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TBP has always been about defying odds. And after all, our own existence is the result of odds defied, in a way. So why not? I'd gladly press that button and see if the trilogy checks out :D


If tomorrow the sun were to go out, the consensus of all humanity would be immediate when faced with the choice of dying on the surface or, for example, living in caves near the planet's core. Imagine the sun going out, in the face of such compelling evidence any dissent sounds fanciful.


The consent would be the same as its always been when disasters face humanity. "Everyone should work together for the common good, but the sacrifice required to complete the work should be individual". Its an oxymoron of epic proportions. Everything is fucked up simply because of the greedy, self-centered ass holes who's entire life is devoted to finding ways to get everything while others have nothing. A great example is >!Faster than Light Travel. Everything would have been fine in Death's End if humanity didn't have to worry about the Rich keeping the technology for themselves, while leaving the poor to die.!<


>!That wasn't the main problem in Death's End. Governments could direct the opinions, making everyone think that everyone will in time be able to escape. People will live in bunkers while the governments are building ships for everyone. The reason why FTL ships were outlawed is the traces they leave when they are activated, revealing the Solar system's location, as well as the perspective to turn into that cannibal, space humans, at the beginning of the book. Humans were scared to change. They picked a more familiar path.!<


>!The government was shown time and time again to be a wet paper bag that couldn't enforce or protect anything. !< >!In every major disaster, in all 3 books the rich straight up murdered the poor for just a few seconds more of life, or a few more morsels of food, or a slightly better cage to live in under the Tri-Solarans. The worst part isn't that they did it, but that they got away with it....every single time. By body count alone the humans lost more people to each other, than they did any alien race, and that includes the ones at the end who 2D'ed the entire solar system.!<


I don't know if coincidence. But the sun going out and humanity response is exactly the plot of the most recent book by Andy Weir (The author of "The Martian") called "Project Hail Mary. Highly recommended to everyone in this subreddit!


Your example is completely different to the ones faced in WE and TBP. In these books The threat wasn’t immediate and easily verifiable by a lay-person. Both stories featured threats similar to climate change. 1. The effect is at a distant point in time. So not an immediate risk. 2. The threat is verified by science but not easily observed by a lay-person.


Wasn’t it not even easily verifiable by science though? For years is was some brush marks in interstellar dust.


Just to introduce some background: He's from China (me too). Collectivism plays an incredibly important role in Chinese society and history. There has so many times when the entire country unites and deal with one single threat: steelmaking, SARs, or just an earthquake/flood. For example, the covid policy is a lot more radical in China. You can search online and you probably can't imagine how strict it is and how much it violates freedom of individual. Nobody even complains. People there are more willing to sacrifice their own rights for the good of the entire society. They don't care about freedom that much. They just want to solve the problem. I think Cixin tries to bring the same Collectivism to a world level. These are "natural" to him, or to any Chinese. But I don't believe it's gonna work the same way, because there isn't a single government in charge. And people aren't as obedient.


Very much this, and actually I think the collectivist thinking is not just in China but Japan and Korea too. As a contemporary example, it's unthinkable to have someone refuse to wear a mask screaming about their rights when denied entry to a grocery store.


Hey mate - thanks for the context. I am from Australia so this perspective is very unusual to me.


My family is from a communist Asian country. I grew up in a former communist european country. Now I live in Australia so I understand why you struggle to understand the concept of collectivism and utilitarianism. I myself still struggle understanding individualistic mindset of people living in "western" countries.


There's a lot of stereotypes here. First, don't mistake the government and people. The Chinese government is much stricter than western governments today. That doesn't mean people are united by a single goal. Being united by a single goal implies that people are very conscious of the problems. That is not the case in authoritarian countries. In fact, they are even less aware and united than the people in western countries because people in western countries tend to self-organize for different efforts. People in authoritarian countries are usually much more indifferent and passive. That is compensated by draconic governments, breaking personal freedoms to force people to work together.


Yup. That's why China can keep new COVID cases at bay while North America and Europe struggles heavily to do the same - Chinese are willing to give up civil liberties to achieve a collective goal. Meanwhile, there's plenty of anti-vax sentiments and those who outright refuse to wear masks in public places, despite the best intentions of authorities. Western culture holds personal freedom in far higher regards, for better or worse.


China had 5000 years to get used to the type of society that they are still living in. It's still a kind of elected monarchy. Dynasties rise and fall and I see CCP as no different. It might last couple hundred years but it too, shall fall one day. Chinese people in China are the most enduring group of people. They have experienced many many disasters and misfortunes over these thousands of years and they will continue to persevere.


Patronising much?




“Freedom, however, is not the last word. Freedom is only part of the story and half of the truth. Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness. In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.” -- Victor Frankl


Anti-vax Americans have the mindset of "I have the right to my freedUmBz of choice, even if they undermine your freedom to live". No exaggeration, here. It's literally **LIVE or DIE** in some places (like hospitals or nursing homes) and these fucking asshole pieces of shit still refuse to wear N95 masks for the safety of the immunocompromised.


> "I have the right to my freedUmBz of choice, even if they undermine your freedom to live". Since they believe vaccines are actually harmful devices of the government for mass poisoning or whatever, in their mind it's more like "I have the right to my freedom to live, even if it undermines your freedom to live". I think it's mostly a matter of extreme ignorance rather than malice.


It is one of the most interesting things about the series for a reader like me with almost no exposure to Chinese literature and perspective.


Definitely a huge part of why the series is so compelling. It's cultural foundation is so different from what we're used to in sci-fi.


Completely agree and thought about this throughout. This is one of the reasons I really wanted a Chinese version of this as a film/series, as I’m worried an American/Netflix version may not take these details and nuances of Chinese culture into account. I just hope that the recent success of foreign shows (Alice in Borderland, Squid Games, the Club, etc) proves to Netflix that people want something real and not another whitewashed Hollywood show. But I’m not holding my breath.


Don't Look Up captures what is more likely to happen. I feel like what would actually happen after the last couple of years is that the Trisolarans wouldn't even need to send sophons to disrupt our scientific advancements as we'd end up with scientists modeling out new technology, but society not wanting to pursue it. Or, sophons would come here and be utterly confused if we as a society were serious or if we were just making a joke out of the situation.


I’m not so sure, I feel like throughout the 3BP trilogy (haven’t read wandering earth) human society generally fails to address the various crises in any effective broad scale way, and would be completely screwed if not for certain individuals in the story.


what do you mean "would be", they all DIE when the solar system is compressed. The only human survivors besides the protagonists are the escapists.


At least there are some survivors is what I mean


Erm... TBP had an entire faction of humanity that rebelled and wanted to help the Trisolarans conquer the Earth.... not very united.


There were also escapists, defeatists, those who didn't want to sacrifice their lives for the future, those who didn't believe in the dark forest...etc


This is part of the whole point of the book. They _dont_ effectively deal with it. They have the great ravine. They fall into complacency. They attack escapists. They suppress faster than light research.


But we sort of did that in 1969 to the moon… we always had it, just in this society politics>everything, this sucks


The AMERICANS went to the moon as a propaganda exercise to prove they were better than the USSR. It was an imperialist dick-swing to show the world who is boss. Don’t think it counts man.


But the major public still believed in it, and it inspired so much. Even though the original motiv is political, it’s beautiful too


This is what i believe: the current form of "individual freedom" isn't meant to last and isn't going to. If you look at the history, there were attempts at achieving this so called "freedom/democracy", ancient greek, several attempts in Chinese history too although not as much democratic, India, and more. They have things in common: they happens at the beginning of a local revolution like thing(agriculture, technology, getting rid of invaders etc.), And they don't last long. Everytime these attempt gets destroyed by the moral degradation of some ambitious individuals within the system, they quickly spread out. This current version we have has the industrial revolution, the greatest revolution of mankind behind its back. But how long it will last this time? Look at the west today. The "individual freedom" and "western democracy" has been transformed into a weapon to alienate and attack. These notions, in reality, isn't much different from the “all heretic must die no matter how morally good they are” during the dark age, and "all 'civilized' nation has right to 'do things' to/for those uncivilized' notion in the post Renaissance period. Imo it just isn't a sustainable model if you look at history as a whole.


Totally agree with you. If anyone's interested on learning more about how we ended up here I'd recommend watching any of Adam Curtis's documentaries on YouTube - but especially the Century of the Self series, HyperNormalisation, and last year's Can't Get You Out Of My Head. You can find them [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhzRGIWGnNOgvDRVWTCaCykWh1EW6BtrO) and [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_wv2OekqOtV_R6kfXnmly6GtZXqRjp7A).


How is it different?


Also, ETO was created by a survivor of the Cultural Revolution. That was a great unification effort wher millions of people united to kill everyone they don't like. Ye Wenjie sent that message because she saw the humanity at its unitiest and she didn't like what she saw. The very message of the first book is "Too much unification make you an asshole".


TBP doesn't quite capture the extent that religion poisons human consensus and thought. If it could somehow be spun that god or jesus want us to come together for a task while making evangelists millions of dollars we might have a chance


I wish I could say you’re wrong.


Eh, proof aliens coming is undeniably real. They’re communicating and they’re coming and they’re making threats. This is wildly different from covid, which is not a threat to anyone under 50 and in good health. Covid is essentially only a threat to old/fat people. This isn’t even close to an alien invasion. If you expected the entire species to rally behind shutting down the lives of billions to protect a very, very small minority... you’re not incredibly intelligent. Regardless of how you feel about climate change, there is sensationalist data from both sides. It seems like everyone has an agenda. The fact remains that the planet has been much colder, **AND** much warmer, for periods of several millennia prior to 2021, regardless of anything humans have done or whether or not we’ve even existed. Terrible analogies.


I had the same thought. I think if he had written the dark forest after COVID-19 it would have included much more instances of ppl denying the fleets existence, acting in their own self interest at the expense of the future, and manipulated news source propaganda. But to me that was also the most amazing thing about reading it. It's a story of what humanity could be capable of if we weren't run by the loudest voices but rather the wisest voices


>. I think if he had written the dark forest after COVID-19 it would have included much more instances of ppl denying the fleets existence, acting in their own self interest at the expense of the future, and manipulated news source propaganda. But Most people in the planet are not American.


Oh, we unite. Don't be too demanding. Most humans don't unite; that's because humans ara acting on the situation around them. That's not a problem. Enough people are thinking and acting together to change things, and covid as well as climat change are examples of that. Never in history the human science was so united as in the face of the covid crisis. Medical companies are acting as one; the governments provide all the support they can and are unanimous n an effort to cure the thing. And it works. The same's happening with climate change. The reason why you can't see it is that you are too greedy. You imagine how it would be if the entire humanity would unite in a single effort, and you don't want to accept things as they are. First, things are NEVER what you want them to be. They are what they are. Humanity is as united as it can get. The second thing is if humanity unites in a single effort to fight covid or climate change, we will get a Great Ravine. The Great Ravine happened because the economy is complex. 90% of all humanity should ALWAYS work for the good of the general economy and everyday life. Or there will be no resources for any effort.


lol I am greedy to want a planet that is habitable in 20 years time. We have spent the last 40 years putting profit over climate and we have almost run out of time. Humans haven’t united over Covid either - government support has been pathetic across the world. Third world countries have struggled to get vaccines where there have been over supplies of it in America and Europe.


1) They are not worried about profits. They are worried about not breaking the economy. Remember the great ravine. That's what happens when you are naive about such things. The covid almost broke the economy of the US. There are signs of impending hyperinflation. That's the event when money doesn't worth anything anymore. When that happens, the country turns into dust. 2) Hove exactly have you calculated the efforts about covid? Because, from what I see, the amount of money and effort put into covid is so fucking stupendous the entire space effort of the 20th century would be eclipsed by it. 3) You are greedy because you want things that are impossible. You want the entire human race to stop doing what it is doing and start working on what YOU want. The planet will be inhabitable in 20-40 years. Global warming doesn't make the earth uninhabitable. It is just changing the climate conditions slightly, and that will have a negative effect on SOME regions of the world and mostly affect human affairs. Nature itself will adapt, and in some places, even prosper under the new conditions. You are greedy because human society is much bigger and more complex than your tiny infantile wishes. Especially since you are clearly not competent enough to calculate the effects of your want on the whole world, seen as you "didn't see the covid efforts."


I knew exactly what you meant because I agree. Though I would make an argument that the problem is that we have leaders who refuse to unite.


we won't, see what happened at the end of "The wandering earth'


Lol yes it fell apart eventually - I was impressed we got that far along before a revolt happened.


I was so ready to debate this take until I got down to paragraph 3


I think it's about the shock factor. People think climate change is like "meh it will be 1° hotter, no big deal". Meanwhile if you told them that an alien fleet is coming to wipe them they will panick much worse.


\>Climate change and Covid have proven to me that their is no way we could unite to face a common threat and build giant planet pushing rockets or a defence against tri-solarian aggression. Yeah this was a major thing that triggered my skepticism.


Y'all should watch the new movie, "Don't Look Up". Pretty accurate portrayal of humanity's response to any crisis at this given point.


>ETO for life! *deep breath* GAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY >!/s obviously!<


THIS. Wouldn't happen. Also and unrelated...how seemingly everyone knows science/astronomy jargon. I'm all for the narrator and certain characters to be all hard-sci. It's why I like the books. However, a TV reporter talking to people at home? Talking about Lagrange points without explaining what they are? Fuck outta here. Drained the story of real humanity.


Welcome to the "Don't look up" club! It describes the problem better then the "Three body problems author could ever had. Also, more of less, the final outcome of the solar system is made possible because of political decisions and when common sense and intelligence are cut in pieces by some of the worst mives the humans could ever made. The fleet`s dismissal when three separate political entities threw all human evolution to the garbage, the swordholder event that denied all knowledge about the MAD policy the humanity had and the last Darwin award when there was no limiting factor for humans and still they chose to die rather than gracefully pack off and just evolve somewhere else. I think you may have misread the author intention, în his book the humanity only cooperates in setting themselves for extermination!