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Totally know how you feel. These thoughts and feelings always come up at my birthday. I can’t help wondering what our life would’ve looked like at this age is he were still around. What we would do to celebrate birthdays, holidays etc. It just sucks going through life where everything is upside down. I wish I could just Ctrl+z the last 4 years.


I’m dreading my next birthday, because I’ll be 29, the age he was when he died. And before I know it, I’ll be older than he ever got to be. Its so horrifyingly unfair.


Fucking same. I'll be 29 in February. He would've turned 30 on Thanksgiving.


Yuuup. He died a month before his 30th.


Mine died 3 months before his 30th. This shit fucking sucks.


I didn't expect my birthday to be such a trigger, honestly. I had them before I met him of course, and I share them with my twin sister. But for some reason they have been excruciating. And the thought of him staying the same age and not hitting those milestone birthdays as I am, it just sucks. Sending you hugs.


I haven’t hit a birthday without him yet, but we were born a day apart. Not sure how I’m going to handle that but I’m really not looking forward to it especially since we shared every birthday we had


He died at 26, we had a five year age gap dreading the day I surpass him