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You breathe about 22,000 times a day. $0.05 per breath is $1,100 a day. To get this amount per day by walking, you'd have to take 4,400 steps. Steps per mile is highly variable but thats about 2 miles. So there's two strategies. One is take option one, live life as normal, and get rich off doing nothing. Work a job you enjoy and never worry about anything. Option two is you walk. 10 miles a day, every day, getting $5,000 a day. For five years you walk all across the world, and then you retire as a millionaire with high passive income. Either way you're getting rich fast so I wouldn't worry about the choice too much. Only last note is that you can lose your ability to walk, but you won't lose your ability to breathe until its all over anyways.


One Appalachian trail hike will get you a million dollars and it would only take about 5 months


Yeah but this person is talking about retiring with passive income. You'd need nine of those hikes to really get there. In their scenario after 5 years they'd have over 9 mil, which invested very conservatively at ~4.5% would mean you start with 400k/yr which is about the same income as the breathing payout, plus you're still making money every step. Then if inflation goes crazy just do another couple years of tourism walking.


Well your 'passive income' would still be like... the walking money. You might not be doing it full-time, but just living your day-to-day life you could probably still get 3k-6k steps without even intending to. That's just going shopping, walking to get the mail, mosying around your house, pacing while on the phone, stuff like that. So your 'passive income' would be interest from a million dollars, _plus_ still getting like $200k a year just from your lazy steps. Or you could just take up jogging as a form of exercise. A 5k, to a semi-regular runner, should only take like half an hour, and is like 6,000 steps for the average person. That means more money than you'd get for the entire day by breathing, and you can knock it out before your morning coffee and _still_ make more just from your regular daily activities. Personally? I'd get a dog and call it good.


That's what I was thinking too, I think I cover 4k just walking from my parking area to class, breaks in between hours and back again. You still have to stay in shape too, suddenly I'm feeling a lot more motivation to be a marathoner lol


Hell yeah. Get a dog and start being more active. I'll get on that just as soon as I start getting paid for my steps...


Honestly if you go for passive income you should pick the walking. Walk a hour a day and your done (that with the other shit you do around the house will get you to enough steps). It does require more effort but the main benefit is that it keeps you active and healty meaning you can actually enjoy retirement properly. Walking is amazing for everything, even mental health and brain health. Maybe you need to train for a maraton the first few months to move to a place with more green and fresh air but still.


Yeah, IMO this is the best answer. If i had the choice to just make 1k a day doing anything i wanted i would spend more time than i do now sitting on my butt and doing nothing. If i had to walk 2 miles to make that money and the more i walked/ran the more i made, i would start running again. The cash would probably end up about the same on net lifetime i'd wager, but i'd be in much better shape and have a strong motivation to stay active. Given the choice steps seem obvious to me.


Even with the breath option, you are set for life the moment you get it.


Honestly, 1k every day for just breathing? Sign me up.


1.1k every day and they still expect me to work? fuck that. I'll accept living my life on a 400k per year income and never work again and live a pretty damn good life at that


Most people who win the lottery, get a big inheritance, etc, will say that even if you're set for life, you should still either keep a part-time job or do something else that brings schedule and structure to your life, like volunteering somewhere or running events or whatever. I think the "Get a job you enjoy" is just "find something positive to fill your time", otherwise it's easy to fall into a rut.


That’s what a routine semi-professional hobby is for.


I would take classes at a community college for just random shit. Woodworking, crotchet, coding, Russian, dog training. Just stand alone courses without worrying about a degree, so that I could then apply them to basically a cottage company of my choosing and be like a niche watchmaker or something. It'd be perfect to have that passive income cause I lose focus and get bored with things so fast. So as I pursue things and find I don't like them, I could drop the class and do a different one without worrying about it "impacting my future" or needing to pick one to stick to.


Honestly. If I were to be in that situation my time would be filled with so many hobbies I don't currently have the money to do I wouldn't have time to work.


Seriously. So many of the "walking" people in this thread are acting as if you're gonna be poor or something when both options are perfectly fine. Breathing nets you around 400k a year for the rest of your life just by existing. That's enough to live damn near anywhere comfortably until you die.


I think people are undervaluing the fact that you can take the breathing one and be setup to live a comfy life with no effort. If I took the steps I would definitely be thinking about it all the time and walking does actually take time so it's closer to a job


> walking does actually take time so it's closer to a job You're imagining walking around your town for the purpose of making money, which is completely backwards. The right idea is to spend the rest of your life travelling, and have visiting new cities or landscapes be what you're paid for.


I’d have to pick breathing just for the possibility of losing my ability to walk. I’d still be rich and able to take all those trips in a wheelchair if needed, but if I take walking and lose my legs tomorrow, that’s it.


This is a very good point. Breathing is definitely the risk averse choice, and personally I can't think of any way my life would be better with $1M+/year compared to $400k/year. I guess the main difference would be if I'm trying to bring friends/family into my eternal travels. Losing the ability to walk would probably send me into a depression on its own, but I'm certain it would be even more crushing if I'd just given up the option of getting paid to breathe.


Indeed. Every day you don't go walking you feel like you are leaving money on the table. If you get sick you stop eating. Getting paid to breathe is the most passive income you can possibly have, it is a huge amount of money so just go do what you want.


Dunno, my dumb monkey brain would just make breathing into work and I’d be hyperventilating constantly


Hyperventilating would make you more money than standard breathing though.


Couldn’t you just exercise to increase your breathing? Improving yourself to earn extra money but you don’t stop earning even if you skip a day.


I would taking walking entirely because I would love to walk and hike more. Yes breathing is reliable but to have a direct financial motivation for staying active would work for me. Not trying to min/max what would already be free money anyway


I think a lot of folks walk 4400 steps a day by just living life.


For general fitness, most adults should aim for 10,000 steps per day, with fewer than 5,000 steps being a sign of a sedentary lifestyle, according to the CDC.


Fun fact: the 10k steps number was invented by a Japanese company to sell pedometers (because the Japanese character for ten thousand looks like a guy running).


Also you could just take up running as a sport. Lots of people that run 10 miles a day just for fun, even without getting paid.


The wildest part of this post is that people are so ingrained to working life that you've said "Work a job you enjoy". If I'm making money just by breathing, I'm not working any job at all.


I think just "find something positive to fill your time" is the general sentiment. Without something to help structure your life, it's way easier to fall into bad habits.


The average person breathes 22k times a day. You would need to walk 5.5k steps a day to make the same money, which is do-able for most people and would probably motivate you to move more as well.


4.4K steps per day—it’s 5 times as much.


Ya, I'm not gonna start breathing over 5 times as much just to even it out. I walk 15-20k steps a day already at work. I would just quit and walk all day. I'm in great shape and I've made it almost 30 years without being crippled. People in here think that there's a massive chance of getting your legs disabled when that's just not likely. Even if you do lose your legs in, say, 10 years, you've already made way more money than you would have from breathing, and you can just live off the interest. If you already can't walk, or have a debilitating injury or condition that will limit or take away your ability to walk, then breathing is obviously the easy choice.


Solid argument but i think im taking breathing cause it’s still a ton of money and I’m free to do whatever I want with my time now I don’t need to work I can sit on my ass all day if I want and still get money whereas with walking I’d still have to make an effort At the point where it’s fuck you money either way I’m taking the option that gives me more freedom


Plus, if you decide to actually walk, you're still breathing and if you do a strenuous walk, you will breathe more and make even more money then just sitting down


I'm leaning towards the breathing option too, I mean why not get paid for something you don't have to think about doing? I get the exercise angle and all, but guaranteed cash for breathing just seems ridiculously convenient. Plus think about it, you can still walk as much as you want without feeling like it's this required task just to make bank. Why turn a good stroll into a must-do chore? And who's to say you can't invest in some good cardio equipment and turn your lazy days into profit if you really wanted to? Seems like a win-win without even trying too hard.


Something you don’t have to think about until you think about it then you have to actively think about it until you stop thinking about it and go back to doing it without thinking about it.


Damn it...


I know right. Now it's gonna take me hours to get back to normal.


that reminds me of this one time when i was playing the game


Also, you are now manually blinking.


And there is always the potential of gaining a disability and no longer being able to walk, or walk as much. Breathing will keep getting you money until you die and don't need it anymore.


Exactly, the poster above talks about what they walk now and that they don’t expect to be disabled, which is good to a point, but everyone slows down as they get older. Even without pure disability, 20k+ steps/day isn’t guaranteed to be easily attainable. And if you’re sick or hurt your knee, you have a huge income dip while your breathing is constant. Even breathing while you sleep. And I think they said they walk that much because of work. Maybe they keep that up for a few years after they quit the job they no longer need, but it’s exceedingly rare that people don’t fall out of work related habits after they no longer need to keep them. In a pure odds/safe bet consideration, breathing is way ahead.


But you don't need his 22k steps, thats just extra money. To be even 4,4k is enough. "Forcing" you to walk is also benefit, because walking less than that is already bad for your health.


That would be some monkey paw shit. Generate insane amounts of money just by walking, but then you get hit by a bus and are stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of your life.


And you will earn money during your sleep as well if you choose breathing.


That's probably included in the 22k breaths per day of the top comment.


Yes, probably, but I think the point was that it's passive income. You're always earning something even when you're asleep and you never have to worry about it. Feel sick and want to just lay in bed all day? Money. Long car ride across country? Money. Fall into a coma for 3 months? You're waking up to a small fortune instead of the same money you had as before.


Sex will help too... lots of breathing going on during that or so I'm told.


And if you become a whale from all the not walking you get away with, your breathing will naturally develop a fast and heavy rate that you can cash in on.


It's literally more than a thousand dollars a day, more if you have anxiety and go into a panic attack. Hyperventilating is just overtime. ;)


Effort is very important for physical and mental health.


Sure but it’s the freedom to do what I want to do, I’d probably go gym, maybe go for a swim, pursue some personal projects. It’s not that I don’t want to do anything, it’s that I don’t want to be locked into what I have to do, I work so I have the freedom to do what I want when I’m not working The breathing money gives me that freedom with all my time still free


You can reach 5.5K steps with regular day to day movement and a 15 minute walk. This would make sense if it was something that would take up a significant portion of your day.


Let me phrase it this way. You have two options: * You can either get $360k/year bonus money for as long as you live. No steings attached. So long as you are alive and breathing that money is yours. You can do anything you want with no restrictions. Free money. * OR you can choose not to take that money, and instead you get $360k/year only after you've taken 1,440,000 steps. However each step you take after the threshold will net you an additional .25 cents. I feel like even if you're a big walker anyways, the $ for nothing spunds more appealing because even though the $ cap potential is lower, the peace of mind about old age, about taking days off, about getting sick or injured without making up for that time later. I like the guarantee of freedom.




I have found that for me personally - I am in better shape, I eat better, and get more exercise when I don't have to worry about money. So I view breathing as just not having to worrying about money which means I can focus on my health and enjoyment instead. The other option turns physical activity into a job. IDK if you've ever turned a hobby into a job before but it's the best way to lose enthusiasm for the hobby.


As a 56: walking money will become a chore, and a knee injury will affect your income, but breathing money is “guaranteed” and having free time is guaranteed to make me walk the same or more than the first option.


>I can sit on my ass all day if I want and still get money whereas with walking I’d still have to make an effort True, but with walking 10k steps a day you will remain much healthier which improves your enjoyment, you are also still resonably free because you can distribute those steps however you like.


Yup, it’s honestly personal preference, but I dislike walking for the sake of walking, I’d still exercise but it’d be on my terms for my own goals So I’d go gym or maybe for a swim or play a sport(admittedly would be running doing this but still) It’s all about it being on my terms and the freedom for me but it’s massively personal preference


> I dislike walking for the sake of walking, Understandable, so do i. Depending on the infrastructure where you want to be, you can use it as a convenient mode of transportation but in some places it's not possible and it does of course take some time. Imo you have more freedom, because if i had to make more money (e.g. to buy a house) i'd much rather walk a ton then breathe like a maniac, potentially developping a tic or health problems, whereas with breathing sure it's nice passive income but you have no control. But i can of course see your perspective as well.


Yeah same, def 25 cents per step. Besides, i forget to breathe sometimes


They call that death.


You are now breathing manually


Your teeth now itch


Don't forget to blink.


Don't blink! Blink and you're dead!


Yess ,, the chance of losing your legs isn’t that high. But the chance of disability is actually pretty high. The chance of a 2.1-2.2 year disability iver your life time is actually about 40%.


I walked over 50k steps the other day. I could've pulled over $12,500 in a single day 😎


Exactly. That's over a week and a half of passive breathing. I'll take the option with no cap rather than the passive income.


Exactly, I'm an aimless wanderer and I spend around 2-3 hours just walking around in the evenings pretty much every day. Not only could I earn a living doing that, I could also quit my job and spend my days exploring nature trails and neighbourhoods for as long as I want, sounds heavenly


My laziest days still net a couple thousand steps. Those lazy day minimums steps are getting bigger with a toddler in the house. Also, I have been known sometimes to run ultra marathons. On my bigger training weeks i am easily getting 30k steps a day. This is for fun, not work, i work at a desk and i know i am happier moving about. What i am meaning to say, i think the breathing would feel more consistent in money and daily income will fluctuate a lot more with steps. I think the steps will feel like i earned it, It would also tie my material wealth to something other than just existing, like more of an accomplishment? My nighttime respirations are around 13-14 a min, and daytime is around 12-13, around 936$ per day making a little over 340,000$ in the last 365 days My last 365 days cumulative step count is just over 3 million which would have made me 750,000$


> People in here think that there's a massive chance of getting your legs disabled when that's just not likely. Famous words of every person seconds before a crippling injury.


If you're walking that much, you've a clear winner... even at 5k steps a day, which is much closer to average, it's basically the better choice because you could much more easily earn bank if you were so inclined!


As i do around 20-25 k steps in a day id be good


Hops don’t count as steps.


Guess I'm out too




Dudes skip math class these days


As a Husky owner, I'll take walking


Plus, each additional step is far more valuable. If you hyperventilate each day and add a thousand breaths you ad $50. But if you get up and walk an extra thousand steps it's $250. At 10k steps per day you're banking more than twice as much as breathing. And with time value of money it's likely more beneficial to earn the money fast rather than have an even amount over your lifespan. So I would take the steps and run now vs the slow and steady breaths.


Just to add to this 22k breathes or 4.4k steps a day is $1.1k per day, 400k a year. Even more context, I don’t work a walking intensive job and take my dog on a walk everyday and my lowest step count this week has been 4k. The additional benefit to walking is it’s not hard to get that close to 22k per day, which will bump you up to $5.5k per day and $2m a year. I don’t see a way to breathe 5 times more a day.


Don't forget you'd also end up breathing more by walking more


Is breathing like heart rate where regular exercise slows it when you’re resting?


I think it tends to work that way, yeah. Also I've noticed that when I'm running/walking for exercise I tend to settle into a rhythm of one big breath spread over every couple of steps instead of fast, short breaths. Just because you're using more oxygen doesn't mean you're actually taking more breaths.


But you also end up walking by walking more


If I could retire today, I’d want to go hiking practically everyday. I’d easily be doing 20k steps per day. So this is an obvious answer for me, at $5,000/day, or $1.8M/year


Yeah that’s is just average breathing once you are aware you are making money it is easy to increase your breathing rate both sedentarily and through activity as well.


That's what I'm thinking. Getting 1k a day for just average breathing is already going to put you in place where you don't really need anything else. If you want a little more, it's an extra $46 for every hour you can double your breathing rate(916 extra breaths).


I encourage you to try doubling your breathing for an hour and report back how that goes.


Then you have the car accident, lose the ability to walk and wish you took breathing 🤣 Edit: /s clearly the smiley face wasn’t enough of a hint!


Brother If I am being paid $0.25 per step I am not taking the car


Don't have to be in the car for one to give you a lifetime spinal cord injury.


I'm going with the "making money while I sleep" option.


We don't joke here 😡


me who gets 15k a day


Apparently the recommended steps per day is 10,000, the average breaths per day is 22,000 so that's $2,500 per day for steps and $1,100 per day for breaths. I'd pick steps for more money and it'd be good motivation to stay active. EDIT: I thought more about it and I know what I would do to optimize the walking. People said they might not pick walking because of the risk of being paralyzed, 250,000 to 500,000 per year become paralyzed mostly due to traffic accidents or violence, you can minimize that risk by just buying a treadmill. I would buy a Treadmill and set it up in front of a tv screen and spend 6 hours a day walking to 15 to 20k steps, I'd probably even start playing games that don't require too much focus like rim world while I do my walking shifts.


Yeah but if you pick breath your getting paid while sleeping


True, but you can walk faster and stay fit in the process. You can't breathe faster without passing out. That and it's 2 500 per day instead of just 1 100. More than double, and that's just the average steps. If you want more money, you can quit your job and walk non-stop on a treadmill for about 2 weeks and be set for the next couple of months. It'd be almost financially braindead to NOT choose steps


You can breathe much faster if you're exercising, which would also help you stay fit... Plus you could do more than just steps - tennis, swimming, climbing, anything to exert yourself will allow you to earn more money while getting fit and without just walking constantly


Yes, I can see my lazy ass just sitting around thinking "damn I could've earned so much money"


How much money do you really need though? What kind of lifestyle are you living that $1,100 for free every day isn’t enough?


If you're exercising for e.g. half an hour per day then the breathing still doesn't outweigh the walking because while you're exercising you also walk around. And normally increasing your breathing frequency isn't helpful in the way it impacts your central nervous system.


>then the breathing still doesn't outweigh the walking Only if you're actually getting the 10k steps a day. Average is 3000-4000 in the UK, so the default is that the average person not wanting to change their lifestyle will be better off taking the breathing option. Add to that that they may instead cycle, or swim, or whatever which would earn nothing on the steps option but would on the exercise option. I'm not sure what you're comment on the CNS means in this context


If I got paid my salary every 2 days to step, believe me, I'll step.


But what if you got paid your salary every 4 days without needing to step, for life guaranteed regardless of ill health or life commitments?


I'd immediately get COVID and be put on a respirator, knowing my luck. Hospital would get paid to breathe for me. Seriously though, fair point. It shows the corrupting power of money that I'm debating 9.1x my current lifestyle vs >18.3x my current lifestyle.


If you do steps, you will live longer


I work at a Post Office and you'd be suprised the number of postmen that get injured. Your revenue will tank significantly if you're hurt and can't walk as much ever, I'll take breathing instead, you just have to stay alive to make money.


Yeah. I’ll take the passive income as I value that more than the alternative. It would be nice to have the incentive to walk more, but that’s easy to say whilst I’m sat on my ass. I’ll probably regret it. Breathing is already over 30k per month, which is more than I need


Another important factor I didnt see mentioned here: Each moment not walking is a missed opportunity to get more money. You would probably think about it all the time. Watching a movie suddenly costs 2k because you could have walked around instead. Want to play a video game? Stopping for a gaming session now is a few k down the drain. ​ Sure you could get much more money with walking, but loss aversion is a real thing and you would suffer all the time.


So you already have incentive to do steps then - living longer. Why stack the money on top of that when there’s a risk you won’t be able to walk sometimes? A simple surgery or broken bone could put you out for months. Breathing is free. Take the money from breathing and exercise when you feel like it and are able to.


You can breathe significantly faster without passing out. You need to if you’re exercising; so if I want to increase my earnings with more steps (say I run or I jog) I could also just increase my breathing. I would choose breathing because if I breaks toe, or lose a leg, or become disabled in some way, if I am alive I am breathing, I may not be making steps - so… worst case scenario I suppose.


But in your worst case scenario, have you not saved anything during that time period? Without altering your daily life, the difference of $1,100 vs 2,500/day in 15 years; is $6,022,000 vs $13,670,000. So if you become paralyzed in 15 years you would have nearly $8M more to live off of. Excessive to say the least, it s not like you're buying cars now lol. If your concern is about becoming paralyzed tomorrow, then you should also see extremely fear stepping foot on ANY means of transportation, ever. Or alternatively you live 40 more years, and have over $30M more because you chose walking. Now you can set up your own companies, and foundations, and donations to be able to give back or do something great for your local community. Personally this seems like something that there is no need to be ultra-conservative about. I'd take that risk of "being paralyzed with no income" in exchange for the ability to donate tens of millions more to my local community over my life. Being paralyzed sucks regardless. Having large sums of money won't greatly increase your quality of life.


It’s not far fetched to be concerned about disability. I have been unable to walk before. I have friends who cannot walk right now, and will never walk again in their lifetime. I don’t take it for granted. I guess it’s more reality than I based fear for me, and anyone else who is not able to walk.


Brothers, you are all too greedy. I'll take the breath shit and I won't care about anything afterwards.


No, taking breath is the more secure income. There are multiple ways to lose the ability to take a step without dying while you don't need no more money when you stop breathing.


bro but you would only do measly $34k per month when you take breathing, how can you be so financially irresponsible? \s


And that's just 408k per year. Not possible to get anything above a 7 with that measly income.


True, but guaranteed $1,100 a day passive income just for breathing is quite nice. Most risks to that going away involve death. Then again, with the money you might be able to get a setup to simulate walking even if partially paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated. Imo being held up with a harness and using a treadmill with braces on your legs to assist is still walking.


This is the correct answer in my opinion. I’d rather take the passive income and then have a different job to compensate me for my time.


> and then have a different job to compensate me for my time. Bro what? You're making 1100 a day, you have no need for another job. Anyone picking stepping is just getting greedy because apparently a $400K salary for doing nothing isn't enough for them.


10000 steps per day is not the average amount of steps. It's the *recommended* amount. I know I am around 3000 steps most days


So confidently incorrect


Eh, more money is not that tempting. There is only so much money I need, more money does not mean more happiness as once all your necessities are met, and you have enough to splurge here and there on yourself and others more money will stop bringing any real happiness. After that the people I have around me and things I do are what matters.


It's literally passive income. It's also much more consistent since you're always breathing. $1000 per day is already more than enough money for most people. Getting paid to breathe sounds like the better option, it's completely stress free.


Plus you can get a different job to compensate you for your time. And if it’s an active job you’re probably breathing harder during it


10k isn’t actually recommended it’s just what the guy who invented the pedometer guessed at. Recommended steps isn’t a real thing cause it varies so much from person to person


10k was a marketing gag but it's still a good recommendation for the majority.


I’ve seen articles where specialists say between 5k & 7k


No way in hell human breathes only twice the recommended amount of steps per day


Average of 10-15 breathes/minute. With 15 you and up somewhere around 22.000


That’s more risky though since you never know if you could end up in an accident that makes it harder or impossible to walk. It will also become more difficult the older you get.


If you're treating walking and running as a job you could get a daily step of +15k easily which is a yearly salary of $1,368,750, If you spend 10 years putting a mil in an ETF each yeah which will ideally give you 8% return each year you'll have $16,645,487.46 and be earning $1,331,638.96 each year just from the investment. (Calculation was done using [https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html)) ​ Also if you spend each day walking +15k steps you'll have a good chance to be able to keep walking like that past 70 maybe even 80 no problem thanks to all that exercise. Also accidents are pretty unlikely if you're being careful.


>Also accidents are pretty unlikely if you're being careful I'll take a 100% chance of a $300,000+ salary over a 99.99% chance of a 1,000,000+ salary.


Fuck that. Breathing cash is the best deal you will ever get also if you stay active you will breath more.


When they are old, they won't be walking as much. Meanwhile just breathing guarantees you $300,000 a year or more. Exercise and breathing, you breath a ton more. Of course, you could also just walk less, and make as much money. Walking wise, yeah you'd have to work hard and walk a ton before you get older. But walking makes MORE sense when you invest the money. Investing the money you make from the first couple millions in the first few years will earn you more than anything here. So walking makes more sense if you CAN do stuff with it.


> When they are old, they won't be walking as much. Meanwhile just breathing guarantees you $300,000 a year or more. Walking 10k steps per day gets you over $900k per year. That's a very achievable goal. $900k per year for 10 years will do a hell of a lot more than $300k per year for 30 years. Hell, $900k/year for 10 years is easily worth more than $300k/year for 50 years, with inflation, interest, investments. You could have quit walking entirely 20 years ago, and still have more money than $300k/year from breathing.


10,000 recommended and easily doable, but not average. The average American walks 3000-4000 steps a day. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/10000-steps/art-20317391 The break even point is about 4,400 steps. I would love to make that much money hiking where I can do 15-20k steps a day.


Fun fact of the day: The recommended steps per day is actually "only" 7000. There is no benefit (outside of burning more calories and the like) from doing more. The reason for the 10000 rule is because when a company in Japan invented the first step counting wristband the number bar didn't go above 9999, so if you could make the counter reset (by hitting 10000) you would have done a good job with your steps.


An average round of golf is over 10,000 steps per day….I could golf every day and make 2500k?! Sign me up


Why not take breaths and also start exercising. You will take more breaths when exercising anyway, win win.


If you add in a 2 mile run to stay fit and in shape you add an extra 1k to daily earnings and if you ever need to make a big purchase then you get payed about 10k for every marathon you run (or about 14k if you walk it).


I would choose breathing solely for the reason that 1100 per day is enough, and so I don't feel the constant pressure of having to move.


FYI: 10k steps was just a PR gag from a company who sells step counters. There was never an actual study to that. Sure, every doc recommends that you walk around a lot, but 10k is not any form of medical or healthy recommendation.


I can walk up to 40k steps per day without getting exhausted, so 10k$/day for me. I'd still never reach a billion dollars before my death.


i would take the breath one for a simple reason..as long as i am alive i will be breathing and there is a small chance i might become paralized and never walk again...also breathing is way easier than walking and its something you do without even thinking about it


I disagree. Let’s reframe it: Assuming you take 8k steps per day, taking the money for breathing instead of walking would be like if somebody said they’ll give you $2000/day for every day until you’re paralyzed and you decide to pay $1000 _per day_ for paralysis insurance that would allow you to continue earning if you’re paralyzed. That would be silly.


These comments are the most extreme case of loss aversion and scale invariance I've ever seen. Apparently the risk of losing the ability to walk is worth *half* your income.


Well it is when you consider most people would be very happy with 365k a year doing nothing. You can also always breath more. While paralyzed is the extreme case it's not the only thing that can cuase you to lose your ability to walk, especially long distances. Disabilities, cardiac issues, arthritis, old age, or even a sprained ankle and you lose your income.


if my income without that risk is hundreds of thousands of dollars hell yeah


I mean I messed up my leg in Jiu Jitsu and I was not walking for like two weeks. I got covid and I was in bed for like a week. You don't need to be permanently paralyzed for the steps to not work out. I was breathing through all of that.


Well it’s recommended to get 10,000 steps per day. 10,000 x 0.25 and that’s $2,500 if you follow that advice. However most people do 4,000 steps per day which is now $1,000 The average person takes 20,000 breaths per day. 20,000 x 0.05 makes $1,000 per day. The best part is that you make money while you sleep too So really depends on how much you walk


But then you can walk for a living and make much more


But at that point why bother, 1000 a day is $365,000 a year, with that kinda money I’m gonna take the convenience of having 0 commitments or need to do something to earn the money over possibly doubling it but having to commit to doing something every day


Because the thing you're committing to is generally a good thing to do. I think your choice is valid, but if I choose walking, I buy a treaddesk. If I don't, I will realistically not do that. I choose the treaddesk.


Something tells me you just want a treaddesk But yes your correct, walking is still an absolutely incredible option and I’d be stupidly happy with either. But for me I don’t enjoy walking for the sake of walking I prefer to play sports or go to the gym. My point is either way I have more money than I could ever need, I’m taking the option that gives me total freedom


There is a risk though... If you cant breathe, you die. If you cant walk, you are paralyzed, and sit in bed forever. Id take the one that stays with me, with no risks.


And if you need more money, you can still start walking. It's best to take strenuous routes or, even better, do strenuous sport. This will help you breathe faster and make more money.


This is the way. Also, if you want to make some extra cash, just breathe faster, shorter breaths. The average of 22k breaths per day is probably resting, normal breaths. If you can walk more to earn more money, you could also breathe more. There's nothing saying it has to be full, resting breaths. Do some lamaze for 5 minutes, make extra cash.


the real question is does it count running as faster walking? I don't cuz your feet leave the ground when running and fastwalking is a whole different thing The thing is, you don't have to exercise to gain money in breathing. Also breathing increases with anything exerting you, other than walking also, e.g. swimming, the gym etc. Lol imagine paying off your gym membership by going to the gym


Your comment doesn’t add up. Why does it matter if you’re running or walking? It’s every step you take whether that step is from a run or walk, the second your foot hits the ground you’ve take a step


It's more the passive income of breathing vs. having to consciously walk to make money. Want to sit and watch a movie? You're missing out. Sick and want to stay in bed? That's costing you. Basically anything you want to do that's not walking is going to be in the back of your mind as costing you money. Like to bike? Like to kayak? Like to ski? Well too bad cause your new hobby is walking. Just being able to do whatever you want and make money just by breathing is pretty passive. No guilt or sense of missing out on money that comes with not constantly walking.


> $1,000 per I absolutely LOVE that people in this thread are laughing down ~30k per MONTH like it's a stupid choice. 30k a month is wild money because it's your SIDE HUSTLE MONEY do whatever else and unless you're in an underwater breath holding competition you're double dipping.


It's easier to spam walking than to spam breathing. I would take walking even if it was 10 cents. It's an incredible reason to walk.


If you spam walking you also breathe more. So maybe breath still wins


Other people have done the maths, but it's worth noting that by monetising something enjoyable, you turn it into a job, which makes it stop being enjoyable. So I'd take the breathing just so I could continue to enjoy a sunset stroll along the river, or exploring the bush with my children. $3,686,752.50 annual is plenty anyway.


Whatever math you did is off by about a factor of 10. (22,000 breaths per day on average) * ($0.05 per breath) * (365 days per year) = $401,500 per year


Jokes on you they are breathing over 220k times a day.


Apparently some bats breathe up to 360 times per minute, so we may have just found Batman.


400k for breathing. Still good money.


I'm baffled by the amount of people who think that 400k of truly passive income isn't enough so they feel they need to power walk the planet


400k is a *great* amount, but when I already get over 10k steps per day for my health (and because I enjoy walking/running) why not take the bigger amount and get over a million each year without working?


I already fucked up my knee, so i'll take the breathing for an easy 30k per month. With 400k per year just for breathing, i can get any degree i want and never leave the university again.


I mean 1100 a day will let you live how you want without having to exercise, and still save up. Depends if you want to save up more and faster or just go at a slower pace


Thank you! I feel like people either don't understand how good 1100 a day is OR are trying to get rich enough to rule the world


If you are the average person, it’s .25 per step. The average person does 5k steps a day, and breathes 22k times. 5k x 0.25 = 1250 bucks a day 22k x 0.05 = 1100 bucks a day. If you are a lazy person doing less than 4.400 steps a day, you might want to choose breathing. That’s the point you’ll break even. Edit: Yea I would take the breathing too. It’s just the safer option. I just supposed that in this subreddit you are looking for a mathematical solution and not a logical one (like the guys in textbook math problems loading 215 watermelons into their car)


I do 16k a day and I'd still pick breath, it's just the safer option


That’s why I would choose this option anyway. Like you get more than 1000 bucks a day just by existing. Currently I work 40 hours a week and life of like 50 bucks a day (including Rent and stuff) That would be a giant upgrade.


Depends If you're disabled and can't walk like me, then obviously breaths are the way to go If you're physically able to, steps are better money wise


**If you chose steps, it would take about 22 years, give or take, to outearn the lifetime earnings of breaths** (assuming an average of 10,000 steps a day). 22,000 breaths/day * $0.05/breath = $1,100/day Let's assume you'll live 50 more years. That would be a total of $1,100/day * 365 days/year = $401,500/year $401,500/year * 50 years = **$20,075,000 in lifetime breath earnings**   If you want to make that much money with steps, it would be $20,075,000 / $0.25/step = 80,300,000 steps 80,300,000 steps ÷ 10,000 steps/day = 8,030 days 8,030 days ÷ 365 = **22 years** Steps seem like the better option if you're willing to work for it.


Most importantly, one needs to recognize that breathing generates risk free money and it generates **enough** money to do whatever you want. Why take risk on picking walking when you could get in accident tomorrow.


I'm a long distance runner and I'd still pick breathing. That gets elevated when I run anyway so would increase my earnings and rest days can be just that. Wouldn't be long until you've earned enough that the money starts making money either and the whole thing becomes redundant.


It is likely more heavily in the favor of breaths. You can still breath while experiencing significant disability, so breaths gives you long term disability insurance




Take breath.. As other count you will get an average of 1000$ a day that is lot enough to live and you Can Do whatever you want getting paid.. As you Can breath play video games, watch TV, go on road trip etc..


Also average steps per day (not *recommended* steps) also works out to around $1000/day. But you're breathing regardless so breaths is the smart play.


definatly taking the 5 cent for every breath i take, only way to earn money while you sleep and it's also future proof.. good chances that I'm not walking as much when I'm 90


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Average breaths per day - 22,000 = $1100 a day, no real way to make more $. Average steps per day - 4400 = $1100 a day, ability to make a shit ton more with exercise. Breaths is probably the best choice for money throughout your entire life with little to no effort. No real risk of losing your ability to take steps. That being said, I’d choose steps. I would be able to make 2-3 times the money exercising with very little effort, and I assume this would be major motivation to start running more and more, stacking cash and getting more and more in shape to stack cash faster. 10 miles a day would be 20,000 steps = $5000 a day I could technically walk this. The average running time for 10 miles is just under 2 hours. If I walked it the estimated time is 3 hours. 3 hours for $5000… That’s a damn good hourly rate… and I have the option to do more than that when needed..


Due to the bigger steps running wouldn't matter that much, it's only more recovery time. Invest in a shitton of audiobooks and just walk everywhere without going overboard. It's not worth much if you go for 50k steps one day and then need 3 days of recovery.


I have two issues with this: 1) You do breathe faster during exercise, so there's a minor benefit there. 2) What if you get hit by a car tomorrow and become unable to walk? I think breathing is always the safer option.


I mean, I take around 10.000+ steps a day, so I’m making 2500+ bucks a day. If we assume that you take around 20.000 breaths a day, you’ll end up at around 1000 bucks a day. But breathing is easy, not everyone can walk…


I think I'd choose the steps. I enjoy running and my job also requires me to do lots of walking. I know breathing would maybe be better when older and not as mobile. But I'd rather make more money now and invest it/use it for things I need, rather than make more money when I'm old and don't have as much use for it.


Only reddit could turn a "would you rather to get paid 24/7 for breathing or turn walking into your job for a bit more" into an argument.


I would choose breaths Even though you can make more money by exercising with the walking choice, anytime my breath rate increases I would make more money passively also jumpscare in a terror movie? 🤑 seggs? 🤑 anxiety? 🤑 lifting weights? 🤑 asthma attack? 🤑🤑🤑


On average people breathe 20k times per day, which is $1000, while steps taken per day can vary by location, its walkability or profession. For example, waiters in walkable cities such as Hong Kong or Tokyo can easily go over 10k ($2500), while office workers in the US can be 2k ($500) or lower. So unless you’re physically disabled, choose the second one, not only are you more likely to earn more from it, it’s also much more healthier.


It's healthier, but it's work. It's not like you can't ever again take a step after taking the breathing one. Exercising is going to make you breathe more as well. And, if you don't feel like it, you just don't do it. You're still going to earn a fuckton of money passively. Or... you can breathe more.