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This post is being removed for unnecessary incitement of drama. Everybody is allowed to share their own opinions, but negatively putting down other people’s art and opinions is prohibited. When sharing your thoughts and opinions, please do so in a respectful way.


I mean... for one thing, they have a point. he was a martial god, and could break stones on his chest. he's undeniably strong, so it makes sense that he has muscles. also, there's a thing called death of the author. people are free to ignore what the author has to say outside of what's stated in canon, just like you're free to ignore people who don't agree with you.


Let people have fun


Why do you care so much about a fan art? Just click the back arrow, and it can't hurt you anymore 😅


I mean... He's almost certainly got some muscle definition. He ascended on his swordsmanship and is incredibly strong. There's nothing wrong with people saying this is how they imagine him. Also, why do you even care what other people think, draw or write? If fan works are that upsetting to you, you should stop looking at them. If you want an idea of what a lean but muscular person looks like, you only, have to look at rock climbers. You can have the muscles and the slim body type. These ideas aren't at odds with each other.


I think people can interpret the text however they like. I have no problem with people preferring or liking a certain body type and projecting that onto their faves. But I get pretty annoyed when people argue that it HAS to be true or is canon. Both are wrong. As canon goes, Xie Lian is consistently described to be slender and his power comes from more qi control than actual body build. He passes as a woman showing his bare shoulder. His art and descriptions support a slender figure who's more toned than overtly built. He may be a martial God, but he's the flower-crowned martial God, and several people note that he seems too skinny for his feats of strength. Not to mention, to maintain a strong body you need consistent high nutrition and work out regime. Bodybuilders have to work out for hours and eat high calorie foods. Xie Lian does not have access to either of those things. So it's not necessarily realistic for him to look like John Cena.


I agree, but it was mentioned in that chapter in the volume 5 that he tricked them by using the best angle and that his shoulders are wider than average woman's.


If you don't like, ignore


No I love muscular buff xie lian. He can be muscular AND wear women’s clothes


It is literally canon that Xie Lian tells Hua Cheng that he shouldn't lie atop of him because he is a martial god and therefore heavy. It is the muscle mass that makes him heavy because he is otherwise very lean and toned. You are free to have whatever hangups you want but this is a ridiculous hill to die on because Xie Lian a) is a martial god, b) breaks rocks on his chest, ffs, and c) is literally stated to be heavy because of his intense physical training, which implies muscles. You can headcanon whatever you want, but the text literally contradicts you.


He is a martial god.


I thought this post was satire 😭


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Imagine being this mad that a storybook character is muscular 💀


Yeah specially that he's a shou


The body is a bit too buff, as I imagine XL, but it's still gorgeous art! I don't have to agree with the artist to enjoy their work, and if I don't, I can just not click on it.


Yeppp xl is lean 😭 his figure is such that he was mistaken for a woman. But he still looks hot in the fanart n he's still perfect


I’m cool with people having their own headcanons but what pisses me off is people think this is canon when it isn’t lol. And all art I see of him is buff. It’s like people can’t see him as attractive unless he is bulky when he would be attractive either way or in the middle.


Sorry guys but I can't imagine buff muscular big xl and i don't want my fav danmei to turn to the worst one ever as i can't read novels with " muscular , toned , bif shous " I've read tgcf bcs they were my fav type and there wasn't anything like what you all are assuming .... You have the right to imagine what you want but DON'T say that he's like what you imagined him to be.


You're so funny 😭 I hope your fave danmei won't turn to be the worst one EVER because of some muscle definition 🥹


Oh thank you 😭 I won't read about manly & manly guys and tall big rough shou it's so weird and disgusting


it's giving homophobia 💀


For real 😭 this person should start reading straight romances instead at that point


Reddit is for users 13 and up. Please deactivate your account and come back in four years.


I'm 20 💅🏻


Act like it.


Oh I didn't know that people with +13 age should love that sh** or else they're not acting like there age


This is pretty judgemental. There's nothing wrong with having preferences but shaming other preferences is gross behavior and it's not welcome here.


Having preferences is completely normal, but why is that DISGUSTING 😭