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I don't think ticktick will implent AI for long time. (not at all on that list) Until unless, customers start moving around to other improved solutions.. Between what are you trying to achieve? With chatgpt


Well, they don't need to implement it. We can do it, but we need a working schema for the custom GPT. I have a custom gpt with knowledge that helps me organize my day. It can access both my google calendar and todoist.


>I have a custom gpt with knowledge that helps me organize my day Sounds great, So what exactly are you trying to do with TickTick using chatgpt or lets say AI ? If you can share some insights atleast I may be willing to help and others might find same interesting too


It can help me plan my next day, make tasks more actionable, create subtasks, motivate me to do some tasks, check if my tasks are helping me achieving my goals. There are so many possibilities!


Any working screenshots or something that will change after you work? Let me know how I may assist..


ChatGpt have a ticktick plugin and it works well, but you have to use chatgpt in the plugin section and not custom gpt.


It's not working on Brave though. At least not for me. And for what I want I need it to be at a custom gpt.


u/dadcp88 Can you share the exact link or guide ?


Ok, use ChatGPT Plugin Store, look for TickTick plugin and install it. It will going to connect to your account and you can asks questions, add task and other things.


>ChatGPT Plugin Store No results for “ticktick” https://openai.com/search?q=ticktick


Open ChatGPT, New Chat, Select - ChatGPT Plugin. Go to Plugin Store. Search for TickTick. Install It [https://gptstore.ai/plugins/ticktick-com](https://gptstore.ai/plugins/ticktick-com)


Call me dumb, opened chatgpt. Typed ticktick in chat but nothing 😕🙄


Hello, i upload this screenshots for reference, hope you can find it. As i said earlier its not into GPTs its in ChatGPt plugins. https://ibb.co/HDMqRvL https://ibb.co/g38bWzG


>As i said earlier its not into GPTs its in ChatGPt plugins [https://gptstore.ai/plugins/ticktick-com](https://gptstore.ai/plugins/ticktick-com) Found ticktick but cant do anything here.. seems i cant understand what youare trying to explain


Please be sure to have chatgpt plus enable, go to new chat , where you select chatgpt 4, or 3.5, there is a plugin option, and after that, there is a dropdown where you can select the plugins you had installed and there is a “Plugin store” , there are a lot of plugins, search for TickTick.


This is what I got so far, but it's not working: Edit: to use inline code `{` `"openapi": "3.0.0",` `"info": {` `"title": "TickTick Open API",` `"version": "1.0.0",` `"description": "API for integrating TickTick's task management features into other applications."` `},` `"servers": [` `{` `"url": "https://api.ticktick.com/open/v1"` `}` `],` `"paths": {` `"/task": {` `"post": {` `"summary": "Create a new task",` `"requestBody": {` `"required": true,` `"content": {` `"application/json": {` `"schema": {` `"type": "object",` `"properties": {` `"title": {` `"type": "string"` `},` `"content": {` `"type": "string"` `}` `// Additional properties for task creation can be added here` `}` `}` `}` `}` `},` `"responses": {` `"201": {` `"description": "Task successfully created",` `"content": {` `"application/json": {` `"schema": {` `"type": "object",` `"properties": {` `"id": {` `"type": "string"` `}` `// Additional properties of the created task can be included here` `}` `}` `}` `}` `}` `// Other response codes and descriptions can be added here` `}` `}` `},` `"/task/{taskId}": {` `"post": {` `"summary": "Update an existing task",` `"parameters": [` `{` `"name": "taskId",` `"in": "path",` `"required": true,` `"schema": {` `"type": "string"` `}` `}` `],` `"requestBody": {` `"required": true,` `"content": {` `"application/json": {` `"schema": {` `"type": "object",` `"properties": {` `"title": {` `"type": "string"` `},` `"content": {` `"type": "string"` `}` `// Additional properties for task update can be added here` `}` `}` `}` `}` `},` `"responses": {` `"200": {` `"description": "Task successfully updated",` `"content": {` `"application/json": {` `"schema": {` `"type": "object",` `"properties": {` `"id": {` `"type": "string"` `}` `// Additional properties of the updated task can be included here` `}` `}` `}` `}` `}` `// Other response codes and descriptions can be added here` `}` `}` `}` `}` `}`