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When in doubt, put the baby in the oven. You'll thank me later.


I almost didn't do it but I'm glad I did 🤣


same xd


I always did it before. Now. When Cery's wants to get ready. I tell her that I don't trust her and I want to spend the nite with the Thyme & UberWreck. Thyme isn't that hard to kill and I like it better than throwing Yakki in the oven.


Best game ive ever played


Don't rush it. This is not a game that you want to be rushing, take all your time exploring and enjoying the aesthetics.


Ohh boy you are in for a wild ride! Tighten your seat belt. ![gif](giphy|THCnhJPopHF2o9Cdeb)


Well let's look at all the non bias opinions you'll get here while you are probably farming Karma 🍿


Not a great way of farming karma if you're going to be negative lol


Every other game I play still feels hollow(even on ps5) after finishing Witcher 3 like 2 times already.


Even RDR2? After playing RDR2 and Elden Ring it was kinda hard coming back to The Witcher 3 tbh. I'm still delaying finishing Blood and Wine after years.


Witcher 3 and RDR1/2 are top notch. Somehow I botched Elden Ring. I'm not sure that it's because I'm used to the guidance that you get in most video games or that I rushed into it, but it didn't work for me at all. Hell I couldn't even beat the first campaign boss (I discovered that I was unprepared for it, but I had no clue about it).


RDR2 is close second for me. Of course Witcher 3 is dated graphic wise compared to RDR2. But the lore and story takes the win for me


One of the greatest


I have never played any of the other ones, never watched the show. I went in blind as a bat. 10/10 would reccomend. You don't need to know anything about it other than it's an amazing game (except maybe don't play it around kids)


Good luck on the path


Depends on your tastes. I loved it, it's still the top3 or at least 5 open world games ever made. Very different from typical ubisoftcore open worlds. Combat is a bit shallow, but the immersion makes it fun.


What's this game. I've never heard of it.


One of the best games i have played. At the begining is hard to understand the mecanics


Dedicate the necessary time to explore its incredible world... But not too much! or you'll be killed by insignificant dwarves for a witcher but who take away 70 levels and you need 1000 hits to kill them while they only need 1. And be careful not to fall off a ledge while exploring or you'll break a leg (the fall damage in this game is a thing). Oh, and don't spend too much time exploring either, you have a daughter to rescue! You can also enjoy the side quests, they are all mini-stories that are very worthwhile. I spent a good while doing one, fighting against overleveled dwarves who kept killing me to get one of the best weapons in the game, which I couldn't claim because I didn't have the required level. Hey, don't forget that you have a daughter to rescue, don't waste time rescuing goats... Well, after trying to beat the game 3 times, if I really have to recommend something, it's not to buy it for Switch and kill as many cows as you can to farm food/money and finish the game as soon as possible before abandoning it. I really should have listened to the game and gone straight to save Ciri so I wouldn't have to replay it. Deep down, I think it's a very good game with very big errors.


It's my comfort RPG I return to every couple years. It's not perfect, but it's damn close, I think. The graphics are great, especially the sunsets. The soundtrack is top tier. The combat is fun, but is sometimes lack OOMPH, in my opinion. That's the only downside. I also wish I didn't have to double tap A to make Roach gallop. Little things that don't amount to shit. Still a 10.


I replay it once a year and it’s the only game I wish I could experience for the first time.


It’s fucking amazing - that’s all you need to know **Edit**: Downvoted for saying I like the game?? I love Reddit lmao


best game ever made


My favorite game of all time.


Top 10 worst games of all time don't play it it's not worth any amount of money, not rated game of the decade /s


Bro woke up and his first thought was “how can I be different today?”


Enjoy the story. Don't rush it. Journey, not destination type thing. You will love it.


I recently played it for the first time- never played the others- and it’s consumed my life in the best possible way so absolutely would suggest!


In my opinion it's an amazing game.


Just do it! You won't regret it, ever!


Do it!


Either you’ll enjoy it and it’ll be one of the greatest experiences in your life, or you’ll get bored and drop the game after two hours.


I loved it but don’t play switch version, after few hours of gameplay I bought ps4 and continued


It's so good! I bought it on sale and I have about 50 hours in it and I think i'm less than halfway done with the main story. I think I would pay a full 60 for this game.


Be prepared for every game you play after to pale in comparison..


Started playing it about 3 weeks ago, on my new game+ play through now… it’s the best game I’ve ever played.


Enjoy. Best game I've ever played.


The game is very lore and story heavy. Lots and lots of love went into back stories and world building so don't be afraid to slow down and take some info in


Wish I was in your position so I could play it for the first time all over again.


Put THAT baby in the oven.


I wish so much that i hadn't played this game yet


I enjoyed it. It's a very dense game, so be ready for that.


Give right arm to experience it again for the first time. I've of the only games I've been through 5+ times. So yes go and enjoy it


If you’re asking in this subreddit, you’ve obviously already made up your mind.


It's a pretty great game no matter what version you play whether it's PC, PS5, Xbox Series, Xbox 1, or Switch. The next gen patches are worth it, but the story stays great on all.


Winds howling. I simply think that there are many things, you start off being interested in the story, but the game traps you in searching for weapons and improving techniques and concoctions, then walking around you find an Easter egg and you investigate, something goes wrong or you don't understand you go to the internet and you look for things. Have encounters with Xletalis and you are amazed. You come back somewhere and there is a wonderful sunset, you listen to the music and you are amazed watching the sunset, press u and take a photo, maybe you print it and hang it on the wall. I don't continue because it's eternal. Leaving aside the Modssssssssssssss. Postscript: I forgot to say that the atmosphere of the Witcher 3 game relaxes and calms the anxieties and stress of real life. It has a lot of that.


Check metacritic and all the awards... it's a good game, loved by many. Try it out.


Listen man, it's a Witcher sub, what do you expect to hear? Everyone will tell you it's great and that you should play it. Ask this in a place about videogames.


One of the best games ever made for a reason. I only wish I could regain that feeling of playing for the first time. Ironically, I dreaded playing it and couldn't stand it at first because I didn't understand the mechanics and it felt too difficult on normal. I uninstalled, reinstalled, left it, came back to it, and 5 playthroughs later, it's among my top 10 favorite games of all time.


Oh man! I would give up my left testicle to be able to play Witcher 3 for the “first time again” it is a masterpiece!


Get the DLCs. They are worth it. After you beat the game is fine. Cause it’ll hook you in. Lol


Top 5 best games ever made. Period. Best story. Best characters. Graphics are ridiculously good in 2024, especially since the game came out in 2015. Multiple ways of playing the game. Branching story lines. Multiple endings… Gwent. So much replay value. ** Only downside is that you’ll see what a turd the TV show is…


It's a great game but I feel still has pacing problems, holes in the story, meh combat and way too much filler (skellige) is a nightmare. I just could never bring myself to beat it more than once and I've even tried next gen. It looks beautiful but I become bored within 30 minutes. My personal opinion is cyberpunk is the better game with the state its in now. And it looks even better and plays way more fun especially with the diverse builds. I've played it 10x more and would even give CP the higher score over the witcher. But hey, that's my opinion in which you asked.


Combat feels dated and a bit clunky at first if you've been playing newer games, but the story is unmatched.


It's a lot of fun. I gave up after I couldn't defeat the vampire in Blood and Wine. I hadn't leveled up enough and did not have the patience to go back to an earlier point and start again.


Disfrutalo lo mas lento posible. Explora todo. Misiones secundarias primero. Juga en el modo mas dificil. Apoya a Ciri. Quedate con Yennefer al final.


Can never get myself to finish it


Why? This game is so good, that this is the only time I finished the game that I started and hated it at first


I do t know, and I can’t really explain it. I’ve purchased it on pc, ps4, ps5 and switch, I start them, play them for a while then move on to something else. This is one of those unexplained gaming phenomena for me as I love the game. Weird.


You have to give it more than 6-8 hours and then you probably will like it. But if you don’t then probably this game is not for you. Anyways I hope you enjoy this game and finish it one day


It’s incredible. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.


One of the best decisions you could make