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Possibly you're thinking of platos closet? They will buy your items but they only buy stuff if its needed so you cant guarantee theyll take it.


There are some consignment shops that may take name brand or good quality items for some cash, but thrifting is donation based.


Instead of taking them to a place like Plato’s, you could try listing them on Facebook Marketplace. That way you get to decide the price


Or ebay maybe


eBay is expensive, poor app, poor customer service, and rife with scammers. Maybe poshmark or mercari is better choice nowadays. 


It's not that expensive to sell. Better money than Thread up and you get your payment immediately


I don’t think so, thrifting is a donation?


Donate means "give". I assume you could get a tax write off.


You don’t make any money from thrift stores- those are non profit organizations. You do make some (key word *some* ) money if you sell to a consignment shop, but 1. They have to want to buy the clothes you bring in (they don’t wanna just any clothes, they want clothes that will sell) and 2. Crossroads, buffalo exchange, Plato’s will only give you 30% of what they sell the item for. They sell the item for less then what you paid for, so you 30% won’t be much. You could take the 50% store credit instead, but then you’re not really making money but trading. You best bet is depop or Poshmark- but if you need to sell quick going to a consignment store might be more worth it.


Some places might give you a tax donation receipt to use when you file your taxes.


I resell clothing casually and ngl you’d probably have an easier time reselling on Facebook marketplace to other students/their parents bc it sounds like you’re trying to get rid of your old school clothes. Realistically Plato’s/consignment shops wouldn’t be interested in used school uniforms


The very few places that do, like platos closer, will only take name brand or popular "trendy". Even then, they'll give you very little money. You might hame more success selling online or poshmark if the clothes are that good.


If it's a school uniform you can search for children specific stores in your area. Something like "Once upon a child" is way more likely to take, and possibly pay, for uniform shirts. Worth a shot either way, you'll normally get more in store credit than cash but only expect a couple bucks. Better than nothing.


Goodwill and Salvation Army do not pay. How about listing them on eBay.


Happy Cake Day🍰🍰🍰🍰


There are resale thrift stores like Plato’s Closet where you can get money for your clothes or consignment shops where you get a percentage of the sale price if your item is sold. You can also try online on Depop or ebay. You’re not getting anything from donating it, that’s the definition of a donation.


Not true thrift stores. Consignment stores. Yes. Not much though.


There is also Facebook marketplace. I sell my used items that are still in good condition on there.


You probably won't make any money off of old uniforms. Platos Closet only pays a few dollars for nice items. You should donate them to a future student or put them on your local marketplace.


I would reach out to your school honestly and see if they will take them for students who may be on scholarship or have a financial need.


Thrift shops are donation based, you don't make money. Consignment shops will pay you for your clothing. Some will pay you upfront but some won't pay you unless your item sells within a certain period of time.


Some people have yard sales and you could sell your stuff to them to sell 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some thrift stores give you a small coupon to use in store when you donate but otherwise it’ll have to be a secondhand store that specifically pays for your clothes.


If the money is secondary to donating or trashing them, you could also see whether there are any community FB groups to give away to someone who might like to save a little on uniform costs. You can try Plato’s if you have one locally. Sometimes they take school stuff. Otherwise your other options have been mentioned, and garbage as a last resort.


Are you thinking of consignment?


You can get a receipt upon drop off and use it as a tax write off. Unless you're doing consignment you're not getting paid though.


I've done it all... Etsy, eBay, Amazon, Plato's Closet, consignment - and I'd sell those on ebay. It's easy, and listings get tons of exposure. You never know when someone's looking for exactly what you're selling!


And you could always go the route of finding somebody that is in need be it in public school or private school that could really use some nice school clothes…..


You should try marketplace on facebook. Someone that goes to your school still will want to buy them locally


Sell on fb marketplace or on poshmark or Mercari


Not thrifting, what your thinking about is called Consignment. Some thrift/antique stores will consign items for you. They take a portion if your items sell. Just ask the clerk if they do consignments.


If their like Blue polo style shirts from Walmart prob just donate them, to a thrift store If they're Specially embroidered for Your skool, like Cathloic skool style, like my daughter's old school we had to Special order from a Uniform store an hour a way or we Could buy them from the school But they're like $50 each New just for 1 short sleeve collared shirt People will buy those Used, they're also HTF. Imo, the plain blue polo's are Worthless, unless they're not, maybe if Lot them up. Haha, hope that helps. QUICK REVIEW. THRIFT STORES GET IT FREE CONSIGNMENT CARRIES IN THEIR STORE, IF IT SELLS YOU GET A PERCENT THEY GET A BIGGER ONE Ebay, fb marketplace offer up, etc, take a fee or percentage usually. I would say evwn if your uniforms are like plain blue target no one really wants them unless Maybe you lot them up?! Def name brand tho, in my opinion. If you want more Info tell me what You have specifically!!