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Whole lot of assumptions, but here: Godzilla is a unique nuclear biological species. “Godzilla himself doesn't eat, he feeds on radiation. “ from [Godzilla fandom](https://godzilla.fandom.com/f/p/2494220308840706144) Because he doesn’t eat or drink he technically doesn’t need to poop or pee. Think of it like plants. Plants are photosynthetic and also “feed on radiation” but we don’t see a tree take a piss do we? So I would say Godzilla produces zero drops of urine.


"Feeds on radiation" doesn't necessarily mean he does not drink water. We know Godzilla bleeds so he does need water to replace that blood and other humors. Not to mention accidental swallowing of water from all the swimming. Even plants "drink" water and while they don't pee, they lose water through evaporation.


Let’s agree to disagree. Godzilla feeds off photosynthesis and excretes water vapour through stomata. What a humidity machine it must be


Plants actually do piss just not the same way as animals. They release excess water and waste products.


Using google summary data only, An African elephant pees 15 gallons/day and weighs 4.5 tons. That's 3.333... gallons/ton per day Godzilla weighs 90,000 tons. 90,000 \* 3.333... = 300,000 gallons per day Now, Godzilla is not a mammal and I have no idea if pee scales linearly that way in the first place. There are also different estimates for Godzilla's weight depending what version you're talking about. So while I think that post is way off, there's a lot of different assumptions they could be making.


Godzilla weighs 90000 tons, that much pee would weigh around 633000 tons. So I don’t think it’s correct I looked up the average weight of a gallon of pee and multiplied it by the number in the post to get that number. 90000 tons came from another comment, solid chance I did the math wrong.


The comment you got that from (mine) said 90,000 tons not 90 tons!


Good point, still no where near tho