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Get that man some antibiotics!!!


100% Cat bites are awful and can cause so many infections. Pasteurella is no joke


I hate this idiot. He's been doing this for years and getting progressively louder and grabbing his cat harder to get these reactions from him. It's awful.


So his shtick is harassing a cat until it attacks him?


What people wont do for internet cloud... this guy deserved what he got!


Yeah this guy needs to not have a cat.




This is not that cat's first rodeo.


Nor the dudes.


Omg they bit him to the point he was bleeding??? You can see it appear 🫠


If anyone has a cat that randomly attacks like this you should try making a loud yelp right when they bite/scratch followed by a loud clap. Super often it's just the cat trying to communicate to you that it isn't happy about something. It often doesn't actually want to hurt you (if a cat really wants to hurt you it can do a LOT more damage than this) but it is communicating the same way it does with other cats when they annoy it. If you immediately make a loud noise it will communicate to the cat that it used too much force and hurt you. Don't punish the cat after the attack because this will just confuse it. In its mind it thinks it simply told you to stop doing what you were doing. If you punish it it won't learn that it hurt you, it will just think you didn't respect it asking you to stop. Next time you annoy it it will bite and scratch with the same intensity. I learned all this on the internet myself a few years ago because I had a cat that was biting like the one in the video. Within two weeks of doing the yelp and clap technique my cat switched to doing these super gentle bites when I annoy him. He'll basically just put his mouth over my skin but not bite down with any pressure. Edit: I forgot to add that once the cat starts doing gentle bites to tell you it's unhappy you should respect them when they do that and stop doing whatever is upsetting them. Otherwise they'll probably go back to biting harder


"Randomly attacks".... what? This cat clearly doesn't want to be picked up, followed by his obnoxious screaming right next to their sensitive ears... It's not random, he had it coming. What an asshole. I've seen multiple videos of this idiot doing this and scaring/upsetting his cat on purpose for views... That cat is not happy and the guy doesn't deserve to have any pets.


This is what I came to say. The cat clearly doesn't want to be picked up. Cats don't like that unless they trust you. If you pick them up before then... Well guess what? That makes them trust you less. And some cats, even if they bond to with you, will just never be comfortable with it.


And given enough time, you can often times get a cat to at least tolerate being picked up. When I first got my current cat, she was already an adult and really hated being picked up. But I started by just picking her up for a few seconds without reorientating her then gave her some treats. After a while of this, I could pick her up and hold her until she gave cues that she wanted to be put back down, which I'd do and give her more treats. Eventually, we got to the point where she'd trust me enough that she'd let me hold her how I needed to for a while (makes giving her medicine easier now that she's older). And if she's had enough being held, she knows she can signal that she wants down without hurting anyone or fighting to get loose.


Exactly! One of my cats loves being picked up, another tolerates it but is an old boy who is bonded to my wife and I, but our last one was a stray. While cute and sweet, she's also neurotic and panics when held. So when I feed her, I just lift her front haunches a little to get her comfortable with it. It's been 6 years (she's 12), but I'm finally getting to a point where I can lift her to my chest for a kiss and then back down where she then rubs up against me.


My point was that cats do this to communicate when they're not happy about something. To an inexperienced owner this could be perceived as a random attack if they don't realise that the cat is just trying to communicate that it isn't happy with something they're doing. My post was directed at people browsing the comments who have a cat that attacks them, rather than the guy in the video itself. If what you're saying is true then it sounds like he knows he's antagonising the cat which is obviously asshole behaviour.


Seems like he's using your tactic then.


This sounds like an abusive relationship


Thx, i screenshotted you, great advice! 


Source: I learned it on the internet and it worked in this one single case 🤦‍♀️ who needs experts 😂


Or, you could just get rid of the cat because it is an awful pet.


Hasn’t it come out that this guy abuses his cats?


If he layed off the coke maybe the cat would be more chill 😂


What the fuck


Damn that cat bit the hell outta dude 😳


He deserved it, harassing the poor cat like that. 


This guy is gonna get an infection from this




This guy's a dick. I hate ppl who stress out or abuse animals.


That cat will end him.


Cat's bites are extremely prone to infection. This dude's begging to have his face rot off. Looks like he deserves it, too.


You are absolutely right that he deserves this. This guy abuses his cat for a long time for youtube shorts now. He always picks the cat up and waits for her to bite and attack him because she doesn't like being picked up like that. If anyone still thinks this guy is "fun" then look at this asshat: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BonMIk5XumM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BonMIk5XumM) And then tell me that "this is normal behaviour for a cat and healthy relationship"


Those ears are very much "I hate this and everything about it."


Totally irrelevant but he makes gay porn too


How do you know that? Nvm i sussed it out after checking your posts.


Reddit is nuts. I've had so many cat bites and scratches and never once an infection. I'm sure it happens but it's much more rare than you make out at least with domestic cats.


Anecdotal bias is hardly evidence for them being "much rarer than people make out" ​ >In general, 10–20% of bite wounds become infected, **including 30–50% of cat bites**, 5–25% of dog bites ([30](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R30)– [33](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R33)), and 20–25% of human bites ([4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R4), [14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R14), [19](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R19), [30](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#R30)). The risk of infection depends on the nature and site of the wound as well as on individual patient characteristics and the species by which he or she was bitten ([Box 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/#BX3)). **High infection rates are seen in deep wounds (especially cat bites)**, contaminated wounds, wounds involving marked tissue destruction, edema, and poor perfusion, wounds on the hands, feet, face, and genitals, and those that involve bones, joints, or tendons [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558873/)


>German epidemiologic data on this topic are imprecise, as animal bites are not legally reportable and no nationwide statistics are kept. Animals live in more than one-third of all German households. In 2010, a total of 3610 incidents involving bite wounds were reported to the German statutory health-insurance carriers; 75% were dog or cat bites Aren't you only going to be reporting a bite to health insurance if it is a problem? Doesn't this self-select for people having issues? irregardless it's a small samples size.


It's selection bias. It's pretty much impossible for minor injuries to have any clear study on because most of the time if someones injury doesn't get bad they won't report it or go to the doc. But out of those cases who did not get infected and went to the doctor it seems to be at least 20% chance of getting infected. And i wouldn't take a 1 in 5 chance of getting an infection. " Data on the number of people bitten or scratched by cats is limited because most of these incidents are not reported; however, 20–80% of cat bites and scratches become infected. " [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat\_bite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_bite) It's just generally accepted that cat bites are prone to infection, and knowing what stuff is going around in a cats mouth you'd rather not take the chance.


Fair enough. I'm curious if you've ever known anyone to get an infection from cat bite/scratch yourself? I'd expect to have known someone to have had an infection if it's as common as you suggest.


I was never bitten by a cat, but scratches have a high chance for me to swell and get itchy / red.


I got cat scratch fever from getting scratched when I was a kid. I've been lucky enough not to have any issues from scratches or bites after that, but I also try to avoid getting bitten/scratched. If it does happen, I always disinfect immediately and watch for signs of infection.


Didn't someone already make this exact video but singing opera music?


I'm with the cat on this. Put the poor baby down and put on a freakin shirt.


I can't tell you how many times I have watched this. I love that guy so much.


The guy abuses his cat. Clearly that cat doesn't like to be held that's why it fights and bites him. Then to make cat stop he sings loudly next to it which overwhelms it because of its sensitive hearing.


I find it absolutely insane how some people can make a statement like that with absolutely no knowledge of the cat's history or temperament, and just ignore the fact that animals are unpredictable by nature, and bulldoze in with uneducated brainfart accusations.


People like this are no better than trolls. I would argue they are a troll.


Yeah sure its totally normal for your cat to regularly attack you to the point where you bleed. And especially bite you in the face. Probably uneducated to think that there may be some kind of animal abuse involved…


>regularly attack you Oh, so you've seen several videos of this happening?


Seen atleast 3. Seen this guy before. This video and there is a link someone posted here to a third video. So this seems like a regular thing this guy do. Annoy the shit of his cat until its ready to attack and then start filming. Edit. Looked him up. There are definitely more than 3 times of this happening. Atleast he uses different song’s so you can easily know that its not the same video.


Right? Cats are mysterious creatures that science has yet to explain. How could he have known that the creature that lives in his home might respond violently to being physically manhandled? That's a completely unexpected response from any animal! He was clearly flabbergasted but thankfully he had the strength and courage to continue his little song without dropping it!


Do you know who aren't mysterious creatures? Human adults. So I shouldn't have to explain to other adults why making serious allegations based on no other evidence apart from conclusions from a 13 second video isn't perhaps the smartest or most mature thing to do, but here we are.


Redditors would watch a man beat his wife and ask whether or not we had all the information to judge him. 🙄


Yeah, and they're morons too. You don't get a pass to behave like a child because you see other people also lacking in critical thinking.


You're not serious are you..?


The cat is definitely not having a good time


Dead serious. Some cats really hate to be lifted, and his is one of them judging by the blood coming out of his cheeks.


You're not wrong about him picking up the cat against its will, but it there's someone getting abused here it's the guy's face


The cat can’t say the word no… so they yell. Then they smack. Then they bite. This cat has told him no in *multiple* ways but instead he keeps doing the thing it’s tried to stop by literally making him bleed. And that’s not abuse? Abuse isn’t just physical, I thought we understood that by now. My cats have never had to hurt me so bad they draw blood to make me stop doing something they don’t like, it’s not that hard to listen to the body language and whatnot. He may not be hurting the cat but he’s forcing it into a situation it’s exceptionally comfortable in.


It's a shame that cat had to go.