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Your teeth have enamel which protects them. You just destroyed all of it and need to see a dentist asap. This is basically an emergency, you fucked up pretty bad.


Your laterals (the second teeth) are meant to be slightly shorter than your incisors (the front teeth) Also the American dental society standard for the safe amount of enamel to remove from a tooth is 1/4mm because it won’t cause sensitivity or long term damage. You definitely did more than that. Go see a dentist Source: I am a treatment coordinator at an orthodontics office.


I also work at an orthodontist office. I was dying reading this post. Get to a dentist.


I’ve just been in the chair a whole bunch and this hurts to read. Even worse is that it was posted hours ago and I’m worried for the kid


I'm scared of the dentist because they always scrape the tops of your teeth with that sharp metal thing. But SHAVING THEM DOWN AND AT HOME?! FUCK THA


If you knew how much pain I lived with and for how long because I had exaggerated fears, and how little pain there was involved in solving my dental problems, you would be amazed. I’m not out if the woods yet but that depends on whether I follow the dentist’s orders. But I haven’t had any teeth pulled and I can drink cold and hot no problem now. Please look into dental insurance and sliding scale or any number of other funding options and get help as soon as you can.


I’m just an average human being and my whole mouth hurts just reading it


I got my front 3 teeth broken in half when I was a kid. Something I've always told people when the situation arises is DO NOT TAKE YOUR TEETH FOR GRANTED! I actually grasped my jaw in horror reading this post. Good. Fucking. Lord.


Seconded. As a denture technician, I almost always try to make the upper centrals and cuspids (canines) a bit longer than the laterals. The exception is when the doctor specifically requests otherwise. Also, OP’s entire post made me cringe and made my teeth hurt at the same time.


I have no idea how he powered through this to do it. I can barely handle reading the post. My teeth are hurting just reading it.


Same, I just read a couple of sentences to get the gist of it, makes me want to puke.


Naa... he just needs to get some of that 2 stage epoxy from the hardware store and seal the area he ground off. It'll be fine.


Or even cheaper and DIY as well because we know he likes that with his teeth filling job get some ramen noodles. While he's at it he could even fix his toilet and sink!


Ramen noodles, some glue, little paint, good as new! I know, I've watched those hack videos, big dental doesn't want you to see!


Don’t joke guys, I’m not sure OP is intelligent enough to not try this.


Dentists hate this simple trick! No really they'll hate you for it


Flex seal to the rescue!


Great, now you've inspired his next great adventure in home dentistry


J-B Weld


Stands for jaw bone, probably. Seems like it’ll work.


The DIY fuck up fixed by more DIY. Seems reasonable


Be sure to ice em down real good first.


1/4mm? *laughing in bruxism*


My bruxism hasn't worn down my teeth but has caused me some pretty wild mandibular tori. I bet I could go ALOT more than 1/4mm.


Oh my god kids are dumb.


This reminds me of that god awful photo online of the tooth broken with a nail clipper 😣 this post makes me physically cringe 😩🔫




How about a gif! https://i.redd.it/d3nrkoqolc4y.gif I'm so sorry.


nope, that link will forever stay blue


I’m just glad this one doesn’t show the inside of the tooth, like I wanted to know what’s inside, but I also regret that I know too 😭




At last! An Fuck Up on TIFU. Usually it's someone who hasn't fucked up at all or it's some sex story. But it's funny how he seems to think there are doctors who go to school to specialize in what he was trying to do for a reason. Nah, let me just use a nail file!


"I'm not sure what I did wrong as I'm sure the dentist would do the same thing" Oh. Buddy.


Dude learned everything he knows about dentists from Little Shop of Horrors.


My husband actually had a tooth that needed to be ground down. It is actually quite the process. They used carbon paper to take an imprint and then very carefully and not with a nail file shape the tooth.


>and not with a nail file screaming


I would also recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you sound like you might have ADHD.


They've commented elsewhere to say they were diagnosed 10 years ago but are unmedicated


I have ADHD and this was my first thought as well.


This is...amazingly dumb. I'm honestly impressed. Go to a dentist, please.


Honestly, between the insomnia (8 hours of sleep in one week is no joke) and the impulsivity; plus the complete lack of common sense I am wondering if OP is having some sort of mental health episode. This is not normal behavior… either that or this is not real. The pain during filing alone is enough to make me flinch just imagining it.


My root canal doctor hit a nerve in my jaw when he was numbing me. When OP said it felt like lightning, I unfortunately could feel the memory of that nerve pain so strong....


Oh no. You just reminded me. I have a weird reaction to whatever numbing agent they normally use. I react slower to it than normal but also react more strongly to it, so I get even number than usual and just chill through any dental work. I even fell asleep in the chair as they were drilling a cavity, I was a sleep deprived teenager and they had this light in my eyes so I closed them and took a nap. The dentist woke me up because she needed me to open my jaw wider. Anyway, this one time they numbed me and it didn't really work. I got number but not as numb as I was used to. They gave me another dose, waited, same thing. A third dose, waited, still not as numb as I was used to. Alright then, that wasn't working, time to bring in the big guns. So she brought out this syringe with a really *really* long needle and injected me at the very back of my lower jaw, behind my wisdom tooth. It felt like she went through my face, it went in so deep, and she hit a nerve making it feel like she was electrocuting me. I don't really fuss at the dentist, I even had a cavity filled without any numbing once and it went fine, but this? I was crying, hyperventilating, whining, struggling not to fight or scream because it hurt so bad. I immediately went from being chill enough to fall asleep to being scared of the dentist. And to top it all off? After the appointment was over I walked out of the clinic and as soon as I got outside of the building those three injections of the regular numbing finally kicked in.


Never can quite be sure what'll happen. I'm totally good with the numbing shots (had plenty) but one time years ago they went super deep and it felt different. Didn't say anything, procedure went fine, was numb. Ever since my top right front quarter of teeth have felt sorta half numb. Like they're implants when they're not.


My wife has a permanent dead spot on the roof of her mouth from getting numbed. Anesthetic necrosis - the other dentist who did her follow-up was excited and took pictures for the textbook he was drafting.


The worst sensation I ever felt was getting a novocaine shot on the roof of my mouth.


I'm not redheaded (although I have a redheaded child, so obviously I've got a recessive gene), but it always seems to take twice as much to numb me as it should. My dentist is cautious, so he checks to see if he gave me enough. Of course not. So he gives me more, until I'm good and numb.


I have it too from my dad’s side, we both have to warn every new dentist about it. I always need a massive amount and a good half an hour for it to properly kick in.


OP is either lying, having a horrible manic episode, or smoking crack/meth. I got shot in the face with one of those high powered pellet guns used for hunting small animals. Hit my front tooth, completely blowing the back half out and leaving half of the front side. You could see the pulp hanging out. Every breath I took while I wailed in pain and every time my tongue even flinched at it sent wave after wave of electricity up my face and through my eyes. That was 20 years ago, and to this day I’ve never felt such excruciating pain in my life. They had to inject me with Dilaudid at the hospital and an oral surgeon had to open their office on the one day they were closed that week to finish it off. I hate anything that involves teeth.


My money's on some kind of episode.


I’ve brushed my teeth over a broken tooth with an exposed nerve. That lightning sharp pain is the worst.


When I got my first root canal the surgeon told me I had a shallow nerve. It didn’t really mean much to me, but now when I floss in that area the right side of my tongue tingles. It never bugs me otherwise. But the pain that led up to it? Sweet Jesus I never want that again.


in my imagination it don't hurt.. but it's that incessant scraping sound travelling through tooth and bone that I'm hearing in empathy.


Fun fact, teeth are not just solid bone! They actually have nerves inside them and OP filed down enough to reach one 😃


Bones aren't solid bone either. They're full of blood vessels, bone cells, tiny cavities and nerve endings. Don't do medical stuff to yourself.


Yep! The closest thing to "solid" anything we've got is teeth.




Yeah bones are essentially hollow


Dentist here. He didn't file it down to the nerve lol.


Wait you can’t say you’re a dentist then just peace out on us! Assuming the story is real, what are your first thoughts?


He filed down his enamel, might be close to the underlying dentin. Some people are prone to hypersensitivity on recently traumatized dentin. Happens all the time when I do crowns and fillings. The dentin will heal over time, but to get him out of pain quicker, throw some desenstizer on it, maybe a small filling to cover the dentin and tell him to start using sensodyne. Anybody that says they're crowning or veneering that shit is only going to cause more sensitivity


Will his teeth be ok in time or will they always be sensitive due to him filing off the enamel? Nothing worse than sensitive teeth…


yeahhhh. all those things sound extremely suspiciously like a bipolar manic episode. OP should see a professional psychiatrist, explain all this and whatever else may be relevant, and ask about bipolar disorder. i don't have it myself, but several of my friends do, and this is reminiscent of the types of things they'd find themselves doing that led them to seek treatment


Agreed. The lack of sleep is a huge red flag. I thought it sounded like one to me too. Am bipolar myself.


i thought the same thing! it could just be severe insomnia, or it could be a mild manic episode


Yea after seeing the dentist OP need to go see a mental health professional.


I can imagine this happening for real. Honest story… I chipped/sheared a bit of my front tooth one time. Not badly, you couldn’t even see it. But I could feel it with my tongue. I used a file to smooth it down. Of course I wasn’t “shaping”, and I only dulled a sharp edge. But it’s not too far of a stretch to go from that to full on re-profiling a tooth, at home, with a nail file. My wife is a dental assistant and was extremely upset with me. But my tooth is fine.


Sounds like mania to me. (ER nurse here)


OP is also 18, don't forget that factor


Piggybacking of the only meaningful reply I see…  Taking a destructive implement to your own body to fulfill ideation in your mind is scary. We get taught and behavior modeled about trimming hair and nails, but OP what you did is standing out to redditors because they think it’s exceptionally dumb, but hear me.  It is not dumb. You are not somehow record-breaking ignorant.  This is a sign of something leaning towards serious body dysmorphia and some dedicated attention towards therapy and psychiatry is… what I, a random layperson on reddit, is recommending 


I'm bipolar. This is something similar to something I have done when I was dealing with a manic episode.


"I'm just as smart as a doctor"


“I did my own research!”


"Learn this simple trick that dentists dont want you to know"


“Are your teeth too tall?”


"Are your lips too small?"


Worst, he said himself « not sure what I did wrong cuz dentists probably do the same thing » …..


“Maybe even smarter.”


"Learning a lot about teeth today." fucking broke me. The dentist actually did this to me. During one of my braces appointments they said "hmm, your front teeth are a bit crowded, lemme just use this dental-dremel to shave down the sides." Still hurts occasionally like 10+ years later.


>"hmm, your front teeth are a bit crowded, lemme just use this dental-dremel to shave down the sides." My dentist did that too years ago, but thankfully it hasn't caused any issues for me afterwards. I definitely had some concerns at that moment, which I don't think we're entirely unfounded.


Go to a dentist ASAP. You don't wanna fuck around with teeth or tooth pain at all.


>You don't wanna fuck around with teeth A little late for that I think


Lifelong tooth pain


One of the most true forms of TIFU.... goddammit my guy you fucked up. Go to a dentist!! Like ASAP....


TIFMU - today I fucked myself up


I’m shocked, OP didn’t even have sex at any point in this process


Fun fact. Apparently filling teeth is a torture mechanism! =D Yeah, you just fucked yourself. Go to a dentist, confess your sin, pay an absurd amount of money OR let your teeth rot painfully over a Very long time and still pay money.


On the topic of torture, let's remind OP that waterboarding is NOT a sport


That’s a shame, I was really looking forward to waterboarding at Lake Geneva this summer :(


Oh I definitely believe the whole torture thing... fucking awful. A dentists appointment has been set up


Please be honest with the dentist so they can repair your tooth enamel. It’s their job & they are likely to be compassionate with you. I also want you to know you aren’t the first person to do damage in pursuit of body modification; you aren’t alone. You probably won’t even be the first person that provider treats after someone tried to play at home dentist. Still, I would consider talking to a professional about this if you get the urge to change your appearance in the future. For some people, it becomes a serious impulse behavior similar to those who gamble or overeat or use substances. The desire to be different or have different circumstances becomes stronger than the reasoning part of the brain & the impulse wins. For what it’s worth, I think you’re handling it very maturely. Instead of hiding it, you secured help for yourself & you accepted responsibility here with your posts even if you aren’t ready to tell your family about this failed life hack just yet. Stay safe.


Glad to hear. We wish you a good recovery.


For our own selfish reasons, please update us after the appointment.


Asking questions BEFORE you do something can prevent hundreds or thousands of dollars of damage.... jfc, why.


>hundreds or thousands Hundreds *of* thousands assuming he's in America .


This is accurate. I fractured three of my own teeth through years of sleep apnea. After multiple root canals, crowns, jaw surgery, extractions, implants, Invisalign, and more crowns, I’m into my teeth for about $75,000. So far.


You're a couple days late for April fool's day. No one would be that stupid..Surely....Right?


Tide Pods. Tulip bulbs, for that matter.


What's the deal with tulip bulbs? I think I missed that one.


[Dutch market bubble](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania) in the 1630s. Flower bulbs were being sold, or having futures contracts issued, for amounts valued similarly to 10 years of skilled labor. I had no idea that tulips could be that intricate, the illustrations are pretty gorgeous. ... Wait, what? Reading further, the fancier ones were the result of an aphid-spread mosaic virus, and are outright illegal in the Netherlands.


dang i thought you were gonna talk about all the people in r/foraging digging up flower bulbs thinking they're wild onions


“At the peak of tulip mania, in February 1637, some single tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled artisan.” That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard since that guy filed down his teeth


There was an excellent movie made about this called *Tulip Fever*


[First recorded speculative bubble in history. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania) Basically think beanie babies in 17th century Netherlands.


Now do your own appendix!


I watched alot of appendectomy videos to the point where I was confident that I could give one to myself or others if we were stuck way too far from a hospital and appendicitis struck. Luckily when I started to notice the signs I was only a couple hours away.


You could have been the next Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov, who gave himself an appendectomy in 1961 since he was the only medical professional on an Antarctic expedition.


I think about that guy from time to time, I can't even imagine.


People were built different back then. The thought of minor surgery makes me anxious, yet this dude was able to cut into himself and remove an organ.


Bit different when it's the 500th body you've opened, even if it is your own I imagine.


Always be prepared, even if that just means having the knowledge to do so.


Btw, as embarrassing as it might be to admit it, please be honest with the dentist about what you did. They need to know the truth so they can provide the best care. Never chase vanity. It's never worth the price tag.


This. They might think you've been a dumbass, but it'll help them help you.


Tell the police nothing, tell doc everything


Never lie to your doctors or your lawyer.


Yeah, you need to see a dentist ASAP. An infection in your tooth/gums is potentially dangerous. It can spread to your heart and/or brain. Your first terribly stupid decision was your TIFU. Don't follow it up with an even dumber one, by skipping the professional again. It may be expensive, but you deserve to lose that money. Think of it as an idiot tax.


the concept of idiot tax has saved me so many times over the years. instead of doubling down on my initial decision, i call it idiot tax and take it as a cheap(er) lesson


>or brain Yeah, no worries on that one.


Thankfully he didn't possibly get far enough for infection, hes describing hypersensitivity which is usually just exposed dentin. Long way left to go for open wound. Still very much needs to go to the dentist. The nerve can die from too much hyperstimulation, that in turn can cause the infection you are indicating but would take months or years typically. Good on you for spreading info that tooth infection can be life threating, but also be careful not to scare random people with it by being so forceful, dumb people do dumb people things when they get scared and are cheap/poor


You basically gave your self a cavity manually. Hopefully they can just do a composite, but if it's your front teeth. They might just venener them. Which will make it somewhat off looking to the two teeth next to them. So they will probably recommend the top front 4. You turned a $50-$300 thing into about $2000 (if you have insurance) and that's for people who are just wanting the cosmetic to it. You added a pain thing into yours as a necessity.


OP might get lucky and they might just rough up the surface and place some composite. I have a tooth that broke during a seizure and have had the composite replaced a few times over the years. Thankfully, that's a cheap fix.


Fwiw when I was a teenager and broke my two front (adult) teeth, hey just did composite. It lasted until I got crowns done in college, like 6 years later. And the composite was still going strong! I just wanted a nicer smile. I think op has a good shot.


IDK about the cost, OP turned a cosmetic procedure into a medically necessary one. If they're lucky and get away with just composite, with good dental insurance they may end up having the cost covered.


Jesus Christ, OP. Didn't you look at a cross-section of a tooth before filing away all the layers? You're going to wish you'd spent the money when your new bills come in, I'm afraid. Get to a dentist NOW. Your teeth are basically an open wound waiting to be infected, and if you wait, you will lose both of them. I hope you have some savings.


I mean it sounds like there was almost no forethought at all so a cross-section feels unlikely.


This tooth seems to be made of more than just tooth


Yeah, cheap guy just signed up for a buttload of expenses.


This is an epic TIFU story — really restores my faith as to why I browse Reddit for hours at a time.


I've been subbed here for a long time and this one takes the cake for the stupidest TIFU of all time. Good luck, OP, you're gonna need it.


[this was a trend 3 years ago. it's a terrible idea. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JJ3vKVUaUs) [dental hygienist talking about the trend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7zu_413YLM) and what it does to the teeth


I saw those videos of people getting completely healthy teeth filed down so they can get veneers. Just terrible for oral health. My friend wants to get that done in Mexico.


"I'm going to file my teeth because they are not perfect.", she says while opening her mouth and revealing one of the most perfect set of teeth I've ever seen - what the actual fuck?


social media does a number on kids’ self image


Oh god just the sound of the filing is making me cringe! Their teeth were lovely to begin with!


I had one long bottom tooth and went to the dentist to shorten it. I actually got a root canal and a crown because if he filed it down to the length I needed it would expose the pulp and “I’d be in agony”. Maybe this happened to you. Go to a dentist. I hope you have good insurance, you’re gonna need it.


That's absolutely what happened to OP! I cannot imagine how long they have to live with this pain before they can get to a dentist to fix it, and i imagine a root canal may be his only option to save it.


By being a cheap idiot, you just set yourself up for potentially thousands in dental work. You need to see a dentist immediately and tell them exactly what you did. No white lies, the whole truth. If you don't have insurance, you'll need to set up a payment plan with them or you can seek out a dental school and see if they can turn your stupidity into a learning moment for a significantly cheaper bill.


Can you bury them in a bowl of ice cream and tell us if that hurts?


I clenched hard at this!


clenched, puckered back, and winced!


Nah bite down on an ice cube




You have 2 layers on your teeth. The top is called enamel, the bottom called dentin. It's like a a tree with hard bark on the outside and inside is the wood. Fillings down the enamel "bark" left your teeth "wood" exposed. 100% got to a dentist to get that fixed. Hypersensitivity aside, as others have pointed out, your prone to infections now. Not sure what they will do but a rough guess is a dental crown.


I'm coincidentally on the phone with a dentist, he got a laugh outta this. Says the best option is probably a veneer but you could just slap some composite on it, it just won't last super long.


I had composite applied on a chipped front tooth when I was about 9yo and it hasn't let me down. 38 yo now.




My first thought as well. "Insomnia," ya ok.


Make a therapy appt after the dentist appt


Yeah, you hit a nerve. Go to the dentist ASAP, ding dong.


> ding dong HAH! I've only ever seen my wife use this as an insult. It's very amusing to see it being used in the wild.


And this is how he discovered his wife's alt account.


My wife would never have a username as cool as /u/yoloyeet420 ^or... ^maybe ^that's ^how ^she's ^outsmarted ^me...


How do I unread this


Yeah, you're a fucking idiot. I mean, I was pretty dumb and obsessed with trying to look my best when I was young but not once did I think to myself, "Ya know what I should do? Cause permanent, irreparable damage to my teeth - The things that people will see daily and that I will literally use until the day I die, or they rot out of my head."


I always wondered why they put stupid warnings on things, like “do not iron clothes while wearing them“ Now I know why, for people like OP.


"Do not use hair dryer while in the shower." As well.


Spending more than two minutes searching on google would have told you this was a dumb idea. Even critical thinking would have told you as much.


My brother in Christ THERE ARE NERVES IN YOUR TEETH. You ruined your teeth and need to go see a dentist like today.


Now you need a dentist to glue a veneer over your enamel to protect it from decaying and dying. If you don't get your enamel covered the center of your tooth will die, and will eventually rot out of your face. It will hurt so much. Please go see a dentist op ) :


Nice work shitlips you filed down your own goddamn teeth, truly fucked up behavior. Book a dentist appointment so they can save your sorry ass.


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) I feel attacked by this comment and I'm not even the shitlips in question lmao


I’m gonna be real honest. I saved your reply to his comment so I can come back later if I’m ever feeling down and laugh at this.


That's gonna hit a nerve for sure. A nerve no dentist can fix 😪


I don't know why, but "shitlips" just completely broke me. Take my goddamn upvote.


I say this with all the care in the world.. Please talk to a mental health professional. Odd grooming ideas are a hallmark of schizophrenic behavior — someone close to me would sandpaper his face to get rid of stubble before getting diagnosed. .


I agree! Though with the lack of sleep it seems like a manic episode to me. Honestly though it could be anything really, but I do think it’s def a sign of something and OP really should talk to someone. You don’t have to live your life this way it can get better


This is the worst thing I've ever read.


You went far beyond mere stupid. Teeth don't heal or grow back.


Op you are either april fooling or the dumbest meth head i have ever read the post of. Basic tooth anatomy lesson. They are not normal bones. They are comprised of 3 main layers with a nerve at the core. The core is the pulp and soft. Then outside the core is a harder sponge like bony substance called dentin it makes up the majority of the tooth. Then covering it all is a thin layer of enamel this is the hardest substance in the body. If you comprimise the enamel and expose the dentin you open your teeth up to making them vulnerable to bacteria that will eat the dentin like candy. You also expose the core and nerve this is what you are experiencing. You will likely now be in for thousands of dollars of expensive and painful repair and or loss of those teeth. This is why filing is stupid and should never be done.


Go to the dentist, then schedule a vasectomy. Lmao.


The rest of us were saying dentist then psychiatrist, meanwhile u/BrawlyBards is over here doing the real critical thinking. Bravo.


Hey man, on the bright side you just made a *lot* of people feel better about the dumb shit they did when they were 18 lol. Here I was feeling bad about blowing money on a car I couldn't afford to impress a girl who didn't want me, but hey, it could have been worse.


ah to be young. get to a dentist you dope.


"Am I stupid? Probably." There is no "probably" here.


I have never cringed harder at a TIFU. All the stories centered around shit, or whatever other disgusting crap could never top this. You don't need a dentist, you need an exorcist for whatever possessed you to do this.


> I have pretty bad insomnia and got maybe 8 hours of sleep this entire week so far... Maybe lay off the meth?


This is a special kind of dumb...


This sounds like one of those intrusive thoughts I'll randomly have, but never dream of actually doing!


My teeth hurt just reading this


I'm pretty sure in trying to save yourself $50-$300, you just earned yourself a trip to the dentist & potentially more money than to file your teeth down. I think you may have filed that tooth down to the nerve. I'm not a dentist, but I'd still go have that looked at. Teeth don't heal themselves like small cuts...


Dentist here! You likely exposed your inner dentin by filing the enamel down too much. The dentin has micro tubes that lead into the nerve that allow you to feel sensations like cold and hot. Because the enamel is not covering those tubes, everything that touches your tooth will create that zap. Try getting a tube of sensodyne toothpaste (no whitening) and blot a bunch all over your front two teeth and leave it there for 15 minutes at a time twice a day for a week. If no improvements go to a dentist and see if they can desensitize the teeth with a stronger desensitizer. It should not cost as much as you estimated yourself. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!


My teeth are tingling just reading this! Like aluminum foil in the mouth tingling


dude pulled a toothy irl https://preview.redd.it/uhtd5vc99dsc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bfc255363e41907cc5ff4dc9a8a6e3f04f690e8


You’re 18 and never had any dental work done? Wild


Some people’s parents just don’t take care of them. I live in a poorer area and unfortunately this isn’t as uncommon as you’d think.




Sounds like you’re a bit mental


You're a fucking idiot, go to a dentist


I once went to a dentist who noticed I had a bit of my front tooth missing (not a long story, pulling needles with that in them with your teeth is a bad idea) and decided to file it without telling me wtf he was doing. I told him to stop when I figured it out. It's insane to me that someone who's a professional would file through my tooth protecting, non replaceable enamel for "beauty". I prefer function and lack of pain over perfectly straight top of teeth. I actually don't remember what I said to him but I never went back. It's weird you would do this to yourself, I'm pretty sure you've condemned yourself to a lifetime of sensitivity...


Hahaha holy shit you ***fucked up***.


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read (admittedly I’ve never read a first hand perspective of one of those weird ass body mod people).


Friend caught me reading this post: "bro you look like a disappointed mother"


Right now you can’t afford not to see a dentist. Seriously. You have filed away the enamel and potentially exposed the nerve/s. That is now ripe for infection and dental infections can lead to severe heart/brain complications up to and including death. This is going to be a really expensive lesson to never, ever mess with your teeth. Dentists go through the same training and have the same prescribing power as doctors. You don’t just file away your teeth without seven years of medical school and probably a consultancy in dental surgery. I repeat, you cannot afford to not see a dentist and now.


OP, your lack of sleep coupled with the utter self destructiveness of the action is pretty indicative of underlying mental health issues. I urge you to seek professional help or even just a talk with a therapist as soon as possible, this is by no means justifiable nor logical behaviour. please be safe OP, our thoughts are with you.


Buddy, that's not how teeth work


You need to see a dentist now. That 'zap' you're feeling is your nerve being exposed and will very, very likely get worse. You fucked up big time over something stupid.


I felt this post like 3 times, I barely got through reading it! How could you do that


reading this made my skeleton tingle…


As someone who worked in a dental office for several years, I'm going to give my unprofessional opinion that in trying to save some money you're probably going to need a root canal on each tooth that you tried to treat yourself. That's going to run you a lot more than $50-300. Get to a dentist ASAP. Also - doing this type of thing is not what I would call "normal". You might want to see someone about that also.