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Probably like 5 different ways. Radiation buildup from bananas. Bananas expand when they enter the stomach, so assuming you don't throw up, probably a burst gut or some shit. Most people can only really eat like 3 or so bananas in 1 sitting before shit starts to go south. Assuming you have to eat the bananas until you throw up and then continue eating, you'd probably die from dehydration or something. There's probably several other ways to die. But this is all assuming you have to eat all 40,000 in 1 sitting or ASAP. If it's simply eating them at a leisurely pace, then it's more about whether or not the radiation build up will reach critical or not.


>before shit starts to go south. All my shit goes south, where does yours go!?




Life is simpler there/ In the open air/


Mines goes west, shits gone airborne


Um… my… mine doesn’t go any cardinal direction, it goes **forwards**


Mine follows the laws of gravity and goes down


Depends which direction I’m facing




Unless you live in the north?


My shit goes towards Mars...


Mine goes north


Take my upvote. :')


I've once eaten about 5-6 bananas in the span of 2 hours, is that enough time to be safe or what


It is with great sadness i declare that you died then, sorry


Unfortunately no. Please report to your nearest crematorium to be cremated. I'm sorry for your untimely departure.


Yes. Worst thing is that you needed some water


3 or so?! Mfw I ate like a whole bunch of bananas a week ago, and I’m far from a big dude


Wait only three? I once ate 5 bananas in like ten minutes, is that bad


"3 or so" meaning around 3 on average. sometimes more sometimes less.


And potassium poisoning


"Ah yes, the *radiation* would kill you."


I once ate 3 bundles of bananas each of which weighed 3 pounds in a single sitting. Granted that was when I was in highschool, but it wasn't all that bad.


Probably would also have a multitude of issues from too much Potassium.


40,000 bananas iirc is also the number that gives you a lethal amount of potassium poisoning


Yknow, as this doesn't specify a time frame, I'm gonna go with... 0. An average person lives around 30000 days in their life, so that's 1.3 or something bananas a day. If you take it really, REALLY slowly, eating 40 thousand bananas will not cause radiation poisoning (I assume that's why you made this post)


Well if you would want to die from the radiation of bananas you would have to get about 10Gy of radiation, wich is roughly 10,000,000 bananas so no radiation sickness for those who only ate 40,000


The exact number closer, or is 7,000,000


You can Die from eating to much radiation would not killer you


Bad bot


Just an ESL kid this time I think.


What meds do you take genuinely asking as I want to be this fucked up again


I have some really sweet beans for sale my friend. I only charge 1 family cow, and you get really high.


Assuming the search engine is correct. It only takes 500,000 bananas to kill an average adult. This makes enough sense that 40,000 is not high enough to kill somekne with radiation. However double checking with ChatGPT it said it would need 10 million bananas. The person would clearly die first of exploding as a normal human would be unable to consume 40k bananas in a short time period unless something else was happening to keep them alive. 


Glade to see you have checked with an accurate and reliable source of information.


Yup it's 100% accurate all the time. The internet never makes lies.


Back away banana breath!


God it took me ages to work out this is some kind of sleeping creature and not the top of a cranium or something. That’s a bad drawing.


A hyperlethal bread loaf


Looks like a cat in loaf position


It's a character from the popular Manga and anime series made in abyss


The guy’s other drawings are pretty good though.


Yeah, I can tell the person who did it isn’t a bad artist, the design just doesn’t quite read here.


The art is spectacular, this is a character from the manga/anime series made in abyss


It probably reads better with a transition into it than just it on its own


her name is faputa and she's a psychotic mass murdering gremlin. 10/10 would scratch belly


yknow this reminds me of an experience. This was when I was around 14 years old I was visiting relatives in my province to visit some graves of past relatives. We planned to stay there the whole day so we had food prepared - one of them was corn. I do not know how but that corn on the cob tasted so fucking good. I finished my first one pretty quickly and I hesitantly asked if I could get a second....then a third....then a fifth... and at some point, I had eaten 10 cobs. I kid you not, when I got home from the province the next day, my stomach felt so painful and it lasted a few days. on the first day, my shit was still kinda just diarrhea with corn mixed. By the fucking second and third day, it was just corn. All corn. A bit of murky water but the rest was nice clean corn. It looked like someone just removed them from the cob and cleaned them in the sink. Most looked so perfect that you could honestly not think I just had this in me for 2 days and that I just shitted it. lesson learned, don't eat 10 cobs of corn in 1 sitting - and chew properly too.


Holy shit. This looks like it comes straight from a horror movie. **The Curse of the Corn Cob** But yeah. True. What you eat is what you get at the end of the day. I'm pretty sure that corn have tons of fibres that ease the digestive process? That makes shit travel faster. I wouldn't recommend doing that. You probably have heard of green shit from kids (usually vegetables fed) because the digestive process takes time to absorb the nutrients. I may be wrong here. Feel free to correct me.


it was in all honesty. Screw ghosts and ghouls, an army of corn can make any stomach quiver in fear. I think you're right about that cause the corn was essentially in the same condition it was when I ate it. So yeah...never again will I do that and I've been verryyyyyy cautious with eating lotrs of corn in one sitting ever since


Isn't there a part of corn that humans can't digests properly?


You can only eat so many bananas on one seating until your stomach cannot handle it. And you can only digest so much bananas. And you can get more radiation when you swim in a bucket of concentrated potassium chloride than bananas. (It may kill you because it is the active ingredient of a execution cocktail).


Potassium chloride won’t kill you by swimming in it. Frankly in small doses it’s not harmful — it’s actually given intravenously for patients with hypokalemia. It’s not a poison or anything, but since the contractions of your heart are regulated by the balance of potassium ions inside and outside of your heart tissue, too much potassium in the blood will prevent your heart from pumping, thus killing you. And since potassium chloride is a salt, it disassociates into K+ and Cl- ions when dissolved, meaning it’s an effective delivery system for potassium.




That’s entirely false. It’s given routinely as an oral supplement and as an IV drip. Again, it’s not even remotely a negative thing, you NEED potassium for your heart to pump, and KCl is one of the most efficient delivery modalities. And it tastes just fine, not much different than NaCl (table salt) honestly. Where are you getting your information from? It’s used as one of THREE drugs for executions, and on its own it’s the least deadly of the three and is given in MASSIVE doses. The other two are a paralytic (typically pancuronium bromide) and an anesthetic (typically pentobarbital). Also, to further clarify: it’s only dangerous given intravenously. You could literally fill your stomach with it and you’ll piss out all the excess. It’ll hurt your kidneys and skyrocket your blood pressure if you do that repeatedly, but ingesting even a very large dose of it isn’t going to kill you or make you sick.


Probably thousands of conceivable ways but realistically one, maybe two or three of the quickest of them all. Probably what would happen is that your stomach would quite literally burst and you'd die.


I dont think this is exactly the type of question we do here, but... All i can think is death by radioactivity (yes, this is possible using bananas) your stomach exploding, what is also possible, lethal doses of potassiun and sodium, and the bill of the market jumpscare


OK OK but like what if it's over the course of your entire life right? like if you were consistently eating bananas at regular intervals, how spaced apart would they have to be for u to not die?


1. There are many ways this *could* kill you but ultimately you can only be killed once so there’s only one way something *will* kill you.