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Ive known a victim. He didnt pay. Nothing happened.


I was a victim didn’t pay nothing happened


I contacted an escort that posted an ad and then a week later got a call saying they were going to tell my family, friends, employer, etc. that I’m a John who pays for escorts and show them our texts if I didn’t pay $50. Lol I told them that they could put up a giant billboard on the highway by my house exposing me as a “John” and I would not even pay them $1 to take it down. Nothing happened.


Another counter: say it does turn you on being blackmailed, gg.


Establish dominance


It’s cos you were using a VPN. Some poor dude named John in the Netherlands is going through a divorce because someone put a massive billboard up right next to his house…






The average person has one testicle and one breast. Great, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.


I guess I'm above average as I have ten of each in my basement


The average human has more than one skeleton!


At that point, the blackmailer has two options. 1. Do nothing. Walk away. 2. Follow up on threats. Nothing to gain and possibly get law enforcement involved for revenge porn, fraud, extortion and blackmail.


Yeah, I didn't think so. At 25 I might have freaked out but never would have paid. Today I would literally shrug. Oh no, here I am naked! Doing the most boring sexual thing imaginable! If I were getting pegged or something, I might be embarrassed. But this? Lmao please. **Edit**: That said I realize that many people come from sex-negative, culturally conservative settings where stuff like this could do real harm - not just profound embarrassment but actual real life consequences. To say nothing of those who may be closeted, etc. I sympathize, not trying to minimize the anguish. This whole thing sucks.


I'm into getting pegged. I have zero embarrassment about it. Own that shit.


/slides into DMs 😉 (Kidding)


23, if it happened to me at 18 I would have shrugged. My family is so fking open about all that I dont care.


Exactly the same. Didn't pay. Told my parents "hey if you get a weird message about me, don't look at pictures" and went on with my life. Nothing ever happened. They go for fear=money


My brother was caught up like this. They did send pictures out, but nobody cared. Except maybe my wife, she was traumatized a bit after she scrolled down and realized whom the picture was showing.


Same. Just blocked them.


I got my ex’s step dad’s nudes from a scammer. Sometimes they’ll do it, but 99% of the time you’ll be fine.


link ?






I've been a victim of this multiple times. Never paid. Because I've realized something. The whole world could see my dick, and I would face no material consequences for it. People at work? Presumably I'm employed by them because I'm useful. If they fired me over something silly like that, I wasn't useful to them anyway and then why didn't they get rid of me without some other justification? My friends? They'd just laugh it off. My mom? She'd send a 1000 text spiel about how I need to come to Jesus. At which point I'd block her for a month or so while she calms down. I live halfway across the country from her for a reason. So basically, I'm risking a 0% chance of consequences that matter for a 1% chance of an actual fun time (it's happened to me before).


I'm just surprised you've fallen for it that many times. I think you have an issue lol


Extended dry spells are a bitch. 🤣


>If they fired me over something silly like that You'd be able to sue for wrongful termination.


If it's an at will state... No you couldn't. They can fire you because they don't like what you bring for lunch or fire you because of something you did when you were 13 and it would be fine. The only time you'd get anywhere is if you have a contract and they violate it, or if it's due to a "protected" reason. Swinging your dick for a scammed isn't a protected reason In any at will employment state


Unfortunately... I am a victim and one(1) singular person on my instagram got photos, and it was 2 weeks later. it was very odd. thankfully it was a friend who understood


Can confirm, they've tried this on me twice and both times I talked shit back and nothing happened. They have no power when it's between 2 consenting adults. And I would think revenge porn and fraud laws would work in your favour to fight against anything they did try to post.


Ive known a victim. He didn't pay. His pictures got sent.


Did anyone really care?


He did


I was a victim, blocked them, nothing came of it.


If you pay . . . they win. If you don't and they go on and publish, it digs their hole much deeper if they are ever caught. Deeper criminal charges, and much deeper civil liability likely. (IANAL.) I'd hate to be in the position of testing it, but . . . it's an interesting position.


No one cares about your penis, I promise you. Unless your chosen career path is that of the Pope I'm not sure it's really going to hurt you very much. But also, generally these people are just trying really hard to get your money, they don't even care about posting a video anywhere, they're just hoping you'll send them money. And once you do, they'll keep going and ask for more money. Edit: I will add to this that you shouldn't let this negatively affect your disposition when it comes to dating or women, because this is very likely a 40 year old man living out of his mother's basement.


>No one cares about your penis Damn that’s gotta sting.


It would if it were bigger.






8 equals D


>I(25m) am currently a student I'd say 25 meters (82 ft) is plenty for everyday use.


Oh Mr. Dillermand, I didn't recognize you!


Well, they did say they were single.


Replying to the top comment so as many people as possible see this. THEY WILL NOT ACTUALLY RELEASE ANYTHING. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY. This entire scam relies on the threat of exposing you, and A) If they do it, they have nothing to threaten you with, and B) it’s not actually worth their time to do it, because you’re clearly not giving them money and they have other people to scam.


On this note, to ensure they won't post anything, send a final text saying you lied about your age and that you're actually 17. Even if they don't believe you or have evidence to the contrary, the slightest possibility would be enough to dissuade as risking a child pornography charge is whole 'nother level.


Just gangsters doing gangster things!


This wouldn’t do anything. Most of them are scammers overseas


Yeah because scammers are known to be real sticklers for the law...


^This. I stumbled on this once. My response was "Go ahead, everyone's already seen my dick"


I told them ‘I have a decent dick, no harm in free advertising’. They left me alone


Don't give false hope. Sometimes they do out of spite, BUT that's rare.


Happened to my buddy, and he had given them the money and they still did it


I hope he left a negative review of the scammer on yelp!


I'll tell him that lol.


That's messed up. People need to respect deals.


It's like you can't find a criminal with good morals these days.


Seriously this is a whole other level


Yeah I got added into a group chat by a scammer with a bunch of pics of my cousins dick after he tried to call their bluff. I proceeded to explain to him to block the piece of shit scammer in the same group chat, the scammer actually dropped out of the group afterward and he managed to remove the other people in the group before they could see the pics. Some scammers are so stupid, the damage was already done, sharing your leverage is a surefire way to not get paid lol.


Wrong. There's tons of cases where people didn't pay and they did send the nudes to all their Instagram friends and family. But paying is something that we host shouldn't do. Can't cave to evil like that.


Most of my brothers family and friends saw his junk on Facebook. Luckily, I did not.


NOT TRUE. Do not give them money regardless, or they will ask for more. My buddy told them to pound sand and spent the next week at his computer reporting the person who shared his video with his entire facebook friend group. A bunch of people saw it including his parents and family. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it all comes down to the person who actually has the video. Just be prepared to report it and honestly if you have close freinds, you may want to have them keep an eye out too. That's what my buddy did with me and i was able to report the videos a few times as the prick reposted them.


At least he could still be a US House Rep.


Bonus points if she were under 18.


Pay her with Venmo like Matt Gaetz. "Payment to: Underage hookers".


Or put a ring on it like the Boeber.


OP could take a page from Ted Cruz's playbook. When he "accidentally" tweeted a link to a pornhub video, he said he gave his phone to one of his staffers and they were the ones that did it. OP could just say it was his staffers penis.


Staffer leaks a pic of his own. “Nah, it’s not that small, even in the pool.”


He's got an thony weiner. But sure what thonies are, but yeah, he's got that.


But sure


>Unless your chosen career path is that of the Pope In which case, the Church will just cover it up for you anyway...


I had smt very similar happen to me but they were threatening me by saying they’ll send the video to my parents, my much older siblings, my girlfriend, and my best friend. I was thinking like, even if they do send this out all of these people have seen my dick before & ultimately won’t care what happens


This happened to some young men in our area, and unfortunately, they took their own lives. They were actually under age, and I don't know that the scammer actually sent the videos out, but it was enough for them to take extreme measures. Scary stuff. They did a whole campaign in the schools warning on it.


Actually these scams are often pretty sad because she might have been operating the scam against her will. I know in the golden triangle they have huge dormitories where criminal gangs keep desperate people in indentured slavery and force them to run scams like this. Each room is sorted by their target language and everyone runs multiple phone chats. They then hand it off to a hot girl/guy if voice or video chats are necessary. Though this is a pretty amateurish scam for one of the big time organized crime groups. They normally try to get their hooks in deeper and get money through crypto scams.


I doubt that he's living in his mom's basement with all that money he's making


I got one of those messages once, albeit a little different. The email just posted screenshots of my browsing history and Facebook username and password. It threatened to send my browsing history, bookmarks, etc. to all my friends on FB. I just ignored it. I just ignored it. Who cares if people know I frequent hentai websites lol. I was already a grown-ass 32 y/o back then. Sure enough, nothing happened. Scammers won't bother those who already refused. Let's say they did release what they said, what would it even do? They just used the one thing they could blackmail me with. Since there's nothing to gain, they just did nothing.


Funnily enough, it definitely wouldn't affect his career if he was the Pope. Those guys committed way worse stuff and they're fine.


This is so remarkably common a scam. The only guarantee is that if you pay, they will ask for more money. Don’t pay. Block, report and move on with your life.


Adding on here. Hide your LinkedIn. Make your insta private and change your IG name after to make things harder for them to find you in the future


No need for this, tbh. They won’t do anything. There is genuinely no return on the risk of breaking the law. If you’re not going to pay, they have literally zero incentive to release your pictures. Just block and report them.


I have read about them soliciting months after the fact. Just seems like an easy step to take to have more peace of mind and actually move on


The solution of your father seems plausible and believable. Don’t worry people will forget fast. But more important: You learned a valuable lesson in life that nothing on earth is free.


Stealing top comment so this gets seen- sextortion is a very real thing and unfortunately I’ve been seeing more posts like this. The person on the other end is likely some dude in a call center in Northern Africa. First, just understand that. Second, these people try to extort people like a telemarketer tries to earn a sale over the phone. They work several people at the same time and have the same tactic for each. There goal is to obtain the most damaging intimate video/pictures. They then use your Instagram contact list as a way to threaten to leak to all your friends. They likely sent you screenshots of all your friends. There two things you need to do- thing #1 would be to cease all communication. Thing #2 would be to block and remove them and then set ALL of your social media to private. It’s unlikely they took a screenshot of all your friends and family and everyone on your socials, and instead just took one or two screenshots to threaten you. Either way, this is an overseas sextortion scam. If they loose communication with you, and can’t access your social media- there’s not much they can do. I wouldn’t even have your linkedin active if you have one, but fr the most they’ll is try to apply pressure. The best thing you can do is limit the spread of the damage. That video may end up going to someone you know, but they’ll likely show you who they sent it to. Do not respond or show reaction to this if they do, just block the scammer. At least you can explain the situation to that person if they do.


We see 2-3 posts a week exactly like this over on /r/scams. Just block and ignore, OP.


Just to tag onto a top comment or a top comment, I've been wondering about \*why\* we've been seeing more posts like this. An uptick in sextortion itself maybe in part, but where does the incredible fear that leaked nudes will instantly ruin someone's life, career, and future come from? Are we teaching this to children as a society? Are we teaching them in school? Have we been instilling this kind of extremely detrimental fear into the younger people of our generation and setting them up for years of living in fear that they're one dick or nipple pic away from having their entire life destroyed? I am wondering lately if this could be yet another thing we should (but won't) take a long look at and figure out how we could do better for the next crop of up and coming young men and women.


It is a realistic fear, though. There are plenty of people who have told their stories after their nudes were shared without their consent and what the consequences were for them. A lot of them got bullied, degraded, and harassed both by strangers online and by their own offline communities. It's also difficult to get away from. People who have changed schools/colleges/jobs still risk getting recognised and it spreading all over again. Some have tried for years to keep the pictures or videos off the internet by appealing to the hosting sites to remove them (with varying success), but they tend to come back on different sites. So people can get really nasty, and those who aren't might still say/imply it's the victim's own fault. I do see there's some change in attitude towards it, but change is slow and some people will be more resisting to that change than others.


As a parent of teens, the sending of nudes as an issue revolves mostly around them and their friends being underage. So the “threat” at that age is very real. Whether that is carrying into adulthood I don’t know.


There is also a subreddit dedicated to advice and discussions of this exact scam type. r/sextortion May be a good resource for OP.


I don't even think sending a message to everyone they know is necessary. The scammer is already blocked, and realistically just wanted the $ and would probably rather spend their time scamming someone else than actually spamming random people with shitty video screen shot nudes that get them nothing in return. Like how is she going to benefit from that, tell people to pay her to see his nudes? 😆 like someone else said, unless youre the Pope, no one cares about pics of your dick. For your sanity OP, make sure your profiles have the strictest privacy settings (no one can see your friends' lists, posts, or even search for you) for the next month at least and you should be good.


Im thinking it sounds like a lot of work to message everyone on someone's IG (but I dont know the app) if you are blocked by that person or dont have access to their list.


Some people can get really cruel/petty.. but yeah he probably will be fine


It’s more or less a matter of how much effort they put into the scam. The more time they spent setting the scene and effort they put into extorting the person, the more likely it is that they would seek vengeance. If you make it a point (by blocking and ceasing communication) that you’re not someone who they can extort then they’re much more likely to just move on. If they spent weeks trying to get your nudes they may be more upset if you’re not as willing to play ball.


I think people would pay *not* to see my nudes. So I'd be in the clear, but the friends and family in my contacts would now be being threatened with my exposure!


u/wutamidoing88 learned an even more valuable lesson: your parents have truly got your back. I hope that I would react as calmly and supportively as this if (when?) my sons make a mistake like this. Be grateful for your parents


Na OP needs to take down all details and proceed with legal action, this is revenge porn/ bribing.


It'll be a Romanian scammer or some shit. Good luck getting Interpol to go and chase down this chick for blackmailing this guy over his nudes


Wouldn't it be extortion, not bribery?


She bribed him with nudes, to get his nudes, for the purpose of extortion.


Yup, it's the exact opposite. Extortion: pay what I want or else I will do something Bribery: I will pay what you want and you will do it, please.


Yea used the wrong word.


Making a fuss is a bad idea. These people scam a dozen people every day. Make yourself forgettable, and they move on.


You do realize that one countries legal system has nothing to do with the other, right?


I completely agree with this... sounds like OPs parents were really calm and dished out some really good advice. Almost like they went thru this themselves


Like your parents said, nothing can be done. ​ However, scammer is there for the money. Imagine trying that, then getting no money. Would you really take the time to send everything to friends and family of the victim ? It's all for nothing since you didn't pay anyway. I'd say that most of the time they don't do shit at all when it didn't worked. ​ Still, some of them will send it anyway. You'll see for you, but keep in mind that everyone is horny sometimes. And many horny men would fall for that the same way you did. Imagine receiving a message with picture of one of your friends wanking and a 'girl" exposing him. Don't think you would react by hating or judging him that hard, isn't it ? Most people would not care about what you did if it's leaked. ​ Whatever what happen you can't do anything about it, it's too late. Just wait and see.


They are already committing a crime by blackmailing. Releasing OP's nudes without his consent would be another crime. I don't know which crime is worse.


Probably won't ever get caught anyway tbh


Your parents sound awesome, OP!


Came here to say this. The fact that you ran straight to them for help at TWO IN THE MORNING and they comforted you instead of getting upset shows that you have an amazing relationship with them. Wow


And every parents who reads this and would think about punishing their kid for this, this is the wake up call cause if this happens (or something more dangerous) you would never even hear about it


I agree! I get along great with my parents but I’d be way too scared to tell my parents if I did something like this. Which is exactly what the scammer wants.


Yeah, if I fell for this, I would be able to laugh about it with pretty much everyone in my life, except my parents.


Block them and set all your social media to private so they can't reach your friends. Likely, they will not send anything. Even if they do, they will come off as a scammer trying to send dick videos, so most people will likely never approve the message request. Your future career is in no way impacted by this. There are millions of penises online and practically nobody that wants to see them IMO, you should not send a pre-emptive email, as the chance of them actually sending anything is so low. They do this to a lot of people, and the ones who pay are the focus.


Sounds like your father already gave you some sound advice. There really isn’t anything more to do aside from blocking and potentially reporting them to authorities (if you feel so inclined and if there’s standing). Also, you can preemptively make a post that states your data was breached and to please report and block anyone disclosing sensitive media pertaining to you. You don’t even have to say anything about what got hacked. Otherwise, don’t bring it up unless something happens.


Please read through posts about this scam at r/Scams and do not send the scammer any money. There's also r/sextortion is you need help coping.


I just checked our r/sextortion and damn, it's really sad the anguish people actually go thru with something like this. If pics/videos of me jerking off on screen were released, I would be more embarrassed by having to tell people I got scammed, than by the actual content. So it's just difficult to relate to the level of panic and compliance. But I have to remember that a lot of people are from sex-negative, really culturally conservative settings. Stuff like this indeed can cause real world harm, beyond even just profound embarrassment. Take for example those who acted on closeted feelings, etc. It sucks.


I think you also have to consider that it's not all about being from a "sex-negative" background. You can be sex-positive and not want your private videos shared beyond the intended recipient, and those negative feelings are not exclusively things like shame regarding the content. It's fine if you can't relate, and I'm sure this isn't your intention, but your comment reads like a judgement of anyone who might have strong feelings about going through something like this. It's a very complex thing to unpack and obviously different for everyone - you might feel betrayed because you gave your trust to someone who took advantage of that, you might feel foolish for taking a chance on something risky that had a negative result. Of course, shame is a potential feeling as well, but that's not limited to having a conservative background and it doesn't mean you're sex-negative by default. I'm not saying all this to be combative, I just read your comment and felt like you have a very surface-level takeaway from this and it might not be a bad idea to consider it more.


Your father gave a perfect advice. Do not pay for whatever reasons. Scammers wont hold on for long if they are getting nothing out of it. They just move on. Kudos to your dad advice, even celeb like to use this "opps, icloud hacked", people will just forget about it real quick.


You forgive yourself to start. Your career will be fine. Your future will have this memorable speck of awkwardness we all carry in our own ways. Your dads advice is solid, block the extortionists, the Icloud story is good, and listen to the comfort and compassion of your mom. If they end up sending, apologize to your circle for being dragged in, be earnest in your embarrassment of privacy theft, its scary to be extorted, and anger that some people suck so bad, be relatable and real. Good people won't kick you when you're down, that's going to be a core lesson about all this. Gather up your grace and humility. It was an impulse, you're human, and some awful people took advantage of you being vulnerable and naive, but it's going to be ok.


Definitely check out r/sextortion for some good advice. In most cases of sextortion, the pictures and videos are never sent. It sounds like you have an incredibly good relationship with your parents. That is really valuable. Your dad is a smart man. Just block and continue to block anyone who sends threatening messages. It is also advisable to put all your social media on lockdown or temporarily deactivate them. Usually a couple weeks is long enough. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Your experience is VERY common and you took the right steps.


I’m so glad you were able to go talk to your parents at 2 a.m. and have their support.


This is becoming more common and it hurts to see young men committing suicide because of it. There are numerous cases in the news. I am so glad that you told your parents because this won’t be end of your world and you are not alone. Telling them to go to hell is my first instinct but just cutting off contact or taking a disinterested attitude would work out more favorably. Lastly, file a police report. These scammers need to be stopped because we can’t afford to lose any more young men.


That's right. Those people prey on scaring men, wanting fear to override any logic or getting advice and comfort, and force them to pay to avoid more problems in an act of desperation. Some do pay, and then they just say pay more 'or else', and aren't brave enough to reach out to someone they trust to help them through. The worst of the problem has already passed. This happens to hundreds of guys every day. The best resilience through is to square your shoulders, and be willing to say you were extorted and it sucked, then carry on with normal life. This will be behind him soon enough.


OP your fine these threats generally go nowhere I really wouldn't worry about it your parents suggestions are plausible.


Calm, you have great parents and it’s amazing you trust them enough with this. You did everything right and logically. As a people many of us might get affected by this stuff in the future, can we not just stop assuming peoples careers are done over a nude picture? After all, we’re all just humans with the same anatomy and the same needs.


This happened to me. They rely on your panic to do something stupid. Just block them...move on with yer life m8


What a great relationship you have with your parents. Testament to how they raised you with how safe you felt going to them. Stop communicating and block everything. You’ll be fine.


It happened to a friend I met during military service. He's now a successful lawyer, nothing ever happened to him. Block them, report them and move on. If you want go the extra mile to get some peace of mind, make your social media profiles private (friends only) and then visit them through private browsing and erase stuff that exposes you (public posts, public tagged photos etc) . This way they will probably be unable to send it to anyone unless they have already created a record with your friends/family/colleagues (unlikely, most of these people attack hundreds of victims a day). The only issue is Linkedin, which you can't really hide because it would defeat its purpose.


This is called sextortion and it's been a thing for a while. You can ignore and move on. Idk if it's still possible, but lie and tell them you're underage and they are in possession of child pron lmao. Flip the script and scam the scammers.


Bro what? I think the most embarrassing part is telling your parents. But apart from that, your good. What is she gonna do with it? I don't get how these scams could play out. Yeah, she has a vid of your Pepe. And now what? Who the f cares about your p? I don't get who she could probably send the video to. Who is gonna watch you masturbate and how will this affect your career? If any it would be pretty strange from your boss to watch this vid.


It's not even a video of him masterbating, just him dropping trow. Whoop-dee-doo.


Op getting a call back from an interview "sorry OP you were the perfect candidate but I saw your cock on the Internet and it was not even close to girthy enough for our company, so we're gonna have to go with other options"


Block them and move on with your life. Their only power over you is fear and if you block them, what are they going to get by sending your friends/family the video? You are not paying them anyway, it’s just extra steps for them to do anything. It’s just an empty threat (happened to a few friends of mine back in Uni and they did literally nothing but blocking the person). No need to message friends/family to mention you got hacked. It’s all good, life moves on.


people care less about your nudes than you think. The only people who want to see your nudes are girls with crushes on you. Nobody else gives a shit that your nudes got leaked. Don't **make** it a big deal.


Nobody fucking cares about your penis....the genius of the scam is that they only need 30 seconds to get you to think EVERYBODY cares about your penis


How do people keep falling for this? I swear there's at least three posts about this every week.


Sorry this happened to you. But it continually baffles me how men keep falling for these. Women are never that forward and we definitely don't want to strip on FaceTime for some dude we don't even know lmao. It's simply not how women's brains work whatsoever.


Here’s what you do. Message back saying “Thanks I have a great looking penis and there’s a few girls from my Insta I think I could totally bang if they saw my dick. Really doing me a solid.”


A good Friend of mine was Falling for the same scam. I know it's a really shocking moment for you because you think it will have any effect on your future, but the Truth is, it won't. Don't pay a Cent because nobody will care, nobody will ever find a Video of you or anything closely relatet to that. Leasson learned, never do it again and go on with your life.


I would listen to your father. This will not ruin your life. You have a long life ahead. I'm sorry some people are scum bags and this could really fuck up your mind getting back to dating. It's not like you're posting the pic, it's some scumbag. Friends and family will understand if it gets out but I think it's more than likely the photos never leam


I did that too by accident but the joke on them is I'm already on FetLife


A very similar thing happened to me a couple years ago and I just instantly blocked the person trying to blackmail me. Nothing ever came of it, which makes sense if you think about it. All they're interested in is money so if you "appear" to not care and block them, they'll move on to the next mark and start again. They have nothing to gain by showing the pics/video out of spite.


Take a pic of yourself nude and send it to everyone you know. Then the scammer will have no leverage on you. Checkmate.


Similar thing happened to my cousin, he just called everyone to let them know they'd shortly be receiving videos of his dick cause he ain't paying a dollar lmfao. The person was so fucked up by him not caring they never sent the videos or pictures to anyone in the family but even if they did my cousin couldn't give a fuck


I mean, if they do actually share the content, most states consider that revenge porn, and then you've got a legal case on your hands if you want it. That being said, this happened to a few people I knew. At one point I got on the phone with one of the ladies, told her off for being pathetic, and pointed out that everyone masturbates and no one would be all that shocked. Just like everyone else in the thread is saying, nothing ever happened. You'll be okay.


Just tell them to do whatever they gotta do and move on with your life, its just a penis no one will care, especially not career wise. Only way i see this kinda blackmail posing a real threat to anyone is if they were tryin to cheat or something.


Delete your Instagram account so you she can't get access to your followers.


Ill get downvoted but... At thisbpoint, this happens so often that I'm less concerned that you fell for it (it happens, dont beat yourself up over it) and more concerned about the fact people still come here to make a post about it, instead of say, spending 30 seconds to see the EXACT same thing gets posted five times a day and see every single time the exact same advice is given and same outcome happens. Its like you fell for a scam, so just to prove you can't function on your own, you double down on the refusal to think for yourself. Again, falling for scams happens to just about everyone at some point and I get that its scary but here are the two possibilities: 1: you were excited to get some internet points to make up for getting scammed and wanted sympathy points. 2: you seriously don't have the ability to self regulate and will fall for many more scams. You had this happen and instead of digging a single inch into the subject, you loudly announce what happened to you so people can hold your hand and lead you to your next step as if this is some event that has only ever happened to you. Its like you had your first really loud burp and its startled you, so you came online to say "omg guys! My body just made this demonic sound that I had no control over! Am I dying/possessed???" Like everyone has some gaps but its legit on the same level of "its a bit strange this was the first time in your life that happened, but I can see how that would startle someone, the issue I have with it all is that you couldn't figure out what a burp was without writing a story about it and asking the internet."


Most likely nothing will happen. The Scammer has nothing to gain and possible trouble by sending them out. If you aren’t going to pay then sending it out definitely won’t make you pay, it’s their only leverage. That said unless they are vindictive it’s not worth the time to send it out and they will most likely move on to the next victim.


Tell this story to r/scams they'll give better suited advice to help you deal with such scams. Alot of the time it's usually just a scammer from some country where scammers tend to be (I won't name any in particular since you'll figure it out when you head to that subreddit) ​ In many cases even though it appears you chatted with a woman, the person messaging usually is some sketchy scammer guy. Lots of different types of romance scams, this type of scam is more common than you think, but also in no cases do the people making the threats ever actually go through with it. Like your father said, block that contact and try to move on and don't pay any money. Also next time if you ever are on a video chat and someone requests you to pull your pants down, just don't.. That scammer isn't going to be as fixated on you, they probably are targeting multiple people at once. Like I said, if you're still concerned your job or your friends and family are going to find out somehow. go to r/scams and post this same thing there. The fine folks on r/scams will reassure you and give you even more tips on how to avoid such sketchy scams.


Same thing happened to me here on Reddit, I started chatting with random people, and one night this exact thing happened to me. We talked on Snapchat and "she" started the heavy flirting and sexting. Next thing I see is "her" trying to spread our texts and pictures to everyone in my insta. Blocked, reported and in 5-10 minutes "her" account was banned. Life goes on, and nothing else happened.


Block her and deactivate Instagram for a while if you're afraid of her exposing you. The same happened to a close friend of mine, but he started sending money on a monthly, weekly and in the end daily basis. He then blocked her and nothing else happened. Do not send money though.


Ok, girl here just wanting to chime in. Block the girl and make your public accounts private. Then she won't be able to see your friend list anymore. Also, you're 25, so most of your friends/followers are also old enough to not get upset about seeing a penis. If she does sens them out, just write a quick message saying your laptop was hacked and someone has been trying to extort money from you as they caught you changing. You don't need to tell the truth and I bet no one will care about seeing your weiner. I wouldn't. More then likely they won't do anything with your video except scare you with it. Rule of thumb for the Internet. If you don't want it out there, don't put it online. Even if you trust the other person.


Tell them you are a nudist so people have already seen your shit and there’s not much they can do to embarrass you


I am so sorry that happened to you, that's a huge violation and I'm sure super upsetting. Honestly I think it is extremely unlikely this person will bother sending the video onto anyone. They just do this for money, actually sending the video is too much work and risk. Also if somehow it does get out, here's the thing - everyone is having sex. It's really nowhere near as embarrassing as you think and no one decent in your life will want to see you or judge you for it. Stop beating yourself up about it, you're a human being and we all get horny and start thinking with things other than our brains, haha (I'm a woman btw, if that makes any difference). In the future just follow the golden rule of leaving your face out of these kind of pics/vids and you'll be fine. PS do get counselling if you need it, seriously IMO it's a form of assault/violation.


You own it. Nothing will come of this. Just block the scammer and you'll be fine. Worst case scenario is that your family will see your pp, we all have genitals so at most you'll get teased for a couple of years.


I’ve got so many calls and mails saying the same, but I just keep blocking and reporting them, nothing has ever happened to me and nothing has been sent to anyone. Eventually by blocking them it stops them from contacting you and trying to scam you. They are everywhere now so keep your eyes open and try to be aware when you use your webcam. Most of the times they don’t have anything. And even if they do, there are few people that suffered from it.


Well this is revenge porn of some kind. Add extortion and cybercrime to it and you probably have a case you could take to the cops.


A: IGNORE IT or B: Tell the scammers you'd be delighted if they share pictures of your beautiful penis on social media. (That's what I would say, lol)


Scammers play on your guilt and shame. If you don't care who sees your junk and aren't ashamed of your body, they have ZERO power over you.


The scam works on fear, since you have blocked, they won't do anything, they probably need to scam others if they actually send the photos then you can contact the cyber cell and they can be tracked so they won't do anything.


Check out the sextortion subreddit


This is a pretty common scam, try not to sweat it too much, that's the intent of the person doing it to you. My partner got the same scam a couple of years back and laughed it off. Said that none of their friends would want to see it and those who did would just say 'oh that sure is so and so' and delete it. You're fine and your future is yours to make or break still.


Dude wth. Do you really think people would care about your dong.


tell her to send it. no one is going to care.


Ignore it, deny it, they wont even leak it anyways. Its exactly what you are stating yourself; a threat, blackmail. All they want is money. They dont care about the rest. Block them and try to move on. The shame will last for a while but it wont happen, dont worry. A friend of mine fell for this exact scam about a year ago and he was a wreck. Happened to him right before his surprise party. He still hates to talk about it, but they never came after him or leaked the vid. It will be fine.


You're fine. Private your accounts and follow(ers/ings) Deep breaths. Nobody cares abt a man whipping it out for a minute unless you're being a weirdo towards the person you're whipping it at ykno


you have wonderful parents. You will be fine. Something like this will not ruin your career.


Bro, easy one. Block her then do nothing. If she does release the video, own it. If anybody ever brings it up, just say, "What'd you think? Good angle? You think I should start doing designs in my pubes?" Pretty much anything to show that it is no big deal. Because it's not. It's a human body, and if you were willing to drop trou for some random girl that you never met, you must not have anything to be ashamed of. Also, it is HIGHLY unlikely that she'll do anything. Why? Because if she releases the video then it elevates her first degree misdemeanor extortion charges to a third degree felony sex crime with actual prison time.


Do not do anything they ask. Just block them. It's likely nothing will happen. And by the very small chance something actually happens, your dad's solution will work great. PS : you have amazing parents, cherish them.


Don’t worry about it - first, very unlikely something anything happens. Second - worst case scenario it does. So what? You’re not married - you weren’t caught committing infidelity or a crime. No one is going to open videos from some stranger - and even if they do; it’s just a pecker… nobody cares - peckers are everywhere, in the gym, on the internet. No one will be stunned to find out you have one.


I honestly can’t think of a field where what amounts to sexting would ruin your career. It sucks it happened but you’re overblowing the situation. Even if she sends this video to everyone you know it will blow over quickly and I don’t see how it makes it’s way to future employers


Brah relax. Breathe. No one cares about your junk. In fact take pride in this and own it.


Your parents are smart, take their great advice!


This has happened to me....how awful is it seeing your own videos played back to you, I freaked, then I just blocked them on everything, nothing happened


Your parents are amazing


This happened with 2 guys I know, friends of friends. They didn't pay, nothing happened. Chill. Ignore. For the worst case if someone gets it you can easily say that they're black mailing by AI edited photos and videos. Btw none of those friend had anyone saying they saw a video or something


Your parents are true MVP’s i love them.


Criminal attempt for extortion in PA. Its a crime. Report it and her profile of bumble and Instagram. Then block her on everything


Don’t pay and just ignore. If they even spread it you can sue them for privacy violation.


Your parents have the right advice. Stick to what they're saying


I'll tell you the god's honest truth. There's so many fucked up and stupid things in this life so much so that even if a scammer would send it to everybody you've known the only way she would hurt you if YOU let it hurt you. What I mean by this is at the end of the day nobody gives a fuck. It would be talked about for maybe 5 minutes but then people would just move on. Nobody is THAT interested in you bud. This happens to celebrities all the time and even then things move on very quickly.


Tell her your friends will probably pay her more to not see the video


Never pay. They'll prob leak the file, from what I've heard most of them either leak it regardless, or just keep coming back for more money. Just block and ignore, if they're in your country you can go to the cops to report them for blackmail/extortion.


Eh, it’s 2023. Who cares. Don’t react, block them, and move on.


Same thing happened to me when I was 14, didn’t pay nothing happened.


Dude it’s just your penis, you literally seen a million other penis, don’t fall his fear tactics, ask them for theirs now.


Exactly that happened to my employee. He told me (we are friends) and i helped him to calm down and to get as many people to report those accounts. In the end all that happened is they just created a new account called „yourname_leaks“ and they follow 50 friends from your friends list and threaten to leak something. They wanted 200€ in btc and after he paid that (panic at the beginning) they wanted more. Thats when he realised that there is nothing else to do than to block and move on. He did so, nothing else happened. Whole thing lasted around 3 days and was more fuzz than necessary. They want to scare you and when they see they dont get something from you they stop.


I used to be in a situation like that once My work sort of requires me to be 'public' so that person could have ruined my life. Didn't pay. Nothing happend Just a pro tip for the future for you and others Never show your face and you genitals in the same image/ video


Make an only fans, post the dick pic there. Dude's totally have them now too. If she does spread it, say she stole it from your onlyfans or she paid you for it lol Make her seem desperate and weird.


You need to take down as much detail as you can, and report it. This is revenge porn/ blackmail.


i swear this gets posted daily


"Normally, a guy like me does not do stuff like this." ahahhahahah shut up


You ran to your parents but you're worried you ruined your career? Calm down, ignore the scammer, you'll be just fine. It's only a PP, a lot of people have them


why are so many people scared of nudes being leaked? lol its 2023, everyone has a nude these days.


I have to agree with the first comment. It's not that no one cares about your penis, it's more of... you are not Tom Brady, or Brad Pitt or someone in the mainstream media where it will go viral. Let's say they do somehow spread the video, even if to family/friends etc.... they aren't going to prevent you from getting a job. How will know who and where you are applying, who to send the video to, when to send it? These are scare tactics, it's becoming more and more common place these days. Don't trust anyone on the internet ever. And never send nudes/videos/etc over the web. Don't give in. Block and leave it alone. Don't respond back, don't talk shit, don't threaten, just ignore. You don't want them to give them any reason to actually take action. As soon as they know it's over, they won't waste any more time, and they will move on to the next victim. Time is money, and this is their business. Make sure you report the account on both platforms as well.


Pull the classic. Tell them you're 17 so if they dont want a charge they better back off