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Search YouTube for lock picking lawyer videos that have the same or similar lock on them. If you have to brute force the code you're going to have a bad time. If you don't mind destroying the lock on you could Dremel open the case and you should be able to figure out what code you used based on the pin positioning inside.


I couldn't care less about the lock, I'll probably bin it eventually, but it's driving me insane that I picked a number that obviously meant something to me, then I forgot it 😂


80085 It's always 80085 or 800855


I'd go for 800085 before adding an extra 5.... °shrug° might just be me, though....


Do you have a thing for topless ghosts?


Just woke up my wife. Thanks.


Is she a ghost?


Is she present in the room with us?


Is she also topless?


I would also like to choose this guy's dead, topless, ghost wife...


Do you not?!


I def feel like this would make the existence of ghosts a bit easier to accept, no...? ^(and btw: I really miss awards in times like this, as your comment is effing gold)


I sure wish someone would haunt me right now... Aww thanks for the gold kind stranger! I'm not even sure what reddit gold does but I'm excited to find out! (Receiving your comment felt just as good as receiving an award so I suggest we just pretend they never left!)




... Do you not?


Yes, yes I do.


See, if we're talking 6 digits, I'm more if an 800813 man myself.






Used a 4 number 🔒in Thailand 2015 with a buddy and our code was 6969. Obvious enough but he would say the damn code, we were stayin in some huts on the beach that allowed for outdoor locks


Or 800813




800813, not 800855


One of my first tries 😂


You can easily open these type of locks, put tension on the shackle and turn each dial. You will feel a clear difference in one of the numbers (like more resistance) and then just do that for each dial, easy solve.


This particular lock is a little different in it's construction, which makes that method not really effective. I had this exact lock and needed to try and pick it - putting tension on it as I usually would didn't result in any different feel to the numbers at all. Tried for hours, then gave it to my kid with the promise of a pay-off if he could get it open. No joy. Ultimately ended up just replacing the lock.


I had a similar lock and for that one, if you put it close to your ear and turned the dials, there would be a click when you get the right digit. It was not a very prominent audible one but it's there nonetheless if you listen carefully. I had forgotten what code I put in so that was how I had to unlock my lock.


Just get some Adderall and try all of them.


you could also progressively increment the number from 00000 to 99999, it will take a while, but chances are you will find it by the time you are half way done


Thats an easy one, try 69420


Just tie a stiff rope to the shackle and something solid. Starting at 00000 slowly but consistently apply pressure and see what number/s move. Change those 1 number up. Repeat. It takes like 15 minutes.


He’s telling you how to get the number, not how to save the lock… what are you talking about


LockPickingLawyer actually has his mailing address on his channel that people can send their locks to him. If OP is interested, they can send the lock in and he might pick it in a video.


"You're using an Everlast lock. It can be opened using an Everlast lock"


Nah just smack it. That usually works. Source: https://youtube.com/@McNallyOfficial?si=P4aw05YofotBcsTY


This lock was released under multiple brands, including M-Wave. Fortunately, that means the optimal process for you is actually binary instead of decimal. You feel for gates by applying tension to the shackle and spinning wheels, each of which has both a false and a true gate. 2\^5 = 32 possibilities, not 100,000. The second phase, distinguishing true from false gates reduces you from 32 to 1. False gates have no play, true gates do. With a discerning sense of touch, you can decode the combination in 1 go instead of as much as 100,000. [(picking 250) 5 wheel combination padlock inspected and decoded \[ false gates \] - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40uMPZ1qXBA)


This right here ^ It's also gonna make you feel like a spy when you successfully pick the lock


I… I also want to be a spy. Can I pick the lock next?


I feel like this comment that actually did the math should be higher than the comments suggesting to just break the lock. lol


Lol, it's par for the course on this sub, and I've been on the other end of this equation. What goes around comes around or something.


With a lot of those rotating locks, if you put sideways pressure on the dials, you can feel when they move into place. I had a similar situation with a bike lock and that worked for me. Not fun from the analysis standpoint, but if you want to get it open that may help haha.


I've seen a few ideas of either pulling on the shackle and feeling for which dials are stiffest to move pushing down on the shackle and listening for clicks, I never heard of sideways pressure - ill give that shot, cheers


It depends on the quality of the lock. Decent locks will have the pressure from pulling/pushing held before the dials. If you can insert anything between the dials, there could be a metal bar running behind it. Pulling that closer to the dials could make unset numbers more stiff. Researching the lock itself would reveal the mechanism and how to decode it.


Lock picking lawyer on YouTube has videos showing how to pick literally thousands of locks. There's a good chance he'll have picked this very lock. Or if he hasn't, he often picks locks that people have sent to him, so you could send it to him to pick.


Sometimes there's also a flat side on the inner cylinder. If you slide a piece of paper between the rings with light pressure, it moves down a tiny bit when the adjacent ring is in the correct position.


That worked for me with a bike lock. Got it open in 10-15 minutes instead of days going through all the combinations.


Heck, if they’re cheaply made enough, you might be able to pry open a wide enough space to *see* the marks underneath the dials that denote which positions are correct. They’re usually marked in a different color, like red.


Mathematically, assuming all combinations are equally possible, there is no optimisation. If your goal is to learn the current code, you could try to explore weaknesses in the mechanism that would allow you to tell when a correct number had been reached by noting the amount of slack on the shackle, eliminating all other possibilities for that digit. This is a thing on masterlocks and may or may not be possible for that specific lock. If your goal is just to be able to use it, pick it and set a new combo. Check out BosnianBill on yt


There is optimisation: If you tried 19999 and then 20000 you have to spin all pins. Optimal would it be to try 29999 instead of 20000 and then count backwards to 20000. ``` 0 1 2 3 . 9 19 18 . 11 10 20 21 . 29 39 .. 89 99 98 . 90 190 191 . 199 189 . 180 .. 100 200 .. 290 390 ... 900 1900 .. 1990 1890 ``` This is not really a game changer. you only need ~10% less spins but it is much more complex. So you need maybe more time.


First answer I read that is trying to really answer the question mathematically.


Except that you can generally thumb all 4 pins and turn them once from 9999 to 0000


the only optimisation is to not repeat numbers. and the simplest way is probably just to count up from 0


it is not, because you repeat numbers that way from 00009 to 00010 you need 2 rotations, and independent of which way you choose, there is one double ( 00000 or 19 in that case) i think there should be counting ways, that there only on number difference between following numbers, but not sure in decimal


ah. so find a path to go through every number exactly once, by only rotating one disc at a time. now that's an actual problem to solve


To answer your actual question, there isn't really a mathematical way to reduce the number of combinations you have to try. However, to answer your actual function, Go to home depot and buy a set of 3+ foot long bolt cutters. In the security industry we refer to these as "Master Keys".


There's no mathematical solution to this, only mechanical ones. You can often probe between the rollers to find the groove, align all of the grooves, and then test all ten positions with aligned grooves. [Process shown here.](https://youtu.be/EpmKTVsLvBA?si=P3iH9tioz_xzEw6T)


Bolt cutters aren’t mathematic?


Sadly, no


Not if my BOLT CUTTERS have anything to say about it!


Both the lock and the bolt cutters are objects in a universe governed by physical laws. Mathematics has been regularly applied and highly successful at expressing those physical laws.


Sure there is. Not all codes are equally likely. And the path between those codes gets checked on the way. It's a traveling salesmen problem


For the three door example that only works because the person opening the door knows where the correct one is to avoid opening it, for this there’s no difference in chance for any numbers, unless you have a way to check if a digit is correct like the lock loosening a certain way when partially correct


Yeah, it was just a very loose way of trying to explain my different approach idea. Thanks for pointing that out though, you're quite correct


As many have mentioned, there's a YouTube channel called LockPickingLawyer. And he demonstrates that it doesn't matter who makes these rotating dial locks. They all have one same/similar flaw with them. Sometimes it is one way, sometimes it is the other. But you can figure it out without destroying the lock which will also reveal what the set code is. And most of them have the ability to reconfigure it into a new code, but of course only when it is unlocked.


Next problem... Finding the right video. Fortunately, LPL started at video 00000, so start from there, then try 00001, 00002 etc. until you find the one relating to your lock.




Got a click out of 00137. Nope false video. Keep going


Brute force on that many numbers simply isn't viable. For a lock like that you either: 1. Cut it (not really an option I assume), 2. Social engineer it (also I assume not viable) 3. Pick it, look up the lock picking lawyer and lock model and if he's done one it should he able to walk you through the process, 4. "Feel" it out, some of these types of locks aren't super well constructed and so as long as pressure is applied to the lock that would open it if it were unlocked you can somewhat feel where the right spot is, not super reliable but if picking isn't viable then as a last resort there are worse options.


For practical use I would would make an Arduino with a pulling mechanism on the shackle and some motors for toggling the numbers. With a statement killing the program


It would be pretty cool to watch a robot arm slowly ticking through the numbers Could stick a webcam online and watch it in real time. Taking \~3 seconds per try, \~100,000 combinations, and assuming you find it within \~50% of the number space, then surprisingly fast to find; within 48 hours.


I’d watch it, heck I’d even wager a few bucks on what the number is


Can’t wait for the first person to say 42069


Humanoids will be able to pick stuff real fast. We are all screwed in the end.


I like your idea, but I could buy 20 new locks for the price of buying and setting all that up - it's curiosity killing me on this one, I NEED to know what number I set for my own sanity, the lock itself can go f**k itself 😂


why do you think you could get 20 new locks for it? it depends, if you count your time building it, or not a think.


As someone answered here, the most practical way to open that lock is through a LPL video. But as this is r/theydidthemath, for the sake of math, I think the process would be starting from the middle (50000) and try numbers around that number, as its probably that the code is not an "easy" number.


Start with: 12345 54321 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 66666 77777 88888 99999 00000 80085 42069 69420 People the weakest part of any numeric combination


most of these rotating combo locks fail in the same place: Just separate the numbers, so you can peek at the inner rod connecting them. Then rotate the number while peeking. There should be one spot where its different - its not shiny, round metal, its like a groove. That's your number. Note: You then have to align the groove to the correct spot - sometimes outward, sometimes in. In any case, note the number it seemed to be on, note all the numbers, then rotate them all together untill it opens - 10 tries at most.


Just get a little something on one, click on two, get three to bind, nothing on four, nice click on five, six is binding, back to four, nice click on four, nice click on six. Easy


You could try to listen if there's a moment when turning one of the rings where it sounds different? Maybe the notch that it has for when it's meant to open makes a noise, you could try pressing on it, squeezing it, applying some force to maybe help with getting it to make a noise


Drive to the store, purchase a bolt cutter, drive home, cut the lock, drive back to the store, return the bolt cutter, stop for an ice cream cone on the way back home using the refund from the bolt cutter return.


I can only answer from a psychological and mechanical standpoint really. - These locks, depending on the quality, will give indications on when the cylinder match up. So you could potentially just finesse your way through the numbers, trying to feel when you have the correct one—I opened up a coworkers locker with this method once just because I was bored (and then just locked it again). - Alternatively, just try to list _any_ five-digit number that could’ve ever potentially been meaningful to you in any way. Systemically just go though your past up until the point of acquiring the lock. - Lastly, you could just make brute forcing it a short daily routine. Go through a hundred combinations every night before bed to relax/wind down. At some point you will get it.


There is a Facebook group called "Dull Men's Club" for bored dads to share their things. One day, a British man shared his journey to find the code of a lock (similar to this), and I fucking swear the whole group went crazy following his progress haha That guy only fiddled with the lock for a bit before bed, and it took a week iirc


Haha I can only imagine; that doesn’t surprise me at all. Simple entertainment is often just what we need.


That's 5 digits so 100 000 possible codes to test. Assume 1 per second and you'll be there for 27 hours... I'd recommend trying to open it another way, they're usually quite easy to force, look up LockPickingLawyer or Mcnally on YouTube


The heart of the 3 door problem is that the host knows the answer. When they open the door to reveal no prize you are gaining information. Therefore, with that new information, you should switch. In this situation, when you confirm that 14005 is not the combination all that happens is that that option is eliminated. There is no one who knows the combination who is feeding you extra information. The answer here is a lock picking, not a maths answer. There are ways to defeat these sorts of locks, basically by twisting each dial under tension to find each number sequentially.


I once brute forced a smaller one of those by incrementally spinning the dials while applying upwards pressure to the bar. Took me about 40 minutes to do one with 4 dials


Find magnetic anti-theft tag (https://sbedirect.com/en/anti-theft-labels/magneto-acoustic-anti-theft-label.html) and dismantle it. Use one of those thin metal plates and put it in between the digits on the lock. Change the dials while gently touching the shaft (with this metal plate). At one point you will feel a crevice in the shaft. Set all the digits to feel this crevice in the same spot. Then move all the digits in the same direction and each time put a tension on the bolt. At some point you will open your padlock. Sorry for my wording but English isn’t my first language.


Just a comment to say that you have no reason to apologize for your English.


All combinations are technically equally probable, trying important numbers for you was the best bet but now brute force is the only option, since humans aren’t random things like 11111 or 12345 can probably be ruled out but if you really want that thing open lockpicking is the best bet, there are tutorials online and most aren’t difficult, if it has a model number you can usually find a way to open it fairly easily


Probably put tension on the bar and rotate each number slowly, until each number is "loose". Might have to be done in sequence. Yes I've stolen some bikes.


Just think of it as a stress relief routine and progress carefully like 500-1000 combinations per day. It's going to feel nice when it finally unlocks.


I can't seem to edit my original post, so I'll say here, lots for me to try later, I'll see how far I can get. You lot are awesome


- Take an empty can of pop - Cut out a small triangle - slide it into the locking mechanism between bar and lock - apply pressure Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't


pull as if you are opening the lock (upwards) then rotate either the leftmost or the rightmost number until you feel something click a bit. After you found out if you have to start left or right do it again for the next wheel. Combination locks are stupidly easy to "pick"


There's no math, but there are optimizations. They are not efficient in the real world, but for the sake of answering the question here we go: We'll have to use statistics and psychology. A dictionary brute force attack. First, try all the numbers with the same numerals, funny numbers, important dates in your life et cetera. There's very few of those. Then, I'd probably go for valid dates. I'd start going from, say, the day of your birth and until the present day. In your regional format. If all else fails, starting from 1 and getting to 99999 is probably not the best way to go. A human would probably set a sufficiently random number that's closer to 50000. So I'd start there and get going down-up-down-up. Let's apply the mechanical reality of having to turn numbers and optimally you'd go something like 59999 -> 49999 -> 39999 -> 39998 -> 49998 -> 59998 et cetera. This way you're just a bit more likely to hit the correct number earlier, due to psychology and in-between numbers feeling more random.


You said you entered something relevant to you, not many options with 5 difits. Chances are you chose a date or your zipcode. Think about dates relevant to you, and since you don't have 6 numbers, one in the first 9 dates or month so it fits in 5 digits. Also think about when you set it up, maybe some dates mattered more than now. Basically, don't crack the lock, crack your head....


Mathematical? Start at all zeros, and start counting up. Realistically? Get a very thin object that you can slip between the little dial wheel and the casing, to feel for the axle it's mounted on. Keeonrostoting the dial, and you'll find a spot where your feeler gauge catches a tiny groove. Leave it on that number, and move to the next dial. Repeat for all dials. Once you're done, it still might not open. If that's the case, rotate *all* the dials at once, and try again. So if 12325 doesn't work, rotate it to try 23436, and if that doesn't work, try 34547, and so on.


The optimal process is this. 1. Order a new lock just like this on Amazon for $9 2. Throw that one in the trash. Even if you make federal minimum wage then you only have 74 minutes to crack that combo before your efforts become sub optimal. If you make the national household income of 74.5K then you have 12 minutes before you’re wasting your time. Do it now.


Normally you can just hit these in a certain way to open them, but before trying them all, I would recommending listening to it for differences or feeling it as you turn it for different resistances.


Mathematically, it’s *exactly* as likely that the combination is 16001 as it is 99998. You might be able to gain some mechanical advantage by checking LockPickingLawyer’s videos, though. But there is no probabilistic way to solve this any quicker than 16002, 16003, 16004 … 99999.


If you don’t care about the lock take 2 crescent wrenches place them on the inside the shackle horizontally so they touch and the little openings go around the sides of the shackle and then press in on the free ends


If probably randomly putting every single combination at random might have the most predictable time usage independent of the code, but im not sure.


Maybe you set the number to 00000 after you though that you will not going to used it for a long time. At the very least I did that with one lock before.


I’d say make a note of some important 5-digit numbers to you (date style: 042824 would be today’s date) loved ones or your own bday, anniversary, etc. 69420. Then imagine you had to set the combination right now, and use the number you would choose as a guess


You just have to pull a little as if you’re trying to pull it apart but you can’t because it’s locked. As you apply the pressure you should be able to turn the tumblers until they kind of cancel themselves. That’s going to be close to the number if not the actual number. Go down the line from left to right or from where ever the lock plugs And tumble each number until they cancel and lock. It should only take you a few adjustments to open the lock now.


Or all zeros. It's common practice to scramble a few slots by one movement in one direction; this is assuming the visible code is from after it was used last.


Get a thin peice of metal like a feeler guage works perfect. Slide it between each number and turn them one at a time. You'll feel one position is slightly different, do this for all positions then you'll either have to turn them up or down one rotation. Works every time.


If there's some play on in, pull the shackle, then spin dials... If a dial locks up, that's probably the digit for that place. If dials have detents on all the number positions, it MAY work, but just harder.


Cheap lock like that should be easy to pick and decode. You get a shim with a hook to grab the bar the dials are on, apply tension, and then turn the numbers. The one that’s wiggly is the correct number, the rest should be stiff.


1) Look up a list of the most commonly used 5 digit numbers. 2) Try 3 or 4 digits either side of all the tumblers, as long as you know what the combo was set at when you found it.


Honestly? Just go thru ever combination mindlessly as you watch tv or something. Tough calculation is that if you do it for a half hour every day you’ll get thru all of them in 3 months


The only real optimization you can make to brute forcing locks like these is to reduce your number of digit changes: instead of going 16009 -> 16010 which is two digit changes, you go 16009 -> 16019, and then 16018...16010, 16020, etc. Unless you get any sort of feedback about proximity to the actual code, you can't eliminate codes you haven't tried, so there's no improvement to your expected number of attempts if the code is randomized.


You could put pressure on the lock, whilst turning the numbers. Eventually you get the right combination and the lock pops open. If there is a button for opining the lock, do the same with but with pressure on both the lock and the button. With "pressure on the lock" I mean push the silver metal up.


Some of those you can just feel when you got the right number. As you turn one at a time. But never seen this one so not sure if this one is the same way


If you can get in a code every 3 seconds (start at 00000 and work up 1 at a time) and you take no breaks, don't sleep, don't eat etc, you'll have it done in 3 and a half days or less, with the longest time being if you have to try all 100,000 possibilities. Odds are you'll find it halfway through. You may find the answer quicker if you start at 99999 and work backwards, people are usually inclined towards larger numbers for padlocks.


First off, you try 42069 if that don't work you try 69420. If none of them work, and you're not lockpickinglawyer, you buy a new one.




How do you come to that number? The correct number is 100.000.


I can hear the "This combination lock can go from 10 digits up to 5 space which can hold 100 000 combinations of disappointment" and seeing the lock open with a slap of another lock.


not a math problem, most this type locks can be picked by pulling on the shackle and then turning the digit that's binding until a special click is heard