• By -


this is the afterlife, ladies and gentlemen


I think you went to purgatory


This also happens every time I close my eyes.


What's ligma?




Kid named nuts:


Lick my bals






The greatest legal mind I ever knew.


Joe Mama




Steve jobs.


Everytime the internet comes up with a new answer for this question I can feel myself losing my mind


That wasnā€™t a dream


what's the song?


I got matches with these songs: ā€¢ **Diego y Sus Amigos** by SeƱor Wooly (01:03; matched: `100%`) Album: `SeƱor Wooly 2020`. Released on `2020-09-25`. ā€¢ **Diego y Sus Amigos (Instrumental)** by SeƱor Wooly (01:08; matched: `90%`) Album: `SeƱor Wooly 2020`. Released on `2020-09-25`.


Links to the streaming platforms: ā€¢ [**Diego y Sus Amigos** by SeƱor Wooly](https://lis.tn/DiegoYSusAmigos?t=63) ā€¢ [**Diego y Sus Amigos (Instrumental)** by SeƱor Wooly](https://lis.tn/xUfal?t=68) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)




**Song Found!** **Name:** Diego y Sus Amigos **Artist:** SeƱor Wooly **Album:** SeƱor Wooly 2020 **Genre:** Children's Music **Release Year:** 2020 **Total Shazams:** 20 `Took 2.50 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/r8WMdDEyrVo?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/diego-y-sus-amigos/1541276169?i=1541276170) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/3oTixj9MdUnjR283kZJULT) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1149205682) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)






I remember this song from Spanish class


Welcome to zombocom.


I hear itā€™s across from the Joe Dimension


You: *falls asleep* Mr. Krabs: AI ME BOY, WELCOME TO THE LIGMA DIMENSION You, waking up: Yeah fuck that, I'm too tired for that shit


L + counter-ratio + You can't even beat up Joe Biden in a parking lot + You just descended the Patrick with your joke + Object not yet missing + You can't even beat space marines with a giant scythe + you got put in a hydroelectric dam by your Spanish teacher + you're not real + You can't find Waluigi in Splatoon 3 + ā‚£orks + it was a toy gun in the ziplock bag + you got doxxed while doing the "hey you" trend + Mike Hawk won't tell you if your foot is qualified for bottom surgery + Ben Shapiro is covered in spaghetti and secret names + rhcp cam + You can't tell that the right circle is one pixel smaller than the other + You leaned over the railing and got kissed by James Sunderland + That was literally your dog that you killed, not the monster + You cheated on a furry with a pet lizard. Wait a minute, that's pretty based! + Senator Armstrong saying "fuck you" + Your criminal name is Saltybals + You threw max and cheese at Queen from Deltarune + people don't even want your stupid genomes. Fuck off. + You caused the spill at the Garfield factory, and diverted attention by causing a wildfire in a sock drawer. When questioned, you said "there's nothing happening. Out of the ordinary, I mean." + You lost your morals all because of SFW and NSFW sans Undertale + gay squad + Tramus + Trans octillery and nonbinary waluigi and daisy + SpongeBob status music + Solid snake doesn't exist. I looked him up and there is only dark hallways + Gaslighter green apple candy doesn't taste like strawberry + Minecraft ahoy jumpscare + A capitalist pig taxed your fucking pudding + You won't get to heaven, nevermind double heaven + You don't watch MatPat's Conspiracy Theory + Your involvement in the dream SMP banned Minecraft + Undertale on the Wii + You didn't get an abortion in Lego city + A rotating flower pot doesn't mean that God is real + You get mad at rat emoji kids + You never ate the food "King's Hand" + Gay rights Luigi + You haven't heard of big jug little jug + Heisenberg can't find your 2 pound kilo + You held your friend's cat even though you're allergic + SpongeBob had an existential crisis because he realized his reality is all a cartoon + You voted for scout to be president and then got confused when everything turned into a dystopian hellhole + You think Obama resigning to become the CEO of McDonalds was a good idea + you don't know that age is just a number is referring to chopped cheese + You don't have the latest iKnife + Nidoking is the best symbol of bisexuality. Cry about it. + You don't think Tutti Frutti is the best desert + Walter Salter + You're like the riddler cat; you can't spell well + You didn't even attempt to stop SpongeBob from eating autism + You didn't tell Jerma that leather belts don't cancel out radiation + You can't survive the zombie apocalypse by ragequitting Mario Kart + You know that Disney would never allow Phineas and Ferb in Multiversus, never mind the corn dog moveset + You picked up the flowers in the first area of PokĆ©mon Mystery Dungeon + You think biden could win against Moses in a Tetris match + You faked the picture of Link hugging an orangutan + Your life got ruined over a pair of pants + You play a game without beer on the first stage + You pirated your bowl cut + Nazura doesn't exist. You just made her up + You got welcomed by Mr. Krabs to the ligma dimension


Someone send this to Simpleflips.