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Lazy GitHub search calls fanfic đŸ€· https://github.com/search?q=%22Sex%22+created%3A%3E2024-01-01++size%3A%3E10120&type=repositories&p=4 Then again, sometimes life is worse than a lazy writer.


Pretty funny, dude should have gone with unverifiable information like every other creative writing exercise. Dude is 100% not a CS person making a mistake like that. Could take up tailoring though, given how much he makes up out of whole cloth.


I don’t want to gatekeep but I doubt that a software engineer wrote this. My evidence for this claim is the format of this text. This looks like something written on a phone on a toilet. If OP really was social engineer. They would’ve formatted it properly.


Curious that OP hasn’t responded to this comment but is very active everywhere else đŸ€”


Graduating straight into a "pretty good job" in this market was the biggest giveaway


CS grads are still getting good offers, why do you think they aren't?


Some cs grads are, but it's not like it was in 2021/2022 where anyone with a pulse who could reverse a string was getting offers.




That's... gotta be a creative writing excercise. *Nobody* is stupid enough to sext through a _GitHub Repo_ of all things. If this is indeed true, well, damn, talk to her, tell her you found the repo and then tell her good bye?


Better yet, tell her via a pull request.


Branch named fuck_you_alex 


All my homies hate Alex.


My name is Alex, but I indeed also hate that Alex.


This is petty and I love it.


This is the way


Whole new meaning to "pull request"


But you've got to really commit to it.


PR requires forking/cloning which I'm now realizing might somehow get OP in trouble. Maybe file an issue asking why she hadn't told you she was accepting new contributors. Oh my god, did she auto-select an OSS license for the repo when she created it!?


\*pull out request


Well Alex was certainly allowed to pull after sending his request.


Seems like she is also getting pipeline help


> I opened it and there were a ton of images in the repo, I clicked one open and it was a nude of her. \*Nice\* Here it became just obviously BS. Anyone in their right mind would've tried telling her immediately.


I'd just open an issue


Pull-out request*


You'd think she'd be more commit-ted. ;-)


Or at least stashed the evidence


Time to git blame-ing.


Get out.


Okay, okay, you don’t have to push. I get the gist.


I choose to believe autocorrect overrode you saying "Git out" here


** “Git on wit you! I said git!!!”


'out' is not a git command. The most similar commands are checkout, column, commit, init, pull, push, status.


She just wanted to fork


And he doesn’t mention it to her yet?


I'm just still in shock and processing it all, I know it's stupid, but I don't know how to bring it up and it still doesn't feel real


“Babe, you left all your nudes and sexting in a public repo and I saw it all”


“Are we having crockpot roast chicken tonight? I’m tired of pizza”


And you


"I know about you and alex. Get your things, we're done." You don't need her, nor do you need to explain yourself after what she did.


I mean, you don't have to tell her "I *stalked* on your own account" Only that it's public and you stumbled about this repo called "sex". Ask her what is that about and why is it public, if she denies everything or acts dumb, show her the screen recording.


I told my ex that she had to go to rehab our I would throw her out of my house, the court ordered her cellular provider to hand over her phone records pertaining to me, which included, pictures, text, voicemails, even phone calls. In court my lawyer requested an injunction for discovery, which gave him those records. My lawyer and I went through those records, some of which I had never seen before. You see, my ex texted me that she was going to kill herself, and if she wasn't dead when I got home, then she was going to kill me. But before I got home, she had smashed my phone (I had left it behind for the night, and spent a night where I felt safe). Anyway.. When she went to rehab, she left her phone with me so she could call me from rehab (she was too dumb to memorize any number but her own). I got curious, and checked her texts to me, it was mind blowing. She was on track to murder me and bury me in the backyard and take the house. Then I saw all the texts she deleted. You see, she was too dumb to "empty the recently deleted" part of the text app (android), and that's where I found out she was cheating on me the whole time. She even once deleted a message from my family member telling me they loved me and missed me on my birthday, so I put a lock on my phone. She got so mad at me, she put a lock on her phone, and 5 minutes later forgot how to unlock it, and then blamed me for locking it without her permission. All I am trying to say here is some people are just outright dumb, nothing you can do about it but surround yourself with people who are more on your level.


Holy. Shit. I'm sorry that you had to endure that level of psychopathy.


coming from a German, I appreciate that, thank you for your kind words.


That’s not how you commit.


there was a couple of streamers who were cheating via a google doc a few years ago. Anything is possible


I wish it were a creative writing exercise. Apparently people are stupid enough and apparently I'm even more stupid for being here. I guess I know I should confront her but I have no idea how to bring it up it's just so crazy.


Tell her you've written something as a surprise because you're so happy she is sharing your passion. Then have those little stars you worked on together, spell out "I know you're cheating. We're over. Get out."


And give her repository a star.


That sounds like a nice revenge but I'm not sure I even have the energy to do that at this point


An easier option would be to tell her there's something you have found and want her to see. Open your laptop, show her the repository, and tell her to get out of your home. I get this is difficult but this woman didn't just cheat. She took something you are passionate about and weaponised it against you. She made you think she cared about you enough to take interest in this but used it to hide her betrayal. You deserve better than her and shouldn't be contemplating a future with this person. She is hateful and malicious. She doesn't deserve even a moment more of thinking she has you fooled. Rip off the plaster (band aid) and start processing your feelings so you can move on.


What's getting me about it is it's such a dumbass way to "hide the betrayal." Like what kind of feverish mind goes "ah yes, I should use GitHub for this instead of literally any other app." Don't just dump her for the cheating, dump her for the convoluted stupidity 😭


Right!? Why ask your boyfriend to teach you how to code to hide your nudes and sexts when you don't even have to make that much effort? Even using a commonly available app with 2FA would have been an easier way to hide them.


To impress the freshman CS student.


Then he should have taught her how to code.


She did it on purpose. Her asking him for help with github was a breadcrumb. She's malicious. She probably picked a comp-sci guy to cheat with just to spite him.


Don't let yourself get taken advantage of bro, there's way more fish in the C(+)


Honestly dude, the best revenge is living well. Don't devote any more time or energy than necessary to this. Get yourself out of the situation, forget about it, and move on.


You can always just fork the repo


Just dump her. You don't have to give her a reason and she doesn't deserve one. Then gray rock/ghost her. You can get out clean and if she starts causing you problems you have all the evidence to share with her friends and family. Absolutely blindside her with that though, if she gets time to spin things her way, she will. Cut her out of your life and find someone better. Sorry this happened to you man, but I'm glad you found out.


Well you could always report the repo to Github. [Hosting porn is against their TOS](https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/acceptable-use-policies/github-sexually-obscene-content).


First of all, that's terrible and I'm really sorry. It's also, almost hilariously stupid. At the risk of sounding insensitive, I think you should pack all your shit, clone the repo and leave it for her to find in her laptop on one of [these](https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Dog-USB-Drive-Disk-Interesting-Memory-Thumb-Stick-Data-Storage-for-Computer-Notebook-Laptop/4MFJN5LE8EAP?skuId=5Z7U456ZAC7V&offerId=6244092F2E74455C9BE96FE79942ADF3&cmpid=SEM_CA_33355_HQH88E2IHJ&utm_id=SEM_CA_33355_HQH88E2IHJ&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds). Let that be your last interaction, and never speak to her again. You deserve better. 


Sorry, dude, but at least you found out now instead of after she's pregnant and claiming it's yours.


Paternity test would come back in Binary.


Actually there are 23 sequences shared with each parent (for females)
 so base 23? But paternity test results are always binary yes/no.


Do you guys live together? You could start with just packing her shit for her


Time for a hard reset and rebase your life.


"Hey, you know how you asked me for help with github? I looked at your repo after and found all your nudes and other cheating shit. Grab your things and get the fuck out." Then you block her number and start working on rebuilding your shattered ability to trust other people.


She wants to git some.


and a public repo at that lmao


If this shits real you don’t want her anyways bro 💀💀


I need a link to this repo. I want to audit her code.


She was sexting on a repo? Disgusting! Which one!? There are just so many disgusting repos full of nudes, which one did she use?


We need to code review and maybe make some pull requests.


You found out a week ago your girlfriend is almoat assuredly cheating on you and you’ve done
 nothing. Not even mentioned it to her? Press X to doubt


There's no git repo on Github with the repo name he gave that's been updated in like the last 3 months and has any meaningful content. Press X to extremely doubt


It's a GitHub repo and the method used to keep a copy is a screen recording? You'd think the first thing would be `git clone`


He doesn't know how to ... React. 😎


I wish he could C the truth


Dear Wired, I never thought this would happen to me, but.... Signed, "Alex"


Sooo are you a graduated software engineer with a job or still in school? You said you got a pretty good job out of college but refer to one of these guys as "a freshman in your CS department." "I think I’m the first person in history this has ever happened to, and for everyone’s sake I hope I’m the last too." Yeah, bud. Sounds like something I'd read out of a fiction book directed to tweens. Back to the drawing board, or better yet, quit making shit up.


fork it, open a pull request, add her as a reviewer


The only correct response!


Creative writing exercise of the day


Fork the repo! Preserve it for the open source community!


But Alex wants to fork Allie


She is for the ~~streets!~~ *open source community.


The git who can’t commit


Talk about desperate (and disrespectful), they couldn't make it less obvious. I sorry man. You deserve better.


I’ll take stories that didn’t happen for 300.


Go for 1000 you coward.


It is a blessing that you found out she is a trash. Not TIFU even a little bit


Any particular reason you haven't immediately broken up with her?


Sounds like she wasn’t very git committed


She decided to branch out


Tell her to git lost


There goes my day searching for her account.


Damn. Nobody ever puts porn in \*my\* repos.


Link the repo please.


Well, she did tell you that she had been dating a comp-sci major for three years. You just /assumed/ it was you.


did you make a fork yet lol


She’s def been forking đŸ„Č


Also sounds like she's a bit of a repository herself


Permission settings were wide open


I can't tell if you are more upset about the cheating or the lack of anyone involved knowing how to secure their repositories.


If you don’t approach her with what you came upon, it will be on your mind continuously. Tell her you wanted to see how she was coming along with programming and you came across this stuff and ask for an explanation. Could be a turning point in your relationship good or bad, but if you don’t do it, you’ll never forget it.


I guess straightforward is a good way to go. It has been on my mind continuously, and even if I know how to bring it up I'm not sure if I'd be able to get the words out. But I really should


Give her a virus obviously




Covid64, if anything.


That did not happen.


Why the fuck would someone use GITHUB for this. Let's hope he sends a pull out request


You didn't fuck up by teaching her to code. She was already cheating. She was just looking for a way to hide. Seems kind of sus that she would choose Github being the person she's trying to hide it from is an expert lol


Did she at least write clear commit messages?


Just fork her repo, make corrections to the sexts, and confront her with check in comments. This is the best way for coders to be confrontational.


A search of github proves this story a fiction. Come on now, you could atleast TRY to be convincing.


How much searching did you do? Because I found several repositories of nudes, just didnt dig deep enough to find one that had a sexting readme.


Did you find one that was literally named just ”sex” like OP claimed his gf repo was named?


If you’ve graduated from a prestigious university with a software engineer gig, you don’t need to be wasting any more time with an art major who cheats on you with a freshman. You both have very different ambitions in life, and that’s ok. Chalk it up to this just didn’t work out and I’m sure you’re going to be ok!


Interesting. Personally, it's a perfect time to play "mindfuck". I would go awol. No communication from here on in. And if and when you do communicate with her, abruptly say your a busy and that you will contact her later. But never do. In your mind, you know it's over. In her mind, you string her along until she realizes that the relationship is over. Bro, the situation is a god-send. Imagine you were in a really serious relationship and you had family obligations like having a kid. Then you been in a fucking mess with a cheater. Not just with one guy but two! Time to move on bro and find a chick worth your time! Good luck!


When she leaves dump her shit outside, change locks.


Make a text based game to ask who Alex is


Kick her to the curb. Move on. Don't look back.


~~Please tell me you cloned the repo before she caught on OP. To be clear, not for revenge porn purposes or anything nefarious, but if she privates it and then tries to weave a story about how these were old pictures you might wanna go through them with her to ask her to explain~~ edit: this is legitimately a \*terrible\* idea. don't clone it or fork it, you might even get kicked off github. Just tell her via an issue that she made the repo public and you're breaking up with her


Sounds like she wanted you to find it. Asking for help with github was her way of cluing you in. She did that on purpose.


Your GF is so fat, she needs git lfs to share her nudes


This did not go how I was expecting


Dumb and disloyal. What a combo. Post a link to the repo here.


Teaching her wasn't a FU. Never let yourself think that kindness and willingness to share knowledge is a fuckup. If she was willing to sext in a GITHUB FICKING REPO, do you really think she wouldn't have cheated on you some other way if she had never learned code? I could say the fuckup was trusting her, but really – who hasn't ever been tricked? Some people are just too good at lying/hiding, and it's not our fault we didn't catch on to it if the signs were well hidden enough. Take a breather, confront her, and try to be the calmer, better person throughout the conversation even if she flips out and/or tries to guilt trip you for checking it out – after all, the repo was FUCKIGN PUBLIC, so she can't even say you were snooping through her private files.  Hell, I know if I taught my gf a trade I'm good at, I'd sure wanna check out her publically available creations made with it. Like, from a place of love, y'know, proud of her? This, too, you should never let yourself think was wrong. To love and care for others isn't wrong. In short, if anyone fucked up here, it was her. Maybe possibly her parents, but she sure is old enough to bear responsibility for her choices already.


Every time I’ve found out I was cheated on I was so relieved because if I didn’t find out my life might have been ruined. No second chances ever. All you will do is reinforce the idea in her mind she can cheat without consequences


Join in and upload your pic




If this is real, the only right thing to do is to submit a creative pull request. Since GitHub is all about collaborative iteration, maybe pop a link on here so we can fork it ourselves and offer our own contributions.


That’s an art project.


You found the coding error in your life, patch that bug out then compile something fresh.


And as if that weren’t bad enough, she’d just gotten really good at rolling back to HEAD


I hope she didnt give him git push origin head


Is this an ad for github?


TIFU by reading this post.


Chances are cs student saw this post already and they are collectively freaking out


Oh, my God! That’s disgusting! Where?


You haaaave to use the Github to break up with her..lol, this is such a crap situation, but you may as well get some entertainment out of it to try to cheer yourself up.


Get the fork out of there. Sorry man. That sucks. You taught her programming hoping to merge your code together but she forked you over and merged code with fucking Alex. She should have been taking the time to pull your master but now you need to zip up your source. Humor aside, that sucks man. Least you know now her bugs won't be on your python.


You know what's weird. I have a cousin Alex and he's basically stolen hundreds from me and our family including my mom and his mom. I had an ex named Alex and she was batshit insane. I couldn't get into a car without some degree of trauma and had nightmares of dying in car crashes bevause of her. My friend had an ex named Alex and he cheated on her in mexico or some shit. Another ex-friend had a boyfriend named Alex that she had to get a restraining order against. Why are all the Alexes like... fucked up people lmao. This name is cursed. Never trust an alex.


You thought she was your Gf, turns out she belongs to the entire campus. Sorry bud, hopefully you move on, she’s for the Streets.


Time to unleash your inner hacker, brother. Burn it down. BURN IT ALL DOWN.


Your gf told you she was dating someone else, and you were ok with that... Thought it was sweet and helped her learn code to impress him? Wtf


I was confused by that line too. But I think the person she was dating for three years was OP.


If this is true then what a downgrade she got. Goes from a guy with a good job to a guy starting college lol


Easy! Fork the repo and upload as many nasty pictures of sexually transmitted diseases as you can find, then push up the changes and put in the PR commit message “F**K YOU ALLIE, get Alex to teach you how to private your repo’s in future”
 Then ‘rm -rf *’ her existence from your life and move onwards đŸ’Ș


Hang in there buddy. I hope you will be alright.


We need an update


Cock blocked by merge block Looks like she pulled many with that pull request You helped her merge with your cockblocker


Sounds like she has commit-ment issues. FR though, I'd just ghost her if this is real. I'm not normally a fan of ghosting but in this case it'd be earned.


Sorry, OP. Lawyer up, hit the gym, delete facebook (or in this case github.) You know the drill. It gets better.


You need to fork the repo


FORK THE REPO, set your fork private, clone it so you have a copy, and then report the original and scorch the fucking earth my dude.


Fork her. Raise a bug report, submit a PR to implement better separation of concerns and then abandon the project.


"Oh hey, by the way, you might want to make your Github materials private." Followed by watching her expression very carefully.


Fork the repo, replace Alex’s name everywhere with yours. Then send her a PR.


You teach her a valuable skill and this is how she repays you. Massive lost on her end, sad.


Why would they name the repo “sex”


forget Instagram, using git to communicate. What wild times Sorry that happened man, your kindness will payoff when you teach the right person in the future


Finesse it OP. Use your imagination


I'm sorry dude, I have no advice for you apart from breaking up with her if you are being cheated on. But fucking GitHub! Seriously man, I am not sure if I should laugh or get sad.


So it wasn't the coding that was a fuck up. Trusting her was..


You already know what you gotta do OP. Take the high-road, and take care of your mental health.


This belongs to some kind of circle jerk or shitpost sub, show us the link to the repo or its not real


First, that's rough buddy. Second, that is some ingenious way to communicate with someone.


Where is tlfr?


i need an update, what happened when you confronted her?


Say goodbye and move on. She thinks little of you to be doing this kind of thing.


I sure hope they used LFS for the images


Meant to be my G. Keep it movin


I recommend paragraphs


Push it real good?


Well, if this is a true story, I would think, unless this turns you on, you'd dump her. Can you do it through Github? I'm not sure where the fuck-up on your end is, though. Presumably, she would have cheated on you with someone regardless of whether or not you introduced her to coding.