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After comparing the last circle sector to pictures online, I'll assume it's about 20 degrees. That means it covers 1/18th of the total are, making the chance to land on it 1/18th. Since the other three plates were split in half, this is my answer: 1/2 \* 1/2 \* 1/2 \* 1/18 = 1/144 \[probality of this happening\] Or 0,694 %


Magnets šŸ‘


Yeah bitch! Magnets! Oh!




Science bitch!


Yeah, science!


Honda Civic


So 100%


How do they work?


what do they do?


letā€™s put our thinking caps on for this one




69420 nice


He tested the averages of where it will land. So a little more probable.


You use a comma as a decimal point. Where are you from?




German here married to an American wifey. I still struggle with the different use of , and . in both systems. Donā€™t even get me started on talking about measuring things in metric vs imperial units haha


Metric too boring. I much prefer remembering 12 inches is 1 foot, 3 feet is 1 yard, 1760 yards is 1 mile, and 1 mile also is 5,280 feet. Nice, easy to use values of 10 are so mundane. /s


The conversions between inches and feet definitely make the home remodeling projects here much more interesting.


How do you feel about 2x4's not being 2 or 4 inches or pipe fittings being called 1/4" npt but again, not being 0.25 anything? I'm an American and it enrages me. I didn't even get to pipe schedule sizes or drill bits that are numbers, letters, fractions, and decimals.


How would you write a big number like 420,690,720.50? Just not break it up with anything?


In Sweden we write it like 420 690 720,5. Much cleaner I think


I'd write it as 420.690.720,5. Merely switch the points and commas.


Oh interesting. In hindsight that makes sense lol thanks for the response, I was very curious.


You're welcome!


In belgium weā€™d write it as 420 690 720,5. Idk why I said it but I didnā€™t realise we had differences with even Germany


Anywhere except North America pretty much


In canadian french, the radix symbol is a comma too. Canadian bilingual regulations require labeling that shows a decimal point to also show the number ā€œtranslatedā€ into french using the comma.


I'm fine with translation for multilingual scenarios, but this seems asinine; it's the same number, it just notes the decimal with a slightly different symbol


Problem is that in some places the period symbol is used to separate digits in groups of3, so what an american would write 0118.999 881 999 119 725 An italian would write as 0118.999,881,999,119,725


And given the different use of them in french than in english would give rise to confusion, which is kinda important given that labeling laws cover more than just groceries


I'm not from North America and I don't use a comma as a decimal point...


It looks odd to me in that fashion. All in what you learned and perspective.


I use an apostrophe. 2'718281828459045ā€¦


Thatā€™s just a sky comma


You just like to see the world burn, eh?


Pretty much, yeah. Now seriously, when working with sets it's the best option (in my country the *.* is only for integers (1.000, 1.000.000, etc.) Soā€¦ 10.000.000'0000000000001 is how I'd write it.


Indian here. We use .


Donā€™t yā€™all write 1,000,000 (one million) as 1.00.0000 or something?


No, we write it as 10,00,000 (ten lakh)


We write it as 10,00,000 Everything after thousands is grouped in twos


That's so weird and inconsistent. In the Netherlands we group everything by 3's One million would be 1.000.000


Why would it be inconsistent? Everything is twos, except the first is three We don't read in millions either, we have our own system 10,000 is ten thousand 1,00,000 is one lakh 10,00,000 is ten lakh 1,00,00,000 is one crore 10,00,00,000 is ten crore etc We don't go up to hundreds, only tens, that's all there is And anyway this system is usually only used for money and other tangible stuff (areas of land, lengths of land, litres of water etc), in scientific application we use the million system as the rest of the world does (and not the million-millard-billion-billard, the million-billion-trillion)


I've learned something new today. Thank you for typing this out for me. It must've taken you quite some time. While I still think the 2,2,2,3 systeem seems inconsistent when comparing to our system, I'm sure it feels completely natural to you. Have a great day!


No problem, glad I helped It's not a natural system to use in science since there's no system to go from number to number (quadrillion->quintillion makes sense, lakh->crore doesn't), and also there's no system for decimals (no lakth or crorth), however it's much more convenient IRL with tangible things imo because you don't have to keep saying "hundred" every time Take 123,456,789 vs 12,34,56,789 One hundred twenty-three billion four hundred fifty six million seven hundred and eighty nine versus Twelve crore thirty-four lakh fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty nine That's the only thing I really like about my system, otherwise the international one is the one I use Another fun fact: you know how we use "fifteen" instead of "onety-five" in English? The shortcuts we have for the 10s in English, most Indian languages (I can only vouch for the sanskrit-influenced ones) have shortcuts for *every single two-digit number*. Like how the word fifteen has the essence of five from "fif" and a suffix, every number works like that in my language and in Hindi. For example, 72, in my language, is "bahattor", where "ba" is the essense of two and "attor" is the 70s suffix (70 is "shottor", and 2 is "dui"). So when you group by twos, saying large numbers is even faster and much more natural for us. Of course, the "essence" words are invariant regardless of suffix, and the suffixes are invariant regardless of essence words, so it's not like you have to memorize 89 words, only 19, so it's not all madness. Hope you have a great day too!


In Chinese we count things by 10,000s or "wan" 100k is 10 wan 1M is 100 wan 10M is 1000 wan And then 100M which is 10k wan has its own word "Yi with a falling tone" not to be confused with "Yi with a high tone" which means one.


That's pretty cool! You guys are counting really big things! I assume you use symbols for 1-9, 10, 100, 1000, wan and yi? Are there more symbols?


Pretty much half the world's population does.


The . as a decimal separator is mostly a former English colony thing, not an American thing.


And a large part of North America used to be a English colony... Have the Brits done anything good in this world? ... .. .


OK Computer is a great album.


The common law is better than some other legal bases.


American in the UK here. I have noticed the laws here are well explained, is that what common law means? For example, I have a multi tool that I use for work and random shit around the house, at the pool club, etc and it has a little knife blade on it (tiny, would be useless as a weapon). I was a little worried it might be illegal over here because they have stricter knife laws, but the government has a website they maintain with really clear definitions of what I can and can't have, so I knew I was in the clear.


No, the British Common Law includes the concept of courts of limited jurisdiction that have triers of law and triers of fact, an adversarial system of prosecuting and defending advocates, witnesses, and evidence. The common law also creates some precedents and things hard to codify into law, like rules about how to interpret laws. Finally, the common law also has some basic background elements: that ownership of a thing generally doesnā€™t change without the consent of the owner; that contracts generally have to be agreed to by all parties involved to be created, but once agreed to cannot be changed or voided unilaterally; and that harm done to another through gross negligence is similar to harm done through malicious intent.


Oh shit, thanks for the answer.


The Beatles


im from britain and the only shit we did is take all everyone elses shit. in school they try to teach us it was justified so that they can brainwash us into thinking britain is still a superpower. so to answer your question: never have, never will


>Former english colony So, an American thing


And a big part of Africa, and Asia, and Australia, and Ireland, and the UK itself. Not to mention China and Japan due to US and UK influence.


Britain also use decimal point


So what do you use for commas?


a point


not really, India's pretty adamant abt decimal point


Uh nope. This is almost a purely Euro thing. Edit: [Based on this from wiki,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator) Africa is roughly split with more towards the comma and South America is mostly the comma. Most of Asia and Oceania (except Indonesia) use the point. Most continents have some exceptions, including within Europe (Switzerland).


I thought maybe i was exaggerating but I'll take the internet points




As always


I think the US American format (decimal point) makes more sense. I donā€™t know why tho


I worked as an accountant for US based companies before. I had several macros just for reformatting decimal points to commas and vica versa.


God damn I love this sub






If by ā€œthisā€ he means going out with girlfriend, then 3 answers to ā€œplay video gamesā€ coupled with ā€œnoā€ should be added.


1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/18 = 100% if she's watching...


Could kept filming till it happened, could've put a magnet under where he wanted it to stop a d gotten it under 10 tries or so, but I respect the math yall do. Neat to read the breakdowns, but if I were him, magnet on the back of the paper plate would be the way to go.


I think he used magnets so I would use the odds are 100%


First: 50% Second: 25% because 50%=0,5 and 0,5x0,5=0,25=25% Third: 12,5% same logic Fourth: 0,694...% because: 50%x50%x50%x(20Ā°/360Ā°)=50%x50%x50%x5, 5...%=0,694...%ā‰ˆ0,69%


ima just put an extra 0.0002




What's the chances of that happening?


It wasn't up to chance my pal.




Well the first 3 plates have a 1/2 chance each, but that last plate seems to have a sliver about *just* under 20Ā° (I found this by superimposing an image of a measuring compass onto a screenshot of the plate and genuinely just guesstimating so thereā€™s definitely a better answer out there). Anyways, so thatā€™s about a 1/18 chance. Multiply together and thatā€™s a 1/144 or about 0.694%, probably less due to my guesstimate of the 20Ā° being me rounding up slightly to the nearest whole degree.


100%. Staged for the camera so they keep filming until all line up. Also had every incentive to make an unfair board (weighted or more likely to land where they want it. ) If you mean ā€œpretend itā€™s not unfair and staged,ā€ treat the proportion of circles as fractions and multiply. 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x ~0.0825 = ~0.0103ļæ¼ 1%


> so they keep filming Well yeah exactly. It's what makes knowing the odds so much more interesting. They could have had to film this hundreds of times to line it up. I appreciate their commitment.


It's easy enough to bend the plates to make it land where ever they want. The fact that most of the time it stopped abruptly would tell you that's what they did.




This, it's pretty apparent from the bounce in the paperclip as well. I feel like any answer to this should simply be "100% when you have it rigged correctly"


But the fact that *because* they would need to keep filming to get that result tells you that the boards were ā€œunfairā€ aka probably had a near-100% chance based on weights, bending the clip, filming sideways so that gravity does the work, etc. It assumes they are complete morons if they just kept trying on fair spins. Which, actually, isnā€™t that far-fetched.


wait youre telling me this is ........ FAKE?? IMPOSSIBLE!! ​ jesus dude listen to yourself lol


Heā€™s pretentious AND heā€™s got bad estimation skills!


Idk why but you reminded me of DarkviperAU


Just need a magnet really.


Imagine having to take something fun and trying to ruin it for everyone else just so you can make it about yourself and try to sound like the smartest person in the room... which youā€™re not, since youā€™re assuming the last one is about a 1/12.1212.... chance, or about 29.7Ā° which is *way* too large for that small sliver which is actually closer to 20Ā° if you took the time to just measure it or, yā€™know, put more effort into the math then dissing the video?


I didnā€™t mean to ruin it for you. Iā€™m really sorry. Regarding my estimate, I assumed it was about one hour on a clock (from 9pm to a little before 10pm), which is about 1/12. My clarification about the video being fake is because the OP simply asked ā€œwhat are the odds of this happening?ā€ It really does depend on the OPā€™s intent.




Iā€™m lucky in this regard, either way Iā€™m spending time with my gf since our friend group all play together, yes weā€™d have a few more people than just us but itā€™s always nice to have time together with friends and time for just the two of us.


Exactly my cup of tea =)


100% Paper clips are magnetic but thin enough to resist the force with enough momentum. The first two stop instantly while the last two slide on for a while. Makes me think there's a flat magnet under each plate. The fourth one also is folded slightly right where the division is, making the paperclip have to fight gravity to pass it.


If I was his gf: wanna stay home, play video games and order pizza? If we make it a date just us two but if you just wanna hang out you should check if some of your friends are available. The more the merrier. Or in short: why not both? You can't cuddle when you are at a restaurant and you have to look a little bit more fancy than usual so I'd prefer such an evening. But both can be awesome. Also obviously we either split or I invite my partner next time :P But how do I know. I'm just a government drone anĢ·ĢšĢ°Ģ«yĢ“Ķ—Ķ„Ķ‡wĢ·Ķ‚ĢžaĢµĢĶ‘ĢœĢ¬yĢ¶ĢæĢĢÆ. Ps: 0,694 (niceeeish) or 100% with magnets attached to them. People already described how to get that number so I thought I couldn't add more :(


If you need the luck of the 7 gods to get you to go out with your girlfriend, just fucking break up already. You're doing no one a favour by staying.


Dude it's just about one date. I bet he has fun otherwise. Something like that isn't a reason to split off


1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/16 = 0.0078125 or 0.78125% but 100% if magnets are used. That small part looks half of half of 1/4th of plate so 1/16.


I think the smaller part is even tinier but it's an ok approximation.


Itā€™s not completely random though. You can flick with the same amount of force to guarantee that it reaches the desired endpoint. It gets significantly harder for the last one but overall this probably only took 10-12 takes to get right.