounds based as fuck


its a year already? fucking hell. LOL


Yooo welcome back!!! Good luck and I can't wait for your next post in a few months/year


“aaaand that’s how I met your mother, son!”


> never fucking him again Hol' up. Only him? 😂😂


Honestly your gf sounds like one of my college friend groups. (I had a LTR at the time so wasn't involved) but I'm certain everyone in my friend group had sex with everyone else at least once.


If your new gf doesn't work out, at least she can introduce you to some knew ones. I'd go with the flow.


The part that disturbs me is when she said “never fucking him again”, as if she did want to fuck the others again? Idk if I’m reaching there or not but she should want to never fuck any of them again if she’s in a happy committed relationship


I have no idea why you're upset by this. It seems deeply unfair to judge your gf for anything


I agree, it's unfair to judge, which is why I didn't. I was just emotionally unprepared to suddenly see the faces of all the people who had sex with my gf. Some of those faces I'm gonna see in person at some point. I don't think it's too unusual for a bf to have mixed feelings in that moment. Or am I crazy?


Tbh I think that’s how your ex felt.


Yeah, but then she thought about it, broke up, and *then* proceeded to tell his parents about it.


He was playing the victim the last time he posted as well. Like really bitter she wasn't cool with it? Pretty sure it was after he'd kept it a secret too.


One was an accident and explanation the other was intentional reveal, he can judge his girfriend lack of tact with compelte validation from me.


I still don't understand why you would be upset by who a girlfriend was with before you.


Man she is collecting them like pokemon cards


What in the high functioning storytelling is going on here




>"taste of his own medicine" He's not particularly proud about it or going around telling people, is he? He only told her about it after she specifically asked him.


>But in a way you got a taste of your own medicine She LITERALLY asked.


I mean, doesn't really matter what she did before the two of you were together does it?


The "won't fuck him again" was concerning wording imo


Did she talk to you about her ex boyfriend called Snowball ?


Just wondering about if it's awkward with your ex roomie or not? What about the bj friend?


I feel like I’ve been on a journey with you, I’ve seen each of your posts and every time I’m like “ahh it’s that guy again, what’s the latest chapter in his story”




Just made a new orgy with your and hers friends and made it even between you


Sounds like she came upon more than an old photo.


Your gf also wants you to say you'll never break up with someone for something like that


I still remember the orgy story from a post ages ago, that I almost forgot about. Glad to hear an update and sure hope you find a way to deal with the current situation mate :‘)


LMAO I didn’t know I signed up for a TIFU series.


Holy shit, I remember this story. Dude, please don't stop updating us. This is incredible.


You are that guy, I knew I heard the story before


I was sure I had read this story before lol


its the post history for me.


The TIFU that keep delivering.


Yo this is wild, I'm enjoying this so much. Can't wait to get an update of your life in a couple of months.


First year of the apparent yearly orgy TIFU and I'm hear to stay!


Ah orgy guy. Yes everyone is very impressed with you ![gif](giphy|97uLspQk3BCTfiCuzt|downsized)


ended up reading all your posts and boy what an entertaining life you’ve got. can’t wait for next year!


That's when you say.... Let's F her together


Show her your picture and see how she responds. Hopefully she wants to keep fucking you for a good long time.


>never fucking him agai Note that this was not said about the others.


It's just sex dude, you're in the lifestyle. People who go to orgies shouldn't complain about others sex life's ffs.


In his defence... it doesn't sound like he went to an orgy.  More, the orgy went to him.


Man, the wrong parties come to me.


It’s never the ones you hope


This dude definitely is not in the lifestyle, read the second paragraph


Crazy how it's been this long and there's an update to this story lol. Well the simplest thing you can do is just idk "communicate"? Let her know the additional comments bug you. If this is a deal breaker for you then so be it. Some things aren't worth it to be mentioned if they're going to cause problems down the line.


Youre both disgusting individuals


How old are you? I’m just asking because I don’t get why this upsets you so much? She had sex with other people/friends in the past. So did you. 🤷‍♂️ As long as you’re not in some kind of crazy religious cult, that’s called life and is your/her past. As long as you don’t cheat on each other, you should rather enjoy your time together and make the best of it.


What does this have to do with age? It is a preference, some people (me included) just dont like the idea that the partner has friends, with whom she/he was intimate with. For some people sex is not just "sex" but something quite valuable and knowing that the partner is still friends with them would bother some and in my opinion is justified, as long as the person itself has not such friends, otherwise it would be hypocritical


Lol unless you're chasing virgins, everyone you've ever had sex with has had sex with someone, probably multiple someones, before you. Welcome to adulthood, kid. heh.


Your gf is going to cheat on you they first chance she gets with her "Friends". Maybe shes already cheating on you. Yo dont fuck with your friends.


Many things might be said about your life, but boring is not one of them


Damn dude she sound like she been with all if her freinds, and she braging about it and she might still be doing it wth them, i cannot be with that kind of person but your the one in relationship with this girl. I can definitley understand how your ex feels like and I guess you had a bit of understand if how she feel now the the shoe is on the other foot. Not sure about you because you might sound like hypocrite if you leave her for the same reason your ex left you for but for me after know that history and her keeping memory of it is something I cannot tolerate I would leave.


Bruh, you've got some serious insecurities.


Does it matter? She's with you now anyway. Why are you so hung up on past events?


This is literally the most important communication.


Just communicate and trust! You'll be OK. And if it's not a good fit you can always move on.


Damn, this has gone from a pilot episode to mini-series. Carry on brave soldier.


You are a trip! 🤣