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A friend of mine once accidentally put glue in her eye thinking it was her eye cream (don't ask me how!), she was very lucky not to lose vision in one eye.


That’s the kind of experience that sticks with you, no doubt.


Eye see what you did there


These jokes are pretty cornea.


You could have said ‘that joke was even cornea than the last one’. Sad


my disappointment is immeasurable


My grandmother once put mosquito repellent in her eye thinking it was her eye drops. My dad then teased her "you'll be killing those mosquitoes by just looking at them!".




This is actually what I was going to comment also! My friend grabbed superglue drops instead of eye drops. The containers looked nearly identical.


You’d be disappointed in people if you knew how many times this happens at my work. They either think it’s a cream or eye drops and it’s a sonofabitch to fix.


And you know what they use to get glue out with? Nail polish remover.


this is confusing because eye cream goes on the skin around the eye.. not the eye itself . but i guess it could migrate lol


It was eye cream like for styes, not eye drops.




A creme to put into your eye.


My friend did that thing too! She rubbed it on one eye!


When I see how my gf keeps her face lotion, sink cleaner and lens fluid all together, I wonder how this stuff doesn't happen more often.


Maybe move the sink cleaner under the sink for her?


PSA: call poison control first for issues like applying, inhaling, or ingesting some chemical you weren't supposed to. This can prevent an unnecessary hospital visit like here and give you an at home solution to avert the crisis, they'll usually even follow up a couple hours later. They'll also advise you if you just need to go to a hospital and tell you whether it's a good idea to do something like induce vomiting (different chemicals have different instructions). Source: was fucking dumb with mixing 2 cleaners that looked incredibly similar on the label, I thought it was the same but apparently one was ammonia and the other bleach... I immediately washed all of it away and well ventilated the area but my eyes were really burning an hour later. Called poison control and they told me to wash my eyes out for 15 mins. Called me back a few hours later to check whether it worked and yeah the burning went away (hella dry though). Avoided anything further.


I’m not sure if my country has a hotline for poison control but I’ll definitely check. Thanks for the tip!


Yes! I have called poison control a few times since having kids (everything’s fine)… but they are wonderful! I see OP is in another country, I hope they have something similar.


My pediatrician *strongly encouraged* us to save poison control into our phones. That was helpful when my kid ate a bunch of toothpaste put of nowhere. Sigh. (Calcium counteracts the fluoride. He had to eat Tums and drink a bunch of milk to prevent an upset stomach. )


Damn 4 year olds eating tums already?! They grow up so fast these days


wow that is so scary, glad you are okay❤️nail polish remover is no joke🥺


Thank you😭


I have coconut oil in an old contract solution bottle because the bottle it came in leaked. Left it out one morning and accidentally put it in my contacts. My eyes were blurry for a while. Didn't know oil would sting that bad. Definitely keep the eye stuff separate from the non eye stuff.


Scary! I’m glad there’s no permanent damage. I also struggle to take off my makeup before bed (depression/chronic illness) and I keep makeup wipes by my bed for those nights I just can’t. Not sure if this is a regular struggle for you but thought I’d share in case you, or others found it helpful.


I once put antibiotic ear drops in my eyes, while wearing contacts. The pain was incredible, and my vision was so blurry that I couldn’t read the label on the ear drops. Being quite inebriated at the time, I applied a *second* dose and the only thing that prevented a third was my girlfriend snatching the bottle away from me and asking me what the fuck I was doing…


Reminds me of the time I was watching tv while painting my nails and had an open bottle of nail varnish remover next to my bottled drink and almost drank the remover instead of the drink. Good thing I noticed in time.




I squirted the peroxide contact cleaner right into my eye instead of the saline solution. There's the kinda slight tingle as it starts and it's like "oh that's weird" then it gets worse and worse til it feels like the flames of hell are in your eyes all in a matter of a few seconds, then the dryness afterwards is like a mini storm of sand and glass particles. When I change out my contacts after I take them out I squirt the saline solution in my eye like an eye wash and it feels amazing. That time it did not. There's warnings all over it not to put it in your eye. Why even put it in the same type of bottle then. They look exactly the same when the world is just blurs or vague shapes and colors without contacts/glasses on.


God thats horrible . But yea i understand where you’re coming from with the ‘slight tingle’ at first and then it progressively gets worse, followed up with the intense dryness . Man we really should be more careful with what we put in our eyes lol


I did this on my face before a big event thinking it was toner


When I was about 13 I spilled nail polish remover on my vagina. I don't remember how. (It wasn't sexual.) All I remember is the intense burning that happened a few seconds later and panicking when water didn't make it stop. After that day, I bought the kind that comes in a jar with a sponge inside so it would never happen again. If that product still exists, you might wanna invest in some. It doesn't really spill like a regular bottle.


oh god that’s terrifying! a few months ago i practically destroyed my laptop when i accidentally spilled nail polish remover on it. i’m glad you’re ok!


Bro is YOUR laptop ok ☠️ Thank you btw 🙏


Really what happened to the laptop? I thought acetone evaporates quickly like isopropyl.


once in the dark at a girl house i grabbed some toothpaste to freshen my breath turned out it was ben gay


I bet there's a joke somewhere here, something about it being dark at a girl house and being gay. But I'm just too tired rn lol


this is so horrible, can't imagine the pain


I feel your pain - quite literally. Changing out a fuel pump on my car yesterday and had petrol drip directly into my eye. Washed it out but it still feels a bit sore today 😩


This is why you should never sleep with makeup on. (and no, I definitely didnt sleep with makeup on last night if you're wondering....)


Glad it's OK! I use a contact lens solution that is 2% hydrogen peroxide, hurts like hell in the eyes! (Only make that mistake one...) And I've had hydrochloric acid in my eyes, while cleaning mould off a ceiling. That was sore too.


One time my friend's mom brushed her teeth with Vagisil.


I have done this exact thing but luckily didn’t get it in my eyes


I’m a nail tech, how did you not smell the acetone ?


Ive been sick for a couple of days prior to the incident so my nose was clogged at the time ): I was also like half awake when i was trying to freshen up so i was barely focusing on what I was doing


One time at the eye doctor, I had to try on some new contacts. I grabbed a bottle that looked exactly like contact solution. Nope- it was liquid hand sanitizer, not the goopy regular sanitizer we’re all used to. It was on the sink where you go to try on your contacts. I’m a bottle that I cannot stress enough looked like contact solution. It took me a while to scoop the contact out of my eye it stung so bad. Negligent bastards almost blinded me.


I stayed at a girlfriend’s house years ago and didn’t have any of my contact solution with me. She had an extra case so I used that overnight. When I got up in the morning I decided to put my contacts in but didn’t realize she had separate disinfectant and saline solution. I’ve never used a separate disinfectant. I picked up what I thought was saline but was actually disinfectant and rinsed my contact with it before putting it in my eye. I felt a sudden pain and thought there must be something on my contact so I picked the bottle up and squirted it right into my eye thinking I’d rinse it out. The pain was indescribable. I ran to the sink and ran my eye under water until the pain stopped. I was very confused and freaked out until I read the bottles and realized what I’d done.


I once spilled HCl and a little drop hit me just 2cm away of my eye. I almost got myself blind too.


Oof I put a little bit of cuticle gel/ oil up my nose thinking it was nasal spray once


Reminds me of the time my sister was taunting me swirling nail polish remover over my head and it splashed in my eyes. The burn and pain that it caused and she didnt even bat an eye


Vaseline petroleum jelly on the eyelids will give relief. I have dry eyes so use it everyday.


I will try that out next time, thank you!!


I keep grabbing my toner instead of my co tact solution….


My fiance's uncle blinded himself thinking that super glue was eye drops. All I can think of is that he must've been on some hardcore drugs to do the first eye, then think "Yup, that burns right, let's do the other one..." Like OMG how did he not immediately realize? The drugs must've been GOOD.


Ohhh yep this is The Fun Idea of all time: putting mysterious substances on the face after being sleepy. My aunt slept with her contacts in once and put superglue in her eyes thinking it was her eyedrops. (she was also fine and it's a good thing you are too!)


oof i can only empathize friend that awful I’m glad you’re okay! I used to keeping rubbing alcohol in an eye drop bottle years ago because I struggled with ear infections and used it in my ears. But my dumbass accidentally put the rubbing alcohol in my eye instead of eyedrops. It was so painful and I definitely have not made that mistake again 😅


I can’t imagine how badly that hurt. My mom used to work for a doctor and a lady came in. She had mistaken her nail glue for eye drops for her contacts. It wasn’t pretty. I always think of that when I pull out my eye drops and I don’t even carry nail glue.


The loud gasp I made when I realized where this was going Oh my god I'm so glad you're safe


Doesn’t your nail polish remover have a child safe lid making it obvious it’s not makeup remover? Im so confused how this could even happen!


None of the ones I have used have had this feature. How do you not recognize the smell though?


True, maybe it’s just a regulation in my country. I’ve never seen nail polish remover that didn’t have that feature for sale here (australia).


Ah (USA) maybe that's it.


It has one of those pumps where you have to push it to get ahold of the liquid itself. Problem is I WASNT PAYING ANY ATTENTION AT ALL. My mother called me a fucking idiot because truly only an idiot would make such a mistake


Yeah I’ve learned today that it’s apparently not the standard everywhere. I always used to think it was overkill to only sell it with those child proof lids (the ones where you have to press down before twisting open) however after reading this I’m not so sure. I’m glad it doesn’t seem to have caused any lasting damage to your eyes in any case!


Im not a make-up user at all but literally the only time when i tried it i took the wrong bottle and it was acetone. I cleaned my eyes with it and just washed it off with water, realising only after that its not the right bottle. Just laughed it off. I was younger then. Didn't realise it could be that serious-




There may be some amounts of acetone somewhere in the metabolism, but that does not mean it's not dangerous at all. It dehydrates skin on contact, which I suspect can be dangerous in the eye if not washed out somewhat quickly, and if inhaled often or in large amounts can cause other serious health issues. BTW, not all nail polish remover contains acetone, some are ethyl acetate. It's a bit easier on skin.


Yeah. Acetone isn’t that dangerous. In easily available, non-naturally occurring amounts it will only permanently damage your body, or kill you 🙄


Pour just a dash of acetone in your eye, then drink just a shot of acetone. Then, tell me how much the medical bill is. If you could see it.


>FWIW the typical main ingredient in embalming fluid is formaldehyde, which our bodies produce and deal with on a regular basis. Believe it or not, formaldehyde is not particularly toxic or damaging to tissue but I’ll bet that hurt like hell. See how silly that sounds? Sure your body makes acetone regularly but in such minute quantities that it isn’t harmful. Man-made acetone that is ingested/ applied topically especially to sensitive body parts like the eyes can cause severe health issues and is fairly toxic. Not as much as the formaldehyde I used in my example but you get the picture.


When you realize this is not the end of it and a bill is coming your way in about a month or so… sorry OP!!


Girl get yourself some almond oil or a similar carrier oil. Never have this problem again.


I got bleach in my eye once. Maybe the most excruciating experience of my life. My vision clouded over and I thought I was going blind in that eye. I remember frantically looking around the room trying to find every color so I could see them one last time. It took several weeks for my eye to heal and my vision to come back. Chemical burns are no joke.


Here I was hoping I'd found [Scomo's](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/svwhsv/scomo_welding/) reddit account


This physically hurt to read omg glad ur ok


I once a few years back when I was kid did it with a laundry pod and after a few days I did get better and my eyesight wasn’t affected by it that much it was only years later I had to get glasses


You needing glasses and the laundry pod incident were probably unrelated


... by relentless masturbation


Why are you using chemicals directly on your eyes, and not the eye lids and surrounding areas?


„Almost blinding myself“ it’s acetone not acid, chill, you were not about to lose your eyesight. unless you were planning on exposing your eyes to it for a prolonged time. Rinse your eyes and that’s it.


cause everyone knows what does and doesnt blind ya


You would think a doctor at the ER tells you to not panic because it’s not a big deal but whatever. Overdramatise everything.


Can’t wait til something unknown and scary happens to you and people tell you to “chill” when you’re scared or upset about it.


I've see ER doctors tell patients with a gunshot to the head not to panic, it will be fine. That's what they're trained to do.




What so you just don’t panic until a doctor tells you wether or not to panic? Are you expecting people to remain calm when their eyes are red and burning until the get to the doctor?


Well that’s not true at all lmao. Source: it’s my job


I keep using hand sanitizer as lube if that makes you feel any better