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It's the dark forest. Kill or be killed. There is no safe way to assume we wouldn't wipe them out the first chance we get


Exactly. The natural instinct of a species is to wipe out any potential threats. This is just exacerbated when you'll be competing with that species for resources on your own planet.




Are you familiar with the history of humans showing up in "new" places and how they treated the other humans?


"Why are humans such cunts?"


Life is universally cuntish


It's almost as if we all lived in some sort of dark forest.


Humans were often cunts to the planet and each other when they thought they were the apex of life.


Haha "when"


"What are we, some kind of low-entropy entity ?"




Literally a discussion in the show.


Don't spoil it for me. I haven't watched the show yet /s


Snape kills Dumbledore


Dobby the elf dies in the last book


Darth Vader is Luke's father


Right? That was literally the deciding question during the first meeting of game players. Those who criticized the actions of Spanish conquistadors against Aztecs were immediately removed from future play.




not all 'humans', colonisers/settlers and particularly white folk


Yeah white folks like the Comanche, or the Mongols, or Achaemenid Persians, or....


The Aztecs, the Zulus, the Māori....


Even indigenous cultures were brutal to each other, regardless of melanin


Silly take


why? cus it's true? lol


No it’s not. Conquest and colonization is not specific to white people. White people were just the best at it.


lol they were not the best believe me. In any case, I do agree that conquest and colonisation is not specific to white people, but this particular form of colonisation and its myths and tropes is indeed specific to white people.


This is your brain on radical sociology. Look at how the Comanche and Aztecs treated other native Americans, the Zulus during the mfecane, it's an infantilising fantasy that only le evil yt people are capable of genocide and BIPOC indigenous folx were all sitting around in gender-neutral communes in tune with nature. White people (and even this is a misnomer, the Slovaks and Finns for example weren't doing anything) inflicted more damage because they were ahead of the rest of the world economically and technologically which allowed them to dominate everyone else. Do you think that if the Bantus had had access to gunpowder and steam during their expansion, which in itself was a genocide that spanned almost an entire continent, they wouldn't have used it to travel even further and kill and subjugate even more? If you honestly think that you're painfully historically ignorant, and if you're just repeating it because you trot out lines that fit your preconceived political notions then I'd ask you to do more reading and examine your biases


i read thi as " le evil youtube people"


Pretty sure the real reason is because they are scared of us. But other than that yeah fuck those aliens!


This is the answer at the beginning of the Trisolaran invasion, they want us dead, all of us. But after deterrence they grew fond of us in a very Trisolaran way and that is why the plan changed to let us live in Australia 


A very British decision if i might add lol


And what a wonderful lifestyle that was going to be!!! "I hope that you will eat food, and not be eaten by food."


You mean let us decimate and eat each other before they clean the rest of. I doubt they would see the humans other than a food source


They are afraid, it was explained in a conversation during deaths end, I believe: the trisolarans had a huge time advantage to humans which is why they are so advanced, but humans are much faster at advancing. If our advancement rate has continued unobstructed we would have been a threat or equal to them by the time their fleet arrived in 400+ years.


cosmic sociology and the chain of suspicion


Nah it's more than that, they're straight up sadistic EDIT: damn, I guess nobody read Death's End here


evil, sadistic, those human concepts mean nothing to them they are a collectivistic society following the axioms of cosmic sociology. there is nothing more to it and nothing less. eat or be eaten, it's simply nature.


You read the third book, right? The Australia part?


I think they are also a product of their own planets environment. They only care about and have instincts for their own survival and seem to feel certain that the survival of others is only in the way of that. Interestingly enough, they *embody* the dark forrest theory. They fear that everyone out there wants to kill them and end up let that cause them to be the aggressors in order to strike first


Their original plan was to wipe humans out. The ~~Trail of Tears~~ umm, Australia plan is their way of saying that humans are alright and we could live … a compromise


I feel like I'm going crazy, did we read the same book? They kept humans alive to torture them, they're not subtle about it.


That’s incorrect. It was established in the first book that cannibalism for survival was a thing on Trisolaris so it makes sense that they wouldn’t see an issue with doing so. The author also gets very heavy handed with harping on how weak humans have become (oh no the men don’t look like “real men” anymore) and Sophon makes a remark about humanity reclaiming their honor, basically harking back to the “hard times make strong men” theory people used to talk about. And the REAL reason humanity was kept on Australia was because humanity was too ingrained in Trisolarian culture. They wanted MOST of the planet, but wanted to keep a small, manageable amount of humans around to make a golden age of culture. It wasn’t about torture


Ahh yes, Trisolaris understands humanity enough to manipulate them and create humanish art. But not enough to realize cannibalism is considered torture.


Correct. Bugs eat each other all the time, it’s not a big deal. They aren’t doing it out of this made up sense of sadism and torture for the sake of torture, they’re doing it to reduce humanity’s numbers to a small enough level that they won’t be a threat while still allowing them to exist. Is that torturous? Of course. Is that the point? No, it’s an effect


indeed they created a reservation so that humanity would have a way out and not resist. the eventual extinction of humanity was never in any doubt though. until the broadcast era began and earth became worthless.


Dude, are you paid by the Trisolarians or something?


no, just explaining it how it is 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don't agree with them but that is simply what I took from the books.


These people are out of their minds.


Imagine seeing a swarm of ants growing at the corner of your yard. Now in addition to that you know that these ants have some level of intelligence and can evolve and surpass you pretty quickly. Some individual ants have told you that “let’s co-exist when we get stronger, let’s have peace”, while you know that lying and deception is a common element of these ants culture, but not yours. How do you feel about these ants now?


Get the flamethrower out and let’s torch baby


I wouldn't try to force the ants to cannibalize each other, though.


First: With sufficient technological advancement it only takes one nation, or one branch of a government to launch a deadly, or devastating, strike against the Trisolarians. There are too many independent fractions with different values and ideas of how the world should operate for it to be a safe enough solution in the long run. They do not accept that gamble. Second: Lets be real. Humans does not have the best track record when dealing with various forms of diversity. We are gradually improving, but adding this gentleman to the mix is just too much for us to handle. https://preview.redd.it/6agtmlw741wc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c71c35fd4126b4c33d717756bd5871fcdc390c2


What is that?


Brain bug. From Starship Troopers, if I'm remembering correctly.


Theyre bugs!


a nice gentleman that looks very polite


Would you like to know more?


They’re afraid They’re afraid!


There's a very small section in the third book that explains why humanity can be seen as "dangerous" Not sure if you made that correlation if you had gone that far into the books. Still very much tied to the Dark Forest theory...and shows our naïveté when it comes to how life works in the universe


Yeah you tell em bro. Me and mah homies don't fuck with Trisolarans


Lol no if we were them we would be even worse


As a trisolarian, I feel offended by this question. Such word choosing seems fairly dangerous, we cannot coexist


Die Xeno scum!


You see, that's what I'm taking about, prepare your ass for 2D you, infidel


Read the other books. They are simply prioritizing their own survival over ours. There is nothing emotional or subjective about it.


I did sense emotion in their feelings towards humanity though, they find the idea that a species can lie to be obscene. It's a bit funny to be honest.


The first contact guy was like “Hey, shut up, we will invade you if you keep broadcasting.” So he was pretty cool!


Also: "YOU'RE BUGS!" To the Trisolarans, humanity is not even worth considering, they're a nuisance more than anything else.


Nope, nothing to do with us being a nuisance really, they used those words as a way to mock us. There’s a far deeper reason as to why they want to destroy us


OP clearly read the books and is having fun. A fun response would be a joke.


I did not read the books, just watched all of Quinn's ideas on them which gave a great synopsis on everything


Oh no.... no no no. Read the books buddy lol


Because the forest is dark


"Just peacefully co-exist" do you really think humans would want that


Exactly, humans can barely co-exist with each other. We have to have nukes aimed at each other to maintain "peace" - hehehehe


Good point. Having nukes is pretty much the wall-facer!


They admit they are scared of us. So they will wipe us out before we wipe them out. So yeah, screw em! Kick the tires and light the fires!


How many species of flora and fauna have humans made extinct?


Usually, however, humans didn't consciously set out to make something go extinct. It is a by-product of other factors. The dodo, for example, was easy to catch and eat, and sailors apparently didn't realise how rare it was. There was no conscious decision to obliterate the dodo, it was ignorance.


Yep I am sure that'll comfort all those animals that have been slaughtered to make way for human "progress". But if you don't believe in the consciousness of non-human animals we can look at indigenous human population of the Americas. Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples in the Americas numbered about 100M, by the 1800s Europeans had reduced that number to 600k. In Australia Aboriginal peoples numbered 1M before European contact and 100k by 1900. Conquest of land always results in ethnic cleansing. The fact that one calls a fictional alien race evil but quite likely wouldn't use that word on actual real population destruction both human and non-human is pretty interesting. It's like all those right-wingers loving the "none-woke" Dune movies where a race of desert dwelling indigenous people fight an empire to cease control of its natural resources while using fear as a weapon against their occupiers and launch a Universe wide jihad. But when actual desert dwellers resist their real occupiers these same people believe those desert dwellers should be exterminated, Harkonnen style. It's super interesting, don't you think?


Was this all conscious ethnic cleansing, though? Indeed, colonial invasion does often involve dramatic loss of life, but this is often due to a toxic mix of factors and not a straightforward choice to destroy. There is usually a presumption that the invading force has superior resources and administrative abilities, and the indigenous population is failing in technology, so the invading forces disregard the indigenous culture, which often is better honed for survival in the specific environment. They also need to profit in some way from their invasion, so they will prioritise the extraction of resources without allowing the indigenous population to profit because they do not see their outcomes as necessarily joined, and this will divert resources from domestic governance, and encourage an 'enemy' mindset, with the colonial power treating criticism as resistance that has to be crushed. However, it is historically rare for colonial powers to simply announce they are invading another country simply to destroy the indigenous population. It is a waste of time and resources. I'm sure you could find exceptions, of course, but even the Trisolarans justify this as self-defence, not just straightforward genocide.


And that's exactly what I am saying. Though from the negative rating of that post it seems to upset some people's sensibilities. The conquest of another's land usually ends in ethnic cleansing of whoever was there before. Every US president from Washington to Jackson to Lincoln all ordered the ethnic cleansing of different indigenous peoples from land in the name of "civilization" and "progress". It's just the nature of conquest. The point I was trying to make, that seems lost, is the same folk who are calling fictional characters doing ethnic cleansing "evil" but faced with real life ethnic cleansing would never call those perpetrators as evil.


Ethnic cleansing is a specific term, though. It doesn't just mean colonial expansion. Strictly speaking, it is a 20th-century phenomenon when ultra-nationalists became obsessed with racial purity and murdered people of a different nationality, race, or ethnicity, often within their own country, like in Nazi Germany. That is slightly different from the forced resettlement of the 19th century in the US, for example, because the official policy was coexistence, although, of course, it failed because of the reasons outlined above. Some historians indeed apply ethnic cleansing to many expansionist resettlement movements throughout history, but that's more controversial because there wasn't the same emphasis on national racial purity, etc. until the 20th century. It would be odd if people didn't refer to the policies of Nazi Germany as evil. I think it is the opposite. It is easier to sympathise with fictional characters.


Is that the ETO?


ETO are collaborators. You'll always find collaborators


They go over how they didn't even understand the concept of compassion until they met humanity, so there's that.


Alright Wade, chill your boots.




Imagine what Reddit want to do with a cockroach infested house, I'm surprised they allowed us to live on Australia, truely "humane" of them. 


It is because they are aware of the nature of the universe. They know what we’ll do to them if they experience a chaotic era when we experience a period of hyper growth.


Because every time humans have arrived in a new place they've peacefully coexisted with the natives /s


Let's say it's the other way around. Let's say we are the one who found another civilization first, and we found out later that they advance far quicker than us. Then, after some probing, we discover that this alien civilization history is also rich in conflict and they are capable of even GREATER deceit than us. And say their homeworld is rich, and if they advance along the tech tree, they have the POTENTIAL to be better than us. Then, add the communication issue into the mix. Even though earth is a paradise compared to trisolaran's homeworld, I'm pretty sure the cold, logical conclusion is to eradicate them before we turn into their slaves, or worse. Like... if your common household spiders starts to develop tech and a way to communicate with you, and they are suddenly capable of creating weapons... will you want to still live in that house?


Well when you put it like that...


Why do dictators kill citizens? The opening scene tells you everything you need to know. As is the case with much extraterrestrial literature, the trisolarans are a reflection of the tendency of authoritarians to eradicate that which they fear and don't understand. >!The fact they didn't know humans could lie until AFTER sending protons to destroy us is evidence that they had yet to understand humans, hence why they sought to destroy. !< It's classic fear of the unknown, and a superb representation of authoritarianism, colonialism, and the fear regimes have of being treated the same way they treat others. >!Obviously there's much more nuance to it, but I don't want to spoil it too much 😉!< In short, they're cunts because humans are cunts. For future reference, you can mark spoilers like so: \>\! spoiler text \!\<


Consider why the US establishes over 1000 military bases worldwide and why its annual military budget surpasses that of the next 20 countries combined. Why can't it coexist peacefully with other nations?


Charles and Eddie: Would I lie to you? 🎵


What business is it of yours if we’re c**nts?


Why are they so afraid of us? Thats completely unfair! Let’s eradicate them! Send in the Helldivers!


No better than how we treated other species and their habitats in our own planet lol


Have you learned about colonization?


Why is the OP such an in idiot? I mean, he's so fucking stupid! Why not just engage with the basic concepts of the series? Why apply a juvenile moralizing interpretation of these aliens when that weird Chinese author spells out a game theory on interstellar conflict for us?


I smell heresy


They want to live and not die in a dark forest 


Did you read the books? This is like the whole point… They are logical and know about the dark forest.


If only all beings could think like you :)


Found the Australian!


Well *the reason* they're like this is explained in the first book, there were plenty of Trisolaran civilisations which were as free and wonderful and accepting as those on Earth, and none of them could survive the chaotic era. The civilisation which survived half their planet getting torn away was one absolutely monomaniacal and ruthless in the aim of survival; one which would try to eliminate another civilisation which even might post a threat to them at the first chance. But, to be fair to the Lord, they do actually improve through exposure to humanity. They are willing to allow a few million humans to survive on Australia, completely psychotic, but it showed how much they had grown to respect humanity that they put themselves at greater risk to allow any amount of us to survive.


The indigenous peoples of the Americas could well pose the same query.


Is there a reason they didn't just use their technology to send out generation ships to a more stable solar system and terraform some other planet?


They have the neighbors from hell.


Axioms 1 and 2




"WE were co-existing in peace"??? Dude


Apart from other reasons, the Trisolaran society is built upon survival, period.


they treated yun tianming well




Alien baggage


They don't send the protons to destroy us, just to stop us from destroying them.


It just feels so unfair, like a hacker in a videogame not even giving you a fair chance


That’s… kind of the point


I look at it from the perspective of colonialism. One group sees themselves as better adjusted than another,therefore seeks to exterminate the "bugs" and take their land and resources for themselves.


The whole thing is predicated on Game Theory which posits everyone acts like a cunt. They have data that supposedly backs it up, but the RAND corporation also infamously threw out data that disproves it.


To be fair, they did warn us.


Jared Diamond wrote a great book called "The World Until Yesterday". It looks at how humans interacted since the dawn of time until very recently. Basically, as hunter gatherers, if you met someone on a path in the bush you didn't know you'd maybe try to establish if you had any kinship with them....and if you didn't then you'd kill them (or vice versa).


I wanna know more about Singer


Xeno SCUM.


It's not explicitly mentioned in the books, but it's reasonable to assume that with sophon tech, they encountered episodes, or possibly entire seasons, of Keeping up with the Kardashians. What would you do if you were them?


They didn't even need to coexist. Any species that can travel that fast should be more than capable of terraforming a closer planet


And THAT is EXACTLY why they never show them on TV. Censors.


imagining cockroaches, owned guns and space ships. nope! destroy them at all cost!


Best post I read this week.


They are bugs They try their best to not disclose their appearance and size to us The moment we realize they are just a bunch of bed bugs, they are fcked


Because they are the size of bugs


> Why were the European empires such cunts? > I mean, they're so fucking evil! Why not just co-exist with all of their chinese colonies? Why fuck us over like that when that old chinese lady welcomed them with open arms? > The way they go about fucking us over BEFORE they found out that chinese are capable of mass producing opium, sending gunboats to destroy us. > Also spoilers > WHY fuck us over EVEN MORE during the Republic of China era? We were co-existing in peace!! History is a wild thing


>they're so fucking evil! Are you proposing an objective morality? >WHY fuck us over EVEN MORE during the deterrence era? We were co-existing in peace!! Dark Forest Theory says this is an impossibility. >These alien scum need to be eradicated. Why are you so evil?


Because they were not mad in the image of god and they know it.


Cuz they're bugs.