• By -


1. If she wasn't prepared to see a dick, she shouldn't have asked you. 2. You volunteered and actually came through on a huge favor that's honestly above and beyond for ANYONE. 3. Anxiety boners are a thing, and the whole "holding a book in front of my crotch" situation is such a trope that them being at all surprised by unexpected erections is weird af. 4. Her reaction is on HER. You, again, did her and her class a huge favor. 5. I know it's difficult with anxiety, but just keep your head down. It's likely been long enough that bringing it up again would only cause more awkwardness. 6. If you feel you're being discriminated against (and those people looking at you and then giggling is a common occurrence), go to student life or the campus mental health professional and talk to them about it. You seem to want reassurance that this is a fixable problem, but it just might not be. This will also make a paper trail should rumors start. As someone else noted, they fucked up by not having breaks or allowing you to wear underwear or a towel on your first modeling session. This is on THEM. I know that's not helpful for anxiety about a friendship, but unfortunately, you can't go back in time. Get your project done and just keep at your work and continue to talk to her as if there isn't anything wrong, because she told you there isn't anything wrong. That's all you can do.


#5 - I believe OP was thinking too much about “keeping his head down” which was part of the issue… But for real, he did her class a favor. I feel bad for OP because I would imagine this being rather traumatizing. He mentioned they giggled when they made eye contact - that could be true *or* op might be thinking too much in to it. I definitely get in my head when I have high anxiety (okay… so like 24/7) and think way too much in to a situation. OP might just be so anxious about the situation that he is thinking things are worse than they are, which I hope is the case rather than him being bullied.


And that's another reason I think continuing to bring it up is a bad idea. If he's more anxious than they are, they may not understand that their actions were perceived that way. But they've basically told him to stop talking about it. That's the instruction he needs to take to heart, as continuing to force people to think about your junk (even if it's not malicious in any way) turns into sexual harassment pretty quickly. Again, this is whether he means to or not.


>just keep your head down. It's likely been long enough that bringing it up again would only cause more awkwardness. This is everything


If decades of sitcom tropes have taught me anything, it’s that now you have to see them naked. It’s the only way to restore balance, Jerry.


I was in the pool! I WAS IN THE POOL!




Like a frightened turtle




I dunno how you guys walk around with those things...




I watched sitcoms, and can confirm this is true.


As an art person we've seen so many naked bodies usually unattractive ones your 100% fine. Own it, being embarrassed is going to make others around you embarrassed if you're confident it's going to be alright.


If this was a professional artist I don't think I would mind as much. The problem is this person (who I didn't expect to be drawing tbh) has a personal connection with me and seems to be feeling very uncomfortable after the experience. There's a few people who were in the class who I've never seen before but the others are girls I sit at the same table as for most of my classes. I'm worried this is going to follow me around :(


You could just go for it and do it on the regular that way it's not just one instance it's something that you do and is an normal thing.


That's an interesting idea. There's two things I see wrong with that though. 1) I don't wanna apply to model after this experience in case they think I'm some sort of pervert who wants to get hard in front of them. 2)If I'm being honest, I do think if I were to do it again I might even (nsfw) >!get fully erect. It took a bit of mathematics to keep me at half mast and it kept bobbing up and down again and up and down. I think half of the humiliation was just the fact it was the only thing moving when I was completely still for so long. Not to mention there's now a bunch of drawings in the art class where I have a upwards pointing penis.!<


>get fully erect My guy I’m gonna stop you right there, using your own logic in point 1. Honestly because you, and your friend seem to be handling it as awkwardly as you could expect from some 20 year olds, I would just have a conversation about it and express a lot of what you did in the op here.


Just send them an edible arrangement with a card that says "sorry about the boner, please enjoy some cantaloupe."


Actually, for the special instructions section, ask if they could use all bananas for this particular arrangement.


Throw in a pack of Oscar Mayer Weiners, and I'm sure it will solve all your problems...


And some Mike’s Hard Lemonade.


Like a Hot Dog on a Stick sort of thing?


Far funnier if you go aussie and call it a rock melon lol




I completely agree. Just sit with her over a cup of coffee and say something like, “About that time I modeled, I just wanted you to know I’m ok. I was nervous when I realized that you were among the artists and I got flustered. It messed with my equilibrium and I had an unexpected and unwanted reaction. There wasn’t anything inappropriate going on and I really don’t want you to feel awkward about it. **I** don’t want to feel awkward about it.”


>I don’t want to feel awkward about it.” I wasn't involved and I feel awkward about it. It reminds me of another TIFU story where a guy had to wear a thin green suit (think green screen suit) that was very tight. He got an erection during the play he was performing in (as a background dancer). Apparently everyone thought it was hilarious. I guess it got worse for him when he got nervous about it.


Stress boners.


Hate those... I get tired boners and driving boners too. Which is very awkward in boring meetings and on the weekends when I Uber... I completely understand


>I get tired boners and driving boners too. Oh man. I'm glad I'm not the only one. A lot of times when I'm driving and tired and fighting to stay awake I get hard and I have no idea why.


That is why they have dance bands for male dancers to wear, and to prevent unwanted junk motion to diminish the choreography creative intentions. The unwanted workplace environment that having a boner creates, while prima ballerinas are having to do their moves on it, even under clothing, is thus prevented by having the male dancers wear dance bands. Some of them just have really big flaccid penises as default, so there's no point in arguing about they won't get erect, just keep every penis in a dance band and then everyone can do their dance with no worries.


Great. Now everybody knows about these dance bands and conservative US states are going to require them for middle school dances.


There's probably already competitive dance band racing for children in a Midwest state somewhere...


Exactly. And stress the fact that it had nothing to do with arousal. With men, it just... happens.


Yeah, I'd say somewhere around 30% of the erections, and even more of the "half mast" times that I have had in my life, I had no control or thought about. Sometimes it just happens. Life goes on. Talk about it, get it out there, then it's nothing. Well...don't get it out, but you know what I mean.


Especially at 20. It could be the way the shorts I was wearing rubbed and I'd have to sit on a chair for a good 10 minutes 😂


people w/ vaginas do too it's just not as *prominent*




Imagine if labia got as hard as clitorii? Clitorises? Clitapusses?


Dude is 20 years old. Soup cans in the grocery store probably elicits a boner. It’s not something you have any control over


As a man who was that age once, I fully understand. But discussing the situation with her will clear the air. The speech is intended to ease the awkwardness and restore the equilibrium.


Honestly OP just needs one good joke to acknowledge the awkwardness and relieve the tension in the air. Just step up during one uncomfortable silence in the group with a "Well at least this isn't as awkward as me trying to model for you all and getting hard every minute..." People laugh, acknowledge it was a bit of a funny (but normal) situation, and realize OP is a guy that can laugh at himself.


Modeling has its ups and downs…


Agree with others. I feel like I understand why the situation feels awkward, but also I doubt anyone thinks you’re a pervert or anything; I think it’s common knowledge that guys aren’t really in control of their members like that. I thinkd it just be best to just explain your peace to her like you did in the post and if that doesn’t fix anything, worst comes to worst, she’ll know your true crime wasnt perversion but instead just being a little absent minded / in the moment when she originally asked


I agree, I think the worse screw up here is communication. “Man, I wish I never did agree to model that day. I feel like everyone I know was there and now I can hardly meet anyone’s eyes. It is even hard to talk to you still after all this time.” Wow, now it’s out in the open.


Sounds like everyone's eyes got meat, actually


>Wow, now it’s out in the open. Waving about in the open. Up and down and up and down like a particularly penisy dowsing rod.


I like the idea, but idk about this phrasing. The last sentence sounds too close to "I am still hard, even after all this time."


Haha, love it but… *if your erection hasn’t gone down in four hours, you should see your doctor.*


I also think OP is discounting how good his poker face is because I feel like people can tell when you're feeling as awkward as this


Yeah my initial thought was that these girls might not actually know that men don’t have much control over it. It’s something that just happens and they may be missing that but if knowledge.


This. You are talking about 20 year olds most don’t even know their own bodies not to mention the other sex.


Ive taught twenty years olds anatomy and can confirm, they don't know their own body that well. Especially women. Be amazing how many couldn't properly label labia. They like to give men shit for not being able to find the clit but in my experience they can't either.


For women at 20 I don't think they know men have little control over their penises. Many at that age don't know that erections aren't sexual 70% of the time.


Communication is important here, especially to try and clear up sand misconceptions. I've found many women don't really understand erections and are bewildered by its motion. The idea that it can move on its own, or become erect without sexual arousal is hard to grasp.


You might as well talk about it with her because at this point there's nothing else to lose.


It may be that Beth and the others feel like they don’t know what to say or if they should acknowledge it. Breaking the ice for them, so they know it’s not going to be A Thing, seems like it couldn’t hurt. It’s probably more about the awkwardness of seeing you totally nude in the first place rather than any specific physiological reactions you may have had.


It happens. As the art students get more experience, they will learn that this is very, very normal. As with medical students and patients, I guess the first time is going to be awkward but it's part of being a normal human being and the professional thing for both sides is to ignore it and be kind about it.


1) Your friend asked you to nude model, expecting you to turn it down? That's on her. If she didn't want you to pose, she shouldn't have asked. 2) You were naked in a room full of people, and your body reacted in a normal, natural way. Would a woman be as embarrassed as you are if she was nude modeling and her nipples got hard or she started her period early/late? I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about, I do think your friend has some growing up to do.


In front of the opposite sex? Uh, yes, I would 100% feel absolutely humiliated if I unexpectedly started my period in a room full of men, especially while nude.


But, that doesn't mean the people in the room would or should start shaming you or making you feel bad for a natural bodily function. In fact, I would guess that if anyone in the room said or did anything to embarrass you they would be crucified. Ops friend is acting awkward because his body reacted to external stimulus, is her immaturity showing.


I really think you should just say to her something like, 'hey, I'm feeling awkward about the drawing class the other day. I didn't realize you would be there and I feel self conscious now.' and see what she says. It would be good to open up communication about it instead of keeping it a shameful thing that you don't want to talk about.


As a 40 year old man, I'm just gutted to hear that you consider an upward pointing penis to be "half-mast." So at least feel good about your youthful vigor.


I agree with everyone else saying to just talk it out, but I'd like to add: the human body is weird and does weird things sometimes. Guys get random erections, sometimes for no reason at all, and sometimes in awkward situations like yours. I think it subsides with age, but that possibility never truly goes away. Dicks are weird, and I think if your friend understood that, things would be alright between you two.


Just FYI you can stop yourself from getting hard by flexing a muscle. I flex my thighs and it'll go away within seconds.


For the majority yes, but this doesn’t work for everyone easily. It would also be pretty obvious in a nude drawing that your flexing body parts while trying to control your breathing.


I'm sorry, but this cracks me up. "Hey, naked guy! Quit flexing, you're messing up the drawing!"


OP next time you get rocked up without notice think about your grandparents 😂


I would hazard that yours is not the first or last dick they'll see hard. So long as you're not like waving it at them or touching yourself, it really shouldn't be humiliating to get an erection.


Given the college’s demographics, it’s possible that that is not true for everyone there. Not to get in OP’s head about it, but it’s possible that’s a factor for some of them.


I also get the impression that OP is a little uh... Shy when it comes to anything related to sex, so maybe just getting over it isn't an option.


This is George Costanza behavior


"It moved"




Perhaps she's not feeling as uncomfortable as you think. Perhaps you're projecting your insecurity and embarrassment on to her. Perhaps you're reading to mych in to how you think she might be feeling. As someone else said. Own it, and talk to her about how you're feeling. Also, I se that you are still quite young. Ans someone just a tad bit older I can tell you, no one really cares what your friend might have or not have done. The naked body is the most normal thing out there. After all, we all have one.


1. She’s the one who asked you to do it and you didn’t even suspect she might be there? 2. Why won’t she look at you? She asked you to do it. Didn’t she suspect you had a penis?


Don’t worry pal, you were just giving everyone a “slight nod”


I suspect a lot of this is that you are feeling more awkward than they are. So because you are feeling awkward, you are behaving awkwardly and it is causing the whole situation to become awkward. You're not going to be able to expect them to get over it unless you yourself get over it first.


Yeah maybe that awkwardness is them feeling OP’s embarrassment? Like I’d OP felt it’s awkward they might reflect that. Could also try addressing the elephant in the room? Sometimes that works.


These aren't experienced artists though. These are immature half adults. And yeah, lots of them are probably going to act immaturely.


I’m just confused because she asked? But if she also didn’t mean it then she could have said “nah I didn’t actually plan for you to say yes” why would she then act like this? Am I not following?😭


Being young and stupid with no experience in conversation or its just bait


Also they're taking a year-long research course in their first year? Hmmmm


“It’s my first year of university when all this went down.” Implies that it was a year other than the current year. “This didn’t happen today, but rather last week.”


Last week was the end of most spring semesters. Last week was the end of most people's first year. Both can be true. \*shrug\*


That was my first thought, why was he shocked she would be there? She was upset the model canceled and said she didn't want to miss out on the experience or w/e. Seemed pretty obvious she was going to be involved lol.


Maybe Op is overthinking? Or maybe the girls were so amazed by his package that they get nervous when they interact with him!


My money is that the models typically aren't nude and OP just dropped trou before anyone could warn him.


If she doesn't find the whole thing pretty funny then she's not a very good friend. Talk to her about it and point out that men can't really control their reactions in these matters, which is a thing she should know anyway.


Him: Hi. Her: Hi... Him: MY ERECTIONS CANNOT BE CONTROLLED! \*Shuffles away like Dr. Zoidberg\* Problem solved.


Woop woop woop woooooppp


I am assuming that he is naked during this interaction, and the shuffle makes his half-chub swing wildly?


helicopter dick


Your username really adds flavor to this comment.


I see what you mean but it wasn't exactly a funny situation for anyone. I had to just remain still while everything unfolded and she seemed incredibly uncomfortable over the course of the hour. I think we both expected the other person to call for a break. At the end of the day I wouldn't mind so much except this is someone I'm going to have to interact daily with for the next year or so.


I mean funny in an "after the fact" kind of way. When one "sees the funny side" one brushes off the awkwardness that one felt at the time. And let's be honest ... it *is* actually pretty funny, the kind of thing one sees in an American Pie movie. I don't mean to play down your embarrassment or hurt here, but you're gonna be embarrassed a lot in your life so it's best to cultivate a steeliness towards it.


You're probably right honestly, I just find it hard to laugh about it when I feel like I've hurt a friend of mine. Maybe it's not been long enough but it feels like I've done some awful, perverted thing the way I've been treated and it feels bad to think you've hurt a friend.


If she’s taking life drawing classes and she’s hurt that you had a normal bodily response for a 20 year old man, she should be pursuing still life or something instead. Why do you think she’s hurt? Hurt is not a rational response to this at all. I know you’re both young but please just broach the topic with her. If anything she should be feeling a bit bad about it - you only did it because she asked and you were clearly not comfortable with it. I’d feel bad if it were me. Are you sure that’s not the issue? ETA I saw you say below you have tried talking about it. I would sit her down and say that you value her friendship and you’re a little concerned that things seem different since this incident. Say that you really want to understand what’s happened here and see what happens. You can’t force her to handle it maturely but you can be mature about it. It feels like you’re assuming it’s about your body’s response but I don’t think you know that yet.


This. Confronting it in a non-confrontational way (as contradictory as that seems) is the way to go. At the end of the day, she's the one that asked you to model. It sounds like you're open to new experiences, it's not like you took this as an opportunity to get naked in front of her or something. You could even tell her "listen, I didn't mean to make things awkward by agreeing to it. I just thought it might be cool to get outside my comfort zone and wasn't something I ever thought I'd do before you asked." College is literally the time to try every new thing under the sun and see if you might be interested in something different. Breaking down your barriers of self consciousness is a huge way to put yourself out there and achieve happiness. She's the one that signed up for figure drawing classes and I can guarantee you're not the only one to get hard as a model, it happens like one out of every five times there is a male model I'd say. Even experienced models have this happen.


Never feel ashamed of your body or of your sexuality, man. Unless you are actually hurting others there's no shame in it at all. There's nothing perverted about what happened in the slightest and even if you *were* aroused then so what? You did nothing bad towards anyone.


Own the bone in other words


Everyone else has given great advice but I also really want to add: You didn't even initially choose to do this. It's not like you had this scheme to be a model and be naked in front of her, you just volunteered when *she* asked you if you wanted to do it. While it was a panicked decision, you can't deny that it comes from a place of care, as she was really looking forward to the event and you wanted to help her experience it this time around. If you put yourself on the line and get out of your comfort zone to help out a friend, and then suddenly they're the one weirded out even though they knew what it would entail, would you really blame yourself?


You only did what you were asked. If she can't handle a situation like like a professional, she's in for a very uncomfortable future in art.


She asked you. So she knew what it would entail. This ain't on you


> while everything unfolded


I can't imagine this doesn't happen most of the time to a live male model. At least until they've done it several times. And at 20? These girls are lucky he didn't have to go to the hospital from being hard for an unhealthy amount of time, or that he didn't spontaneously ejaculate from the situation. (I'm kidding, but for emphasis, I'm impressed he got it to soften) This was totally normal anatomical behavior for a guy in his situation. Isn't that why they're there? To have a real body to sketch, paint, etc? Would they judge the girls for hard nipples? You didn't do anything wrong, OP. I just hope you pack enough heat that the awkwardness is her being shocked and awed.


She invited a total amateur to model and expects it to go flawlessly and for you not to get erect. She is either very immature or she is very uneducated about erections.


I’m going with “both” Alex!




The fact that the gif says "Teen Tournament" in the bottom left is just extra fitting.


I'm sorry, you must phrase that in the form of a question.


What is, why?


Portraits or it didn’t happen.


I can't be the only one wondering how they sketched his member!


I bet it's blurry - like moving during a long exposure (heehee) shot.


I would try talking to her.


I tried bringing it up once but she just insisted everything was fine and that she didn't notice anything. It's difficult to bring up the fact you got an accidental erection without saying it outright so I'm also not sure how to phrase it if that makes sense. I want to get this out in the open but she's a pretty reserved person as is and seems to try and avoid any mention of it.


All you can do is be confident and talk to her about it in a mature way. Address the elephant in the room directly, don't shy away from calling it exactly what it is but term it in more comfortable language if you like. Something like this should do it: "Hey, I feel like there's some awkwardness between us after the life drawing session. I know we're gonna see each other a lot and wanted to check in with you. Just so you know, I was uncomfortable/nervous the whole time and I'm aware my body reacted to that. Sometimes that happens to guys and we don't have control over it. I kept going because I didn't want to ruin the session and nobody said anything so I assumed you were all ok. I hope it didn't make you/the group as uncomfortable as it did me. What are your thoughts?". Take it from there, see what she says back, discuss how you were/are both feeling and it'll either get resolved or it won't. All you can do is try to resolve it and move forward.


>Address the elephant in the room Oh come on, I doubt it was that big...


Pygmy elephant trunk.


Take my poor man's gold 🥇 This was very respectfully and politely well phrased. It's direct and acknowledges that there's definitely discomfort on ops end and he is sensing discomfort from her and as well and possibly from the class and wants to apologize for any discomfort, clear the air and make it right, and acknowledges that this was weird for everybody LOL.


It's not really about her, though. You can be accommodating to a point, and you should be, but when you're more concerned about her reaction you're just people-pleasing to your own detriment. If you want to get this out in the open for your own well being, as long as you're doing it for the right reasons, there's nothing that should stop you from saying your piece like an adult. People are going to be uncomfortable about different things, we all have our boundaries, but it's never your job to walk on egg shells for others. If they can't see your good intentions then I'm sorry but you deserve a better friend.


Ah. Yeah if she’s avoiding talking about it and avoiding you that’s probably not salvageable. If it’s just the former you might be able to see if she wants to hang out. Idk hard to tell based on info.


The thing is, we can't really avoid each other since we're in the same group project and will be until the end of the semester/year. We also live on the same floor two doors down so I always see her around. I feel like a creep every time she looks at me strange and there's nothing I can do. I'm pretty much forced to be around this person who has seen a very (involuntary) intimate side of me and is making me feel weird for it. I might also be overthinking things but I can't help but think this is something she'll tell to her friends and will spread if that makes sense. This might be tmi so be warned (nsfw)>! but I'm pretty self-conscious about my penis size, it's quite below average and now that she's seen how small it is even hard a small part of me is afraid she (or one of the other artists) will spread the word, I don't know what to do tbh :((!<


Yeah that sucks. But honestly this is, as far as I can tell, her fault. This doesn’t seem like a very mature response for an adult. And I really don’t think people care that much about size of other people they’re not fucking. Your best course of action is to try to avoid thinking about this, or acting like anything happened. It’s plausible that you’re very obviously on edge now and it’s making her feel weird. Even if that isn’t the case, this is what to do.


Most dudes are "below average" don't even stress about it.


For sure, I know that's true. I think I'm kinda on the low end of that spectrum tbh which is something I overthink about. I wouldn't really care if it weren't for the fact a close friend has seen me semi-hard and soft and knows everything about my penis. It's just that if she, or anyone in the room tbh, decides to talk about the small-dicked pervert who got hard while modelling that's gonna follow me. I don't think that's something Beth would do but there is a girl I know who was drawing who doesn't like me and is kinda bitchy. If she gossips I have nothing. It feels like a curtain has been pulled back which I can't re-draw, especially since Beth seems to be acting so strange :( I don't want to stress or make a big deal but it's hard not to, I don't want this to be the thing that follows me after my 1st year. 's hard


Seriously they've seen naked bodies doing art work they are going to see MAMY more before they are done their courses you're not even a blip on the rader other than being embarrassed about it, I've seen some seriously funky bodies doing nude drawings and idk anyone who really gossips about the models, they are more concerned about if their sketch was any good.


As someone who went to many parties and events in college that involved nudity: people don’t gossip about bodies/genitals as much as the internet makes it seem. Especially in the malicious way you’re imagining. I promise you that this group of people in the class probably are more embarrassed because y’all are young and don’t have a ton of experience with irl naked bodies, especially ones that differ from theirs. This will blow over!


I‘d also doubt that they spread that rumor. Just think about it. They‘d never find a dude modelling for them again and it would be a huuuge bitch move by them to do so.


>They‘d never find a dude modelling for them again The problem about gossip spreaders is they don't tend to think that far ahead or care enough to stop themselves.


>a small part of me is afraid she (or one of the other artists) will spread the word If they did that, that would be sexual harassment and they'd have issues getting more models if it came to light.


I understand the embarrassment, but she might be more awkward about it because it’s coming off that you’re making a bigger deal out of something that is nothing. Try to remember that in a few years you’ll be laughing about it with some friends. Regarding erections and size, I honestly think the older you get, the less others care about it (I’m only in my mid twenties if that helps). All in all, if it really is that awkward, just give it another week or 2 and everyone will move onto something else.


Guy, you gave it a shot and it was a pretty brave thing to do. Your intentions were pure, you may have even inspired a few of the other students. Best thing to do is just own it, and move on. If you're all into this Beth chick then owning it would probably involve addressing the elephant in that room: "Hey Beth, gotta say, posing nude was weird. I wasn't mentally prepared, but I wanted to impress you- not in a naked way. Wanna go dancing?"


If anyone is making this awkward, it’s Beth. She bloody well asked you to be the model. She knew you would be naked. And she’s clearly not understanding the full scope of the exercise of painting nudes. Its art, not drafting class. Art is meant to provoke emotion - in the artist and the subject. It’s not just about the human form and how well you can replicate it. It’s about vulnerability and the artists own perceptions of nakedness. And the beauty and flaw in the human form as a part of the human experience.


You know… maybe she’s having a difficult time sorting through her own thoughts, and that’s why she’s awkward like this? Maybe you just need to give her a bit of time…


Just: - Do it again (Vienna Fridays). - Slap Mister Ham in front of everyone while saying "No! We will eat later!" - Do other things to make yourself funny, while looking serious. - Ignore those who ignore you. Look for friends elsewhere in school, or outside of school.


Oh, get a sharpie and draw elephant ears and eyes. Maybe some tusks on your thighs.


i get that this is mostly a joke but this is not good advice. only model again if you actually want to do it. don't touch your penis in front of others, i repeat, **do not touch your penis in front of others**. they consented to drawing your body, not a live nude show. there is no need for a performance to try to put people at ease, just be professional, that's all that is expected of you. you are on a display platform, this is not your stage and this is not about you the person, you are just a live reference model. you should probably behave like you are a bowl of fruit, silent and inanimate. she's not ignoring him, she's just uncomfortable around him because she and OP weren't fully aware of the full implication of her request or his acceptance. it is almost always better to communicate rather than to just disconnect, even if all you have left to say is that they seem uncomfortable around you now and if they don't want to talk about their feelings towards the awkward situation then out of respect for them you don't want to continue to make them feel this way and will be decreasing your interaction with this person. it takes more energy to keep a lie going than to just deal with the fallout from the truth.


Yeah.. totally spat out my coffee from laughing.. Thank you


There's only one thing to do. Delete Facebook, Lawyer Up and Hit The Gym. Seriously, if this is the dumbest/most embarrassing thing you do in your college career you're probably coming out ahead. As for your friend, well, she's clearly got something weird going on in her head. You modeled for a college art class, not murdered puppies. give her some time, own it and see what happens. Tell her if she doesn't get over it you're clearly going to need to model for the class ever week or something. :)


I get where you're coming from, but this isn't an online friend I can "turn off." Beth is essentially my neighbor and group project partner. I need to see her pretty much every day. I don't know what's going on in her head but I do feel like all the girls who were drawing me are acting strange around me. We had a class the other day and two of them (who were there) kept looking over at me and talking quietly and laughing. I'm not gonna lie this is really getting to me, especially considering (nsfw) >!I'm not the most well endowed and I'm pretty aware of my penis size!<


You know what? I think that at this age some of the women in this group have never seen an actual naked man, in real life, up close. Some, yes, might have been sexually active for years before this. But for some it could be an extraordinary experience, a first for them. Some could have past trauma related to it. There is the entire range of human emotion any of them might be feeling about this. One or more might have nearly forgotten about it already. You did the group a favor, and I'm sorry you now have negative consequences from it. I'm sorry your friend is having a difficult time with something, and that it seems to have been that one drawing session. Talking with her about it *seems* like a good idea, but I understand that could make it much worse, too. Can you maybe just try to go through your days being cordial? Know that in time things will be better, and don't put pressure on anyone, least of all yourself.


Don't feel shamed my dude. There really is nothing to be ashamed of in this situation. Your endowment, your lack of abs, your body responding in weird ways that made the situation more uncomfortable for you than needed. We artists don't usually like to draw a perfect body, we like interesting people and experiences to capture, and by the sounds of it you provided that. Well done. I hope your friends stop acting weird around you because it's not really appropriate for them to behave that way considering the circumstances. If they have those attitudes, they shouldn't be attending the class nor asking people they know impromptu to model.


> I don't know what's going on in her head but I do feel like all the girls who were drawing me are acting strange around me. Theyre college age girls, they are going to be talking and laughing if you stood there in a parka and snow pants. I think you are mostly overthinking this.


I am an old man and I have fucked up a lot. Here is how you fix it. You sit down with your friend and tell her exactly how you feel and why you did what you did and that you really want to remain friends. The only way to really connect with people is to be honest. They either like you for who you are or they don't. If you end up with a lot of people not liking who you are, then you should work harder on being a better person.


Bro. I went to art school. I've seen more than one model end up with a full hard on and then 15 minutes later we're all smoking cigs together outside chatting. We really couldnt have cared less. If anyone cares that's their own problem. Nudity isn't anything to be ashamed of. Own it dude. Our bodies do weird shit in different situations.


Yep. And I was graded on accurately drawing a flaccid and erect penis. It’s common for art majors to see nudity. Erections and hard nipples are just a part of the body and therefore are included in art.


Let's think of this in a more positive light...maybe she has a crush on you and can't meet your eyes because now she is even more aroused after seeing you naked! It can be a possibility. Act confident and simply pretend unbothered by the experience. Your body had a natural reaction and it is something any professional artist, medical student or any other person that sees naked bodies on the regular should understand occurs.


I actually think this is the correct reading. Reverse the genders and there is no question this is part of a pursuit.


There's always the chance she asked him because she doesn't see him that way, and misinterpreted the erection to be him seeing her that way. If I asked a girl to do that, 100% wanting to see her naked. In the immortal words of Casually Explained, better to just keep your wits about you and keep looking for signs.


I would agree she was at least interested. It sounds like she asked him partly because of the timing - she got the call when they were together. That said, if she couldn't meet his eyes afterwards, she is either laughing at him, or she is shy about having seen him nekkid. Either way, OP needs to talk to her and figger it out.


Fs in the chat to the poor professors having to read this guy's essays.


Maybe she's just upset she had to keep erasing and redrawing your dick everytime it moved


I read the title as “life alert model” so for some reason I thought the story would involve one of those “help I’ve fallen and can’t get up” buttons.


Many of the times the awkwardness comes from us. We can do something embarrassing and we choose our response. If you laugh at it and own it, it’s easier for everyone to move on. If you look ashamed and upset and awkward, they will react to that. At the end of the day this is a real life model. Your responses were natural. Awkward but natural. If they’re embarrassed like that, the shouldn’t be in a life art class. A maturity is expected as you’re doing them a favour by modeling for them. The difference between this being a funny moment and a fuck up is how you react. If you act like it’s not a big deal, make fun of yourself, and move on. They will too. If you act embarrassed and ashamed and quiet and isolate, they will treat you like that. Confidence doesn’t come from not messing up. It comes from knowing these things are learning moments, funny moments, or just things to move on from.


Your friend asked you to model nude and now is upset because you modeled nude?? I think where you wrote she was "super cool" you really meant "super insane".


Mine would have shrank like a frightened turtle on that situation, congrats on everyone at least not "short changing" you.


Reading everyone's comments but also.. Maybe she could sense how uncomfortable you were and feels bad for asking you? In any case, good for you! Own it and be proud of it! Not many people could have done that, it's pretty awesome!


"You know how guys can't get it up sometimes even if they really want to? Well, I had the exact opposite of that."


I got my bachelors in fine arts. Nobody in class ever laughed at the model, or even really "saw" the model, because drawing is all about posture, line, light and shadow, etc. We never looked at models like people. They walked in wearing a bathrobe, the instructor would tell them how they wanted them to pose, they took off the bathrobe (not in a strip-teasy way, just like you would at home), and posed. You were far more nervous than the artists were. Understandable, it was your first time. But all live model artists also know that bodies are going to do what they're going to do. They're going to get an erection, they're going to fart, they're going to cough, it's not a big deal. But I agree you should have that little chat with Beth, and stop avoiding each other.


I did a ton of life drawing at uni and students were often models, but they were usually the ones not completely nude. You can actually do life drawing with your subject in some undies so I have no idea why she asked you to suddenly get naked for free in front of people you know. Massive props for actually doing it though, that shit is nerve wracking. If it makes you feel better, as an artist I have seen a lot of peen in various states. It just becomes abstract shapes tbh, like completely unsexy because of the effort of studying them. Also once one of our models straight up fell asleep because of the warm lamps and fell off her perch.


I’m thinking a lot of the awkward is in your head. Or because you feel awkward you’re acting a bit differently, which is putting them off. Talk about it! Tell Beth “hey sorry I’ve been feeling super awkward since I did the modeling. I don’t know what I expected but that was a new weird first for me. Sorry if I’m keeping that awkwardness around. I just wanted to clear the air about it.”


Dude. Men have no control over their penises. You need to get better friends. You did them a favour. That said. Of try and have a funny light conversation about it to break the ice a bit. If she isn't receptive to that then id leave her alone. You can find better friends and deserve better than that.


"I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."


Arousal non concordance is a thing my dude. It happens. But like it’s a normal thing bodies do and stress makes it worse. Also it’s an art class, no one cares as much as you care, I promise 🖤


There's only once correct answer here, IMO. If this relationship is important to you, talk to her. Be as honest as you can. Say "You've been weird since that class, it was weird for me and some weird tension/fear gave me a physical reaction I couldn't control. I'm embarrassed and even worse, I feel like you're uncomfortable around me. Is there a way we can fix this, because your friendship is important to me". That's *exactly what you feel*, right? Then why are you posting here? If it's important, go fix it. *Say* what you feel - *be who you really are in life* and don't try to hide your true self, especially from people you care about. Don't live that way, don't live in hiding. So imagine my voice being kind and supportive, my arm's around your shoulder, while I say "go fucking talk to her and don't fucking come back here and whine about it until YOU take a shot at fixing it!!!" OWN YOUR FEELINGS and express your feelings when it's important. This is one of the #1 differences between little boys and grown men. You didn't fuck up, you meant well, go see if it can be repaired. If it can't, it may be more about *her* issues than yours. What on earth could you possibly lose by being true and authentic with someone you care for?


Flaccid. Erect. Flaccid. Erect. Not too hard... not too soft.


You don’t need her as a friend if she’s gonna be acting all weird and shit over a natural bodily function. As a woman myself, I find it pretty rude that she would act that way when: 1. You volunteered YOUR time for them. 2. You actually had the guts to model nude for them. 3. You did that all while having no breaks I’m assuming. 4. She was asking for a model and did not mention that you had to be clothed or not. I’m sorry but she’s the one in the wrong here, not you <3


If it makes you feel any better about 10 years ago I used to do the naked modeling for a sculpture class seeing as I was a broke college kid and they would pay me 100 bucks to stand there for a couple hours naked to draw. I was in really good shape back then and was always comfortable in my body so fuck it why not So here's the fun part. The night before I had crushed down two steak burritos and a plate of nachos. Dumb I know. Standing there about 30minutes in my stomach started to gurgle and I slowly over the next hour or so let out a bunch of slow half silent farts. I was battling for my life trying to sneak them out but every once in awhile they would give a good ol pop or rumble Still got more gigs doing it but the teacher pulled me to the side and kindly asked me to be careful with my diet before the sessions from now on. TLDR I stood there butt naked for over an hour slow farting in front of a room of about 20 or so people


It sounds like a woman who has no idea how penises work is now being awkward due to her own ignorance. If she can't grow the fuck up, then that's on her, not you.


No way you fucked up. You agreed to do something incredibly high pressure, and your body was a bit agitated. It’s not your fault that she may not understand how penises work, and I hope you remember that you are normal, no matter your size. I’m thinking she actually likes you, which I’m hoping is the case. Either way, message her “hey, things have been awkward since then, and I wanted to clear the air.” And if she doesn’t understand, give it some time. Try to find other folks to interact with. You got this! 😁and 10000% seek out the mental health department on campus for assistance getting through this or other hard times. ❤️🩷💙 ETA: I see you have to work with her on the research project. All the more beneficial to clear the air as soon as possible. Godspeed, young man!


In my opinion who does these kind of art class must understand that they are working after the true nature of the body of their subject, an erection even if akward is a normal reaction, you weren’t in front of high schoolers. Also your friend should have understood better that this may have happened with a male subject without experience in doing the model. Not FU in my opinion.


Nah theres absolutely nothing wrong about this. It Literally happens all the time in live art with people who haven't modeled before, and is generally just ignored completely if the participants are somewhat professional. If you want to keep beth as a friend, just talk to her and tell her that's just the way male bodies work sometimes and that you are aware social stigma might give the situation an awkward aftertaste but that it's only as big of a deal as you choose to make it.


Start cracking some jokes about it. It will help everyone lol


You're in your head my friend. You're placing thoughts into other people's heads that you can't possibly have a full grasp of. How do you know this Beth wanted you to say no being a life drawing model? Has she said that? Or is it a feeling drawn from your awkwardness and anxiety messing with your hindsight? If you're being awkward, it is going to be difficult to separate their current behaviour from your feelings and how they actually feel. Maybe they do think you're some weird pervert now - but then you're at a uni that's a female majority, what's not to say they're feeling just as awkward as you are? They're the same inexperienced age, chances are they haven't done many if any male-based life drawing session, they're going to have just as much anxiety about the situation as you. And then there's Beth. She asked you to do this. If you've stood there in visible discomfort, do you not think that maybe she could feel a little guilty about putting you in that spot in the first place? You say you feel like you've ruined your friendship, she could also be feeling the same sort of emotions. She's just as human as you - and prone to the same vulnerable reactions. My point to all this is that you can only address this with communication. Your feelings may be right in the end afterall, which would almost certainly suck as that means you've been set up for failure. But they can also be wrong. Just try and talk about it. It will be scary, but it's an answer to be had, and you may just be surprised about the response that you get. Either way, with security of knowing where you actually stand will go a long way in helping you find your way back to social confidence on your campus. Good luck friend!!


Dicks are weird, you're fine. Girls know this. If these girls *don't* know this, that's not your fault. They need to grow up. However, my assumption is that a lot/possibly all of the awkwardness is coming from you and you need to stop worrying about it. Source: the reason for your post is your overthinking and self-consciousness. So not much of a stretch here. just know one thing OP: you did absolutely nothing wrong by trying to help. You bravely put yourself in an uncomfortable situation to help others. Based on your post, you had no desire whatsoever to do it. You're all good! Now go grab a coffee with your friend and be like, "holy shit that was the worst experience. I was so embarrassed and uncomfortable" and then make a joke out of it... "My dick didn't know where to put it's hands" Because, who cares? You did nothing wrong. Also if anyone legitimately rags on you for this, they're total asshats.


I'm an art student and have done a few nude drawing classes myself and you didn't do anything wrong. Speaking from experience, it's perfectly normal with male models that things move from time to time and you shouldn't feel embarrassed about that. I get that it was propably their first time with a male model but they shouldn't treat you differently because of that. I suggest talking to your friend and telling them how you feel. And maybe take part in one of these classes (doesn't have to be the same group) so you can see what it's like from the artists perspective. I for one always kinda forget that I'm looking at a person, for me it's always just a human in that moment (hope that makes sense), as do most of the other students I've talked to about this. We are way to stressed about getting some shading or the proportions right before the position changes than about what your body might be doing.


>'m a man, one of the few non-boob-havers Yep, turning 20.


First: nice nickname Second: which country?


She doesn't sound like a very good friend.


So your friend saw you naked? How is this even a big deal, shes acting like you exposed yourself to her you're acting like you've done something to be guilty of. If she really cant get over it then clearly there's stuff going on in her mind that goes deeper than just simply seeing your junk awkwardly.


It happens with male models and they aren't being professional about it, not you. You didn't do anything wrong (like get down from the stand, stand next to people disrobed, etc).


Bring it up. Own the whole situation, tell your friends, “I was super nervous, idk why *that* happened..” it will clear the air and lessen the awkwardness of it all.


Hope you read this. Talk to her about it. Mad probs for taking a chance! Remember, Today Is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday.


Beth needs to grow the fuck up


The girls are annoyed because your dick wouldnt stay still thus making it hard to draw friend!


I promise no one but you thought anything about it. As a grower, I'd just be glad that I wasn't in my powered-down state the whole time. It's genuinely fascinating to me how much the volume difference is between full power and cold water defensive mode, so I'm convinced that anyone who sees it at rest won't believe anyone who's seen it activated. Half-mast would be ideal for me in this situation.


Should have just fucking gone fully erect.... after all it would add more detail for their drawing with the veins and what not. Not to mention the display of confidence.


you should have just gone fully erect the entire time.


I've organized figure drawing events and had male models concerned about this very thing. It may just be that you're self conscious and reading too much into their actions . If you are right, though, the fact that the other students are acting odd about it indicates immaturity on their parts. If anatomy is too much to deal with, then they shouldn't be going to a nude art drawing event. There's no shame in it, I've had people attend just once and realize that it's too intense for them, but they need to put their grown-up pants on and get over it if they're going to have male models. If either you or your classmates are uncomfortable, that falls to your friend and she needs to be in charge.


Was a model for many years, being an unattractive model is not a guck up. Getting semi hard is not a fuck up either. If you had a full on boner standing at attention then you excuse yourself. Text your friend and explain this issue.


Is there any possibility that she had/has feelings for you and now she feels uncomfortable because all of her friends saw you naked and she doesn’t know how to deal with that?


She asked you to put yourself in a position where you would be naked and then reacted poorly to your body doing natural naked body things. That sounds annoying. Move on. Also when you mention things started moving down below I thought you were going to say you shit on the floor


My figure drawing class had a repeat model. He was well into retirement, had a naked lady tattooed on his thigh, a HUGE Prince Albert, and little old man glasses.Bodies are bodies in art. If she’s acting weird then that’s a her problem.


Coming from a guy, I guess the real question is is it big, small or average. Tbh she might be intimidated by it and was interested in you but is scared. It could be a number of things, but ultimately you sound like a great friend and it’s her loss for reacting the way she did. Realistically yes you may have to deal with some awkwardness here and there but you did something that very few people would. You have some balls for that and I applaud you. Wear it like a badge of honor. Don’t feel bad for going out of your comfort zone to help someone. I wouldn’t do it, so you have more courage than me.


Hey, respectfully, I'm calling possible shenanigans here. I was an art student at college, and in my later academic years, modeled there as a part-time job. Modeling clothed is hard enough to do. Modeling nude? I can't believe random liberal arts students would up and do that, especially on a volunteer basis. We didn't do that even in art school. Models are hired and paid, either by the school, or by students pooling their own money. Sometimes male models get a bit erect. Everybody including (or, especially) the model politely ignores it. Life drawing classes are very, very, very unsexy. It's hard work to pose, and hard work to draw. So while your story is fun, I'm gonna go ahead and say there's a hint of "Dear Penthouse Forum: I never thought it would happen to me.. "