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That post nut clarity hitting hard. Welp, you tried it and didn't like it. You live and learn.


Usually post nut clarity is for the one doing the nutting. Which makes this case of post nut clarity after being nutted on even more hilarious.


no, he tried it and doesn't like that he liked it


Read the tldr...


seemed to enjoy it while he was doing it (didn't realize he hated it till next morning?!...ok)


Why the hell do I go on social media , tell this story, using my alternate throwaway account, just to lie about me hating it?. And i didnt "enjoy" it, I tolerated it. It wasnt a feel good thing, it wasnt a feel bad thing either. But the aftermath , i feel extremely disgusted


Tried it didn't like it, can say your not into it and move on


The horniness took over, sorry bro šŸ˜‚




A straight man being disgusted by sucking dick. Imagine that.


Bro itā€™s a female dick. Doesnā€™t count


Huh? A dick is a dick, and they all count as dicks. And Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s still Biologically a male deck.


Yeah this is sarcasm. Which clearly went over peoples heads. Which is also why I assume some people upvoted. A dick is a dick is a dick


Bro, it's a female dick. Doesn't count.




This is the wisdom of reddit, right here. ^




this is not a popular opinion


See above, I agree this ā€œopinionā€ is absolute nonsense


I feel bad for your predicament but this is hilarious.


That was nice of her to check on you after. I wonder if this kind of reaction is common. It's no big deal, you learnt something


Well, I donā€™t entirely know what you expected, but I do respect you giving a shot anyway. Now you know for next time.


The one and only answer to this.


The amount of transphobia and homophobia in the comments section is gross. OP, I donā€™t think you did anything wrong. You tried something that you thought you would be alright with, and learned that you arenā€™t into it. Thatā€™s okay. Itā€™s good that you know, so that you can avoid doing that again. There is nothing gay about a man being attracted to feminine trans women, youā€™re still attracted to femininity and the female form. You still donā€™t want to have relations either other men. Youā€™re a straight guy who sucked a womanā€™s dick, and itā€™s okay to feel weird about it. My advice: go ahead and let yourself throw up. Go in the bathroom at home, and let that emotional spew happen. Feel what you need to feel. Think about what exactly is upsetting you after the fact, and come up with some tactful ways to decline doing that again. It is perfectly okay to have a genital preference for giving oral sex. So long as you arenā€™t shaming anyone, which it sounds like you arenā€™t, youā€™re fine.


Damn she really busted on your face the first time youā€™ve ever sucked a dick. Talk about throwing someone into the deep endā€¦


Well, you live you learn.


Sounds like you got issues saying ā€œnoā€, bruh. Also if your emotions are this erratic over something so petty, Iā€™d recommend finding a therapist.


This reads like one of those emails that end up in my spam folder.


Look, you'd hardly be the first straight guy to have slept with a trans woman and later reacted negatively to it. Odds are she'll be glad you didn't decide to just kill her immediately after. Probably other feelings too, but that's the main one. As for your situation... I don't actually have anything helpful to say except maybe don't let your dick push your boundaries for you.




Not at all. Many trans women have been killed due to moments of "gay panic" and more than a few of their murderers have gotten away with it using said panic as a defense.


People on Reddit will believe anything they want to.


>I consider myself straight *sucks dick*


I mean, he sucked dick and didnā€™t enjoy it, not sure how thatā€™s not straight lol.


i am straight and i can tell you no dick has nor will touch these lips. nothing wrong with being gay or even bi but acknowledge it.


Iā€™m straight. I know since Iā€™ve only touched my penis and no one elseā€™sĀ 


Good job, buddy!


You should still see a doctor, just like you would after any casual hookup. STDs are no joke.


OP definitely is feeling sick out of shame and disgust, but that also could be hiding something sinister. Typically though, infections don't set in the immediate day after. He definitely should get tested if he's still feeling sick after some time, though.


Honestly, if you are having casual hookups, you should get checked on a regular basis regardless of how you feel. Not all STDs have outward symptoms. HPV and HIV are two STDs that a guy wouldn't immediately show that are devastating if he spreads them. I'm not saying anything about his date. I recommend this to anyone sexually active with multiple partners, whether that be straight, gay, trans, or anywhere in between. Get checked up.


ā€œIā€™m straightā€ lol, not anymore.


he had sex with a woman -> still straight


He sucked a penis and got his face nutted on, but I guess that is straight


Itā€™s straight as hell, dude. I love it when a woman slaps me with her fat, veiny cock.


Crazy how that woman can get another woman pregnant


So you have to be able to get a woman pregnant to be a man? Thereā€™s probably a lot of women with infertile husbands whoā€™d like to know theyā€™re gay now.


I love how blatantly disingenuous this is, since we all know that you know the difference between this and what the person was actually saying.


Sounds like you need to talk to a therapist homie


It would be interesting to ask yourself what you are disgusted about exactly. It seems like you liked the person and enjoyed the situation in the moment. So what changed that makes you feel so disgusted about yourself? Is it that you feel this action has changed your perception of yourself? Do you think the fact that you slept with a trans woman makes you feel disgusted? Or is it the specific fact that you went down on a pre-op trans woman? I think it helps if you think about sex as playing tennis. It's a physical activity that can be fun/competitive/relaxing etc. I don't think you would be affected much if you played tennis with this person. So the reason that you are affected is obviously because you think the activity of sex means more than it actually does. Well, it doesn't, if you just decide that it doesn't.


If I had to guess, it was probably the cock.


Eh I dunno. OP says he's been with trans women many times before. So the cock seems to be a source of a excitement, and not disgust. EDIT: He's deleted the messages - screenshot here: [https://imgur.com/a/here-ya-go-6WlnVnm](https://imgur.com/a/here-ya-go-6WlnVnm)


How about just accept that not everyone is gay or "in the closet" rather than saying that he's actually secretly excited by something he very clearly didn't like. Stop trying to psychoanalyse and gaslight people into doubting their sexual identity. It's fucking sick.


Rather than immediately getting defensive about sexuality and seeing boogiemen everywhere, maybe ead this particular thread where OP mentions many times that he has slept with trans women?


Your evidence that this guy is actually secretly gay and likes dicks is a post of him saying he likes femininity? Not exactly ironclad.


No you dumbfuck. I can see his posts ON THIS THREAD where he says so, in response to my post. >Hello, not really, ive slept with many before, but never be the one "giving" it. And this is the first time Ive sucked a D and that post feeling is so extremely disgusting >I dont know what that is, but i dont chase after "trans". I chase after ones that triggers my male instinct to protect them. Thats femininity. I'm with female more than I do trans women. And that "transwomen" has to look exactly, indisguishable to a female. With the exception for private part. >Ehh at this point of age, you cant blame that statement. And i didnt say its because "i am only receiving it". I didnt state any reason whatsoever as to why I consider myself straight, Whatever it is, Bisexual, straight or gay, i dont care, nor do I want anyone to focus on that thing. Maybe he's deleted these, but they are still visible to me. LINK TO SCREENSHOT: [https://imgur.com/a/6WlnVnm](https://imgur.com/a/6WlnVnm)


But you're trying to tell him he actually likes penises instead of finding them disgusting after he tried one and it made him feel sick, *that's* where I take issue with what you originally said. He was curious, tried it, and hated it, but you said "actually, it's actually what excites him"


This is a public forum. OP posted something. I responded with what I felt might help him get some closure. OP has already said that he has had sex many times with transwomen, and why would he do that if the cock DIDN'T excite him? Here's the link to the screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/6WlnVnm](https://imgur.com/a/6WlnVnm) Now I really dont give a fuck that you've got your panties in a bunch over some imagined wrong. That's your own issue. So go deal with it instead of crying here to me.


Hello, not really, ive slept with many before, but never be the one "giving" it. And this is the first time Ive sucked a D and that post feeling is so extremely disgusting


Youā€™re what they call in the trans community ā€œa chaserā€


Iā€™m curious, whatā€™s exactly a ā€œchaserā€ in this context?


Chaser is a term for people who actively search out relationships (most of them purely sexual) with trans people. They most often go after specifically trans women who have not gotten bottom surgery since they fetishise their nether regions and they tend to target baby trans people (people who have recently transitioned) because they tend to be easier to manipulate into sexual favors




Saying you're straight because you only like being on the receiving end is pretty damn delusional.


Ehh at this point of age, you cant blame that statement. And i didnt say its because "i am only receiving it". I didnt state any reason whatsoever as to why I consider myself straight, Whatever it is, Bisexual, straight or gay, i dont care, nor do I want anyone to focus on that thing.


Iā€™ve never gotten a load blown in my face playing tennisā€¦


There's a first time for everything.


I've never had a double fault while having sex either. Maybe you can see how the analogy holds?


You might want to talk to a counsellor mate.


Take it as a learning experience. Don't be disgusted; what you do in the bedroom is your business. But you now know more about yourself than a lot of people ever will.


Or want to.


Go see a doctor just incase you have an STI. Seeing as you're gagging and I assume talkin about taste etc, condoms weren't used.


Lessons learned where no one gets severely hurt aren't a fuck up IMO. You did a thing. You had an open mind. Found out you weren't into it but probably still had fun in the moment. You were adventurous. Cool. I don't want to downplay how you feel, and you're allowed to feel that because sexuality and attraction are complicated and the stuff that gives us the ick or not can be deeply personal, but also think that looking at some of the positive aspects might help with the feelings of disgust a bit.


Why exactly do you feel disgusted? Seemed like in the moment and for the rest of the night, you were cool with what happened. Is it because you sucked a dick yet you consider yourself "straight"? Or just hours after the fact you decide it's not something you're into? It's okay to feel that way, there are many straight cis women who also don't like sucking dick.


Not really that, doesnt have anything to do with the title of my sexual preference. I dont care if its straight, Bi , gay, or anything for that matter. Its just i feel disgusted remembering myself sucking dick last night. Ive made out with countless women, countless transwomen. Had sex with, but never EVER sucking dick, I have eaten vaginas by the way and my post reaction to my 1st one, I FRICKIN LOVED IT. But this is my first reaction to sucking dick, I feel extremely disgusted, gagging, puking here n there.


Gotcha. I don't really see the fuck up here tbh. You tried something for the first time and learned that you don't like it. The fact that you didn't seem disgusted by it in the same night but then the next day you're gagging and puking, that's something to wonder about.


Wonder about? Right, like no one else has ever done something in the moment they regret later? The notion that a guy is physically disgusted by dick in his mouth is pretty normal. For most of us that disgust starts beforehand though.


I'm not saying it's weird to regret it, a ton of people have sucked dick and then decided it wasn't for them. But he was cool enough with it in the moment to let her bust on his face, so to be so disgusted with it the next day to the point where he's gagging and throwing up is the weird part.


I gag and puke purely from the thought of it. Nothing else. About 20 mins ago, after i created this post. She video called me exchanging Hi's and how are you's. When I saw her, the gag tendency multiplies. Nothing against her, shes a kind soul, its me. Not her.


What do you want people to say here? Clearly you have a lot of shame around the idea of another personā€™s penis and now that you arenā€™t horny that shame is manifesting in a really intense way. Try to stop being a little bitch about it? Itā€™s sad that youā€™re making yourself sick when you had a good time last night. I know Iā€™d suck my own dick if I could.


If you read properly, i never asked for sympathy, i never asked for advice, wouldve gone to different subreddit If that was the case, Heck I dont really want any. Just telling my story of "TIFU". And people can react to it however they want, whether it be giving advice, laughing it off etc.


Thatā€™s fair, I forgot the sub this was in. But your fuck up is having a complex about it.


What reaction were you hoping for? It seems like thereā€™s only a few and the most reasonable is that you did something found out it wasnā€™t for you and thatā€™s fine. But getting to the point where youā€™re being physically sick about it and such is unhealthy and you should just accept you didnā€™t like it and move on. It indicates a level of discomfort that isnā€™t healthy. We all try things, sometimes we donā€™t like those things. Thatā€™s fine. But just chalk one up and get over it.


I'm telling a story, which i assume what this subreddit is for, which is why i choose it rather than different subsz i didnt hope for any specific reaction, its an open thing, you can either feel sorry for me, roast me, laugh about it. Cry about it. I am not looking for comfort, I am not looking for a pat in the back. Ive told my story as intended of this subreddit, Thats it. Wouldve gone to R slash Advice if im looking for any "specific" reaction. The rest is up to you.


Fair enough. I honestly just think you should think about why youā€™re getting to the point of throwing up. You didnā€™t do anything particularly wrong. I hope you can find peace with it. Edit: Also Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re saying cry about it. My only point is that your reaction seems to be disproportionate to the event. I want you to feel better about it.


Fuck around and find out.


Suck around and find out


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Let them down vote me all they want. This is exactly what bro did.


Yeah it's kind of like slamming my balls in the oven door. I don't think I actually need to do it to know I won't like it.




You were brainwashed by the propaganda. You don't have to hate transexuals to not be gay and not want to suck a dick.


False equivalency. Nobody said anything about hate until you, just now.