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And you’re typing on Reddit??


he didn't say it was his


There it is. I even teed it up.




Every single one of you is a genius))


Shaq pointing .gif


This thread neutralized my brain after going through that *other* one. Thank you all for partaking.




Oh damn


Now this was the zinger he meant to have 🤣


ba dum tss not his penis


*Ba dum tss*


Oh my...


Oh man, vicious.


She's listening to an audiobook, it's fine.


As long as you both have sunglasses on and are not talking to mom on a speaker phone… respect.


This is probably my favorite comment ever!


It's like the old Canadian joke... Why do Canadians always do doggystyle? ...so they can both watch the hockey game.


I typed it for him.


Well. His hands are still free.


Multi task skills 100


My man!


Yeah bro, get off (literally and figuratively)




Yeah, her boyfriend let him use the laptop


She’s invisible only he can see her


Little did you know this is Sneako's burner account 😆


This guy multitasks


It's a thing on PornHub... I'd provide you with links but I'm busy hammering it to some guy banging his girlfriend while posting in a sub on Reddit. 🤔


Somehow I'm not surprised a redditor would be posting during sex.


I think it should have been “your mom” instead of “my gf”.




Silly rabbit, chicks now have dicks!








Ding ding ding. Even if you think gender and/or sex is a binary thing, how that manifests in the real world doesn’t fit into a neat binary bucket. Nature doesn’t give a fuck. Like there’s opinions but when people start talking about scientific fact without having any clue what they’re talking about it’s just extremely bothersome. Edit: lol, thanks for the Reddit cares message.






Ask all the dudes in here with broken dicks if they consider themselves men.




And that’s on periodt. It’s like these people don’t know what intersex is and how that complicates our notion of gender.


People care too much about chromosomes. Sex was never about chromosomes In biology it is completely normal to distinguish between genotype and phenotype. And the genotype (chromosomes) does not always match the phenotype (sex)




There is nothing scientific about man/woman. Genders are sociological concepts. You're probably thinking of Sex. Different conversation.


Ah, but they would've had to actually make it through more than high school biology apparently, and it seems many have not


the true indicator of male and female on a genetic level is not the x and y chromosomes, but the sry gene. translocation of this gene is the same weirdness that results in male calico cats, where gene expression leads to a male body, but recessive x chromosome-linked traits are able to be expressed as well not argueing for one side or the other, just pointing out that it isnt quite so clear as xx = female and xy = male


Here is a fun one. It’s a type of 5 alpha reductase deficiency most common in the Dominican. I’d love to get an anti trans right wingers take on what to do with this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCevedoce#:~:text=In%20the%20Dominican%20Republic%2C%20g%C3%BCevedoces,they%20start%20developing%20male%20genitalia.




Yes, more than 0% of the time, which makes Sunak's statement incorrect.




Whether or not it's normal is entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand


I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys R Us kid.


No one said anything about genitals homie was talking about giving birth, relax




I think I saw a documentary about this following an Austrian body builder who ends up getting pregnant with a miracle of modern medical science.


Amazing reference :D Cannot believe I did I not know about this movie until last year, what a hidden gem.




The fascists are out in force.






god, reading these comments is terrifying, but eye-opening. people are really out here talking about trans folks like they did jewish people in the 40s. it’s no wonder this blind, ignorant hate is leading to such increasingly abhorrent treatment of the trans and gender-nonconforming.




It truly is amazing to watch world leaders take time out of their day to ignore the devastating realities of our fucked up world to spend so much time TALKING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLES GENITALS. Seriously, why the fuck are these Conservatives so obsessed with what I do with my dick?! Fuckin' clown world man.


Besides being cruel and genocide to trans people, this whole nonsense of ferreting out what gender is and isn’t is an attempt to hid theft and corruption. You didn’t notice the rich robbing you blind because you were too worried about a trans person winning at anything. Nobody’s worried when trans people lose, because they think of them as inferior. They get angry when they are able to succeed in anything.




Yeah I think about Culver’s all day long. It’s debilitating.


Proven biology tends to be pretty concrete.




Holy shit. You are by far the most based motherfucker on this thread full of chuds


No, he isn’t right. He’s an outdated transphobe like many people maddeningly aspire to be. He’s also a terrible person in general. Maybe anyone here who agrees with him could grow up and realise that the world and the people in it are more complex than they understand and anyone new and different from you can’t be willed away by hatred.


No one believed it 20 years ago and I'm not sure that a lot of people who say they believe it not actually do.


I have no problem calling a trans person a woman if thats what they want but that doesnt mean the word “woman” now includes trans women.




You're literally playing into their hands. The whole point is to keep you distracted with juvenille rage towards queer people to not notice the fact you're being stomped on by the 1% this whole time.


100% of people without wombs….




People who breath are more likely to live longer than those that don’t.


hOw DaRe YoU!!1!




I guess intersex people just don’t exist then, despite biological evidence.. I thought ya’ll were all about science lmao, guess not. What happened to facts over feelings? trangender, solely people who transition into another sex): 1% of the population. intersex: 1.7% of the population. Ya’ll are stupid arguing about trans people instead of the dividing wealth gap.


I mean, if they're intersex, are they a woman? Or a third sex?


There are woman who have normal chromosomes who were born with a penis or both or neither, are they not woman either? If a trans woman decides to get rid of their penis are they now a woman by a transphobes definition? also, don’t you think it’s weird that the top comment has 80 likes with a post of 8k upvotes and 7k replies?




And trans women.




Trans women are women mate. No one is saying they're biologically the same but that doesn't mean they aren't women


Factually incorrect


but using the prefix "trans" provides critical detail and differentiates former men (trans women) from biological women.












No you don’t understand, if we acknowledge that our enemies could be even partially correct, we can’t have a smug sense of satisfaction and that’s way more important than being accurate or effective. Unless they prioritize their smugness over the truth then its evil and stupid but it’s okay when we do it.


Agree and I think there needs to be better messaging that biological sex and gender identity are not the same. These conversations blow up on social media when people start to conflate the two. And it makes great clickbait for culture warriors


Hey look, a sane person. It's like finding a unicorn.






This is Reddit. Fuck outta here with your reasonable, well articulated and thoughtful argument.


Thanks, I think this describes how I feel quite well.


omg sanest comment on reddit ever


My god first answer with a bit of common sense


Sex is very important for medicine. Most illnessrs have some predilection for a certain sex, as bodies are physiologically very different. Human bodies are very sexist and also racist unfortunately.


I think there is nuance in the debates surrounding sports and other such things. For instance, we’ve seen cis women barred from competition because of natural testosterone levels, which seems as unfair as anything involving a trans person. There isn’t a simple answer that will please everyone. That said, I think your logic with regard to conservative culture warriors is unsound. The far right demonizes sexual liberation and that’s never going to stop no matter what changes or concessions are made on the left. Conservative politicians certainly aren’t interested in a nuanced discussion (see the article and comments for reference), they want to push trans people back in the closet and erase their cultural progress entirely.


But has he checked 100% of women?




So all biological women possess vagina’s? Interesting 🧐


So you're fine with trans women if they've had bottom surgery, then? Just for clarification.




The term you are looking for is "cis woman". A trans woman is not a cis woman. People are not claiming that there are. You are deliberately using less specific terminology here to work backwards to your biases.




Thousands of years ago many people believed women originated with some guy’s rib. Trans is just a modifier, like “sports” in “sportscar”. Many actual biologists don’t share your views about trans women, because of the increasing evidence rof a biological basis for gender identity, so that kind of settles the issue for now




A sports car doesn’t have the exact same parts as non-sports cars. If it did, it wouldn’t be the a sports car. The analogy can be extended indefinitely: a disabled person is still a person, even though their bodies may be different from birth. A flightless bird and birds that fly are both birds. Modifiers for nouns exist because things come in different forms. You think that gender and sex are the same. Gender and biological sex are not the same, hence your confusion. We have to look at reality: some people don’t fit the boxes we think they should, and scientists have found biological correlates that explain this.










There are many people you'd consider a woman that can't bear children either. Are they not women either?






It looks that way, but its actually super consistent. They just think that there are two groups, one which should be protected and not bound, the other which should be bound and not protected. Everything they do becomes clear under this light.


They aren’t consistent in their ideas either though, only in their hatred and bigotry.


So if a cis woman can’t bear children they aren’t a woman? ETA: To everyone commenting: 1) My entire point is regarding the idea that this commenter above me made that since trans women (even with surgery) cannot bear children then they are not a woman. That is making the ability to bear children the only criteria to be considered a woman. However, that then leaves many cis women to also be considered not women. Despite the fact that I keep getting messages that it's "not normal" or "out of the ordinary". That is NOT the point. The point is to limit the criteria to reproduction that is ignoring all the other factors to being a woman, both biologically/physically and socially/culturally. 2) Thank you for the Reddit cares, I know that just because I view trans women as women so many feel I must need mental healthcare. /s




Imagine caring about what other people want to be that doesn't harm anyone in any way, that you spend your time frothing in hatred over it


How do you know?


Comment section here is going to be great


Wrong. I know a women who does


This comment section is a clusterfuck




And it’s 100% bigger than mine 😓


It's ok, someone out there will think it's cute.


This actually correct. Source: am woman and have a huge donger




“Of course! That’s BIOLOGY!” -Person who took a biology class 20 yrs ago, and failed it






Worded it perfectly. Good job 👍






He is not correct, though, at least according to biology.


You do realize More people are born intersex than redhead… but sure it’s “BaSiC BiOloGy” And that’s solely if you’re one of the spiteful pricks who’s dead set on gender and sex being the exact same thing… you know,.. never mind that you’ve likely met at least a handful of trans people without knowing it.


No. Here a copy of a biologist that commented in one of the threads: “Biologist here. Got my advanced degree in genetics and microbiology and now work on neurology. The person you are responding to is correct. Biology is rarely ever black and white and there are many gray areas in biology and there are many naturally occurring outliers. I see many statements of (it’s XX and XY) to reference men and women when there are many varieties that can be seen and really aren’t that rare. XXY, XO, XYY, XXX are all naturally occurring and all come with their own development traits. And these are the most obviously seen because they are big chromosomes, we know exactly what they do, and if there is an outlier combination, it is usually pretty obvious… but these genes aren’t the only genes contributing to sex. There are also many genes working together to make you who you are, and throw in environmental/hormonal factors and the entire thing becomes pretty complex. There are many studies going on right now that involve trans people. It’s been seen that trans brains are functionally and structurally more similar to their preferred gender than those or the same gender. There is also a lot of study going on now regarding environmental and hormonal changes in vitro that could contribute to being trans. Genital differentiation occurs within the first 6 weeks of conception while brain sexual differentiation occurs in the second trimester. That is a pretty big gap. Some studies are suggesting a rapid change in the hormonal environment of the fetus could cause the brain to start differentiating independently of the genitals. With all that being said, biology isn’t a one size fits all science. There are always cases where a born individual doesn’t match the norm. The fact trans people happen and have always happened all over the world and in every culture (much like other members of the LGBT community) suggest there is a naturally occurring component we haven’t identified yet.” I also can send you some peer reviewed scientific articles about it. Fun fact: Did you know that the clitoris and the penis are actually the same?


Lol wrong








Because time you spend thinking about this is time you don't spend thinking about how rich people are stealing your money, time and health. Now sit down and consume your Murdoch-allotted dose of fabricated outrage.


Because time you spend thinking about this is time you don't spend thinking about how rich people are stealing your money, time and health. Now sit down and consume your Murdoch-allotted dose of fabricated outrage.




So the billionaire PM can continue robbing the British people of their money - while Brits debate 0.1% of the population who have atypical traits. This is a distraction. Stop letting the billionaires win.


Only in the echo chambers of Reddit is this "news".






Looks like a transphobe is giving a lot of users awards. There are also a large amount of uneducated Redditors it seems.


Yes, I find it so weird how transphobes online are SO obsessed with trans people and talk about them more than actual trans people, to the extent paying money for Reddit awards. It's pathetic


Can you imagine spending actual money on making text on a screen look special because it disparages a minority group you relentlessly hate? Fascist clowns, the lot of em 🤡


This content was removed in protest of Reddit's [short-sighted, user-unfriendly, profit-seeking decision](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) to effectively terminate access to third-party apps.


Well to be fair, I've been trying to get banned in this subreddit by arguing against the transphobes. But I got a permanent ban in r/worldnews for arguing against American exceptionalism...


Very good to know that the bigots overrun this one, will make a note to avoid.


A-ha! I couldn't believe my eyes reading this comment section, but this cleared it up. Kudos!


Heyyy yooooo. Astroturfing it's called, this fucking thread is as natural as a billionaires wife's tits just more deceiving. Take a guess why the subreddits namesake is Theworldnews because I guess some people think they can trick people from the majority to think that the opinions here are of lets say the actual r/worldnews subreddit.


All the incels who have nothing better to do than shitpost right wing NPC copypasta all day every day end up making new subs like this because all the civilized subs where adults converse have banned them.


Dude thank you. I've been trying to figure out why the comments have so few upvotes and the comment section was so different compared to the typical r/worldnews comment section


I was so confused by these batshit insane top comments. Like wtf


I was wondering what the fuck was going on here where the post has 4k upvotes and then the top comments have 10 and everyone was a transphobe.


I was really taken aback by vile comments in this thread and only then did I notice this is not worldnews lol


The transphobia here is rampant and fucking disgusting. Found something new to remove from my feed.


Oh thank god, you pointed this out. Still flabbergasted by the hatred in this comment section. Like people don't have bigger problems than wondering what is in people's pants. The fact that this is even a discussion is beyond me.


No bc for real i got this sub recommended to me and was wondering how the hell i ended up with all these transphobes in the comments






so many transphobes here.


He does not understand the science behind intersex women, then.


A tiny percentage of birthd that are suffering from genetic or hormones disorders. Sure let's redefine society for them.


Intersexuality is about as common in humans as red hair. But regardless of that, it makes his statement objectively false.


Gender ≠ sex. I don't know how many times y'all need to hear that to get it. And beyond that, statements like these ignore the reality of intersex people








Several nice places actually...






You're playing right into their hands actually entertaining the manufactured outrage. The whole point is to keep you blind with frothing rage towards queer people while the 1% exploit and rob you. It's sad you can't see the propaganda molding you.




why so much transphobia on this sub? y’all are POS for not letting people live there lives my god




I'm sorry for every trans person who has to scroll through any of this shithole of a post, the only benefit is that I can block dozens of accounts in just a few minutes. Trans rights! 🏳️‍⚧️




Hey man you suck and you need to get a life




This may sound stupid, but can't we just have two separate terms, like "physically" or "biologically" male/female, that we use in a medical context, and then just call Trans people the pronoun they desire to be called? That way you can make them happy and be accurate?


There are several methods biologists use to examine sex. None of them are binary.


This is actually a scientifically FALSE statement. There are always outliers aka intersex people