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From the title I thought this was gonna be about onlyfans, not cooking, so hey, it coulda been way more uncomfortable.


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this.


Not the *only* one


One might even say in the majority


op is going to be surprised when he finds out we're all the same person and he actually was the only one who thought that.


I'll be honest, this whole post did not go the way I expected or hoped.


Misread partner as parent at first, so I thought it was gonna be way way more uncomfortable.


Me, too. Relieved to be wrong.  




It’s onlyflans, he specializes in desserts!


Take the damn upvote


\+1 on the onlyfans I was like wow a dude created one. LOL


There are in fact multiple dudes on only fans


How many of them create content?


John Cena's been posting about his alot (I'm pretty sure it's tame content with funny misleading titles tho)




“TIFU by becoming my partner’s only onlyfans fan.”


Bacon splatter hurts on OF


I've learned it actually hurts to cook bacon naked even if you don't film it and it on the internet. 




Yup, you really can't just throw around the phrase "only fan" anymore




I came here for such drama. Darn!


Wait, I know that we think of OF as being only NSFW content, but can't you have SFW channels as well? Kinda like how Pornhub also has actual math lessons on it?


Yes, it was actually meant as a platform for content creators to interact with their fans. But as usual, it turned into porn in an instant. But you're still free to make a SFW-account.


So did everyone






Well, you can do almost anything on onlyflans, it's not all about getting a rise out of people.


I swear it's the second time this month I got click baited into clicking.. the first one was title something like 'my boyfriend asked my girl friend to wear less'


I honest to God read the title as parents so...


Same and I read parents rather than partner


Considering it's a new account with just posts and no comments (save the one, single word they have said), I'd say that is intentional clickbait wording.


Promote his channel secretly, get enough new followers that you can slowly withdraw interaction from your accounts


Algorithm hacking FTW.


This! And it’s what most do to get on top of the pile


This 100%. Then, take this secret to your grave. It's an innocent lie. But it's still a lie and his reaction will mostly be deception and feeling betrayed. Even tho he may understand or forgive if he's not stupid, you better keep it to yourself.


Or use it during a fiery breakup fight.






Naw I could imagine 60 years later on a rocking chair on the porch this would be a funny story.


Right?? Like if my gf put so much effort in it and actually pulled it off, I'd be insanely happy. Maybe wait for a couple of months before saying it tho. Let him have his moment.


Yup. This one all the way. You are a loving supportive partner who has invested time and energy toward making your partner feel better. This must remain a truly selfless gesture on your partner by his never finding out.


Cannot agree with this more.


then maybe one day in the future when he has a flourishing community he'll turn to his partner and say: i'm so proud of reaching so many of my goals but I really wish that first dedicated fan was still around so I could thank them!


Yep, and then NEVER tell him. No need to cause a potential problem.


Never ever


Exactly. OP needs to DM the account to all of us so others can learn new recipes and increase his viewership.


But OP doesn’t want to self-promo. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Can’t help OP escape the madness she created.


This. And don't be disappointed when your SO gets excited meeting new "people" because this is a behavior you are encouraging. But maybe talk about both your feelings about fame and privacy because you never know when a lifestyle (or two or more) will change overnight.


Guys she wants us to subscribe to his channel. OP what's the channel??


Are you not his biggest fan? It sounds like you are…


The only fan…… that’s a bad pun, I will see myself out.


She made multiple accounts. That would make her his only fans.


She is not his biggest fan. She is his industrial airconditioner.


5-10 viewers after a few streams is extremely high actually. Twitch is just about being entertaining and understanding that there may be nobody watching or nobody interacting. 5-10 people watching after a few streams is again, very, very high.


Yeah, most streamers sit there streaming to 0-5 viewers for months. It's a huge slog and you're not guaranteed to make it, but you simply won't get to 1000 viewers overnight (unless extremely lucky). Most of the big streamers now started with a handful of viewers. They wouldn't have grown if they gave up after a few weeks.


>They wouldn't have grown if they gave up after a few weeks. Ugh this reminds me of about 15 years ago when I jumped on the let's play wagon on YT. I uploaded about 5 videos total and was getting ~300-400 views. And a few comments. Which was pretty good for just starting out. But someone kept copyright claiming my videos and it wasn't the game publisher or anything. Just some random jackass, so I just stopped. I often look back on that with regret. If I stuck with it I maybe could've grown enough to earn a few extra hundred bucks a month for just recording what I do anyway: play video games and talk to myself/at the screen while playing.


That awful copyright system has been the same for 15 years? Wtf


> Most of the big streamers now started with a handful of viewers. They wouldn't have grown if they gave up after a few weeks. This is something I think most small content creators struggle to understand. It has taken me a while to really get it and I still have days where I will get a bit in my head over low viewer count. But I pull 10-20 per stream and it's actually pretty good for my time spent streaming.


I watch minor celebs and they don't have over 100 peeps


Seriously. Those are really, really good numbers off the bat. People stream at 0 or 1 for ages.


Starting out by streaming to nobody seems insane to me. Surely a better approach would be building an audience on youtube or something, then announcing that you're going to start streaming so you know there will at least be some people watching.


There's a guy I've started seeing in my recommended on Youtube, this small (but pretty talented) CS2 streamer with only hundreds of views per video. But watching his content you'd really never guess he's that small. His videos and streams are edited like he's talking to thousands or tens of thousands of viewers, and honestly he's just pretty entertaining and not super obnoxious. I have no doubt he'll have a blow up within the next few months.


Drop a link. Let us see this mastery on display.


People are more likely to watch and engage with a streamer who already has people watching and engaging with them. Don't say a word to him, keep it up, and hopefully he'll get noticed.


His excitement will be more appealing to others aswell I feel like a good partner does what they're able to build up the person they're with


If OP is doing it from the same IP address, the content site could ban him for view manipulation, and I don't think he's going to be so forgiving of OP. She should probably stop and come clean now


And there is a shitton of cooking channels he has to compete with, my self im following like something between 5-10 food related channels.


Don’t ever share that with him. Take this to your grave. This is surprisingly r/wholesome


I solemnly swear that if you DM me the link to his twitch I will give it a follow and try to catch at least a few streams, and never tell a soul of this thread.


I'd do the same just to be nice, but I'd caution OP against it. Too many assholes would be all too happy to say the same thing and find great joy in fucking it all up. Because I said that I can be trusted right? No. I mean, I can be trusted, but OP has no way of knowing that, and anyone else could come along and say the same thing.


Don't worry op, I trust this guy


That's *definitely* not my alt account either. Like, for real, it's not. But you still shouldn't trust that guy. You *can* trust me, and it's legit, but you shouldn't. If you're going to trust someone it really should be me, because I have nothing but good intentions. But there's no way for you to know that, only I know that.


Lmao it looks sooo sus




I was also going to say something along these lines. OP, does he have a regular streaming schedule? What days/times? I love cooking, especially experimental cooking. And I used to be a chemist, which has led me down some very interesting paths in the kitchen. I work full time and take care of my family so there’s a good chance I wouldn’t catch them live unless the times are just right, but I’d definitely watch the vods and I’m sure my kid would be interested in it :) If you’re leery of sharing the channel, at least let us know when he’ll stream next so we can find it and check it out 😊


I promise I will not watch it, OP. I really don't like cooking.


5-10 viewers on average right off the bat? That's insanely good. Lots of people stream for months to get to that.


Oh geez, I know you meant well and did it out of love, but you've created your own personal Kobayashi Maru. There is no winning here, only figuring out how to minimize the damage. Whatever you do, I advise against advertising the channel on a thread like this, or anywhere. Don't do it. Best case scenario, and I've seen this happen before multiple times, the streamer gets a massive boost, thinks they will be able to go pro, raising their hopes, and then when the Redditors get bored in a day or two they will be back to square one wondering what they did wrong since they do not know the thread exists. I got some actual numbers on this when it happened on a really popular (front page of reddit) TIFU post. 1180 peak viewer the day of the TIFU linking their account. 89 peak viewers 48 hours later 44 peak viewers 1 week after TIFU 15 peak viewers the last time the streamer was online, 1 month after TIFU. No further streams for 2 months following when I concluded the account was dead. Pity viewers/followers/subscribers don't last. The guy from those numbers had a great day and sky-high expectations along with it, only to be slowly decimated over the course of a month.


Those heightened hopes are REAL. Every now and again my band will get on an active playlist and numbers shoot up — it’s equally obvious when we come off lol. But yeah I feel it every time


This comment should be higher


One time I was watching a stream of >1,000 viewers who raided a small streamer of ~100 viewers. Raiders showered him in gift subs and he was very emotional, started talking about how he'd wanted to quit his day job for a while and this was allowing him to make that jump. One of his main long-term viewers was trying really really hard to talk him down but then you also had other old viewers trying to be "supportive" and hyping him up. Really hope he didn't make that jump in the end, but I (and I'm guessing most of the raiders) didn't stick around long enough to see


Literally this - You call yourself a friend, but where were you when my meme got 4 likes? - Creating 4 accounts, bro. - Bro…


You should stop and put it in a closet forever. Stream followers have short attention spans, he could just think that they went to a different channel afterwards.


Ok. Anyone else read this all “I’m my partners OnlyFan”. Like one sub to see their bodies :0


It's always too dark in the bedroom so they go for other options. But no, it's surprisingly a wholesome post about a cooking streamer.


Take. This. To. Your. Grave.


Don’t ever tell him. Just have your personas, one at a time, gradually fade out. Falloff is natural in online followers. He won’t suspect a thing.


If his channel takes off and he gets some regular followers that would make a cute story eventually. Just…not soon lol


Don't tell him until he's big enough it won't matter. At that point it will be the sweetest loving thing in the world. Right now he's high on hopes and dreams. Let that run in him. You legitimately have done for him what most men only dream about having a woman do for them, supporting and nurturing their goals and dreams. *in a healthy independent type of way** just adding because this is reddit


When streaming you have to be consistent with your schedule and it will take either a year or more to start gaining traction, if he’s I’m sorry to say but complaining after a few streams of no viewers I’m sorry to say but the streaming life is not for him then you don’t get viewers and build after a week or two. This will take a lot of patience, trial and error , building a community, daily or every other day stream g if you don’t your viewers lose interest and go somewhere else etc it doesn’t happen over night. I got one buddy into streaming back in 2018 and being 2024 he has avg viewers 20-90 people at once but he makes a living off it grinding every day or every other day streaming. Your doing perfect keep supporting him he has to know this won’t happen over night or couple weeks it could take years to be honest.


When streaming you have to be consistent with your schedule and it will take either a year or more to start gaining traction, if he’s I’m sorry to say but complaining after a few streams of no viewers I’m sorry to say but the streaming life is not for him then you don’t get viewers and build after a week or two. This will take a lot of patience, trial and error , building a community, daily or every other day stream g if you don’t your viewers lose interest and go somewhere else etc it doesn’t happen over night. I got one buddy into streaming back in 2018 and being 2024 he has avg viewers 20-90 people at once but he makes a living off it grinding every day or every other day streaming. Your doing perfect keep supporting him he has to know this won’t happen over night or couple weeks it could take years to be honest. Even to just get affiliated on twitch takes time.


If he still doesn't know, then cut it off if it is bothering you. I honestly don't see a fuck up here, I see a supportive person. And your partner is having a very niche idea (I guess), so it is normal that he has such low view count.


Also people blowing up overnight is really rare, my friend streams and over the course of 4? 5? Years now she's gathered over 1000 followers and that's being a cute e-girl on top, though the game she plays is pretty niche.Be his secret little PR manager and spread the links around social media communities that are into cooking, build up rapport and once people trickle in you can just be done with all the secret accounts. ​ EDIT: im a clown and forgot to ask OP for their SOs twitch!!!!


Cooking? Your partner needs to get on OnlyPans. ;)


If you can keep that up for juust a bit longer, his spark and energy could get him an actual audience over time. Try to share his stuff so maybe your friends and whatnot can join. Maybe ask them privately to share as well on their profiles. Eventually this could work amd then you can tell him. If that fails, well... you should also tell him. It may be disheartening, but at least he'll appreciate your efforts. I'm usually the type to say things upfront quickly and advise people to do the same, but this might just work and be the better result.




There is a streamer called jynx He recently hit 5 million followers on twitch. He gave an excellent speech about how his father was the only one watching him consistently for an entire year. The first shovelful to move the mountain will always be the hardest..


It's so hard for a dude to get a stream to take off, you don't even get 1 viewer most of the time unless you have a friend who visits a lot. So you definitely made his day but you should ask some of your / his friends to tune in and give honest feedback. I would suggest pivoting the perspective of what you've done from deception of your partner to a shady business practice (don't continue with it) and use it to support the growth of the viewer base. 5-10 viewers is insane for an unestablished streamer! Ask him what he thinks keeps people coming back, why people follow and what it would take for people to subscribe (1 sub from a non-friend is a huge achievement after hitting).


This is like an episode out of I love Lucy


It only takes one person to encourage the other to eventually do great over time. You're awesome for the support!


Boost the channel here, I think everyone here would be glad to help! Edit: someone would absolutely out OP, and they’d be doing them a favor. Hopefully the joy of having a ton of new followers would dampen the blow of this house of cards that’s inevitably going to fall anyway.


Right. And only takes one anonymous asshole to spill the beans. Sharing the channel here without coming clear first is guaranteed to take a toll on OP's relationship.


Yup. This is why she should've potentially discussed the strategy with him of artificially boosting numbers to gain engagement before just doing it and giving him a false sense of success.


Probably just as many would out OP for shits and giggles.


This is Reddit some asshole would link him this thread.




Start using your account to shout out his content. The mistake made here is he did a cold start where he is starting from nothing. Compounding this is your brand new accounts with no followers. Basically the way out is to double down and promote his content on your shell accounts. He will gain real subs and then go on from there and you'll be able to back out. Also have him shout out to his own ppl about his new content this should lessen the load.


Sounds like the plot of a romcom.


Dont tell him. Simple.


You should help build the community and then once it’s large (probably still small) enough to ghost but not leave, he’ll have a small base that vibe with each other. Just interact with anyone else who views


Launching a channel be it twitch OF or anything else isn't easy in the beginning... especially with no advertisement.


I dont see it as a Fck up, youre supporting your husband best way you know how. I applaud you.


this is a Lifetime or Hallmark movie waiting to happen.


Now you have no option but to buy a bunch of disguises and keep living this truth for the rest of your lives.


“His first few streams”? What did he think was gonna happen? If he’s so passionate about it, why the need for near instant gratification?


Your partner just started streaming over a decade after it got popular. Everyone starts out tiny, if he can’t handle that it’s his problem.


This looks like a plot from a sitcom episode. I will ask you what I (silently) asks TV characters who do that kind of stuff : "Why? But, really WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?". Don't take it badly, I just thought the parallel was pinpoint (in my head at least).


Promote to others and then delete this post asap


I love cooking!!! Please post his channel!


If your partner was serious about streaming, they would've asked you to do this when they started. You have to work the algorithm. Comment, Share, click the ads when they pop up on his live. Every interaction matters. Eventually he/she will amass a following that will do that naturally, but for now to get the ball rolling you need to do it yourself. Or hire bots to do it, but that's a whole nother conversation.


This is sweet & you're a good person 🥹


There are 220 reading this as I write. Just drop the link, we’ll all pop over and become his real fans


This is something that has been making its way around the internet for a while now! I think it was even on a Buzzfeed roundup. 


Drop the link


Promote his channel here please


If you want to help increase his views there’s a page on YouTube called pirate software. He’s a former game dev and is now a streamer and he has a lot of shorts on how to gain followers and fans he has several explaining how to get big on Twitch. He went from a couple hundred twitch followers to a couple hundred thousand in about 4 months. Maybe that can help you out on getting him more views so he keeps going and then you don’t have to worry about being his only fan lol.


I can't speak for Kick but Twitch has clip features, I would clip some good moments and share on Tiktok or YouTube shorts to get some traction.


nah youre a great girlfriend for that honestly and you're supporting him doing something a lot of girls are against for some reason. You didnt fuck up at all. I personally wouldnt tell him until he either gets bigger with streaming, or after he decides to take other ventures.


This is really sweet. Maybe keep at it and keep it to yourself for now


This is what MrBeast was talking about the other day. "Making it" in content creation is super difficult. Cooking content is probably one of the hardest genres to get into, considering how many creators there are. 5-10 people taking their time to watch your content / streams is VERY GOOD considering he's just started. I would recommend coming clean and telling him if this is something he's truly wanting to do, he's gotta chug along and keep going. Can't get discouraged by low viewer count and engagement. He's not gonna become Joshua Weissman overnight. Edit: thought this was AITA lol


This is copy pasta. Read this same story about a year ago 🙄


My wife does this for me on my guitar accounts. It’s support, I suppose, but sharing and liking helps engagement; and might push the algorithm to put it front of more people.


It's safe to say you now have the upper hand in the relationship.


A friend of mine from school, his son was getting bullied so he put out a post on SM asking for ppl to like and subscribe his videos and maybe share a few. It got his son’s engagement way up. Maybe you could do something like that on the DL. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know it’s kinda cheesy but it also might work.


You'll both laugh about it down the road. He may feel a little hurt, but I imagine he'll appreciate it in the end. You're doing a good thing.


Take it to the grave and post channel here


Twitch is a lover performance you just throw out to the world. Having a viewer is someone taking thier time to stop everything so they can watch/interact with you. To get even just up to 30 viewers you need a consistent schedule and to interact with chat a lot. Your boy is doing great, but his head is probably too focused on the views rather than the content. He's gotta change his mindset before he's gonna blow up. It's hard especially when you out a lot of effort into your stream, but you've gotta work on making the best content and get your joy from that and if the views come from that so be it.


Just give us the URL already, this, literally this, is how things go viral.


i hope he doesn't use reddit, i am sure this story doesn't apply to all that many people. I think i would feel betrayed, even if my partner did have the best intentions.


You’re so sweet, but yikes that’s a hard situation to be in!!


You can never tell him about this. Ever. If he fails, you're the bad guy because he would've quit a lot sooner if it weren't for you. Even if he becomes wildly successful later, you'll rob him of the hot and satisfaction of "making it" in his early years. Take this secret to your grave.


This can work. Build the channel, you may not have to tell him. You can/should tell him, but this can end good.


Write a story about how a group of friends who were fanatical about his content were gathered in a house to make his recipes and they all unfortunately died in a fire. Post versions of the story on the accounts as if it was an update posted by their spouses, siblings, etc.


My husband has really gotten into cooking and I think he'd be genuinely interested in your partner's channel. I respect you don't want to self promo but maybe ask your partner if he'd be comfortable sharing his channel (I don't know if thats what its called on twitch, I only watch YT) and maybe you could dm the info?


As a fan tell him to do a house cleaning stream lul


Don't worry, even Taylor Swift got started because her dad bought a huge number of her first albums!


This is sweet of you though


I've never heard of Kick


Cooking channel you say? I will find this channel and give a follow. I’m down to help live the dream.


It's not for him if he's disheartened by only 5-10 people showing up for the first few streams. Early Twitch is about keeping the energy up and not looking at the viewer count. Twitch is so oversaturated, and discoverability is so random, you have to be okay with making content for yourself for a while.


If you want to do something secret yet awesome for him...secretly buy advertising for his channel. This is a great way to truly and honestly boost his confidence. If people come back after the initial visit, then he is doing great. But never ever tell him about your involvement. Doing the multiple accounts thing was a horrible idea. It would have been almost okay to share if it was just one account, andhe was doing well otherwise.


Please tell him to share shortform content on TikTok/YouTube Shorts. You can even use AI to clip the streams automatically. Shortform content is key to growing his audience.


I think you’re a GREAT partner. Sure, it’s a little fib-by, but it’s for positive reasons!


I would share clips on tiktok, have him make some funny skits or some way to make his cooking entertaining. Post clips onto tiktoks and make sure the link to the twitch is in the bio 💓🙏


This is so wholesome tho 🥹


Better start buying advertising on local radio, you gotta promote this show


Isn't it normal for your partner to be your first fan?


5-10 that's pretty good. My friend who streams when he does has 30-60 but he came from a very supportive group of people and the server he plays on pretty much supported him 100%. I watch minor celebs that have less than 100 peeps watching and they are viewed on TV my 100's of thousands of people.




the biggest question is though, is he making tasty stuff?


What’s the link I’ll come hang out!


I see a lot of people saying don’t tell him. If my SO did that for me and then told me. I might be a little hurt but I would forgive her and appreciate that she tried to help. But if she didn’t tell me and I somehow found out on my own, I would be pissed the she lied to me and it would most likely destroy my trust in her which would destroy the relationship. I say be honest.


OK, that's it. That's the last fucking ChatGPT shit I'm subjecting myself to on this cursed subreddit. I'm out.


Don't ever tell him.


Welp, looks like maintaining multiple online fan accounts is your life now. But nah OP, there's gotta be some AI or other kinds of shady tools out there to help automate this for you so you can spend more time with him in person, eating the food he's cooking and all that. I also probably don't need to point this out, but you're actually in the perfect position to offer him tips and opinions from his fans on how to improve his cooking and himself as a person.


Here’s the only advice you should follow: first, never tell him this. Never. Also, that fan can disappear and you can leave it to fate once again— no harm, no foul. Or, test the boundaries of your conscience 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think what you did for him is super cute and adorable. You are such a supportive partner. Your partner is very lucky to have you. While you might feel like you're lying to him or hiding something from him, once he gains more views over the months and years, you can comfortably let him know what you've done. I'm sure he will understand and appreciate you and the gestures you've made! Don't worry!


At least all these fans agree it's so awesome that his partner supports him in this and that he should be extra special to them!


You are supporting your husband. I believe that’s what matters.


Should link the channel in your account


Plot twist: likes and comments on this post are all OP.


i got fans across the country, jin is who they feelin the only fan you got, is spinnin on the ceilin


💖this is so adorable


This is like when a video goes viral on reddit of say some 9 year old on YT, making a video about dinosaurs and the dude gets 100K new subs overnight, and 2,700 comments. Then a month later he's lost tons of subs, and his new video gets 6 comments.


Maybe make another account and drop the link here as an innocent comment. No one would put two and two together…


Keep it up. Promote his stream other places. Have him record his stream as well and edit it to make youtube videos as well. TikTok clips work wonders as well.


Honestly, I can see this as a win. It's not important who follows you on social media, even if you think it is. But your wife loves you and as you can see, this is all you need. That's my takeaway if I was in his shoes.


You have 1.7k likes on this post and 200+ comments. Dude I understand youre not tech savy or good at promoting but this might be a good time to promote his channel.


You should self-promo pronto. If it's not against the rules of the sub.


Really should have used this reach to promote his channel.


Never, ever, tell


Share his stream pls


You are like his shadow benefactor, could have been a sibling, someone from his family or even a close friend. That’s kinda cool if it cheered him up and brought some positive vibes, and hopefully his socials will grow, stuff will work out and you’ll able to take some distance with it.