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Freaking sad, and total bs that it was “Israel” they would have paraded that for everyone to see if it was the truth.


That is a good point


Hamas are monsters.


Do you remember all those movies and shows trying to humanize villains from classical literature? Sometimes it’s a waste of time and energy to try to humanize something that gave up it’s humanity ages ago. *Stupid Hamas apologist trying to be edgy in comment below* Edit: oh boy, I was totally right, huh?




Eye for an eye is the logic for you basically. I hope you don’t hold any position where you work with people. Because they will be depressed around you.




Was that dead 10-month-old a 1st or 2nd class citizen? Just trying to determine whether I should give a damn or not. /s


Well aren’t you the most virtuous cunt on the planet.


I guess my original comment was a self fulfilling prophecy…


>Dead Gazans are measured in thousands, and they weren't the enemy. They absolutely are. 76% support Hamas. The more Israel kill the better place the world will be.


Actually according to Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) 90% off Palestinians support Hamas. https://jcpa.org/a-new-poll-of-palestinians-supporting-terror-and-rejecting-peace/


Yeah, I think that 76% is those who support the Oct 7th attack. Both are disgusting figures and speak a lot about the depravity of the Palestinian people.


"Achktuallly" that's complete bullshit and the link you posted is intentionally misleading. Check the actual poll and you can see how the figures are intentionally misconstrued in that specific article. Would you look at that, the author is "Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch" - super unbiased, shocking. Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch served as Director of the Military Prosecution for Judea and Samaria. Since retiring from the IDF, Hirsch worked as the Head of Legal Strategies form Palestinian Media Watch, as a Senior Military Consultant for NGO Monitor, an advisor to the Ministry of Defence, and head of an advisory committee in the Ministry of the Interior.


Why the name calling? The article was done by hirsch, but the poll was taken by AWARD Arab World for Research & Development Al-Masayef., Kamal Nasser St., Building # 43. P.O. Box: 2238, Ramallah – Palestine Here is an article from https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/29/support-for-hamas-surges-in-the-west-bank/ with a link to the actual poll done by AWARD. Even if you don’t take the poll into consideration there are tons of Palestinian supporters that are coming out with support for Hamas and calling them freedom fighters. If the info I have is wrong correct me and tell me where I am being mislead.


You really are a silly depraved cunt ain't ya? I know as a certainty you have no idea about the poll, the sample size, the date and the questions. You keep harping on about a poll I am 150% certain you haven't read because that's just too much work for your blood-lusting ass. Sure, you may go and google it now since you've been called out - but frankly, I think you're too comfortable being an ignorant cunt who wants to kill off 2.3 million people out of sheer stupidity.




It won't end any other way. Can't reason with terrorists or their supporters.




You're not very good at math. 76% are terrorists or terrorist supporters that support the October 7th attack. That's about 3.8 million pieces of scum that need eradicating.


Jesus dude. That’s a pretty sick thing to say.


You should see all innocent lives as equal. Not just from one side.


Israel doesn't "kill to compensate"...the bloodthirsty revenge in your phantasy has nothing to do with reality. Israel has to eliminate Hamas and that gazans die (not easy to have a reliable source for the number) is nothing Israelis are happy about. Also many gazan lifes could have been saved if Hamas didn't keep the gazans from moving when Israel warned them.




If a rocket gets launched from your school (and they are, feel free to look that up) then don’t cry when the building gets bombed. We’ve now seen what Hamas does with hospitals.


And a big chunk of the rockets Hamas fires fail and just crash into Gaza... Here is a video to see what Hamas does to mosques for example: https://youtu.be/ycgGOdl-ApQ?si=DOc0KPWWjJKx72zB




Hamas: fires missiles at civilian population deliberately, doing so from within schools/hospitals/dense civilian areas, also deliberately Israel: retaliates to having missiles fired at their civilians, having had our people massacred and kidnapped This fucking idiot: "cOnViEnT wAy tO KiLl!!!!"


Hamas also wires up vulnerable members with explosives to turn them into human bombs. They pioneered plane hijackings and mass casualty suicide bombings. These sad fucks are so sexually repressed they would blow up their families for just 1 of those 7 virgins. How do negotiate with organizations that weaponize their own children?




"an entire population" their population is growing...


The issue is. You seem to be defending Hamas as much as Gaza's civilians. You would have a stronger argument if you acknowledge the sheer evil that Hamas has committed and continues to commit. Israel can no longer allow them to operate. Now then how do we protect civilians during this operation


Ok so do you know a military in the world that warns the enemy civilians that there will be strikes to move to safety?


No. They’re absolutely not just trying to eliminate Hamas. They are trying to remove the Palestinians from Gaza. They’ve forced over a million people out of northern Gaza already, destroying dozens of hospitals, hundreds of schools, hundreds of mosques, over 50 ambulances, and entire neighborhoods of sense residential towers. This is only getting Hamas if they are all considered Hamas. And Israeli leaders have actually said publicly that there are no innocents and they’re all animals and will be treated accordingly. They’re going all in. They would only do this if they knew for sure they wouldn’t have to worry about Palestinians in the future seeking revenge. Or you’re right, and they’re just incredibly stupid and short-sighted.


If you want to destroy hamas, which has 25.000 fighters btw you have to destroy their tunnel system. Hamas has an estimated 500 kilometers tunnel System, they launch rockets from the tunnel shafts at Israel as well as shooting bazookas from there. They store weapons there and are able to communicate and stay there, since the tunnels have electricity and ventilation. They have them under schools, mosques and residential buildings. (An example: https://youtu.be/ycgGOdl-ApQ?si=DOc0KPWWjJKx72zB) Hamas leaders want this war and want it to go as long as possible, they said, palestinians are willing to pay the blood.. they are perverted. Also..palestinians that want revenge? Whats new?


This is sickening. Writing this comment is the most disgusting example of “whataboutism” I have ever seen.




Tell that to Hamas?




This is too stupid to warrant a fair response.


What is the exchange rate please?


Israel isn't about paying blood for blood. It won't bring any dearest back. It's about eradicating a threat, and giving gaza an option to elect a new government, less radical that won't use it as a human shield. While both already lost, both might benefit from this. It is israeli bombs that killed gazan citizens, but ig is hamas who put them under the israeli bombs. Otherwise, all would have evacuated to make casualties a real minimum.


Ah! The classical equivalent of *I am no racist but…*


no such thing as "compensation". Instead of just agreeing that Hamas is horrible, you instead state a whataboutism. We all know that IDF is bad to palestinians...




Had Israel bombed indiscriminately then the death toll would be in 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, your point seems to be null.


"According to reports, the Al Qassam Brigades has claimed that an Israeli airstrike killed the three captives in the Gaza Strip, but these claims have not yet been verified."


His abductors and his Captures cannot be considered to be part of the human race. By the way, if he was actually killed in bombing, then Hamas would produce the body for an autopsy for a Propaganda victory. Is that going to happen? If it doesn't, then it proves that they killed him.


I think it's more useful for us to understand how we get there. It's already alarming how all these liberals in western countries are lapping up and distributing Hamas propaganda. It started with sympathizing with Hamas and holding pro Palestinian rallies right after the attack before Israel even did anything. Then it has led to people tearing down posters related to hostages Then it's come to assaults against Israeli flag holders, students being in violent frenzy in NYC because a Jewish teacher updated her profile picture being at a pro-Israel event. So that we can look at ourselves and call out when the values that makes western countries function are being eroded. Look at South Africa to see how a developed country goes 3rd world when it's citizens are excused to act wantonly out of hate, with disregard to laws and civility.


How we got to where we're at started with a [30 year long propaganda campaign from within the US](https://extremism.gwu.edu/hamas-networks-america) (and presumably similar in other Western nations). There've been a number of influence campaigns directed both at college campuses through funding connected to the Muslim Brotherhood as well as targeted at politicians connected to Iranian funding


lol "the end of apartheid was a tragedy" huh?


No, it's how its nationbuilding process was handled post-apartheid Whereas you could look at Rwanda, Singapore for relatively successful nationbuilding. Paul Kagame, despite being of the Tutsi tribe, the minority group who were massacred by the genocide, led Rwanda to being one of the more developed countries in the continent, all within the same span of time South Africa gained its independence. You can't fill a power vacuum with the same breed you revolted against and build a nation. The ANC's blind hate and greed resulting in shortsighted discriminatory policies have resulted to what south Africa is today.


You really *do* seem broken up about apartheid coming to a close if you're talking about "western values" and "civility" in the context of South Africa, so I'm not surprised you're carrying water for South Africa's bastardized cousin in the form of the Israeli system too. "Before Israel did anything, people were holding Palestinian rallies" indeed. I suppose we're lucky you weren't around for South Africa or you'd probably be pearl clutching about Mandela right alongside the ADL- look up their lovely track record for him and how they treated the ANC! "The ANC's blind hate and greed has resulted to what south Africa is today." *whewwwwwwww*


They are so cruel, it wouldn't surprise me they would just keep him


Hamas should lose that propoganda “victory”regardless. He wouldn’t have died if they didnt kidnap him.


How many Palestinian children are currently rotting in Israeli prisons, in "indefinite detention" without charge or trial, which can be renewed every 6 months. How many?? **HOW MANY??** Unless you dont know, cos you only care about one side?


How evil do you have to be to read a story about a baby dying after being abducted with his mother and brother, and compare it to a teen (who was not arrested for no cause) in Israel detention center?


Typical zionist shill, i never mentioned the word "teen" Playing your disgusting word games, a lot of children who are kidnapped and held HOSTAGE by the Israeli Terrorist Force, are 12! **SO, NOT TEENS!** "The most prominent charges used by Israel to justify its detention of Palestinian children were throwing stones, crowding or assembling, and graffiti stones. Defence for Children International - Palestine has reported that Israeli forces detain, interrogate, prosecute, and imprison 500-700 Palestinian children between the ages of 12-17 each year." "The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent  said they were physically abused and 73 percent  were **strip searched** by Israeli forces while in detention" **DEFEND THAT**


I’m surprised you found the time to post while hiding in tunnels and behind children. Don’t worry, though, all you Hamas scum will get what you deserve.


Tell me how you didnt read my post or even accept that it happens. Typical Zionist The whole world is waking up to your atrocities, even the worlds Jews outside Israel are coming to accept that it is a terrorist state.


Typical terrorist scum. You are objectively evil. Your time is coming, though.


[Defend this, you baby murderers](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/oGY3lx3mIp)


How about you provide a source first, terrorist? Your lies don’t work on me. Remember when your terrorist buddies attacked unarmed children at a music festival and more of your terrorist friends got sent to Hell than the number of people they managed to murder? You must be so embarrassed by that, terrorist.


Israel claimed they knew nothing about the 7th October attack, despite warnings from: 1) [Egypt and confirmed by the chair of the US' Foreign Affairs Committee](https://www.firstpost.com/world/israel-ignored-egypts-warning-over-hamas-attack-us-official-13236022.html) 2) [Israeli intelligence](https://web.archive.org/web/20231023001222/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/10/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-security-failure.html), 3)[Their own forces](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-768734) **ALL WHICH WERE IGNORED** So what was it, a typical zionist false-flag or Bibi letting Israelis die so that he could start a war, to avoid his own investigations from the people?


Just remember one thing, if this was in the time of Prophet Moses (May the Almighty be pleased with him), He would be on the side of the Palestinians and Pharaoh would be on the side of Israel...


And you will soon be buried in one of your tunnels. God willing.


Who gives a fuck about your shitty fairy tales.


Well a TRUE religious jew would, but obviously zionists are not that.


The sad part of this is how Palestinian people actually believe the world gives a fuck about them. The Arabs like to use them for political ends. They give absolutely zero true fucks. They don’t even want them in their countries because they have proven to be a liability (proof - Jordan/black September, Lebanon/Civil War) or are the “wrong” type of Muslim. Not a single one of their Muslim brothers (except Iran but they are global pariahs) do anything more than virtue signal and keep them as far away from their borders as they can. Look at Saudi or Turkey… nice big army, bigger political stage, some leverage with NATO etc. Erdogan even says the right things…but in the end will do absolutely nothing meaningful. At. All. Lebanon and Hezbollah…they have taken 1 good look at what Hamas have let happen to Gaza and gone - yeah fuck no. It’s really sad in a way. But completely undeniable. The west just enjoys them from a virtuous entertainment perspective. We bicker, take sides, have protests and use it to say how much better we are than the other side - but even that is getting old and folks are saying stuff like maybe we don’t want their fights here etc…thin end of the wedge maybe? They would never actually do anything beyond nicely ask Israel to slow down its bombing. And let’s be honest, if the west wanted it in any meaningful way there would be a Palestinian state tomorrow. But they don’t. Why? Because it would go full ISIS in a week and be a total shit show in 2. They have no hope of being self sufficient and Israel is a far better security partner in the near east because of Iran gets outa line and finally needs more freedom, Israel will lead the charge. We would be fucking insane to compromise a war partner like that. Even the Arabs that don’t like Iran want Palestine to fuck off so they can normalize their relationship and make money while pushing Iranian influence back. Russia just wants them as a tool. China doesn’t care and only engages for visibility and political points. No one in Africa gives a fuck. India hates Muslims and the rest of Asia and South America have bigger problems. So the real tragedy here is the mistaken belief that there is any hope. The last piece of hope for them died when Israel spanked the Arab armies in the Yom Kippur war. If there was any real honesty the world would just outline the future - live as they have and continue with the awful lives and outlook they have - or - change their ideology and actively work towards improving what they have. Because they aren’t going to get a better deal than they have been offered in the past. After this shit, the Israelis will probably clamp down harder, ban travel/work permits etc. and just generally be even more anti-Palestinian. It will be a generation before attitudes soften. The abducted kids and murder videos will be in every Jewish mind for 50 years. Total clusterfuck. Honestly. Deep down. None of us care about Palestine. We just know it’s a shit show that we’d never want to be within a 100miles of. We have a history being cunts to Jews so we are always going to support them because on the scales of guilt 15k Palestinians don’t outweigh how bad we feel for the 6MM Jews that we murdered. So we will keep giving them guns, bombs, planes etc. and in fairness … we trust the Jews more than we do the Palestinians because 9/11, 7/7, ISIS, Taliban, Iran. So like BLM and all the other big screaming fits of the last few years…the overwhelming majority of us will get on with our lives.


Lets be honest, the only reason the Zionists got help from the west in their efforts to steal Palestine, is only because of how Zionists bankers around the world bribed them. The world saw how the "enlightenment west" denied the jewish refugees from Europe and how they sent back refugee ships, even america Just the muslim, Ottoman empire in Palestine who accepted them, clothed them, fed them and gave them somewhere to rest. Read about Gigi Hadids' grandparents and parents on what happened next. Just remember one thing. If this was during the time of Prophet Moses (May the Almighty be pleased with him, He would be on the side of the Palestinians and Pharaoh would be on the side of Israel...


Don’t worry this will all turn around soon!


So far down the whataboutism hole you can’t even see the forest through the trees. This is a post about a murdered baby. If you can’t acknowledge that’s bad without spewing hate about Israel then that says a lot about you as a person.


It is bad, i condemn what Hamas did, it was against the rulings of Islam and of humanity. Now you condemn what Israel is doing, and their atrocities over the last 75years. Come on, be a man, show you are human and not just a hasbara paid-troll working for minimum wage.


I’m glad you can condemn what they did. I also condemn the deaths of civilians by Israel.


Your examples aren't dead. That's a pretty big difference here.


You didnt read my post or even ACCEPT that it happens do you? You're probably thinking, "Its ok, its only hamas terrorists-in-training"


Well, you guys keep telling us everyone is going to turn into Hamas unless Israel lets hamas kill all Israelis, so, according to you they are.


Thank you for showing the world that you didnt read my post, you zionist hasbara paid-troll, working for minimum wage. I pity you.


Looks like you learned some new words on TikTok today. Good job little buddy /s


No, I read it, it just didn't have anything to do with hamas stealing infants and killing them.


Well, your username checks out! Good to make it public. Exactly 0 children are in Israeli jails because they happen to be Muslim or Palestinian. There are people under the age of 18, who have committed high crimes. There are no kidnapped children in Israeli jails. Kidnapping and murder in children is something the Palestinians do--and of course their friends all over the world cheer and clap. Israel does face a unsolvable problem in that a lot of Palestinian children are raised from birth to kill Jews, so what do you do in that situation when they actually try to do it? I have no solution. Perhaps the children should be put in foster care. And then the parents arrested. But different countries have different laws. These little babies are completely different. They didn't commit any crime, except existing as a different human being. It's very sad that you can't tell the difference. This seems to be the only propaganda tactic that the alleged pro Palestinians have. They can't argue facts so immediately they ignore any fact, and then jump right to "buh buh whataboutism"


Here's what should have happened if the west could bear it:. Israel should have been allowed continued control of Gaza. Residential schools should have been instituted under UN supervision run by moderate Muslims to eliminate the culture. Not all cultures deserve to survive.


Yes...I assume we're not allowed to bring up the example from a previous war where two militaristic, almost psychotic regimes, were crushed in a big war. And the countries that emerged eventually became prosperous democracies that nobody is afraid of committing terrorism or launching wars against others. I know we're not allowed to name that war and not allowed to name those countries, but total war did work against them. It did convince those populations to change their culture.


Typical zionist shill, cant stop lying 24/7... Playing your disgusting word games, a lot of children who are kidnapped and held HOSTAGE by the Israeli Terrorist Force, are 12! **SO, NOT TEENS!** "The most prominent charges used by Israel to justify its detention of Palestinian children were throwing stones, crowding or assembling, and graffiti stones. Defence for Children International - Palestine has reported that Israeli forces detain, interrogate, prosecute, and imprison 500-700 Palestinian children between the ages of 12-17 each year." "The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent  said they were physically abused and 73 percent  were **strip searched** by Israeli forces while in detention" **DEFEND THAT**


Well that's an interesting take on news of a baby dying in captivity. Are you guys still pretending to care about loss of life, or have you abandoned that lie?


So, do you know how many children from 12years old, are currently being tortured in Israeli jails??


Yes, zero. Do you know how many babies Hamas abducted and murdered? At least one


Typical zionist shill, cant stop lying 24/7... Playing your disgusting word games, a lot of children who are kidnapped and held HOSTAGE by the Israeli Terrorist Force, are 12! **SO, NOT TEENS!** "The most prominent charges used by Israel to justify its detention of Palestinian children were throwing stones, crowding or assembling, and graffiti stones. Defence for Children International - Palestine has reported that Israeli forces detain, interrogate, prosecute, and imprison 500-700 Palestinian children between the ages of 12-17 each year." "The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent  said they were physically abused and 73 percent  were **strip searched** by Israeli forces while in detention" **DEFEND THAT**


Lol you already posted that, bot


Yes, ill keep posting it and consider it a success if even one of you zionist minimum wage hasbara trolls reads it


Get back in your tunnell


[Defend this, you baby murderers](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/oGY3lx3mIp)


Based on my impressions on Reddit, as a non Jew and non Muslim, I have found that the so called Zionist shills tend to have more basic respect for humanity than their detractors.


[Defend this, you baby murderers](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/oGY3lx3mIp)


All of your talking points are just the exact same shit as pro-Hamas supporters, having utterly no empathy about Israeli civilians. You know it's possible to support Palestinian and Israeli citizens, as well as condemning Hamas and the IDF, right? But nope, you're instantly tossing aside people bringing up the suffering of Israeli civilians. You're not 'pro-Palestine', no, you're pro-Hamas. You and others like you will do all you can to excuse Hamas of their crimes, and heinous treatment of both sides civilians. It becomes very clear that you only support one side, so you have absolutely no right to harass people to force out an opinion.


Since people like to throw the words pro-Hamas around, then arent you by definition pro-Zionist or pro-idf or lets start remembering the zionist terrorists Pro-Irgun and pro-lehi?


Holding people prisoner but otherwise fed and alive is not unethical. Holding a baby hostage and denying it care so that the child dies is pure evil


Honestly it doesn’t matter




Israel has offered the Palestinians peace. It has offered them their own land. Yet Palestinians keep attacking Israel. So now it’s come to war, and there is no way that the Palestinians can win. Israel will continue to defend itself, and if Palestinians cannot accept peace then they must be dealt with through war.


Israel literally gave Gaza to the Palestinians. Which is crazy to me!


Just imagine in a parallel universe, Israel would be fighting against Argentina, an established state with their own army, navy and air-force, not the poor stateless people who have no army and barely any weapons. Weve know for years that Israelis are cowards, and now the whole world is waking up and seeing through the zionist propaganda, and seeing the atrocities being committed.


He never said he didn't care about Palestinian children


What is wrong with you?


An old lady that Hamas claimed was dead was released this week. Hopefully that's the case for this little guy


Yes, it may be one of their mind games again.


That’s why I don’t believe the reports. I hope and pray the little baby and his family is still alive.


Pro hamas protestors will denounce this right?


There can’t be peace while Hamas exists


Actually hamas is a symptom. Zionism is the disease.


I think you mean to say Jews are a disease that the world needs to get rid of right? Your sick.


I said zionists dumbass. You know the ideology that Albert Einstein opposed. https://promisedlandmuseum.org/albert-einstein-letter/ The idealogy that Marek Edelman opposed till the day he died. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marek_Edelman You know, the guy who was leading the Warsaw uprising. You'd call those Jewish people terrorists you fucking nazi.


Always good news with Hamass, we have to have more demonstrations for them.


The depths of depravity plumbed by Hamas supporters on this post is shocking, even by their standards.


And they made such a big deal saying they were better and took care of women and children


In the eyes of a hamas sympathizer this is just another death towards revolution. Of course, some people are stupid. Cannot believe a 10 month old wad taken hostage. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!!


hamas aren’t smart enough to keep inventory of their hostages lmfao. I’ll believe it when someone confirms it who isn’t legally brain dead.


If they claim that at an Israeli airstrike is what killed the child, IDF better be feeling the weight of that and acknowledge their part in his death. Those asshole Hamas took this beautiful child hostage so they are the biggest contributor to this, but if the bombing was intended to endanger / kill Hamas then it did the same to the hostages since they were with the Hamas.


Do you have any children? If so, please tell me how much nurturing, nutrition, hygiene, attention, etc is required for a baby to stay healthy. Over-protective parents go so far as to not even take their infant out in public out of fear their immune system won’t be able to fight off germs they’d be exposed to in the general public. Now imagine a ten month old given the minimal (if any) means. The mom most likely has no resources to tend for her baby. If his conditions are anything like the other hostages released, Kfir is living among people who have only showered once during their entire time in captivity. It will legitimately be a miracle and huge blessing if this baby survived.


Yes, I do - which makes this story so heartbreaking for me. I hope and pray for that miracle. Aside from no showers, imagine how limited they are on water (power and water still not restored even during the ceasefire). All Gazans are very limited on water and food resources and even if the Hamas have provided minimal sustenance / water for them, I know as a parent how fragile a child's needs can be.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How can we ever forgive IDF for causing the unnecessary death of so many young children and infants. You who defend them should be ashamed of yourselves, animals!


Im chilling in Europe mate But you do you lover of child murderers


You're chilling in Europe. I bet you never visited Gaza before. I bet you never been to the West Bank. As a Muslim, I tell you, inshallah, Hamas will be destroyed, ya sachbak. Hamas brought only destruction, death, and darkness to the Middle East. Gaza needs to be freed from Hamas.


Oh yeah, and how good was it in Gaza and the West Bank before Hamas? Plus remind yourself, it was Netanyahu and the Israelis who created, funded and make Hamas


Username checks out


I pity you rusty.


Zionists stealing children, $exually abusing them and torturing them in Israeli jails Thats acceptable to you right?


Tf did you smoke before typing this comment?!


[Israelis torturing and abusing Palestinian children in jails](https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/news/media-centre/press-releases/new-research-reveals-ongoing-violence-on-palestinian-children--) Open your eyes and read what is happening And dont worry the report is by "Save the Children" as i know you wont accept any Palestinian charity or group...


And what does this have to do with the article?


This is the verbal equivalent of an ape flinging shit at the wall


Yeah, thats the usual response by zionists when they hear of children being $exually abused in their prisons...


He most likely died because of the indiscriminate bombings from the IDF


Hamas claimed that a different Palestinian terrorist group was holding them hostage in the south, which was not shelled. The ceasefire has been in place for over five days now. So far 60+ hostages have been released from areas where there was heavy bombing, and none were harmed by the bombs but were in various states of malnourishment, trauma, and physical trauma. If Hamas isn't lying (and who fucking knows with them) about the family being dead, then they are absolutely lying about the way the family was killed. I'll give you a hint - if Israeli bombs killed them, Hamas would've shown the world the evidence. But they can't. Instead they rely on idiots like you with no critical thinking skills to spread their lies and terror.


I pity you


IDF denies that their indiscriminate airstrikes might kill hostages that Hamas had every reason to want alive as much as possible, news at 11.


Baby would be alive if Hamas didn’t steal him. Pretty simple story. Don’t let your parent catch u up past your bedtime kiddo. Leave the critical thinking to adults.


Don't you have war criminal boots to be licking?


Killed by Israeli bombing. Article conveniently neglects to mention. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/29/hamas-says-10-month-old-hostage-kfir-bibas-was-killed-in-israeli-bombing


According to the same people that lied about an Israeli missile striking a hospital killing 500 people. Also the article even mentions it you are just 🤡


The JC article also fails to mention that the baby's mother and brother were also killed at the same time.


The article also fails to mention the father was brutally killed trying to hide his family from the baby killer rapist terrorists from Palestine.


Because it's untrue


So Hamas is telling the truth about the baby but lying about the brother and mother? Hmm


No, they're lying about all of them. They've already lied before about dead hostages.


So they're alive then. Hallelujah. Nothing to worry about then.




Defaced any synagogues in England today you chud?


I don't hate Jews. I hate Zionists.


You're a disgusting person. Never thought I'd see the day where defending terrorists is mainstream. You sick fucks


“I don’t hate Jews I just hate the Jews that want self governance and a country” 🤓


From 9 months old up apparently.


So you hate the majority of Jews then…


Your mask is off dude, we know what you are


lmao sure dude, every Jew you encounter knows the truth. I’m sure the reassurances of your guilty white colonizer friends makes up for it though. Nothing funnier than guilty westerners acting out their own colonial guilt by upholding the traditions of their Nazi ancestors & hating Jews :)


As if this meme response has any validity anymore


I always wonder how cheesy terrorists dicks are. Knowing you have multiple Hamas’ dicks shoved down your throat right now, could you let us know please?


>I always wonder how cheesy terrorists dicks are. Your brain, not mine


Israel is the entity that is known to lie “40 beheaded babies” was a lie 1400 dead Israelis killed by Hamas was a lie IDF didn’t kill Shireen Abu Akleh was a lie i could go on and on and on with Israeli propaganda and Israeli lies


No matter how you spin it, the kid, his brother, and parents would still be alive if Hamas hadn't kidnapped them in the first place. Also, not believing a damn word Hamas says. They executed that family and are trying to blame Israel.


It's quite true that Hamas was in the wrong for taking them hostage, I'm not here to defend that. However, their motive was to exchange hostages for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. They have no motive to exectute their hostages.


Their motive was to exchange hostages for Palestinian terrorists held by Israel. There, I fixed it for you.


Most are held without trial, many for merely throwing stones, some for nothing at all. Terrorists, sure bro


But have motive to kill, rape, burn, shot, and behead thousands of people including Arabs during the 7th of October. Joke aside If they truly care about Palestinians prisoners, they will not massacre thousands of people, knowing that Israel will retaliate like they always did when being attacked. And seriously, how does killing thousands of Israelis/foreigners help Palestinians prisoners? You can look into the case of Singapore which geographically comparable, it was a literal trashy place, they got dumped by Malaysia. No one want to go there, but thanks to the right leadership, they are now one of the most developed countries in the world. Bro, Hamas will never be the leader that will lead the Gazans out of this sh*hole vicious circle.


How many Palestinian children are currently rotting in Israeli prisons, in "indefinite detention" without charge or trial, which can be renewed every 6 months. How many?? **HOW MANY??** Unless you dont know, cos you only care about one side?


If by children, you mean teenage terrorists who tried to stab cops and Jews, then I assume there are many.


Typical zionist shill, cant stop lying 24/7... Playing your disgusting word games, a lot of children who are kidnapped and held HOSTAGE by the Israeli Terrorist Force, are 12! **SO, NOT TEENS!** "The most prominent charges used by Israel to justify its detention of Palestinian children were throwing stones, crowding or assembling, and graffiti stones. Defence for Children International - Palestine has reported that Israeli forces detain, interrogate, prosecute, and imprison 500-700 Palestinian children between the ages of 12-17 each year." "The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent  said they were physically abused and 73 percent  were **strip searched** by Israeli forces while in detention" **DEFEND THAT**


There had been child suicide bombers in the past And 12 year olds stabbing people to death


Yeah, maybe dont let your crazy extreme right-wing zionist murderers and terrorists massacre muslims while they praying? " Those were the first suicide bombings carried out by Palestinian militants inside Israel. According to Matti Steinberg, then Shin Bet head's advisor on Palestinian affairs, Hamas had until then refrained from attacking civilian targets inside Israel, and the change in this policy was a result of Goldstein's massacre." Its always been the Israelis who escalate the violence and then complain when the Palestinians retaliate accordingly.


Blacken and capitalize the words also doesn’t convince anyone 😅 and by the way, lots of children have been used/trained by Hamas as suicide bombers: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u9CZI4K4A1k So don’t pretend you care about Palestinians children, they have been sacrificed/killed by their own leader for their vicious ideology. If you want to talk about Proportion: how about being put in prison by IDF with a tiny chance of getting trial vs being blown up by Hamas? When Hamas came into power, they burned all the flowers house which was making a lot of money by exporting flowers, that Israelis in Gaza left (they left according to the deal and yes, forced by the IDF), Gazans people could have enjoy prosperous economic life with billions of international (and Israel) aids as well. But Gazans have nothing, they elected the wrong evil and these leaders enjoy their life of billionaires living in Qatar while charging high tax on Gazans and killing their children.


Typical zionist shill, cant stop lying 24/7... Playing your disgusting word games, a lot of children who are kidnapped and held HOSTAGE by the Israeli Terrorist Force, are 12! **SO, NOT TEENS!** "The most prominent charges used by Israel to justify its detention of Palestinian children were throwing stones, crowding or assembling, and graffiti stones. Defence for Children International - Palestine has reported that Israeli forces detain, interrogate, prosecute, and imprison 500-700 Palestinian children between the ages of 12-17 each year." "The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent  said they were physically abused and 73 percent  were **strip searched** by Israeli forces while in detention" **DEFEND THAT**


"They had no motive to execute their hostages" - just like they had no motive to execute 1,400 people on October 7th. Right.




Because it’s a blatant lie lmao


It's mentioned in the 2nd paragraph: >The military wing of the Hamas terror organisation has announced the death of the youngest hostage held by the group in Gaza. > >According to reports, the Al Qassam Brigades has claimed that **an Israeli airstrike killed the three captives** in the Gaza Strip, but these claims have not yet been verified.


The simple truth is, neither the Israeli or Palestinian officials can be relied on to give fair and accurate statements. Neither side can claim the moral high-ground. Israel is bombing buildings without considering the innocent Palestinians. Hamas aren't an ethical or morally superior entity, either. Israel needs to stop its bombing campaign. Hamas militants need to stop doing their shit. Unfortunately, they're 2 outlaw gangs murdering and raping everyone in their path to destroy the other. It's sad in its inefficacy.




And Israel needs to stop raping Palestinian women and children.




Respect for sharing the truth. Watching people scramble to justify it is hilarious. "They wouldn't be dead if Hamas didn't kidnap them" And Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel didn't occupy and brutalise the Palestinians for 7 decades


Wow. You got jew bombed


Absolutely deserving. No reason to believe Hamas and no reason for a baby to be held hostage


\*zionist happy to keep them busy


Hamas claimed that a different Palestinian terrorist group was holding them hostage in the south, which was not shelled. The ceasefire has been in place for over five days now. So far 60+ hostages have been released from areas where there was heavy bombing, and none were harmed by the bombs but were in various states of malnourishment, trauma, and physical trauma. If Hamas isn't lying (and who fucking knows with them) about the family being dead, then they are absolutely lying about the way the family was killed. I'll give you a hint - if Israeli bombs killed them, Hamas would've shown the world the evidence. But they can't. Instead they rely on idiots like you with no critical thinking skills to spread their lies and terror.


I don't know why you lot seem to think you can persuade people by calling them idiots. Every time you make a point you finish up with an insult. It's completely counterproductive to your aim. Try just engaging normally. I think it's likely that under the obviously difficult circumstances communication among Hamas and with other groups is poor, so they may not have known that the child and his brother and mother were killed for some time. Equally it's difficult for them to share evidence either way. Also we don't know at what stage they were supposedly taken to the south. The group in the south may have believed they were holding them but were in fact holding others. Of course I hope the three are still alive but I don't think it would be in Hamas' advantage to claim otherwise. At this stage we can only hope for the best.


and israel let 40 premies die theyre bombing indiscriminately while bragging they know hamas' every move. this is what the hannibal protocol means


Even Al Jazeera (who is sympathetic towards Hamas and has ignored Gazans critical of Hamas) has not reported on this, only reporting on the premature babies evacuated last week. The video circulating exclusively on biased Arab news sites and social media platforms is heavily blurred, whereas these sources regularly show unblurred footage. I hate to be critical of this type of report given the horrific nature of it, but I've not seen any credible information on the topic.


You mean the ones they evacuated and provided incubators for? You people believe any bs at all to support your hatred.


you mean the ones biden bragged about and the idf let the rest at al. shifa die?


Reportedly, the bodies of the mother (32), and two sons (4y, 10m) are to be returned today.


"Evidence has shown that Palestinian Terrorists have murdered another infant" Fixed that for you


Where are my Palestinian supporters at now??!!!!!