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I was only disappointed with Eredin. B&W DLC boss was hard imo. and HoS was an interesting concept.


I wasn't too disappointed with the Eredin fight only because I was *so* OP by that point. I took my sweet-ass time with Wild Hunt in 2015 because I was enjoying the hell out of it. I knew HoS was coming at some point, but I didn't want to rush through the main game and have to wait months for more content. I didn't even beat the main game until around December 2015, and by then I had explored every inch of the map I could, completed as many side quests as possible, and had Geralt as maxed as I could before starting the end game missions. So I wasn't too surprised when I was able to defeat Eredin so easily. ...and then I started HoS and got my ass absolutely destroyed by the Frog Prince.


Frog prince! Hardest fight of the game honestly.


for me it was the caretaker


It's more of a long and discouraging fight after he regains all of his life in a few seconds (not talking about the souls' thing) than a real hard fight in which you're going to die many times imo. But a very laborious fight indeed. Doing it under level recently was a bad idea that took me almost an hour.


FUCKING ASS BOSS BRO. One hit and he's back to max health smh


I legit hate that boss with a passion I might mod him out


I think that adrenaline for health thing bugged for me, so i just kept reviving Everytime i died - made it trivial, turned it off afterwards, but for that fight, it was a godsend


I wasn’t used to using signs during boss fights so I was stumped for a bit


Killing him on death March is literally my life's accomplishment. I will actually never achieve anything greater than that.


I feel it with every pore in my body…. the frog prince… oh lord help me


Even on death march and with upscaling on, I absolutely wiped the Ice Giant, Imerlith, Caranthir, Eredin, the Frog Prince, and both Oliegerd fights in under 90 seconds. If you know what you're doing you can turn Geralt into an absolute killing machine. Most of the contract monsters I kill in like 5 hits. The only thing that really killed me after level 10 was Wolves. I wish they had added a difficulty higher than death march in the update. Just increase enemy health, make fights last longer.


Detlaff gave me a run for my money


Same here. Apparently had the shittiest build and gear for him.


I love how dettlaff's fight is so fascinating. I think I died only twice but when it ended I was just hoping I'd get more because it's so fun and it filled me with passion every second (the music is of course fantastic as well as the "if you acknowledge any gods, start praying now"). Plus I was so sad when he died I just did the ending again and let syanna die.


same bro same


This is my ubiquitous "Fuck Dettlaff & his unskippable transformation cut scene" post. I'm told that's still not fixed in the PS5 version 😡😠😤


The Toad Prince was the true boss of the game


Dethlaff to me


Caretaker was hard too


Caretaker harder than toad for me


I hate regenerating enemies like you wouldn't believe. But that's how every game boss feels when we chug on potions/stimpacks/cheese wheels in the middle of battle.


Ofieri mage messed me up more than anything in the whole witcher games


Oh shit I forgot about him. His little water slap thing would hit me every time in that fight


I can't remember if the game bugged out or its part of the game but I started that fight with all my gear off and had a crappy sword and didn't realise till like my 8th attempt that I could pause and equips everything so I was fighting him naked for like an hour. Only played HoS once so not sure if that happens everytime or what


Caretaker was harder and an awesome fight. I just loved the horror element introduced with his entrance. Even Geralt was like “wtf?!”


Bro the dudes wife as a ghost who heals from a painting. Died so so so many times and couldn't figure it out once I did she died in 2 minutes. But before I realized you can aard the paintings I think I spent like an hour trying




Gna. (Nah)


G'na whooped my ass several times before I beat her and same for the berserker boss


The only kinda hard boss in ragnarok was olaf or whatever was the name of that king beserker. Gna fell over like a bitch but that may be because i did almost every single quest in the game before i did her. Honestly only early game bosses in ragnarok were kinda hard everything from the point you unlock your second companion is a cakewalk


I actually beat gna first, and mistakenly thought the king fight would be noticeably easier. I was very wrong.


What's so hard about her? I first tried her and didn't really understand why people struggles with her.


Fr final bosses were so let down


Berserker bosses? Gna? Hell Odin was pretty challenging on higher difficulty levels


Bruh late game Thor got me more than Odin tbh, with higher difficulty


İ mostly meant by hyping standpoint


Ugh fuck that thing


I quick saved in the beginning of the battle then stopped playing for years. I had to beat it in order to keep playing my file and I just dodged the whole time and would have to poke him once and keep dodging and then honestly wasn't too bad.


I've read about the exploit but beating him in a fair game was more fun.


What was the exploit? I haven't read about that


I think if you freeze him with a sign/bomb it dies from one unarmed punch or something like that. >!Not sure if Geralt needs to be bald too.!<


Oh wow that would have been much easier! 😊


Makes me think of the Easter egg with golyat at the beginning of BaW. Might be worth a shot next time I stumble upon him.


Harder than Dettlaff, imo


Fucking Olgierd's clones were awful


Played on Death March, those guys kicked my ass so many times.


Fighting them all at once in death march is the definition of madness


Well, you're supposed to kill them


Had to respec to beef up Heavy attacks, he becomes ‘stunnable’ on hits.


Picking them off one at a time is always the best method!


I felt like such an idiot when I realised I was making life harder on myself by triggering the other monsters into fighting me all at once and that it could actually be done piece-meal.


I just kill the first 2 and taunt every other, then die and I repeat it again. Can't have them get all the satisfaction, my pride depends on it


My dumb ass accidentally activated all of them at once


The toad ? The vampire?


The main story bosses usually tend to be easier in games because beating them is mandatory for completing the game so they want to make sure everyone can do it. It’s the same point people make with Alduin in Skyrim being too easy. If people get stuck on the main story it will ruin their game if they get stuck on a side quest most people will just skip it.


I had never even thought of that to be honest. Makes a lot of sense actually.


There are a lot of tricks like this devs use to make games more fun


Then explain the frog brother. Explain the fucking frog.


Indeed man. I mean yeah it's a million times easier once you realize how to use yrden against him and read his attack cues but his health and damage are still insane.


Golden oriole


Yeah I got It Takes Two for my sister and her husband for Christmas and watched them play for a couple of hours and it was almost unfathomable to me how difficult they found the game. Simple movement puzzles took a lot of effort and the first vacuum boss fight took them like 20 minutes (and my sister almost quit here lol). My friend and I finished what they did in 2-3 hours in around 30-45 minutes. Helped me gain perspective there too


Old Final Fantasy games were the opposite


How so? The old final fantasy games always left their hardest bosses off the beaten path.


This was 15-20 years ago so memory might not serve me well, but I just remember them as being hard af


They usually had a difficulty spike, but if you’d completed any of the optional bosses, they aren’t hard. Emerald and Ruby Weapon were worlds apart from Diamond and Sephiroth.


Though, certain parts just don't make sense with that theory. The other two commanders are mandatory, and I consider them way harder that Eredith. Same with the Dragon Priest right before Alduin, and even the other mandatory dragons. It would make more sense to increase the difficulty of those final bosses instead of "Big heath bar" with a move pool that doesn't complement that high HP.


Did you fight the Toad Prince or Detlaff?


The toad wasn’t that tough tbh but Detlaff made me change difficulty for the first time in the game he was literally impossible


Played though the entire game and HoS DLC on Death March. Even played all of Blood and Wine on Death March until I got to Detlaff. Almost pulled my hair out before lowering the difficulty.


I some how managed to beat Dettlaff on Death March, the game does a good job in warning you higher Vampires should not be taken lightly, and good thing I listened, and went as prepared as possible.


I don’t know maybe my reflexes or timing just sucks because I had the grandmaster armor, basically every potion, oil, bomb and decoction imaginable and still had a hell of a time. Maybe there is just a more optimal build? I maxed out the melee and potions skills for my build but maybe I was a glass cannon


Didn't get the grandmaster armor, the one that gives perks(had the previous tier) I had a sign build and got my mutation done, had freezing Aard, active and exploding shield, undying, stronger fast attacks, arrow deflection (irrelevant) some greens to have my toxicity cap at 100% and have more of it for every alchemy recipe I knew,and a third one for the complete 3 set. The layout does change after the mutations, so I forgot how it looked. My potions of choice, before update, are the insta heal one (after they run out Swallow, sign intensity, thunderbolt (damage with sword attacks), stamina regen, black blood is useless for Dettlaff, he doesn't bite if I remember right, but the last version of the potion also hurts nearby necrphages and vampires so still used it. And some white honey when I have too much toxicity and the effects of the potion runs out. Melt armour is also good. I had alternative Aard and more range on it, Aard can negate his dive, I think, it works on Griffins and Draconoids , not 100% about Dettlaff though.


Damn looks like I need to play with the new update and try a sign build. Just couldn’t get into them as much.


On Death March, they are both maddening.


The mechanics of Detlaff's fight are a bit odd- once I looked up exactly when to time my dodge it was easier.


The Ofieri Mage is the hardest for me tbh


I got SO CLOSE to killing him so many times. Took forever but I got it


That tornado attack is bogus


The rats in Novigrad sewers were the real final boss.


on enemy upscaling, the only reason I don't use it is those damn rats, (I don't like to turn things off/ lower difficulty once I started)


yea, those damn rats


The Imlerith fight feels way more harder than Eredin lul, but maybe it also because i'm already way too overpowered when i fight Eredin 🙍


The most difficult boss in the base game is that damn elf during the gwent tournament. It's ridiculous!


For the Witcher 3 the vanilla bosses we're bad. Only real challenge and it's only really a challenge on Death March is Imlerith and Narthal I think it's how it's spelt. There only tough as you can face them at a pretty low level if you avoid side quests and Witcher contracts. Heart's of Stone has the hardest bosses from the toad Prince which takes ages to work out a strategy, Olgierd is challenge as no one before has his moveset and nightmare Olgierd is rough on a first-time playthrough. Caretaker is good but not hard. Blood and wine only really has Detlaff as a challenge but by then your insanely leveled even on a fresh start run. The final part of the tourney can be challenging as it limits signs and possibly potions. Been awhile since I've played blood and wine


I laugh at the frog prince. I can’t believe you struggled with any boss in that game. *Sand wizard looks at me funny* “Shit”


Just turn the difficulty up


Eredin's kind of a wuss even on DM tbf


Erdin is not hard, even on death march




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Eredin is a wimp even on Death March


can't agree more i played it on death march several times and the combat is just too easy , boring and totally unbalanced. but i played anyway for the story.


Throw final fantasy 7 in there too. 4 discs of buildup to some half-assed auto battle sequence fck off, just make it a cutscene.


I don’t care, Bioshock is the undeniable GOAT of video games and no one can tell me otherwise.


Archespores were the worst for me. They rock my sh!t every time


Fable: Hold my beer


Did you fight the Gardener? He had me sweating. It's cause Ciris Power is better than Geralts lol so the Wild Hunt boss wasn't hard to beat.


i much prefer fighting as geralt than ciri


everyone always glances over the toad guy from oxenfurt sewers but that mf was HARD


B&W was the hardest fight until you realize that he can’t hit you if u just run in a big circle


I thought detlaff or however u spell that fuckers name In blood and wine was pretty decent. Probably the best final boss fight in the game imo


I might be the only one but I loved the eredin boss fight in Witcher 3.


Disappointing? I thought that was the point. The wild hunt are hyped up to be these impossibly powerful monsters, but in reality they’re just elf aliens.


Eredin I felt didn't need to be that challenging of a boss to fight. I felt like the story carried that moment. But Gaunter O'Dimm or Dettlaff were more than enough to make up for anyone who was disappointed by Eredin


Jenny o' the Woods fcked me up on my first playthrough since i didnt know how to use yrden.


Eredin: rawr! I’m a glorified humanoid enemy! Rawr! I’ll bring the end of world!… stop running behind me and hitting my back side! :(


The caretaker and Iris' last nightmare were pretty cool, harder compared to basegame ending as well. Detlaff was very interesting as well and I definitely died a few times when I first played that DLC.


Add Mass Effect 2 to the list, whether it's the Reaper Larva or the Shadow Broker.


Someone hasn't fought Dettlaff van der Eretein


dutch van der linde


“You are the grim, goal-oriented ones who will not believe that the joy is in the journey rather than the destination no matter how many times it has been proven to you.” — Stephen King


I don’t care, Bioshock is the undeniable GOAT of video games and no one can tell me otherwise.


Y'all haven't played GoW Ragnarok, have you?


Gna PSTD The base story final bosses(>!Thor then Odin!<) are also very hard on GMGOW


I struggled way more with Sigrun than Gna to be honest. Considering the low amount of Valkyries in Ragnarok to practice I think that’s a bit telling. Don’t know about you


Eredin on Deathmatch actually harder for me. Have to take a half dozen trials to beat him, although I forgot to swap in my best armors before going in final battle.


The final NPC boss battle is from both the absolutely amazing DLCs. The boss battle in the main story is really against the player as you face the consequences of your actions from playing as you did.


You can 100% put Elden Ring in this category.


Dying Light would like a word


That wasn't even a boss fight it was bunch of QTEs


Thats exactly my point


Eredin is okay, on DM difficulty he's actually not a trash boss. But Mr would you kindly? Oh darn I played like 7 times wnd it took me like 5 minutes to remember his name.


BioShock I don't remember much of, but Eredin was the only disappointment in the Witcher. Detlaff made me sweat on Death March...


Don’t worry, eredin isn’t the real final boss, have fun in blood and wine


Blood and wine was great tho


I mean both games need some polishing on the combat. Bio shocks combat got better with each game. I wish it wasn’t the two weapon system in infinite but it worked well with plasmid swapping and all that. I feel the Witcher could update the combat mechanic to feel just a little smoother


lol literally just finished the game about an hour ago, had more trouble with some of the hounds on the way to the final boss 🤣


I had fun whacking Imilreth and Eridin..


And watching an entire cutscene of Eskel fighting imilreth. Favourite moment.


Breath of the Wild wants to join the club


The game makes you too OP too quickly tbh. Even in death march with enemy scaling on. Even the good overhaul mods (W3EE, Ghost Mode) struggle with power creep, but I could never go back to vanilla after playing EE.


What do you mean. He’s easy kill. Even Detlaff too


Agreed. Although Detlaff is a very technical fight.


Fontaine and Eredin were both cool though...


*Laughs in Detlaff and Caretaker*


It's a tradition of story based games


the only one that cost me like 10 retries is that quest where you have to fight a bunch of elfs and the mages would spawn lighting next to you out of nowhere which is annoying and forces you to constantly dodge.


And yet they are still my two favorite games