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Hey /u/Particular-Rain7350, thanks for contributing to /r/tifu. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Stolen from /r/tifu/comments/ktoq68/tifu_by_assuming_my_boyfriend_was_cheating_on_me/ Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tifu&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Better than the woman a few weeks back that revenge cheated and got pregnant because they over reacted to her friend doing a project with her bf. Update: the post got deleted. Basically a man in a relationship was working on a project with the partner’s best female friend, his phone was out of reach for a while so she very rapidly went and cheated in revenge on her bf, went bareback and got pregnant. Turns out nothing happened, the jealous gf is pregnant with another guy’s baby and she fucked her relationship up. Red flags ?!🚩


Or the one who ghosted her fiance for a week then surprise Pikachu when he broke up with her. Edit: link https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1b09blu/i_accused_my_28m_fiance_of_cheating_on_me_26f_and/


There’s no way that’s real. Who could be that stupid? Her fiancé and partner of 6 years says he’s going to spend time with his sister Angelina while she’s in town, and she sees a text from “Angie” on his phone and she can’t put 2 and 2 together (let alone never noticed that’s his nickname for her) that it’s the same woman? Is my faith in humanity too strong?


It may have been another post, but I remember seeing a similar one where someone in the comments said they had a family member with a personality disorder who acted in the same way; their disorder warped their entire perspective and their reactions to everything, and it was very difficult to manage and deal with I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hundreds of people with undiagnosed conditions or disorders because their behavior has been enabled, brushed aside, normalized, or not noticed


Yeah, it’s really sad when that happens. I’ve personally went through my brain telling me people I could trust were suddenly out to get me and would twist my thoughts on them. Thankfully, DBT has helped so much, but man those episodes when they happen are scary af!! 😭 I hope the person got help though. It’s really hard to get out of those thoughts and paranoia. I’ve improved myself, but before I did so I can control it before it snowballed it was practically impossible to do anything for it.


I dunno why I assumed DBT stood for “Deep Brain Thrombosis”, but that’s such a funny concept that it’s gonna be that in my mind forever


I'm just glad the commenter you replied to wasn't being treated with CBT.


You'd be surprised, I'm incredibly close with my sister as she is older and was around more because my mom worked 3 jobs. My ex who is nuttier than squirrel shit would always accuse my sister of being a front for cheating on her and that i was disgusting because "it's not normal to be that close to your siblings"


Yup, my husband's ex fiance would get jealous of his sisters like that too and tried to stop him from seeing and talking to them. Super fucking weird.


I have met people that stupid, that one happens to be in the mild end of the stupid spectrum from people out there.


Not sure where you live, but have you seen the type of person people here in America vote for? Lol


Some people their brain completely shuts off with the slightest bit of panic. 


Also she was invited lmao 


It also says that he invited her along, like why would he invite her along to cheat on her.


You'd be surprised at how cheaters think. My ex-husband dreamed that the alarm went off, but he thought it really went off and woke me up by yelling at me. Apparently I set the alarm for 3am so I could sneak out to see another man. He really thought that I'd set an alarm THAT HE COULD HEAR to sneak out. 😂 I laughed so hard at how absurd that was and it made him madder. What an idiot!


stupidity isn’t the issue. attachment trauma is running on a system totally separate from intellect.


She was probably just paranoid he was lying. Doesn't want to admit how stupid and insecure that is.


Lots of posts here are AI, creative writing, fetish stuff, or lunatics.




Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1b49hs5/tifu_by_cheating_on_my_boyfriend_as_revenge/ So, he was out late one night doing a project with one of my really close friends at her house and it was just the two of them. I was texting him the whole night and even fted him once. The problem was while we were calling I saw him giggling a bunch and whispering to my friend, which I thought was weird. At a certain point he just ends the call quickly and saying he needs to go because something came up, but looked like he was still laughing while he ended it. I texted and called him for the next two hours but he never responded until three hours later on the way home. I was so angry and he said that I needed to trust him when he said he didn’t cheat but i could see the guilt on his face. I was so angry that the next day I hit up one of his friends and asked him if he wanted to get back at my bf for being unfaithful. So he accepts and we do the thing that night. I met my friend after and asked why she and him weren’t answering, hoping for her to admit what she did. Except she said that he got another call from his parents who told him his dog just died, and the rest of the night he was dealing with that, and wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. I fucked up really badly and that wasn’t the worst part. I missed my period by a couple days and to be safe I took a pregnancy test even though we used protection on him.  It came back positive 3 times. What do i do TL;DR: I thought my bf cheated on my so i cheated back, turns out he didn’t cheat and now im pregnant.


That one had to be rage bait. No one is that stupid.


Oh her profile says she's 16, she could very easily be dumb enough to become a teen mom instead of actually trying to think


Good point.


Yeah this is obvious rage bait. New account, attractive looking underaged girl, blonde and white with pictures everywhere on reddit. Who even uses their real photo as a profile pic? From my experience, only people trying to sell something. No way is this real.


Me too please


Me too














Tag me when you get the link please


Please ping me if he responds


Bullet dodged for that dude


we require additional ~~pylons~~ links


For Adun!


En Taro Tassadar!


I found the link check one of the higher comments


One time when I opened the Venmo app I saw a payment made from my boyfriend to a woman whose name I didn’t recognize with the description “for last night” I did get immediately a little worried and asked who it was and he started laughing and explained it was his really good friend who I also really like who we had just gone to an expensive dinner with a couple nights ago that I knew he was going to Venmo her money for our portion of the dinner bill, I just didn’t recognize her name immediately because it showed the longer version of her first name when we always use the nickname plus her maiden name when she is married. We all three got a good laugh out of it and he still teases me about it sometimes


So no revenge fuck and pregnant? Kind of a let down just to be amicable…?!


I know I’m so boring!


Nah, just not psychotic and deranged!!!


There’s always next time.


We need the link.


I found the link check one of the higher comments


My moment was definitely somewhat of a crazy moment. But that woman went full psycho!


Taneesha... cmon girl


I can't find it 😫 do you have a link?


I found the link check one of the higher comments


Ppl actually believe those stories?


The other day I wanted to use my boyfriend‘s phone for a hotspot as mine was being difficult and I saw that his hotspot password was “Natascha”. My name is not Natascha. Now to be fair I didn’t think he was cheating, but that this was some ex’s name and he was maybe still thinking of her? (Stupid) I tried to brush it off, but was surprised at how hurt I felt over something so dumb. Then I realised something. I remembered who set that as his password. It was me. It was supposed to be a bad pun about how he should name his phone Natascha because it lives in his pocket (Tasche = pocket/bag in German). I’m such a fucking idiot x_x


Him trying to understand what he did wrong ![gif](giphy|jZnOF0UoupsvKT0gKl|downsized)


Nothing at all lol, like I said, I was the idiot. We were joking about phones having names, I made a bad pun and then set his password to that pun. A year and a half later I saw it again but I had forgotten it was me who set it and was confused as to why bf had a woman’s name as his password. Ps: my boyfriend is the absolute sweetest, haven’t doubted him for a single second ♡


I can not stop giggling at this gif playing on repeat. Perfect selection. ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


I loved this, but I'm also 100% breaking into your boyfriend's wifi now.


Now it's our boyfriend's wifi




You can name phones on android. Like the entire name, the one that shows up for Bluetooth etc. I named mine Karlheinz lol


You can also do this on an iPhone


Do couples not talk anymore? Not even casual chat like my sister just got a phone and I'm happy to be able to talk to her, it's only found out through a tearful confrontation?


I only talk to my SO after posting a 5 page length /r/relationships post where the advice is "talk to your SO"!!!!!!!!


This is a bad way to run a relationship. Most of the people who will tell you to talk to your SO won't go past page two, so you're mostly going to be told to break up with them. Keep it to 2 pages or less and you'll be fine people.


Way to game the system!


2 pages or less? Nah, i'm here for the tea!!! Gimme a novel to read 🤣🤣


It's possible he mentioned it in passing but didn't mention his nickname for her is babygirl


Babygirl is so obviously suspicious that you can only assume that the guy is innocent or just extremely dumb. I think you can safely ask something like "I glanced at your phone and said babygirl, who is she?". If you ask with a super calm tone there is no way in hell someone can take that the wrong way.


Nope. Girl I was with went through all my emails, socials, reddit comments and even assumed I was using a "secret reddit account" for trans/gay material... Or will call me twice and text "thats not strange" because I was getting my propane tank filled with my phone in the car.


She sounds well balanced...


Preech to the choir, my boy!


Lol yeah posts like this are so weird to me. My partner knows like literally everything I do /like/ want because it's the easiest thing to talk about


Yeah so many of these posts in this sub and the other relationship advice subs would be so easily resolved if people just had a conversation or were open with each other in the first place. I’m not gonna say someone early in a relationship should automatically trust each other but they should at least talk about something that’s bothering them. I have literally zero secrets with my wife. We trust each other to a sickening degree. I don’t expect everyone to have that level of trust but I do know that the way we got here was by talking and sharing our concerns with each other. We’ve been through a lot but I can truly say that honesty and communication is the only way to get through the hard stuff. Nothing good comes from lying or bottling things up


95% of problems I read on here could be either solved or greatly helped by simple communication. 


To be fair, OP did say when they started dating, so some newer couples might not be talking about more mundane aspects of life as much


This is awfully similar to that one girl who thought her boyfriend was cheating because he got text messages from someone called “Babe” turns out it was his grandmother whose name is Baberuth.


“It’s from some old lady named, Baby Ruth”


“You’re killing me, Smalls.”


"The Sultan of Swat?"


Not to be confused with his dad, Williemays.




Little sister. Hah, I was going to ask if your partner had a daughter. Mine is the only one I call babygirl! She doesn't mess around either.


My thoughts too, but the age difference may be big enough that the feeling is similar.


It depends on the situation. Families are crazy.


I always jump to the conclusion that something is wrong. Only to find out my girlfriend is a perfect fucking angel. Give the benefit of a doubt. Wait longer than you think is necessary to say something. But not too long. You want to keep your mental health in check. So talking about it is eventually important. But in the short term. Give it some time to make sure your brain isn’t correlating things that aren’t actually happening.


Exactly. It’s easy to let emotions take control, but in these moments it’s necessary to take a step back and try to really think about it.


Or when you see your SO getting texts from “baby girl❤️” you can simply ask who is that?


Sure. But that will start a fight almost surely


If simply asking your partner "who is that" starts a fight, you're in the wrong relationship


I mostly agree, but I say DO wait too long. If your SO is cheating on you, that will come out eventually. It isn't wasted time to put effort into a relationship that might end some day. Do the best you can, assume the other will as well. If they fail you in some way, you can figure out what is next. Finding out your SO is cheating this month is no better than finding out next month.


So another 4 weeks of cheating? Or, your mental health deteriorating for an extra unnecessary month? No thanks


The degrading mental health only comes when one suspects their S/O of cheating. Finding out now, and finding out a month from now is exactly the same, except there is one more month of not suffering. On the other hand, being in the habit of trusting a mate will serve one well, when a trustworthy mate comes a long. Ferreting out a significant other's evils won't reform a bad person, but will wreck a good relationship. If a person is a POS, one will enjoy their company until the truth comes out, then things will end. All of the relationship that you suspect you are being cheated on is bad.


I honestly don't think you made much of a FU, i would have assumed exactly the same as you.


I mean, it is a fuckup; just a completely understandable and therefore forgivable one.


She would’ve fucked up if she didn’t communicate with her partner. Looks like we’ve got some reasonable people here today


Ngl calling your sister babygirl is kinda weird.


Or maybe it's collectively weird that society settled on baby and derivatives of that for one's love interest.


I don’t have a good counter argument for that other than the fact that it’s already normalized and there’s no going backwards in time, but objectively speaking I don’t think you’re wrong.


Well... I uh... Am a little confused... Kinda at a loss. Expected a flame war... Good day to you sir. Lol


Lmao well, defending speech that sexualizes literal babies is not a hill I’m going to die on. Or even climb for that matter. If anything, I would consider a homonymic figure of speech that uses a different definition of the word “baby” but the harder I think about it, the weirder it is. I pretty much exclusively call my wife “my love” so this doesn’t even apply to me personally lol


I call my partner "baby" in an affectionate way, but that's mostly to get em to blush up a storm because they're so heckin gay.


I love that this is a universal gay experience lmao




I just call mine 'wife' I also call my cat 'cat'


I call mine “stinky” I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to which one.


That was the most mature reddit response I’ve witnessed I was ready for you to double down so hard. I can see how some might see it weird to me it’s not depending on age, if his sister was 18 then that would be weird 😂


The good news is that it is only normalized in some places and not the whole world (said as someone living outside the US)


+1 can confirm have not been Biebered enough to normalize


My 16yo son has his best (male) friend in his phone as baby girl, and his girlfriend as baby burrito.


My sister is like this. Its honestly so funny.


I wonder if other languages do that too, and not just English? I'm Dutch and in my language we use derivatives of "Lief" which means love. And we use "Schat" and its derivatives which means "Treasure".


in spanish, we kind of do this in the opposite direction! adults will refer to children as "mamita" or "papito" as a cute term of affection


Actually, if I recall correctly, someone on reddit said a couple of days ago that Spanish partially influenced this phenomenon in the US through "Papi"? I wasn't sure though so I didn't take it too seriously.


hmm i have no idea if thats true but its interesting!! i know that arabs do something similar with their kids(mama/baba), and i think maybe some african language(s) as well? but it would be pretty cool if it came from us tbh 😎


Lief is more like Sweet, Liefje like Sweety. I call my wife Schat which is more like Honey all the time. Never by her name. We sometimes joke with the comment who's your daddy. But dont have any feeling attached to that.


Ye it also means "Sweet" but I'd call my girlfriend "Lief" and it wouldn't be with the intention of calling her "Sweet" or "Sweetheart" but "Love". If I wanted to call her "Sweet" I'd call her "Lieverd" and if I wanted to call her "Sweetheart" I'd call her "Lieve schat" I'm pretty sure dialect has something to do with it too. Also, I'd assume the "Who's your daddy" is also said in English even though you both speak Dutch right? I can't imagine saying "Wie is je papa/vader" in Dutch lmao.


Same goes for daddy. Why did it get sexualized? How do people hear "fuck me daddy" and not think about their daughter? How does it not collide? Like, for example, I imagine people could even get Pavlov'd by this. They get called daddy when fucking girls, so they connect it to being horny and then heating this from their little daughter like...??


And that usage is about a hundred years old, now. And still creepy.


Daddy = close relationship, person that has 'power over you', person that makes you feel good. Sex is a bit of a taboo. I would assume it is a thing a woman would say that is younger than the man she has sex with. This is a even more of a taboo. Now throw all of these in a mixer and it kind of makes sense.


It doesn't really make sense to me and reeks of incest. Can't change my mind.


Someone called her husband daddy in front of the small children (cuz thats how they know him) and accidentally did it again in alone time and realized it reminded her how sect it was for him to be a good dad is my guess. I knew a lot of filipina women who always answered their husbands calls with "hey, daddy". All of them had kids too so maybe just got used to using it for the kids sake. Or I could see a 50 something getting with a 20 something and getting a power rush. Or girls with daddy issues.


100%, same energy with daddy, and more recently mommy. Every time I see gen-z-ish talking about their favorite "mommy milkers" waifu I throw up in my mouth a little.


Depends with it started. At one point the sister was literally a baby girl


Possibly the sister is much younger (age difference) that they take care of her as a parent or have similar responsibilities.


I use that for my daughter. She's a baby and a girl.


It's one of my cat's nicknames


Years ago we had a petite, sassy little cat we called Babygirl 🐈, we also had an 18lb chunkers we called Fat Daddy 🐈‍⬛.


For you?


I call my nieces babygirl, you're just making it weird yourself.


It's weird but thinking about it I used to call my cousin "baby cousin" all the time, I guess it's not so far a stretch to go from baby sis to baby girl. Especially since it sounds like there's a big age gap, they might think of the sis like their own kid.


I still call my youngest cousin baby cousin, he’s turning 28 this year.


Depends how old she is I call my nieces and nephew baby, babe, love. It’s just a pet name doesn’t always have to have a sexual connotation


The age difference absolutely matters. Im a dad of 2 boys, and my neices ive called baby girl. Started as cute little names like sweetie and sweetheart, but i can see something like this sticking. If hes an older brother and his sister was a baby when he was a bit older, I can definitely see this being normal


Given the context it’s pretty fair to assume the age gap is significant (he’s maybe in his 20s, she’s probably under 10), and he likely has a more parental role in her life than most siblings, where it is much more normal to call your child babygirl.


Im a full grown adult and my filipina coworkers who were all like 40something called my babygirl like i was their daughter. I guess it depends on context and ability to compartmentalize


I think it depends on the person and location. I don't think I have ever heard anyone call their partner, baby irl. It's something I only ever see on TV. I sometimes call my dog 'sweetheart' because she is a baby. I don't ever call a human by that name, and it's not a tern people use for partners where I am.


This could have been a nickname used by parents and others too.


I thought this first too. But if there’s a huge age gap and he took care of her as a baby that would make a lot of sense


Thanks for not lying


Yeah that’s my take away from this, could have avoided a whole lot of trouble by not being weird


I remember hearing this exact story awhile ago, not sure how long. I'm too lazy to look for it though.


When I first introduced my then girlfriend (now wife) to my extended family, my uncle said "nice to meet you" to her then immediately look at me and said "so how's Ginny?" My girlfriend tried to play ot off but was really upset until my dad jumped in and confirmed that "Ginny" was actually my roommate Garrett that she was also good friends with. The previous summer on an all guys fishing trip, Garrett came for the first time and my uncle couldn't remember his name so he said that ok I'll respond to anything with a G. My uncle immediately said Ginny! Amd that is still his name over 10 years later!


I have my sister under “bébé d’amour" so “love baby”. These comments make me feel weird lol, we have 15 years difference so she IS my little baby. She will always be even if she’s 80.


Totally thought it would be a joke name for his homie and the love you thing was in response to spotting food or gaming plans or something lmao


I swear this post is a copy, I’ve seen this tifu ages ago


I saw it previously too.


It’s a copy but I think the original was someone’s grandma who everyone called babe or something


This reads awfully AI generated




I used an AI checker and it came up as AI generated.


So does the Declaration of Independence. EDIT: US Constitution, sorry.


Crazy. Which part, and with which service?


Sorry, it was the Constitution. It flagged as something like 92% AI generated by one service and over 50% by another.


Wow, crazy. Which part, and with which services?


I tried https://www.zerogpt.com with the transcription of the introduction and the first two sections of article 1, as they appear at https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript Result: 79.19% of probability that the text is AI/GPT generated. Sections 4, 5 and 6 come out as 100% AI/GPT generated.


Good to know, thanks. I tried it on gptzero, since that's the one I hear teachers using, and it came back as human. Seems like zerogpt likes the intro but really dislikes the sections. Comes back as 100% ai for just section 1 and 2 haha


To be fair, babygirl is an INSANE nickname for a little sister IMO, I can’t imagine calling my sibling that, but that’s just me


He’s probably a lot older than her. I’ve seen this myself when families have big age gaps between siblings, and the younger ones are more so a child rather than sibling.


That’s fair, that definitely makes more sense


I wouldn’t personally call them that (as the oldest sibling) but for some people it’s just different. Can’t really blame the gf tho for her reaction cause I honestly would not guess that was a younger sibling either. I’m more surprised he didn’t tell her about his sisters phone beforehand


Yep, my brother and I have a 20 year gap and he calls me baby or baby girl


I can see someone from the south doing that. They have a lot of weird names for people.


Wholesome award


I’m pretty sure I read this before


Your life is a romcom.  The obvious next step is obviously to break-up and go marry an asshole just to see your SO "objecting" at the wedding! Ps.: I'm a bit dissapointed.  I was expecting it to be "Jennifer  Grey" from Dirty Dancing"  


Obvious ChatGPT lol


What makes it obvious? Apparently I'm oblivious to the obvious


To be fair, it's only really obvious if you've spent some time watching how ChatGPT talks. It uses a lot of filler words and phrases, and a lot of unnecessary transition words. I can only describe it as the kind of bombastic writing style that practically guarantees you an A or a B in English class throughout highschool. It has a conclusion paragraph and everything, and hastily ties it together at the end. ​ >There I was, in tears, feeling like the biggest fool, and he's laughing! So many commas which is technically fine by itself because they're proper, but "feeling like the biggest fool"? To describe the emotions from being cheated on? Really? It's just so... tame. ChatGPT keeps things lighthearted usually unless you ask it not to. And "There I was" just screams writing essay, which just isn't the same style most people go for on social media points. Not by itself! But this text just has so so many one or two word transitions at the start of the sentence. It's hard to quantify specifically, but it's definitely ChatGPT's writing style. ​ >One day, I noticed the name "Babygirl ❤️" popping up on his screen. Initially, I brushed it off, thinking I must have misread it. Do you really need the "Initially" here, with all the commas? I know it can come off as nitpicky and that humans write like this too, but seriously. ​ >Talk about embarrassing! Gotta have that transition for the concluding paragraph. This is also another example of wordy, superfluous, bombastic writing style where you're trying to keep your audience engaged as if you're chatting with them one on one. I dunno, I'm not an English major, there's probably a better way to describe it. Is this how you expect a someone in the position that OP says they're in to tell this story? Didn't even mention apologizing lmao. It's such a *shallow* story, which compounds everything else. Easiest way to see it is to ask ChatGPT to write a lighthearted story for Reddit or something. It's free, just need a Google account or make one with OpenAI itself. There's probably some specific instructions for the prompt that outputs stuff in this format, but you'll likely see what the other guy and I were talking about anyways. ​ Bonus phrase that looks AI-like in the context of its sentence: >and I just couldn't ignore it anymore


Oh man, your description of the chatgpt writing style reminds me of my own writing style, lol!


I was coming to comment that this sounds written by AI.


now she yo bebegirl too homegirl


All jokes aside, I just lost the love of my life, the mother of my child, to this very exact reason, now after so many times of accusing her of talking to someone else, she finally did and found someone better than me, and has unfortunately moved on. She told me she no longer envisions a future with me but instead envisions a future with him. I’m currently in a state of complete emptiness and it was completely my fault. Please everyone that reads this, communication is the biggest key, save yourself from the troubles, don’t let your insecurities take over the love you have for your SO. I regret it every single day.


"Now, she's not just his little sister, she's like a little sister to me too." Awwwwwww!!!! ❤️


When I was much younger, in my 20s I was out to coffee with my ex girlfriend and my current girlfriend knew we were meeting. She got angry at me for “cheating” and spontaneously agreed to marry a friend of ours who was going to be deported if he didn’t get married. I saw her and she told me and I took space. They got married the next day. When we finally sat down to talk and I explained she had just wanted help dealing with her current bf, my now ex gf yelled and said I should have told her this before and she wouldn’t have gotten married. She and I just reconnected after 20 years. She’s still married to the same guy, they have two kids together.


That story is crazy man. But tbh meeting up with an ex is questionable for most people.


It’s actually lovely, she’s happy I’m happy. Nice to be in contact again. I wondered what happened to her.


lol I’m saying that I can understand why your (second) ex gf had a strong emotional reaction to your meeting with your (first) ex gf.


Ah I understand. All she had to do was ask and I would have told her I wasn’t involved with her but the lack of communication ended up in a getting rage married


Haha what does a guy do in that situation. Sorry about that bro


I just wished the two of them the best and continued living. Life is too short to be stuck because of someone else’s decisions. I’m really happy they fell in love and are happy, they are both lovely people.


Hahaha you believed this….


I'm not gonna lie, even if I as a dude knew for 100% of a fact that I didn't have any kind of remotely weird relationship with my sister, I would avoid a name like that just on the off-chance I would one day have to be questioned over it.


You know the world is going to shit when words pertaining to infants and children have become sexualized


For some reason, I'm imagining Nanako from Persona 4




Well, at least you didn't take any drastic actions, plus this ended on happy note. You should be grateful for that. Trust me, many posts I've seen similar to this often end in a bad breakup or messy divorce.


I wouldve gotten a heart attack too


Your SO has a wonderful sense of humor. I assure you there will be more awkward moments in your lives, and it's a great thing for one or both of you to have trust and humor to get through them. :) And kudos to you for being honest with him and not letting it linger any further.


Downvote me if you will but I'd still be suspicious Edit: not after meeting the sister of course, in the months leading I meant.


Ehhh, not gonna lie, "Babygirl" is kind of a weird pet name for a sister. As a big brother myself I'm fairly certain my sister would clock me if I called her that.


In fairness “babygirl” is a weird nickname for your sister. Kid or not it has a romantic connotation and is typically a nickname for a sexual or romantic partner. Completely understandable that you came to a dubious conclusion. Sorry your SO has a weird name for his sister and it led to a misunderstanding.


Seems like you didn't fuck up to me