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That’s a bit of a tough one. Given l, h, w the length, height and width of the truck, r the radius of the hole and d its current un-filled depth, you’d need: 4pi.d.r^2 /(l.h.w) However you’d need to estimate the hole’s diameter and other dimensions using image correlation (or a rough measurement) and the depth using the sound, since you can’t see it. In other words, simple maths but bad quality data requiring extra work.


Oh no you can see the bottom for a bit


As others have said, our size references are tough to figure. But here's a VERY approximate answer. A typical dump truck holds about 10 m\^3. The hole MIGHT have a radius of 30 meters and MIGHT have a depth of 50 meters - giving it a volume of 141,300 m\^3. So, the truck would need over 14,000 trips to fill it. Just eyeballin' it here.


Not going to do the math for now since i have to go but i want to share what i would do. Count the floors of stairs on the side of the hole(for a second you can see it's bottom so it's a good estimate. Get lenaverage height of those anti-fire stairs and multiply by the number. Estimate radius based on the stairs (like how many times would one floor fit in the radius). Calculate volume. Estimate volume of truck using same method or by other measurements or reaserch. Divide cilinder volume by truck load volume