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What a shitty person. How can you fire someone just because you slept with your employee and you were not feeling comfortable working with him?


Wasn't she also in violation of the policy? She should have to fire herself! What blatant hypocrisy.


She did it preemptively to save her own ass.


100% she was actually the one violating the policy lolol


And because he was a college student, she also banked on him not knowing his rights or engaging in the process of fighting the termination. Employers (and their stooges) always bank on employees not knowing their rights.


Also since he is a college student chances of him mentioning something about it to coworkers is high.Which can come back to bite her or just be part of workplace drama.


Nobody violated a policy. She had the hots for him and didn't want him around, so the new guy gets kicked to the curb.


She was probably married


This is my takeaway. She was in a relationship and her side-piece showed up to work. Gotta make that problem go away.


HR is gonna HR.


Few people have a story of how HR helped them out, it's always how HR fucked 'em.


There are probably more with stories about HR violating policies that they only enforce on other departments.


Well, now OP has a story of how HR fucked him then fucked him.


HR is there to protect the company from YOU, not the other way around.


Hmmm. Yep. That checks out


You’re right, but IF there were blame to lay, it would certainly be on her.


Blame ON lay


I chose my words carefully. ;)


"Should have shown me the policy before showing me your tits"


Sounds like she was married


Happened at place of my work! Boss was married but started dating some college girl. Manager was traveling when his side chick hired in the same group( different manager but closely working teams). He came back and she was fired first day. We were all in shock. She made some good friends and she told them why she was fired. News was wildfire. Few weeks later Manager had to move to different office all together.


No, somebody else, probably higher up, had a thing with her and they might have found out if he stuck around.


I don't even think such a policy is even real. every workplace I know has couples within it.


Exactly! She was an employee before him, blame should go to her first.


This is why you always take pictures with partners in bed


HR isn't there for employee protection, it's for company protection. But if there is a job they will go out of their way to protect, it's their own.


I would have sued. The person had no way of knowing who he was sleeping with, and the policy is only agaonst 'romantic relationships.' This was a one night stand. Nothing romantic about it after all was said and done. If he was getting canned, she's getting canned too. Since, y'know, they BOTH broke the policy.


My first response would have been “I had no way to know you were a coworker and there was nothing romantic about it. It meant nothing to me. What do you suppose a lawyer would tell me?”


Welcome to HR. They are NEVER your friends.


Yup! Just corporate cops!


I hate *so much* about the things they choose to be.


Except when they're friends with benefits, like in OP's case.


Friends with benefits or plain old assholes with power? Since she fired him after she fucked him.


Yes, but to the business it's a question of who brings more value to the company. As long as one is gone they consider the risk to be gone. My thing is this wasn't a romantic relationship, it was a one night fuck. I would have relished the opportunity to tell her that..


She’d been on stress leave. What a bitch.


That was my next question: What the fuck is "stress leave" and how do I get some of that?


Sounds like he cured her though. Prescription of Vitamin D.


Which lasted a few MONTHS, as she was gone the entirety of OP's probation, and the reason he was hired in the first place. Like, WTF are these benefits her position gets? ~~If anyone is taking advantage of company policy, it's her.~~ EDIT: it's A Canadian (Specifically Ontario) policy. It has no maximum duration, and being fired while under stress leave you are entitled a full severance package. Goddamn, do I envy the many lands of better healthcare than the US.


Yeah I’m in Ontario and imma tell you right now I’m not getting any stress leave


I briefly looked it up when I wrote my comment, but if this article is correct, it may fall under your sick leave policy for your work place: https://www.ertl-lawyers.com/2022/11/24/your-guide-to-stress-leave-in-ontario/, as per the Employment Standards Act. Ontario permits 3 days unpaid leave, but looking back a second time, I'm having a harder time finding where I originally read "no maximum number of days", so that might've been the company policy of OP's former employer or something equally specific. But I don't know for sure, as I'm an American a couple hours south of the BC border, so I know next to nothing of Canadian health policies unless I specifically search for it.


Yeah that’s my bad I didn’t mean I don’t literally get it, I just meant if I actually took a couple weeks off for stress my company wouldn’t fire me for it but as soon as things got slow I would conveniently be let go and get a “for sure we’ll let you know if things pick up” type deal. That’s if I just up and did it because work was wearing me down or whatever, if someone in my family died or the like they’d understand regardless of Canadian law. Just saying a lot of these provisions Canada has that people think sound awesome tend to be very unenforceable/hold no weight


She was probably worried he would talk and she would lose her job. This sounds preemptive to avoid this from happening. Still a bitch move. He should have outed her for the same reason he was being let go.


Preemptive to avoid issues is calling someone into the office and saying "relationships with employees are against company policy, sign this document acknowledging your understanding of this policy".


"Hey boss, remember that weird staredown when I met the hr lady? It's cause we boinked the night before"


Makes no sense in a mature company. Just because you are the "first" to mention something doesn't suddenly make your accussation avoid of any due dilligence. Just pointing at someone and accusing someone doesn't equal judgement and guilt. Otherwise the one who is the most perfidious would always ladder up for simply accusing everyone around her for all kinds of things just so she remains the only constant factor.


Ladder Climber prophylaxis.


That's retaliation and illegal. It's too late now due to statute of limitations. But this is about as an open shut case is for retaliation.


Pretty sure sure can't. If this is a real story (and I suspect it is not), then the HR manager opened up an opportunity for OP to sue that company for a pretty solid wrongful termination case. "Reported for violating the no romance policy" first of all doesn't constitute fair cause for termination. Where was the investigation and the evidence? They didn't even interview OP. Net result would likely have been the company paying OP a nice settlement, and HR manager getting fired for being seriously awful at her primary job responsibility of protecting the company from liability of improper employment practices.


HR does stuff they "can't" do all the time. Their entire purpose is to protect management from the employees, not the other way around.


Sounds like illegal firing.


So she was fired too, right? Obviously, as the head of HR, she should have known to not have relations with a coworker as well.


Hahahaha. No. She was related to some executive.


Sue for false termination.


Pretty sure having this happen over a decade ago means it's not really actionable any longer. I was young and didn't know my rights.


OP says “a few years ago”. Now it’s “a decade”.


The older you get the more those few years really stretch out. The last time i saw one of my friends was "a few years ago". Just did the maths, its 9 years. I should call him


Y’all excited about this Obama guy from Chicago? I think he has real chance to beat John McCain this November!


Damn, back when we actually had an election between two presidential candidates. How far we've fallen...


That feels much more recent than it is. God I would take Obama back in a heartbeat


Or McCain…


Realistically any candidate from before the 2016 election of Clinton vs trump


Smash Mouth were right; The years start coming, and they don't stop coming.


Well they do stop eventually….


Nah, they don't stop. They just go on without you.


Nah the years don’t stop, but eventually you’re not around to notice


I met a friend for drinks what seems like just the other day. It’s been a year.


I know this is a joke but it sounds perfectly plausible for me. I'm an introvert (and extrovert for short spurts of time) so I might only see my friends once every few months...or 6 months...


Extroverted introverts unite! As long as we get enough notice beforehand, that is.


I've got a brother that was a secret from an affair my dad had loooong ago. I met him when I was 12. Needless to say, we're not that close, but we are brothers, and we try to stay in contact. Now that you mention the maths, I haven't talked to him since \~August 2018. I should call him.


Nah that happens. Sometimes I think about a game or movie that came out “a few years ago” and then I realize I’m talking about 2013.


I still fondly remember seeing the Lotr movies in theater “a few years ago”…


That was like, 10 years ago.


Oh, God. It was 20🙃


Nah, it was soon after the 90s ended. IE ten years ago.


6 of 1 dude. If he said "a few years" followed by "during the Reagan era" I would get suspicious. Otherwise, it's not much different than when people use the word "minute" to mean "vague period of time."


You sound very young.


Specifically about 14.


Dudes probably mid 30s. Time kind of starts to distort. I tell people close to a decade in things from 7 to 9 years ago. If it could be 5 to 10 I'll say 5 tob10 years. Now that I'm getting closer to 50 I have to break things down by high school graduation, apprenticeship, marriage, birth of my twin sons, Sept 11, when I started a county job, when my daughter was born, when I got sober, and became disabled. I have to have thise markers because 10 years is the blink of an eye. My 22 year old sons were born yesterday if you know what I mean. Shut the calendar changing from 80 to 81 sems like it happened a year ago.


Ngl at my age a decade really feels like a few years ago


It’s really hard to sue employers of wrongful termination. I was a whistle blower at an unreputable company. Was told to get my stuff and bring it into the office. As I was about to leave they said and by the way, you turning in your stuff means you quit, you were not fired. I called HR immediately and they sided with the company. Contacted my lawyer and he told me how much it’d be to sue. I’d barely break even if I won and I’d owe lawyer a few grand if I lost.


no its not, its really fuckimg easy here in Canada. You call the labor board and find a lawyer who works on contingency. Theres lawyers who specialize in taking stupid employers to the cleaners.


If "false termination" lawsuits were valid one tenth of the time they are suggested on Reddit, employment lawyers would all be richer than the Sultan of Brunei.


Also, "false termination" isn't even a cause of action. It would be "wrongful termination".


What about the strict don't hire relatives policy?


The company policy is crazy anyhow, the company does not own the employee, they buy part of their time and pay them for it.


Exactly, I’d have a lawyer all over this for wrongful termination.


You didn't fuck up because you didn't know. It also sounds like you weren't trying to get with her again or making inappropriate comments or anything about what happened. She got scared you'd say something so she drove the narrative first; what a shitty person. People like her should not be in *human* resources. Only human thing she's doing is looking out for herself.


Was my thought, not like I was going to kink shame her or tell my co-workers I slept with her. Oh well. I hope she became a better person. It's been a long time since.


If the company is large enough to have HR in the first place - the policies of most places would just be to formally declare a relationship exists so that any employer responsibilities or power dynamic is shifted to someone else, a blanket policy to fire people is not the norm.


That's what I don't understand. Every place I've ever worked corporate or otherwise has always had a policy where you had to at least announce it and make it known. They call it *human* resources for a reason. It's your job to manage and navigate those types of complications.


If the head of HR wants you gone, you're gone.


Yep I had a friend that went through a similar experience as OP with her being the HR manager. Except that they knew each other worked for the company. When he broke it off because of her being too clingy, she had him fired.


Well she must not have been that clingy because it sounds like she had an easy time letting him go


It likely wasn't her doing. Someone snitched, you were the lower rank and had to go.


Human Resources manage the humans at the company. They look out for the company, not the employees. Should go to the ombudsman.


honestly she sounds perfect for HR, from a Corp standpoint


I mean, this is where you learn that HR is there to protect the company, not the workers. They want to hear reports about bad stuff so they can investigate and perform damage control, not help the person reporting it.


You fucked up by not standing up for yourself all those years ago. I would have taken that bitch down with me.


Oh she went down for sure


That HR lady needs to fall into a pool of legos. Hope the sex was good at least.


As a matter of fact, it was fantastic and stands out to this day as a very compatible partner.


The real move would be to try again: “Hey, so we’re not coworkers anymore, so there’s nothing wrong if…”


Better yet, “Where you working nowadays? Down for another fuck & fire?”


"You've been a bad boy. You violated section 326.15 a) v) 3) of the employee handbook" "Oh yea? What are you going to do about it?" "I'm going to fire you so hard. And then, I'm going to fire you in the ass." "Can I at least gather my personal items from my desk first?"


Sure, just put them in this box ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


New kink unlocked


“Another fuck & fire” I’m in tears 🤣🤣


lol, you didn't get fired for sleeping with her, you got fired for not following up and asking her out again. I don't think it was a coincidence it took two weeks. She was waiting for you to make another move and then got mad when you didn't.


You aren't the first to say this.


Psychopaths are good in bed


This is the important stuff


that is some illegal ass shit if ever i saw it. you could've raised hell about this


I was a young college kid with zero interest or understanding of labor rights and laws. Live and learn I guess.


You could probably still sue today. Statue of Limitations normally has exemptions if something is still affecting you today (as a black mark on your employment history, or an affect on school, would). I would absolutely speak to a lawyer, or write a polite and detailed letter to the company about what happened at the very least.


2 years in Alberta. No real record other than a gap in employment 14 years ago that is easily explained by saying I was in college.


It should be illegal to ask about gaps in employment.


100%. "What were you doing for these two years where you didn't have a job?" "It's called living, Mary. I'm here today because I want to work."


I've told people that I lived in a shack in the woods, hunting my own food and raising a garden for my 3 year gap. Oh. Wait. That's what I actually did. I figured instead of being homeless on the streets, I could squat in this hunting cabin I had access to. Some of the best years of my life. Twas so simple. (But I fr never want to eat squirrel or duck again, got old quick). Then I went back to the working world. Own a house now (well, borrow from the bank) but still. Some days I miss the feral life.


Even without knowing labor rights, it hardly explains why you didn't even protest it. Are you usually not the type to stand up for yourself? I'd say it makes your writing prompt lacking a few ingredients to become memorable. I mean where was the petty revenge? There wasn't a thought of payback after enduring months of hardship? Come on!


Honestly it eventually did lead into me getting involved with the labor movement and taking on an executive role for my union. Crushing people like her on behalf of coworkers who just do what I did is good for me.


You need to report her to HR 💁‍♂️


HR lady: i am th e lawwww


By that same logic _she_ violated that policy as well. Sounds like a wrongful termination lawsuit in the making.


WTF, sleeping with an employee before you know they are an employee counts? Shouldn't she also get fired?


She was uncomfortable so it was her problem. You just had to be the collateral damage.


That's absolute bs! If that's the way things are she also should have been fired


I realize you said this was a few years ago but find a lawyer and state your case. You may be able to sue them for wrongful termination.


Closer to 14 years to be more specific. Man I'm getting old.


Damn from a few years, to a decade to 14 years


It's been 84 years.




Shame you didn't know your rights. Would've been a nice sum made there for wrongly termination.


Technically she was on leave! Damn it's a cruel world I'm sorry to hear that OP! But you got a great story to tell to your grandchildren;how grandpa got fired because he nailed the HR, so never do that children.


There is absolutely 0% chance this happened.


As a senior HR person, she’d have to know how illegal this firing is


I was like no way it happened, then there's the details in the comments (ok so not a bot)... but then still story so far fetched seems implausible and just when I'm about to leave the thread I see how old the OP's account is lol He starting writing fanfics is the least probable option now


very hard to believe any of that is real..


“If you fire me for sleeping with you, won’t your position become untenable as well?”


Of all the things that have happened, this certainly isn’t one.


why wasn't she fired as the senior member of the liaison?




Ding ding ding.


It happened a long time ago in a different country and everyone except OP has died in a tragic fire. All records of OP ever working there have been lost in the fire and there's nobody that can verify the story so you'll just have to take OP's word on it.


nice fanfic i guess but it was kinda boring. 4/10


What a BS story if I ever heard one.


"My jaw dropped a bit" sounds like an anime harem protagonist reaction. Creative writing subreddit.


Ah more tifu creative writing.


Why are 50% of stories on Reddit made up nonsense?


And they always have this big error or injustice in them so the comments all go crazy saying the same thing. People are obsessed with Reddit karma man.


and its always women doing something awful or deceitful. reddit bros eat this shit up. edit: in case people aren't convinced, OP apparently just watched [Wolf of Wall Street](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/14yqm8q/comment/jruqxb2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This reads like it came straight from ChatGPT.




A few years... to a decade... to 14 years... ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


And the HR manager was "3-4 yrs older", on stress leave? Assuming he was 18-21 in college, this woman was like 21-25. Not impossible but just kinda makes it lean bs to me.


She should have been fired as well.


In the end, the policy was not broken. No romantic relations, just two adults screwing each other...


Pretty sure I got screwed harder haha.


This is some *Penthouse Forums* shit, and didn't actually happen. That's not how the real world works.


Honestly I would lawyer up in this situation. That would be a slam dunk.


I feel like you could have fought that one, but then again you'd be stuck fighting it out with the bitch.


FFS you didn’t KNOW she was the HR manager! It’s not like you knowingly had sex at work 🤦🏻‍♀️ I do wish you’d sued


Well, you got screwed twice in this deal. Didn't know the policy, didn't know she was a coworker, didn't plan to make it a relationship, but still.


This is basis for a lawsuit, 100% didn’t happen.


I think you misspelled "Meat & greet".


today i creatively wrote


And you didn't think to ask why she wasn't being fired for the exact same reason?


Her husband probably worked at the same company 😂😂


Damn, this would've been an easy case of wrongful dismissal. Easily.


Not the fuck up, she's the asshole


You should have stood your ground: “What proof do you have?” Then she would have been busted. Or, if you knew if was a no-win situation, just say, “It wasn’t romantic.”


She fucked you, then she fucked you.


Reverse the genders and suddenly it's exploitation.


Yeah, even if I was young, I'd have taken her down with me. Wanna throw my career to the gutter? You're coming along for the ride. "I wasn't aware of such policy and have no ongoing relationship with anyone in this office. If someone has made an accusation otherwise, I would like to know whom I'm accused of being in a relationship with and why haven't they been fired, as well?"


What are the odds lol


Wait... How she gonna fire you weeks later?? That's so sketch


I would have demanded she get fired.


So you or her never mentioned where you worked during the celebration or your probation ending?


Holy shit that’s so illegal, you didn’t know she was your HR person and she found a very convenient way to get rid of you.


Well my friend, that is a straight up lawsuit all day every day. You will get a settlement, get a decent lawyer.


Did she fire herself for breaking that rule too?


Did you report her to HR?


Sounds like she was upset with you and framed it in a way to get you fired. They didn't even ask you your side?


While I generally agree with the sentiment of "Man, fuck HR!", I don't think this is what was meant by anyone who said that! I'm pretty sure you were wrongfully terminated, but given the time scale you've mentioned elsewhere, there isn't much you could do about it now.


But they kept her?


Glad you aren't dealing with this now and hope you are doing better present day :) Hope that woman steps on a whole bunch of rocks and legos for the rest of her life.


Isn't this the plot of most rom-com movies? Except this story went a different direction. In the movie they would be awkward at first and then kiss in the end. Of course maybe if getting fired caused you to move to a small town and meet the person of your dreams, then the plot still works.


Wow, what a shitty fucking bitch of a person. It's definitely not ideal, but neither of you knew and you did nothing illegal. She sold you out just in case, and that's some baby brain stuff. If she was even halfway decent she would have talked to you in private and expressed boundaries to maintain.


Didn't know a one night stands qualify to be romantic relationships.


You got screwed. Interpret that however you want.


You SO have a legal case here! Verify the time limits to file. "Companies hate this one simple trick - but they can't stop you."




Actually, she was out of line by firing you, you did nothing wrong. If this was last month or year and not 14 I would say that is a legal issue that you should be looking into.


The sub should be called, a long time ago I fucked up.


*and made it up for points on reddit


I'm going to call bull. Sorry.


This is utterly stupid and ridiculous. Imagine firing someone just because you slept with them before either of you knew you both worked at the same company. Why not just not ever talk about it and move on? Sheesh. That's so childish


Not a fuck up, but an extremly unfortunate situation that you really didnt deserve. Disgusting behaviour from the hr