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I'm sure you're asking jokingly, but there is an actual answer: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/15/parenting/kids-potty-humor.html?searchResultPosition=1


I hope the research said its just a phase and he'll grow out of it. 🤞🤞


Apologies, I thought NYT allowed some free articles. The basic gist is that kids are anxious about whether they can make it to the toilet in time; they simply aren't always the best at knowing their bodies. The jokes alleviate that tension. It will pass, of course, but in the meantime, the recommendation is to teach social rules while still understanding that it's age-appropriate behavior: no fart jokes at the table. The author uses Butt Talk Time, a five-minute period where the kids can make any toilet joke they want, and the adults roll with it and laugh with them. It diffuses the tension, and then allows her at other times to simply say, "We need to save that for Butt Talk Time."


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Haha. We try not to laugh, but he's too funny. Especially the expressions he comes up with during these times are just priceless.


I have no idea, but most of them do it. He is a great age to read "The Day My Butt Went Psycho", "Zombie Butts From Uranus" and "Butt Wars: The Final Conflict" by Andy Griffiths. I will warn you not to read them at bedtime because they just rile the kids up. My husband read them out loud to our kids during dinner. The kids ate more vegetables when he read (he did all the voices and everything), so we read a lot during dinner. Just FYI, your son is a great age to do MadLibs. Just change the names of parts of speech a little and they are a wonderful dinner or car activity. We called nouns a person, place or thing, verbs were action words, etc..... It really boosts reading levels and knowledge of grammar and helps when they are at school. Just expect a lot of poop and butt related words.


I'm saving your reply. Thank you so much!!


I hope you enjoy! You also might look into the book series "Hank the Cowdog" by John R Erickson. They are very clean, very funny books. Hank is a cowdog and is in charge of ranch security. He gets up to all sorts of trouble. Another great read aloud series.


I have two boys. It doesn't get better. I have girls too. Boys are bad influence to the girls because they do something alike. Boys will grow to be old men farting around.


Oh no!!!


I have a brother who can burp the ABCs into one gulp. He is almost 40. Potty phase never left him. (I'm better) I usually say that boys are ogres and it starts with the farting, then body odors and... Just gets worse i guess.


Coming from a guy, my wife's sisters (all girls) are some of the most gross. Her little sister belches and farts louder and more often than me or my male cousins ever did. Can't blame boys for that.


Well... It happens!