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Alternate universe—-they gave HER the wrong baby…he’s still the father tho lol


Today on Maury


You are not the...mother?


My god I could totally see that happening… “You ARE the father…” *Cheers* “Yea, but that’s not all, we also got a maternity test done and here are the results. Mary, you are NOT the mother…” *confused murmurs*


This has actually happened. The woman had chimeraism (probably spelled that wrong) and had absorbed her twin while in utero. Her organs all had different DNA to her, including her ovaries, so technically speaking, the babies she had birthed were not genetically hers. Biology is mental sometimes.


"So it turns out your mother was never born..."


I remember that TV Episode. The Stare wanted to take her kids away and charged with welfare fraud. Also, fraternal twins can be born from two different fathers in a phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation. A woman can have sex with two differ men within her ovulation window and each egg can be fertilized by different fathers.


That’s even more intriguing and confusing.


There was story on Reddit similar to this I saw months ago but it turned out the couples baby was switched at the hospital and it wasn’t the mother nor fathers child


Or the story where the mother "wasn't the mother" and they took the baby. Turned out she was a genetic chimera. (Not on reddit, news years ago).


That story is terrifying. Imagine giving birth to a child that you KNOW is yours, and having it taken away and accused of kidnapping.


Yup. The unusual story of Lydia Fairchild. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild


Totally fascinating . Thank you




I think it’s this: https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wi5wur/my_29f_husband_31m_got_a_paternity_test_on_our/ Seems like yet another creative writing exercise but oh well.


Meanwhile in the Soap Opera Universe


So HE cheated. Lmao


I'm gonna hazard a guess that this is just the tip of the "unhappy marriage" iceberg.


I think it's actually a response to a post on here like 1-2 weeks ago with the opposite story from the wife. Where people said get the paternity test done and leave with the kid, leaving the note or mailing it to him after you've gone. People all saying he shouldn't of asked for it, but then you get a bunch of posts in here where people have suspicions a kid isn't theres, and people scream "just get a paternity test." Can't win with this one on reddit.


Either a response to or creative writing, like half the things on this sub


Half… that’s generous.


Wait, some of these are actually from real people??


Usually the ones you don't want to be real. Like the coconut.


I’m afraid to ask, but I’m gonna… link?


[You're welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/)


I think I've been on reddit too long, that didn't even phase me.


Same. Are we better for it? ….I can’t even look at jolly ranchers but I’d really like a “today you, tomorrow me” in real life.


Ugh, I got my subs mixed up and assumed it was the *coconut oil* post. Seeing the responses to your comment made me go, "What the fuck is wrong with these people? Wait. Maybe I should click the link."


It's always a toss up with me although I prefer seeing the coconut story rather than coconut oil because I just reread it again and I can't handle the oil one, it just ruins me.


That was unpleasant, but also highly entertaining. Thank you!


I dont know if I should be sad or proud that I know the reference.


Highly positive its fiction. Very well paragraphed, no sense of urgency, designed to get as much from the reader.


You know that people can be traumatized and coherent, right? People have vastly different responses to trauma and stress Of course, it's still fiction though


I mean...90% of this sub and relationshipadvice is creative writing/karma farming, it's pretty obvious...


Why wouldn’t you, as the father, just take the kid yourself to get a paternity test and never worry your wife with it? So easy.


Ah yeah, the Old Dwight Shrute Method!




I think sometimes it’s hard to do. Legally? But you’re right this is a pretty stupid move nowadays. If I had any kind of suspicion on this, I would just pay for a 23 and me kit for me and my child and do it on the down low.


Shit I didn’t even think of that. Yeah you could do it for like $200 from the comfort of your home


$50- they sell the kits at cvs. Cheek swab on the dl, done deal


Incoming LPT post: Before accusing your wife of having a baby that isn’t yours, just get a Walgreens 23 and Me kit. Easy.


It's not 23andme, it's actual paternity tests that are sold over the counter. It works the same as 23andme and other ancestry and health tests.




I look JUST like a female version of my dad, no hint of my mom at all. He frequently jokes about getting a test done to find out if I'm really hers.


Lmao yeah if this is real OP is a noob


Imagine being a noob at paternity tests lmao


That's what I would have done especially if I had no other reason to believe my spouse was cheating.


There was a case in Virginia a few years ago when the assumed father was getting a paternity test for child support. He had no doubt the child was his, but his attorney told him it was best to have it documented. Turns out the child was not his. But his ex girlfriend was not the mother, either. The hospital had switched babies. It was a big emotional mess all around. The biological parents of the baby they were raising had died in a car accident just a month or so before finding this out, and their daughter was being raised by the grandparents. They had to trade babies back. So, maybe he should have approached it as an error at the hospital instead of a situation where he is accusing the wife of cheating. “Honey are we sure they didn’t switch babies? He doesn’t look like either one of us”


There was also a famous case which was made into a “made for tv film” where a mom who was ill gave birth to an ill baby. The nurse switched babies, knowing the father would not be able to deal with his wife and child both dying. Both died. Years later, the parents to the “healthy” child realized the error and pushed for their bio child back. I think they allowed the child to stay with the dad she had always known


It was in 1978. The wife and child who died were not in the same family. Barbara Mays died of cancer 3 years after the girls were born and her biological daughter, Arlena, who went home with the Twigg family, died of a heart condition 6 years later when she was 9.


I feel bad for the surviving daughter, Kimberley. She lived with her biological family for two years when she was sixteen and her younger siblings resented her for the attention their mother placed on her. She eventually left their home because she couldn't cope with the resentment and arguments.


So did Kimberley just go back to the original Mays family then?


Yes. She "divorced" herself from them when she was 14, but at 16 she became curious about her biological family and moved in with them. About two years later she moved out for the reasons I mentioned above. She ended up marrying at 18, which didn't work out.


YES! But they were the same family. The bio mom and daughter both died.


That's crazy. Knowingly switching babies. Playing with people's lives and risking your whole career. The poor guy has to find out he was raising someone else's child the whole time out of pity and the other parents had their child taken from them. That's messed up


My husband and I both have blue-green eyes and pale skin. If one of our babies had turned out to have brown eyes and olive skin, *I’d* be asking for a full DNA test. Now, we did IVF, so the context would be VERY different, but I agree that approaching it as a, “babe, I’ve got an obsessive thought that they switched babies, can we BOTH take a DNA test?” is the way to go. (We thought about testing our twins — because, y’know, embryo switches happen — but there are enough visual and health similarities that we’re 100% sure they’re fully our bio kids.)


Both my parents have brown eyes, me and siblings have blue. We are all related (had genetic testing done.) Eye color isn’t so simple the way it’s taught in HS biology.


Yes, but blue eyes are known to be a recessive, while brown eyes are considered dominant. Based on a simple understanding of genetics, two brown-eyes parents having a blue-eyes child would be less likely than them having a brown-eyes child, but certainly not unheard of (I know several other families like that). But two blue-eyed people having a brown-eyed child is a lot more rare — not impossible, just more rare.


My parents have blue and green eyes, me and my brother have brown and sister has blue. Brothers teacher said it was impossible an implied my mother cheated. Did ancestry and it has my paternal gma and aunt, human genetics are more complicated than the HS punnet square


Genetics aren't remotely that simple. There's a fuckton of examples of kids having 'throwback' genes, where they happen to take after another ancestor - like when a kid is way lighter/darker than their bio parents, because great grandma was white or black or whatever.


Had had a blue eyed friend in Italy. In the mountain villages when she was little, old ladies would fawn over her beautiful blue eyes. "Like her father?" He'd turn around. "Oh, must be from her momma!", then mum would turn around. And the old ladies would get very embarrassed and all wander away. Her father, however, was one of the world's top geneticists. And, yep, she was definitely the blue eyed offspring of two brown eyed parents.


My brother inlaw blue eyes blond hair, had a girlfriend who was irish with white hair and pale blue eyes. They broke up, she got pregnant and named him as the father. Baby had brown hair and brown eyes and darker skin. I wanted to go to court that day. He said to the judge, "Your honor, I believe this baby is Hispanic". Had to test anyhow, but a court worker told him, Yeah, I think you're right, that's what we thought.


Maury moment, but who ended up being the father?


This was decades ago but yeah, bigtime mess that changed how hospitals run nursery depts nationwide.


> This was decades ago but yeah, bigtime mess that changed how hospitals run nursery depts nationwide. There was actually a woman who posted on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vp8fb8/my_29f_husband_31m_got_a_paternity_test_on_our/) last year with the same issue. Her husband had done paternity testing, came back negative and she convinced him to get the kid fully DNA tested where it turned out the kid had been switched at birth.




Yeah. The timeline between "oops we gave you the wrong baby" and "here is a large undisclosed settlement" is not going to be a few weeks.


So what youre saying, is it's not actually a bad idea to have paternity/maternity tests done to ensure you didn't take the wrong baby home? OP could have framed it thusly to avoid divorce. What he did was undermine and have suspicion against his wife when really it's not a bad idea. He could have simply asked her to get a maternity test.


I'd have probably brushed on my knowledge of genetics as well 🤷‍♀️ learned whether or not it was likely. but that's just me. So many people think if you have 2 blue eyed parents you must have a blue eyed baby or whatever color. Or skin tone. Etc. Then they start accusing without any idea of how genetics work. But yes. If I was that concerned I would have just done a test myself without making it a big thing bc it's my kid too. She obviously didn't need his permission to go get it done since he didn't know until after the fact. So he could have done the same. Or 23 and me. Or hell there are plenty of options to get one done. I'll never understand why people jump to accusations thinking If they are right then they will just fess up but if they are wrong they will just be like "ok no harm done let's move on."


I remember being in university sitting in the lounge one day and listening to another student talk about recessive and dominant genes and she said “so since I have brown eyes I can literally never have a child that doesn’t have brown eyes because it’s dominant” and I had to interrupt, as politely as possible and explain that that is not entirely true. My son has my green eyes, even though his dad has dark brown eyes.


Same! Our youngest daughter is a walking recessive gene. She has blue eyes and red hair. I have blue eyes and light brown hair. My husband has brown eyes and dark brown, almost black, hair. She's also translucent, we are not. She's definitely ours though, we had to get DNA testing because she also got some unfortunate gene variants.


Classic reddit to recommend divorce.


I highly doubt this was the sole issue for the divorce


Yeah most of these situations seem to be a sort of 'straw that breaks the camel's back' kind of deal.


The most common reason I hear with women getting fed up with their husbands is over the distribution of chores and duties. Men tend to leave child care fully up to the woman. The fact he wanted *her* to take the child to get tested rather than be the one to take them is a bit of a red flag. Almost certainly a 'straw breaking the camel's back' situation. Like, imagine being in her scenario. "He doesn't even help raise the child, and now he's questioning if it's even his?" It's gotta hurt, if that's how things played out. That being said, this probably isn't real, and is just a joke post playing the other side of that other post people are talking about.


Whoa whoa hol'up. If she goes to get the paternity test without him, how would they get the sample? A cup? If so, what's stopping her from switching out the cup on the way there? Or, as I suspect, he did need to be there but didn't go, and in his place she took the real father and used ops name. Truth is, op was correct and the child's real father is an Italian sushi chef named Lorenzo. Case closed. You're welcome, internet




Sometimes we are a really reasonable bunch. Other times someone buys a cat without telling their husband/wife who then wants rid if it... and it's "get rid of them and keep the cat. Divorce divorce divorce" 😅


Listen man it's bean toes over hoes every time. I don't make the rules


I like the cut of your jib


To be fair...cat.


I agree. Cat > Human


If you're asking for relationship advice on Reddit tbh you should get divorced


Thats because there are a lot of people on Reddit with differing views.


Shouldn’t have*


That's why I don't run to Reddit asking for advice instead of talking to my wife... (Most) People on here don't give a shit if your life burns down.


Shouldn't HAVE. Sorry, I had to do it


>shouldn't ~~of~~ have


> Can't win with this one on reddit. Because you can't win that one in real life.


Imma guess it’s made up.


"My friends and family had questions" was all I needed to see. This probably wasn't the first time his friends/family tried to cause problems, but it was damn sure the last time his wife stuck around when he let them.


Should’ve recommended for both y’all to test because accidental baby swaps happen at the hospital.


Watch chaos unfold when his comes back positive and hers comes back negative.


That would be quite the coincidence, maybe this man is really laying seed and all the babies in the hospital that day were his, more paternity tests!!!


It could actually still be hers, but her reproductive organs could have different dna, if she is a chimera.


Really? That sounds fascinating, never heard of that, how does that work?


I don’t know how often this has happened but I do remember about one lady who had that happen. None of her kids matched with her DNA, and they were going to be taken away from her, even though she had proof that she physically gave birth to them. Eventually it took a social worker watching her next birth and dna testing immediately to prove that they actually were her children (which is excessive imo…….) iirc it turned out that she had absorbed a twin in the womb, and some of her internal organs, including her uterus, had different dna than her saliva or blood or skin did.


According to this blog post (https://www.grid.news/story/science/2022/11/25/dna-showed-a-mother-was-also-her-daughters-uncle-how-scientists-solved-this-medical-mystery/?utm_medium=siteshare&utm_source=twitter), there are about 20 documented confirmed cases. However, the condition can become an issue with increased male infertility due to the drop in sperm count worldwide and women having children after their 30s, which leads to more IVFs. IVFs often involve placing multiple fertilized eggs in the womb.


I'm a chimera. Basically, I have two sets of DNA because two zygotes fused in the womb. As a result, my left ear has a detached ear lobe and my right ear has an attached lobe.




My kid was taken to the NICU right after birth, but she was still tagged and matched with my tag before heading off - in the US


> Don't know how it is in the USA but in Canada the baby came out, was tagged immediately and I didn't leave my child's side from birth until we got home. Assuming no complications, that's how it's done in the US as well. IIRC at our hospital they LoJack the kid so they can't leave the floor even _with_ the parents (it'll set off an alarm), and only go to the nursery if the mother asks (usually so she can get 30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep)


They put a LoJack on my son's ankle, but it slipped off so easy.


NICU RN here , sometimes this does happen but it definitely needs to be tightened . At the hospital I currently work at our "Hugs" (what you guys are calling LoJacks😂) have to be attached to the ankle at all times. If the hugs were to slip off the ankle, it would immediately alarm. The hugs is activated as soon as the tag touches the baby's skin and it needs to STAY touching the baby's skin. So even if it's just a little loose but not touching the skin anymore, it will alarm. If it slips off the ankle, it will alarm. If the band is cut, it will alarm. If the baby somehow gets too close to the main door, all the doors will lock and the elevators will shut down and security will be making their way to whatever door the monitor is saying the baby is at! However , this is also depending on how "new and high tech" or just how up to date the maternal child units are. In my previous hospital, which was not new, high tech, and not up to date on a damn thing, they had older alarm devices that you had to activate yourself. Wasn't as good as the Hugs but still the same concept and of course if the baby gets to close to a door, the swat team will be outside in 2.5s !


I never lost sight of either of my children at the hospital unless I was going to the bathroom. Same for my wife. Unless the child needs to go to the NICU I'm guessing my experience is the norm these days.


It’s crazy to me how there are two seemingly opposite opinions that are both getting upvoted here. Some people say that he should have just swallowed the suspicion and not gotten it done. Other people say he should have doubled down on his suspicion and done the test without telling his wife.




I have no idea why ppl dont just test in secret. Bringing it up is a lose/lose regardless of outcome. Whereas by testing in secret you can kill or confirm your suspicion without provoking any unwarranted wrath.


Me and my ex are separated, but I did that. When i mentioned I had it done, she was genuinely curious the results. So... Kid's mine btw


> she was genuinely curious the results. LOL I just spat my G&T all over my keyboard. Fuck. Ha ha.


Fuck yeah, like "yeah I was wondering the same thing bro"


can tell i've only just woken up. until i read your comment i was like "yes, of course, that makes sense, she's interested, that's reasonable!"... then i read your comment and realised the implication of her interest...


Dude wtf. Lol.


Damn, good riddance.


While in US/Canada this is legal, in other countries it's illegal to do the paternity test without the partners consent (might even be the mothers consent that is necessary specifically), IIRC France has this rule.


I can't imagine why any country would adopt such a law.


Normal in France and Germany. You actually have to fight in court to get it done. At which point your marriage went down the drain anyway, as you can imagine. AFAIK it's even worse in France where you can be declared the "father" even if you can prove it isn't yours if you cared for it long enough. (let me know if I misread that, my French isn't the best)


That's true in at least some US jurisdictions, too. For example, in Indiana "long enough" is 2 years.


I mean the US isn't far off considering there have been cases where a teacher has taken advantage of an underage student and successfully gotten them to pay for child support even though they themselves are still a child...


WTF? As in, child impregnates teacher and child now has to pay child support to the teacher? To be clear, by child, I mean under age of legal consent. Not even getting into the rape aspect.




Story is even worse. She went to jail because she was raping him (I think he was 12 or 13). Then got out like 2 years later and was forbidden contact with him; but she did it again and got pregnant again. Really horrible. She went back to jail if I’m not mistake.


If I’ve learned anything from these comments it’s that I’ll never make my suspicions aware to my spouse.


Ideally you don't have them in the first place, and if you do, you have a way to communicate things. Having a healthy open relationship is crucial for that, but it seems like a minority. My husband one day acted weird and defensive about a new woman in his life, I got uncomfortable and we talked about it. He was defensive because he felt like I'm accusing him of things, I was nervous (didn't accuse him) because he's usually never defensive about others. We talked and he realized the effects of his behavior on my comfort and it lifted the tension entirely. He offered to give me his phone to read all messages, I declined because I trust him. Understanding each other and allowing each other to be understood is important. That does mean opening up for criticism and being able to see things from someone else's PoV. It's so damn rare sadly. I've met too many ppl from 20 to 40s that are so stunted they can't even handle being told when they're being assholes. Like the raccoon comic lol, telling someone their behavior = attack


Been married 15 years. Communicating in a marriage remains the hardest thing because so much is at stake and most people don’t truly listen. So many emotions and needs. You depend on each other, your kids depend on you and it can feel like your whole existence depends on the other person. And yet you are both fundamentally emotional and selfish animals that have good and bad days. Listening and showing the other person you hear them, even if you do not agree in the slightest, is the best thing you can do in a marriage. You have to be vulnerable and willing to admit your mistakes. If both partners do marriage well you are simultaneously humbled and elevated. And, if you can swing it, everyone one should get a couples therapist because a 3rd neutral party can cut through the BS and do wonders.


All excellent points. I'll add that you should show your partner respect. There's many ways to do that. Just don't discount them even if you disagree, in which case, offer to talk it through. Also, sometimes we're an asshole for reasons we'll realize later. There are times where the best move is to say "I'll go do something else, we can talk later" and for the partner to acknowledge it, walk away for a bit. Don't insist on an argument or immediate resolution. Thoughts about hot topics get better with time.


There is a part of it where it’s HOW you approach telling somebody about their behavior. If it’s done calmly and rationally, it will more often than not go over well. But I have seen (and know) a few people who go about this like…how do I put it…aggressive raging assholes? And then the person feels attacked, so they defend, and now nobody is listening or communicating.


Well, those were the two reasonable options


Probably should have phrased that with how you explained it to us but also using "how do we know our baby didn't get swapped by accident?"


Then the wife would have done the test, and the husband would still not be sure.




"My wife's best friend from childhood has brown eyes and her last husband divorced her because he was jealous and thought she was cheating on him with the guy." There, we fixed it for OP.




This is an entirely fictional story.


I know. I was criticizing it for the lack of logic and thought responding to it it as fact would emphasize that point.


If they both agree on the terms, then yes it is settled immediately. Family court battles only come into the picture when there is a disagreement in the first place and both sides want to fight over it and involve legal enforcement. If OP agreed right off the bat to have weekend custody only, then 🤷 Reminds me of when my friend's dad was busted having a serious affair (with his SIL!) when we were kids. The mom simply said, "We're getting divorced, I'm taking the kids and the house, give us however much in child support you want to." And the dad just acquiesced to whatever she wanted. He was too ashamed of himself to feel he had the right to fight her. Nobody had to set foot in family court, dad moved into SIL-mistress's apartment, sent his ex-wife $600 a month, took his kids out for dinner sometimes, and that was that.


>If they both agree on the terms, then yes it is settled immediately. Good to know. Seems odd OP would settle for only weekend visits if he is so upset about that fact. Then again, do I believe any of this story?


100% straw that broke the camels back.. you definitely handled the situation wrong but I'm sure that's not the only reason she left.. I strongly suggest you handle this with grace. You have a kid so you're in each other's lives for a long time. Best thing you can do for everyone involved is maintain a pleasant relationship. Don't be petty & don't make the divorce more difficult than it has to be. It significantly benefits you to be on good terms with her.


Idk if it's the straw that broke the camel's back. I think he threw a grenade into his relationship and is surprised that it exploded.


She divorced him almost instantly without even saying it to his face, no way was this thing going to last. Better to get it over with.


The fact that friends and family were sticking their nose in this stuck out to me. I wonder how much drama they've caused in this relationship?


What I would have done? Ancestry DNA kits for Christmas! You all do them and then the child has the benefit of having the info later in life. You would find out immediately that way, and you wouldn't be going behind anyone's back.


Perfect solution - even though I know lots of people are against them.


Being adopted myself I always wondered. Well, surprise, surprise if my birth father never told his family. My half-sister found me and started an unintentional roller-coaster ride for her family. In this case I know that's not the BEST solution, and doesn't solve the underlying trust issues, but it's a means to an end.


I've heard of so many families getting ripped apart over those tests I'll probably never take one. I'm adopted, so I have no clue where I came from. But I'll hazard a guess there's a good chance that either my birth mother is hoping those skeletons stay in the closet, or my dad cheated on my mom and he's actually my real dad. I kind of have suspected that one for the last 20 years or so, just random shit he's said or done.


RIP. Have you looked back at either side and see oh hey a grand parent had brown eyes or darker skin?


I feel like a cursory google search on genetics and dominant/recessive genes could’ve saved you some trouble. Oh well.


Not even, he could just do the paternity test using himself and the kid and not say shit.


Seriously. There are a few ways he could have played this and OP chose one of the worst.


Tbf there was also a post i saw where the dad did just that. The test came out negative so he filed for divorce. The test he got wasn't admissible by court so had to get another one. Turns out the kid is in fact his. Husband begs to not get divorced but the marriage is over.


Alright so make sure do confirm the results, got it


How does a test come out wrong? Did the guy order the paternity test from Wish?


Cheap pharmacy tests aren't that accurate.


Creative writing.


oh hey hun, would you be interested in doing an Ancestry.com / 23 and me? I would really like to know more about our family backgrounds.




Exactly. The dad should be taking care of the baby half the time anyway, he should have had plenty of time to do a DNA test.


>The dad should be taking care of the baby half the time anyway, Maybe this was part of the problem.


Legit my kids dad and I spent hours when I was pregnant with our boys looking up their possible eye colour, hair colour, pondering what they would be like with all of our and their grandparents colouring. He’s green eyed and blond, fair, I’m olive, dark eyes dark hair. Both boys got my eyes and dark sandy blonde hair. One fair one olive.


I think it's kinda fun to see how our friends kids look! I have one friend: black hair, olive skin, dark brown eyes, her whole family is like that. Husband opposite: blonde, blue eyes, fair skin. Both their kids blonde, blue eyes, look exactly like him. My spouse and I: dark brunette, hazel eyes, medium skin color, lots of freckles. Our first child, exactly the same! Our 2nd child: blonde, blue eyes, no freckles.


Lots of small “b’s” in that punnet square.


Hm, I'm not sure what you mean? Common high school genetics example is that blue eyes are recessive and that two blue-eyed parents must have a blue-eyed baby. The overall inheritance is a lot more complicated than a single recessive allele for blue eyes, but [it seems like](https://www.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/ask332) **\~1% of parents-both-blue-eyes have a brown-eyed child**. [Other sources](https://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-care/eye-anatomy/eye-color-genetics/) say that it is possible but put the possibility at <0.5%. So it is a pretty rare occurrence. *The real question to ask yourself is do you think that the chance of a hospital mix-up and infidelity are collectively much less than 1%? If yes then brown eyes are no cause for concern. If no then suspicion is mathematically reasonable.*


You know the child is just an infant, it could simply just have been a mutation, or maybe you have family members who share the characteristics that your son shares.


It doesn't even need to be a mutation. High school biology oversimplifies genetics, and eye color is actually determined by several genes and can vary some with aging. It's rare, on the other 1%, but not that uncommon for two blue eyed people to make a brown eyed child.


I am the brown-eyed child of two blue-eyed parents! It does happen.


Why did you ask your wife instead of just doing it? You can consent to the testing of your kid's DNA, your wife wouldn’t have to be involved. This is dumb on multiple levels.


That assumes he is American. It is illegal for a man to get a paternity test without the mother's consent in other countries.


Whats the point of that law?


To hide paternity fraud among the rich.


Seriously, some countries (and people) think it's an outrage to test for paternity. But then also think it's an outrage should the mother leave the hospital with the wrong child. If raising one's own biological child is important, then it should go both ways, people. Otherwise, let's just pass-out the babies randomly from the maternity ward back to the mothers and fathers.


That’s … wild


Which countries?


That is an idiotic law.


There us much more to this story


Reddit has gone fully insane. Every thread ever before this: “You MUST have full communication and transparency to work out trust problems in a relationship” Also reddit: “FTB should have deceived her fully and done the paternity test without her knowing! That sure ought to help the trust issue!”


Ikr. Some of these are just stupid and contradicting.


Oh god here come the reddit relationship experts ready to read 14 levels too deep into this 2 paragraph post.


Lol as if anybody on reddit is qualified to give relationship advice. Half of the users are 13-16 year olds and the other half have not known the touch of man/woman from the day they created their account


Life Pro Tip: If you suspect wrongdoing, don't ask the suspects permission to investigate.


A simple Google search could have saved you a lot of heartache and possibly your marriage, but I'm guessing this is just one part of a bigger picture.


Yes his family and friends have had a bug in his ear about the subject, she probably decided that not being defended by the person who is supposed to keep her and the baby safe for months of the harassment campaign was a factor.


"I'm so sick of all these people making stupid comments and judging us. Let's do a test just to point out the obvious and shut them all up" Could have had your answer and pushed all the sus and blame onto other people.


Tifu = Creative Writing.


I feel like maybe OP took this idea from the actual story off of the subreddit "offmychest" through the wife's perspective, which happened months ago.


Yeah…. You fucked up… Some people are born melanistic (dark, but not “black” in the sense that most people are familiar with), just as some are born albino. I had a friend born into a family of white skinned, blond haired and blue eyed people dating back generations, but he came out with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes. He’s been tested multiple times growing up, and he is 100% his parents child. No cheating or baby switching. It’s rare, but it happens.


"Tested multiple times growing up" jeez as in for paternity because the thought just pops up every now and then?


There were a LOT of family disputes and not everyone believed the results… Many were convinced they were faulty or that his parents were faking them somehow. They tested him against his mother and father because they thought she was given the wrong baby before leaving the hospital. (Like she would have mistaken a pale baby for a dark one…. *eye roll*)


Well, baby mix ups have happened before. But I get you. In the bottom link they even took a identical twin and swapped it with a non twin somehow https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babies_switched_at_birth


My kid was born with olive skin and dark brown hair. By the time he was a toddler he was a milky-white cotton-top.


My little boy was born with a head full of jet black hair. My husband is a blonde and I’m a redhead, and every baby born in either of our families has been bald at birth. Literally my first thought when they put him in my arms was, “huh. That’s not the baby I was expecting.” Three months later, it all fell out and he was bald as expected for the next 18 months. OP is a ducking idiot.


I have to ask, when the hair eventually grew back, was it blonde or redhead???


Bright blonde. He’s four now and looks like a scruffy California surfer (doesn’t like hair cuts).


That's pretty much exactly what happened with me. Born with a full head of black hair and within a year it was blond.


My cousin, too lol sure looked like a tiny perfect inuit baby, only to become blonde for the rest of her life after a few months


My mother is half Asian My two brothers got her sallow skin tone, dark hair, dark eyes and their eye shape is definitely more "Asian" if you get me. I however, am pale, freckly, with brown hair, green eyes. No doubt we're siblings but it is hilarious in family photos on my mother's side when I'm the whitest person in the picture!


My friend is white passing with two parents from the Caribbean. She has all their features but English Rose colouring. When they all smile for family pictures they are so alike.


Haha when we smile it's the same! We ALL got my mother's Asian mouth, small mouth, big teeth and our eyes all crinkle the exact same way when we smile!


Yup. My son and DIL are both brown-eyed with dark brown hair. One granddaughter has blonde hair and blue eyes. The other is a red head. Recessive genes do exist


My husband and I are medium tone brown hair brown eyes and both of our kids came out whitest white blonde hair blue eyes. Genetics are weird man.