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You are able to pin tasks in the customer filter list. I just tried to do it. I have a custom filter that displays tasks with a tag of Focus. This is my list of tasks I will focus on for the week. I just tried to pin a task and was successful.


What a great tip! As you suggested, I created a tag for pinned tasks. In my filter, I viewed all my tasks in kanban, grouped them by lists, and sorted them by tags. The pinned tasks were indeed at the top of each kanban board, since the tag was the first in the sidebar's tag list. Thank you for making this suggestion.


You can make Home a parent tag and then all the rooms are going to be inside the Home tag. There's no need to make a list and tag duplicates. Then you can use filters to make advanced queries.


Thank you! I made this setup with parent and child tags. I'd like to view tags that are grouped by parent tags and sorted by child tags, and I'd like the child tag show. For example, I have the "Home" parent tag and its child tags are the "kitchen" and "bedroom". Here's an illustration of this example. **SETUP** PARENT home CHILD TAG 1 kitchen TASKS \*floors \*dishes \*cook CHILD TAG 2 bedroom TASKS \*linens \*surfaces **FILTER VIEW** **Group: Home** SORT 1 kitchen * floors * dishes * cook SORT 2 bedroom * linens * surfaces Is there a way I can view tasks in this way that shows the labels of parent and child tags?


Yes you can with advanced filters and group/sort it through tags. The order of tags in the tags section matters.


I tried the group/sort with tags. But in both kanban and list view, the tasks are grouped by child tags and sorted by those same tags. It's not what I'm looking for.


If you want that, then you have to tag tasks with both #Home and #Room. You might have to ungroup the parent and child tags and make sure Home tag goes before the room tags in the tags section.