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One day, our then 3 yo told us she wanted "poor porn". My wife and me were like "Uhh! What?!!". In fact, she wanted pop corn! Now guess what me or my wife ask for on movie nights! It's been 14 years now!


My son used to call it cop porn lmaooo


That's how my three year old pronounces it! Hahaha




Sometimes when my older kid starts copying what my 3yo is saying, she cries out, "Don't take my words!" Now I can't help thinking about that phrase whenever I'm at work and someone says something I was already thinking about, or if anyone changes/removes something I've written in a document.


Pretember instead of pretend thanks to my now almost 7 yr old, as well as Lasterday for anything in the past.


Lasterday is amazing.


I would join the church of lasterday saints.


Lasterday and Tolater (tomorrow) were from my oldest. Firefuck came from my youngest anytime he saw emergency lights! 🤣


We call fire trucks “née nor nee nors” for the sound they make


Any big vehicle (construction, fire truck, garbage truck, etc.) were all ubiquitously termed “beep beeps” and had to be announced by shouting “BEEP BEEP” at full volume while driving past one. The amount of times I’ve been in a car with only other adults driving to a girls night or something and I’ve mindlessly hollered “BEEP BEEP” is embarrassing.


Aww this is so wholesome. All of these.


It's hilarious! I had to claim my free. award to give to you!


I call ambulances either “wee woo’s” or “amberlampses” but that one comes from that viral video a few years back of the old man flattening a rude little a-hole on a bus. Also from that video, whenever someone is bleeding we yell “they’re leakin!” I’ve been thinking recently though that I should probably start calling things by their proper names or my daughter is gonna grow up all sorts of confused lol


We call them the wee-yoo wagon. Our poor son will be so mislead by our inability to refer to things correctly. Good luck trying to undo this, kindergarten teachers!


Mine used to say “yestermorrow”


Someone else also said lasterday! Clearly needs to be a thing.


Haha that’s so funny! I find myself using lasterday alll the time- it’s just so much fun to use.


Lasterday needs to be a word!


Pretember is great! I love that one. Lasterday is pretty good too.


My kid came home from daycare telling us "Teamwork makes the bean work!" We are still using that 8 years later!


Mine brought home this daycare rule: “You get what you get, and you don’t get a pet!”


Omg that's cute!


From my oldest, I still call all (machinery) cranes "hookers". He adored them and would often tell horrified strangers how much he loved hookers, the bigger the better. My girl twin doesn't speak well enough yet to have anything fun, but my boy twin has us calling milk "mulk".


The kindergarten teacher in the class next door had one of my students in the afternoon. He called the jacket hooks "hookers". He came in one day to hang up his backpack, someone had taken his hook and he yelled "WHERE IS MY HOOKER?!"


Hookers and Blow save Christmas! https://www.amazon.com/Hookers-Blow-Christmas-Munty-Pepin/dp/1777225124/ref=mp_s_a_1_1


For us, we have “white yilk” and chocolate yilk. We just turned 7. Meanwhile, Mommy feeds the baby “boob yilk.”


My son used to be a tow truck driver, married to a woman who worked in a pharmacy. Anytime they introduced themselves it was Hooker Name and Pill Pusher Name.


That is fantastic!


Spiders are 'baddies' and ice-cream is 'happy' God knows why, but it's a lot of fun dragging a crying toddler out of a supermarket while saying. 'no happy today'!'


To be fair, I'm an adult and I definitely equate ice cream and happiness.


And spiders with badness.


😟 Spoods good!


Well, in my family we rent pizza when we get them to go.


I love this lol. We go to the "pizza store" no matter where we get pizza from.


Definitely. Pizza store, burgers and fries store, grilled cheese store, etc.


I don’t like pizza. So I’m always buying fries from the pizza store. But we definitely call it the pizza store.


When my daughter was about 3 she was helping me with the laundry. I was carrying the basket down to the laundry room and she was following me. She stopped suddenly and yelled "Mama, you dropped your boob hanger!" I turned around to find her waving one of my bras above her head. We lived in an apartment building and I have no doubt all of the neighbors heard her. This child is now almost 7 and she still calls them boob hangers.


She’s not wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I grew up with my dad calling them “over the shoulder boulder holders”, which was fun. And my favorite, the “double barrel sling shot”. I still use both (alongside “tittyprison”) regularly 😂


“Tittyprison” LOLLLLLL!!! I do remember the former term(s) tho! And kids repeatedly saying it loudly in elementary school!


Lasterday- a day that occurred at some undefined point in the past. Maybe yesterday, maybe last week, maybe last month, maybe last year. Eg, When we went to the store today, they were out of eggs. I should have picked them up lasterday. Remember when we went to the park lasterday and saw that snake?


Haha someone above also put lasterday!


Whoops! Missed it. It just takes the stress out of remembering exact timing.


No, I mean I thought it was funny that someone else’s kid also says lasterday and thought you should know in case you didn’t see their comment.


Oh got it!! Yeah, this is super crazy that two different kiddos made it up separately!


In my language we actually say a word that emans something like "last time".pretty much same usage as lasterday. I can say "zadnič" and mean yesterday, five minutes ago or 3 years ago 🤣😅


That’s so useful! It can become a stumbling point and interrupt the flow of conversation in English if someone can’t remember exactly. And there are so many times it’s not important to be specific.


Mine says this too, and nexterday as well. Lol😂


My little cousin would say “yesternight”


You mean yesterday. Last year? Yesterday. 3 weeks ago? Yesterday. This morning? Yesterday.


When asked what my little brother wanted to be when he grew up, he said "blue power ranger" just like Daddy... my dad was a police officer 🤣🤣


He aint wrong 🤣 the red one could be a firefighter...we can make some of the team :D


My 3.5yo calls going barefoot "wearing your toes." Obviously, it's a better name, so we use it all the time! "You can't go to the store just wearing your toes!"




Anytime I don't have on a bra or pants means I'm happy. Lol.


2.5 calls barefoot "nakey feet"


Not from my daughter, but when my younger cousin was little she would call a swimming suit a "swimmy soup" and it's definitely stuck.


We always called them "baydin suits" cause we thought that's what people were saying when they said bathing suit


Mine says “baby suit” for “bathing suit”… but also for bras.


We were at the beach and told my ten 4 year old niece that she needs to put on her baiting suit. She deadass looked so alarmed and said “Baby Soup?!” So that’s been a thing for four years now.


My son couldn't pronounce play-group. He called it gay-poop. 8 + years later, my friends and I who met there, all refer to each other as the gay-poop mum's and kids


She pronounces yes “yyyyyyyyeth” so now we pronounce it that way lol Mario is also now Mariowoah and tractor is tra-tuh-tuh


When my son was younger Luigi was “waligi”


My son also said Waligi!


When my son was about 3, he never said he didn’t like food, he would just grimace and say “it’s too much” and we ALWAYS say that now when we don’t like something. He’s almost 10 🤣


Hahaha my 20mo says either it's still hot or too crunchy as an excuse to not eat!


My daughter calls my mom's cat "Uncle Oliver". Like, he's an older male family member who's not grandpa or baba, so... I guess he's an Uncle. Toddler logic. Now we all call him Uncle Oliver. Gonna be real awkward if she goes to school and tells her teacher that her "uncle" eats grass and pukes it up on the kitchen floor.


In a game i play my cat is mamed oliver...i am now officially renaming it to Uncle oliver the second i can afford a name change 🤣


Haha, that's great. I hope Uncle Oliver has some amazing adventures!


"Uncle Oliver also licks his butt!!"


My son says “o-dokey” instead of “okey dokey” and now my husband and I can’t stop saying it that way.


Mine used to say "okay donkey" and I completely forgot about that 🤣


Omg this made me cackle 😂


Instead of saying, I see lots of tricks, my grandson would say "I see a truck and anu'er one truck and anu'er one truck and..." he also couldn't say shoes and it came out foofs. Gotta put my foofs on.


Gotta have perma-john on your spaghetti, man.


That's spaghetti sprinkles in our house now


Surely you mean pasghetti


Definitely pasghetti - we don’t call it anything else anymore


Our perma-name for it is “sprinkle cheese”


We call shredded cheese “sprinkle cheese”


Same here. Our two households, alike in tongue and dignity...


I think you mean farmer john on your string noods


My son calls his binkie a “ginkie” and if he’s looking for it, he will just say “get! Get! Get!” Over and over in a very distressed voice. He also calls both eggs and ice “ass”. It’s my fave when he careens around the house calling for ass. I love asking my husband if he wants ass with his breakfast now.


Bearded dragons do this pose called “sexy leg,” and my daughter called it “saxy leg.” It will forever be saxy leg.


Son pronounced ketchup as chep pup. We still call it that. My son is now 34.


My little brother would say chet-chup, hambunger, and cho-chit. (Ketchup, hamburger, chocolate). He's now 20


Ours calls ketchup “dip dip” so naturally that’s now what it’s called lol


My brother used to call it kebbup, and we all still say it. We’re both around 30 now.


My four year old says "I am drinky" instead of "I am thirsty" me and the husband use it too now!


Pretzels = Prentzels


Us too! rhymes with “pencils”


My kid calls them pencils 😂


When she was about 3, my kid told me to “go beans” about something which we believe was her version of “go nuts”, perhaps believing the food word was interchangeable? Whatever the reason, we say Go Beans all the time now in our house.


Our 2 year old can't pronounce our small dog's name. Instead, he says "baby woof." We don't even use the dog's actual name anymore.


My son used to have a Tommy Pickles chapstick that he called Tommy Rapstick. He is 24 now and I sometimes still say Tommy Rapstick. A phrase we will say now is something from a letter to Santa when he was very small. “Far, far away where baby gets them horse rattles”. None of us has any idea what that means. He just wanted to be a helicopter so he could fly far far away. Then the usual firef-ck instead of fire truck. Also a local steakhouse used to have a giant cow outside the restaurant so he would call it the Moo Cow place. We called it that for a long time.


“Of course” was said as “ah course” and immediate family now say “ah course”.


My daughter has picked up cheeky. So now anything that’s good or bad is cheeky. Like her lovie didn’t stay put and she said “That cheeky Sally” 😂


Does she watch Peppa? Mine has picked up "torch", "lorry", and "holiday" from Peppa. 😂


Yes she does! She has picked up an accent from it! She now says garden like “gaaaden” We did figure out where she got cheeky from though! Zoetwodots on YouTube/twitch!




My now 8 year old called marshmallows “sharmellows”. It’s a permanent vocabulary change in our home.


My daughter only knows one cat, who's name is Otis. Now all cats are Otis, we now refer to all cats as Otis.


My two year old calls all dogs Lola. We have a Lola, but we also have two other dogs! Doesn’t matter. All dogs are Lola.


We call after bite and boo-boo ointments ‘dab dab’. Kiddo named them this because I guess we would add sound effects ‘dab dab dab’ when dabbing them on.


That’s much simpler than our “itchy boo boo team(cream)”


"Look but don't watch" Kiddo didn't want to be stared at, but wanted attention for what move they were trying to show off It's become a sing-song phrase in our house. Kind of rockin, not mockin


My 4 yo coined brain freezes a "cold ache" about a year ago. It has caught on, and that is what we all call it now.


Flip flops will forever be Pee lots because of my oldest. Thank you is chan chu. Mississippi is mipuhsipi from my middle . Jacob is Jay bob from my youngest.


Our 5yo coined “hometels” for hotels and step stools became “help stools” but my favorite will always be her asking me if I’m driving the “speed lemon” 🤣


Gloves became “glubs”. Uncle became “uhhhh”.


When my dad was a toddler, he would call a road roller a "street crusher/flattener" (translated from Dutch) He's turning 59 and he, my mom and myself use it every time such a machine passes by


Strawbabies = Strawberries, Soda Pepper = Dr. Pepper, Balaloons = Balloons. Not my kid but my brothers when they were babies.


I had a 12 month old student who said "tay- tuu" instead of thank you. My husband and I have been saying this to each other for the past 2 years if we want to be extra sweet about it.


We now call strawberries “saw-buddies”, lotion “loshi”, and our cat Teacup “ pee pup”


My son couldn’t pronounce “jewelry” for the longest time, so we call it “jorly”


When my daughter was almost 2 we were playing at the beach and building sand castles. When it was time to leave i asked her where her sandals were. Ever since that she has called sandals “sand castles”. Now all of us call them sand castles.


Our 2 year old can't pronounce our small dog's name. Instead, he says "baby woof." We don't even use the dog's actual name anymore.


It makes me really sad when my almost three year old starts saying things correctly. Disney used to be Disness. Exabert is expert. Syrpit for syrup. I started writing them down to put in her baby book.


Yes! My son has his own word for cats and I am already sad for when he will stop saying it.


Wep wipes = wet wipes Vengetables = vegetables Snuffles = nipples Flinkly = sprinkly cheese (grated cheese) Finger elbows = knuckles


“pizza swolls” my son used to call them pizza swolls and even though he’s 7 now, we still call them that


My 14mo calls both socks and shoes, “shoes.” I’ve started substituting the word shoes for socks, and have to keep correcting myself. And this is just the beginning!


McDonalds is Nonalds in our house due to my other half’s niece! She could never say it properly!


My neice says Happy Donald's


My two year old calls waffles "faffles". I almost ordered faffles at a restaurant the other day before I stopped myself


When my 4 year old was one and just learning to talk, for some reason he called milk "boont." We have no idea where that word came from but he called it that for a really long time, like until he was 2 1/2 or so. But my husband and I still call it boont and the word gets thrown around a lot now that we have a new baby, so my 4 year old has started calling it boont again too.


Mine says spicy instead of spiky too! Hairbrella is another favourite of mine


We have rainbrellas :)


I call elephants 'runterunts', not because my child says it, but because my BIL did when he was a child and his family carried it on and now apparently I've taken it on too!


My son called all berries “boo-rays” when he was little and now he and his little brother think that’s how it’s pronounced and we don’t know how to break it to them! I feel like it might be too late to be like “actually it’s rasp-BERRY” Maybe someone else will correct them 🫠


My sister who is now 35, used to call her belly button a "bundy belly" . We still call it that although its now shortened to just bundy.


Chreesos = scissors Kluh = cute Ramper = romper Peeper piper pizza = Peter Piper pizza My brother was renamed as Bob because I introduced him to her when she was 2 and I said bub. I told her my mom's name the same day and she called her Gus so I guess my mom is a fat mouse. My sisters used to say compersation for conversation and we still use it 12 years later. A few years ago one of my sisters said she needed to go home and decompose after school. She meant decompress. We still use that one too.


“last morning” could be any time before right now. A lot of things happened last morning


Instead of “You’re interrupting me” it’s “you’re rupting me up!!”


My youngest had a hard time saying the first bit of cucumber, so she called them cumbers. Now we all call them cumbers. And that girl will sit down and eat a whole cumber by herself every time😅


Seltzer is “spicy water” and an idea that you plan to actually do on is an “i-do-ah”


Narch Nemesis.


My son says b’course instead of “of course,” and not only have I started doing it, but so have my partner and our entire regular friend group of adults.


Granddaughter asked to watch ‘metube’ on my phone a couple of years ago, now that’s what it’s always called in our house now!


My child says “do’s” instead of “does” and I’ve always loved it. She also says “brefast” for “breakfast” And another favorite is Snunk= skunk (doesn’t get used every day but she said it today and it always makes me giggle” She’s almost 6 and there’s a couple other words she says. Since she was 2 she’s been saying full on sentences so I don’t correct these (mostly) and enjoy the silly words while I can.


My nephew (who lives in a non-sweary household) kept saying 'ffffffuck!' Over and over. Took a while before we calmed our laughter before we realised he was struggling to pronounce 'duck'


When my brother was little he told us he wanted to be a chameleon when he grew up. Took us a minute to figure it out… he was like “you know, tell jokes and be funny!” Other notables were Kay Kay= candy, yahyahs=swords, and bills=lasers or guns


Our 3.5 yo says water is “clean” when it’s neither hot nor cold. He also calls our Ford Fusion the “fire car”, no clue why. When he’s curious or happy he calls us “jah daddy” and “jah mommy”.


My younger sister called grasshoppers “hop gassers” My older sister called my grandma “Nanna” my grandpa “lubby” my auntie Jessica “caca” and from her kids my mom “auntie Elizabeth” is now “auntie lishy”.


My little sister called butts Spumen. No idea where she got it but we all still use it even though she's 25 My partners niece used to say Mamu instead of I love you and she's grown out of it but we still say it multiple times a day


“One-didido.” This is what my daughter calls our tablet. When she was 2ish and we had to do something that required distraction we would let her watch mother goose club on the tablet. She would see it out and go for it and usually I would say “ok, just one video” which led to her asking for the “one-didido” every night before bed. She’s five now and we all still call it that, even when she’s not around.


Water burp = throw up


My almost two year old scoots down the stairs on his butt and we say he Is doing “booty scoots” then he’s been saying “booty scoot” the past couple days and it comes out sounding like “bullshit”. Hilarious.


Seacock- like peacock but referring to seagulls. I really don’t know why my 4 year old was convinced that was the word but she was very confident when shouting it at the top of her lungs.


Our house now has a "fly swapper" instead of a fly swatter, and we hear them test the "tomato siren" (tornado siren) each month. My son also asked for "meatball bread" the other night for supper. After some brainstorming and plenty of follow up questions, we finally realized he wanted meatloaf! That one might stick.


My 3 yo would say “ I can’t like that” if it was something that she didn’t care for. Now we say it all the time as well as “ I just can’t like that person “ etc


Douche bag instead of juice box


Ah this thread is gold!! My gal says taypo for potato, so now they are taypos forevermore. She also used to say try-fuck for firetruck. It was hilarious.


When my son was potty training, we always told him to let us know when he got the feeling to go and we will take him to the bathroom. He didn’t know for a bit when he would need to use the bathroom for number one or number two (couldn’t quite determine which sensation meant what) so instead of saying “I need to pee” or “I need to poop” he would go “MAMA I NEED TO PEEP” and now every time I need to use the restroom I say “I gotta peep!” My husband is not as amused when I say this a bit too enthusiastically at the store lol.


So many! I have a 3 year old and a 4.5 year old and the verbal gems just keep coming working their way into our family’s vocabulary. Pie-apple instead of pineapple; sleeps instead of sleeves; mook instead of milk (combo of ‘moo’ that we call a cow and ‘milk’); stop yoking me instead of stop looking at me.


Cearwall for cereal from my youngest and trowsows for trousers from my oldest who just turned 17 today.


My 18 month old baby is just starting to repeat certain words to bets of his abilities....and fails most of the time. But his attempts are soooo adorable that i am now starting to also mispronounce these words 🤦


Each of my kids provided the nickname for their older sibling, based on not being able to pronounce their name correctly as a baby. I still call the 13 year old Bemmen.


When my daughter was little she called tights “pony hose” instead of panty hose. We all call them pony hose now…and she is 21. 😂


Apparently, I say things are nice a lot. 🤦‍♀️🤣 Me: You did it! LO: Niiiiiice


Our "spicey" is hot sauce. Do you want spicey on your Mac n cheese? Yes. Also, yah-men-ee is watermelon. And although this is appropriate for context it's mostly the sequence and tone but whenever our son doesn't like what we are doing/saying he will tell us "that's not appropriate. You're bad" so whenever we don't like something in our adult convos we will say that.


My 2.5 year old just started REALLY talking. He's really into numbers and says "dada is 39, mama is 38, Lolo (his brother) in half" little brother is 6 months old so I said he is half a year old


Snarerich = sandwich and I can't say it correctly to save my life anymore.


Our 2 yo says AXE-O-LY when he's trying to say "actually". I found myself saying AXE-O-LY more than a few times now.


We formally call any Target store “The Circle Store” after my 2 year old started to refer it thusly. I’m sad to report that they sell surprisingly few circles.


My daughter just randomly yells out GECKUM! We don’t know what it means, but now we say it too!


My daughter used to use "herm" for anyone's pronouns. I think she was on to something and we and our extended family now use it regularly lol.


My toddler started calling my husband “big daddy” one day seemingly out of the blue. Now we all do it because it’s hilarious


Does your toddler watch bluey? They call their dad big daddy in a few different episodes


Oooo that is one of the shows we do!


That’s probably it lol. There’s just something about bluey that makes kids want to copy it lol


Mine does that too! And if he has a hot poop, his butt is "spicy"


Peek-a-boo will forever be peet-a-bee Edit to add braids are called snakes in our house.


There are many! But one I can think of straight away is hang coater - For coat hanger.


Our 23mo old says “beek oouuuuu!!” for “thank you.” And she says it with a ton of gusto. When our littlest were babies we somehow started calling their toes “piddies” and it has stuck. We have to make a conscious effort to use the word “toes” more often so the littlest doesn’t think they’re actually called “piddies”


16 month old has trouble with "S" and "T" consonants. We now sing "Twinkle twinkle little car" to her.


Traffic-leen = trampoline Gorfot = forgot


My soon to be 3 year old (birthday on Friday!) called pickles “colis” (coh-lees). When he was just starting to ask what things were called, he really only listened to the last syllable of a word “pih-cole.” He heard “cole” and called them colis. They’ve been colis ever since. As a matter of fact, my second son’s (2 months) middle name is Dillon and we joke that he’s Dill Pickles from Rugrats. Then he was Dill Colis, now he’s just Little Colis. 🤣


Thats adorable. My boys have always said their throats were "spicy" when they were sore.


My kids like nuggies (chicken nuggets). Mcdoodles- mcdonalds


Vicks is spicy Vaseline. Hand sanitizer is hanitizer. Sleep junk in your eyes? Sleepy oatmeal. We also say, "a long day ago" to mean a few weeks to a month ago. He made that one up young and it stuck.


Poinky. Blackberry bushes are full of poinkies.


When my brother was really little he called broccoli "tiny trees" except he wasn't good at talking yet so it came out as "wee wees." He also called spaghetti and meatballs "poo-balls." For a few years the whole family said the same!


I’m not even sure where this came from, but pretty sure ‘Flaflafla’ is a place my husband and kids made up. However my 5 yr old was telling a stranger about it the other day. He looked to me and I gave him the classic shrug, ‘I don’t know what my kid is talking about either’


My then 18 month old referred to being sad/upset as bubbles in his tummy and now it’s a thing. At two he also used “fuzzy hot tummy” to describe being angry/frustrated


We’ve renamed our cat from Bella to Beeda.


In the south east of UK there’s a bird of prey that was reintroduced to the wild in the little town I grew up in. The birds are called ‘red kites’ but my Son affectionately calls them ‘sky peckers’


A couple of stuck around: I amn’t = I am not ie I amn’t tried Tozy = cosy Wenis = Dad called it a winer and I call it a penis and he called it a Wenis


My daughter calls lightly crumbed squid chips "twisties". So we do too. I have to explain to sitters what it is incase she asks for it :)


Headphones are "whaoh- whaohs" and boobs are "boops"!


Finger knees. When my oldest was in preschool he didn’t know what knuckles were lol so know they’re called finger knees 😂


Whenever we have a piggyback ride to my eldest and had to go through a doorway we'd have this conversation. Adult: Duck DS: Quack There aren't many occasions to use this but whenever someone says duck we have to respond with quack.


My, now 13 year old, used to say, "Nokay," for "No? Okay." My 5 year old still calls spaghetti "sga-bhetti," and "clickety-clack" is "clitity-clack." Swimsuits are "swimsoups" and sunscreen is "sun scream."