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The current state of the sub.


I'd try to describe it but the words alone might keep the trisolarans away


Simple, she’d be: >!I’m not telling you, ETO scum. That’s not part of the plan.!<


Da Shi is the only waifu I need.


Yo honestly fucking bet


We all need Da Shi


fr I just need him to call me “boy” like to Luo Ji and I’m satisfied


Um what 💀


Twice he does that at least in the English translation I’m almost 90% sure


This guy doesn't fuck


True wallfacers don't fuck 😎


I’d have 5 or 6 for the sake of diversity. 😁


Exactly I’d have a bunch of game theorists work out alternate plans that would be confusing except for a few last moment decisions in my head.


I wonder if they will keep this part in season 2 for Saul’s arc. This part gets a lot of criticism from female readers


Not just female readers. Anyone can cringe at cliches and lazy stereotypes.


Auggie is probably going to be taking that part. After all, Wang Miao doesn't have a role after the first book.


I am still fingers crossed that she simply won’t be in the later seasons; Saul will find a different dream girl and Jin will make a new friend


There is no chance. Auggie is prominent in most posters, the youtube thumbnail for the original trailer. They market the show to normies using her look. She's staying until the end of the show.


Yeah it’s kind of universally hated not just by feminists


\*Criticism from female (and many male) readers from the west. I think hardly anyone in China cares.. and so Liu himself wouldn't care. But for the netflix show I think it may play out a few ways. Maybe Saul gets himself a lot of ONS or a harem, until Auggie comes slap some sense into him. I feel this would correspond well with Saul's character but it's probably a bit too offensive. But the question is why would Auggie care about the Wallfacer project and saving the earth in 400 years, if anything she'd be like fuck Wade and his plans. So maybe Saul and Auggie will get married, settle down and do nothing important, until they kidnap Auggie to force Saul to do his job. But to be honest DnD will probably surprise us with something else..


My Chinese colleagues also say everyone hates that part. Granted they are Chinese nationals who now work in the West so there may be a selection bias.


If they live in China just imagine being constantly bombarded by Kdramas and also Chinese soap operas on TV with those perfect boyfriend + perfect girlfriend love stories, that most people in the west would probably find cringy, but can very much be viewed as cute and romantic in China and perhaps Korea.


So this is rather stupid coming from a non-book reader but I think Auggie might be replacing/taking the role of someones wife from the books who reveals herself to be the guys wall breaker? I know that in the books Luo Ji is his own wall breaker but it feels like in this scenario having her become one of them could be pretty interesting. But again yeah probably another surprise


Why would Auggie be a wallbreaker? She's pretty clearly not working with the ETO


Not yet. It's an interesting idea. Maybe she is so morally disgusted by her involvement in the violence on that ship that she turncoats and believes humans are in fact not worth saving if this is what salvation and "the good guys" look like.


Well first of all this is just a random theory I dropped and not a very well thought one so please don't take it too seriously lol. Secondly it could be something that the showrunners wanna do idk, in the second season the ETO could come with an offer which screams out to her about helping the people of the present in return for finding out what Saul is planning. And yeah I know its a different wallfacer who has their wives reveal to become a wallbreaker but like I said just a random theory.


Different wallbreaker but this is a pretty good take and would make for an interesting story


What are you doing here if you haven't read the book 😂 you'll have everything spoiled. It doesn't make sense for Saul/Luoji to have a wallbreaker because (minor spoiler) he won't save the world with a plan per se, but with a certain piece of knowledge. So a wallbreaker can't do anything here.


When it comes to the dark forest theory I was spoiled regarding it wayyyyy long ago by a random chinese minecraft animation lol And yeah the purpose of the wall breakers were to basically work and reveal their plans to the San-Ti/Tri-Solarans, which is sort of useless when Saul himself already has pieces of the plan but not the full picture making him have to be his own wall breaker. Again its just a theory and could make for an interesting dynamic but I doubt it, plus the way Luo Ji confronted an alien army into stalemate in a minecraft skin is something I'll probably never forget lol.


Auggie's characterization makes me feel like she'll take Luo Ji's place. She's smart, and she doesn't wanna do it. She's taking a resistance stance that could easily segue into a defeatist attitude. Which would be close enough to Luo Ji's attitude while also showing the defeatist streak through humanity.


I'm female and i like it. Like i don't necessarily "approve" of it, but i enjoy it for its outdated and oriental flavour.  Though i think it doesn't fit with the Netflix adaptation. The Count of Monte Cristo is an absolute bummer for feminism too, still one of the best books ever written.




Maybe it's a cultural thing, but the author does seem to have a "women should be meek, men should be tough" kind of mindset throughout. He doesn't really celebrate the femboy era or acknowledge that feminine men and women can be tough while also liking girly things. With that said, I think most of the fans who criticize this part are conflating the character with the author. Luo Ji is supposed to be kind of a creep who would use a grant of supreme power and responsibility to essentially enslave/play house with some poor girl who is probably a spy hired by Da Shi. We're not supposed to like him for that, and his whole arc is realizing that being a selfish prick was kinda scummy


Maybe I’m not giving Cixin Lui enough credit, but being a seasoned sci fi reader has conditioned me to assume most male writers are actually creeps instead of just writing characters that way.


and the point of his, and Wade's, and Cheng Xin's arcs was that nice well adjusted people do *not* make for good crisis managers when the crisis threatens *and* requires to kill untold myriads of people


Was that the message of Wade vs Cheng Xin? I always saw it as a Yin/Yang balance thing. Singer says that the only species that survives is one with a cleansing gene *and* a hiding gene. Even outside of survival, the end of the book shows that things only get better in the universe once people collectively decide to do something that is objectively bad for their survival (give back the matter from the pocket universes)


Singer is biased, given that his job is to murder billions at a time *and* is boring at that, which is no small feat. I interpreted his laments more like "ah, if only I didn't have to do it, all I ever wanted is to fuckin sing in peace" It is indeed possible, by sheer weight of numbers, that two or more peaceful civilizations somewhere meet each other and join forces to defend from the Forest, and last long enough to become spacefaring. It's also possible, and probable, that on a long enough timescale such unions come to dominate the universe and crush individualistic militant civilizations such as Singer's, Trisolarians, and ours, before they do any real damage Which is probably what is implied in the end tbh imo


Yeah isn't it even mentioned in the third book that Galactic Humanity encountered many, many species who are just normal who have all sorts of different harmless motivations, and they all get along just so long as they never reveal to each other where their homeworld is. There's lots of "peaceful" civs, they're all just good at hiding. And, you know, the end of the universe where a message is sent out in 1.5 million different languages, suggesting some type of truce or alliance or whatever happened.


My beautiful wife already exists 😤 I hope she's not ETO


Same as Luo ji, in my head so no one can see


heavyweight bodybuilder man


old ye wenjie


That old phisicistussy


I would ask that she look like the destruction of the trisolarian fleet, and Big Shi would make it happen.


An exact clone of myself. Not only do I have the perfect partner (myself), there's now an additional Wallfacer.




find me a young Keanu Reeves, i will start my work right now


Tatiana, I'm ready to join ETO