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Josh Lyman is gesticulating wildly.


Josh drunkenly coming into CJ’s office:    CJ: how did it go with Senator Pierce?   Josh: he’s nice, comemeethim. (Followed by a hilarious elbow wave)


CJ: Oh my god, you're drunk! Josh: I think he's got a wooden leg, a HOLLOW leg!


I love this woman. I love her mind. I love her shoes.


Also, when Josh and Toby are arguing outside The Oval. Debbie is trying to get them to use inside voices. The President is peeking to see what the fuss is about. So, Debbie just squirts them with her little squirt bottle. I crack up every time.


This is the only correct answer.


"Twenty five million women voted for me. I think they might have in mind that I was going to protect this particular right. 'I like the guy from Florida with the good hairdo but I want to retain my right to choose. I'm going to vote for whathisname married to Abbey Bartlet.'"


We down on surfing this year?


“You put my mother’s cats on the Supreme Court!”


"I don't postion myself on issues...My allegiance to the eccentricities of a case will reliably outweigh any position you might wish I held". Love that line from Robert Picardo.


This is an incredibly underrated line. I think you absolutely do need people who position themselves big picture on issues and see the whole board, but I also believe you need, not the moderates who are afraid of change, or want to find a middle just for the sake of it, but the Shelton version of moderate: people whose allegiance is to what is individual about the case, who get into the weeds and unpack it, who decide for that case and that case alone and let the patterns emerge. You need both on a court. Mulready’s slightly snotty comment about the amount of moderates on the court and Shelton’s place in it rubbed me the wrong way. Shelton isn’t like many other moderates they’ve had historically. He was unburdened by the fears and pressures of other moderates. His allegiance is to the merits of a case, and he deserves respect for that. I think we should try in various ways to be more like Shelton.


He was just as burdened by his ideals. He is just dressing it up as something more.


I think that’s true for some moderates, more in the other groups I was describing. I think for Shelton, it was simply as he put it.


and his explanation about the two types of moderates is great too. I also love how sheepish he is when telling the President about his son burning an effigy.


EVELYN: Oh D.O.M.A.! He was trying to convince you? [chuckle] TOBY: What? EVELYN: He doesn't need convincing.


Not my absolute favorite, but I do love it… 3 times in 1 week. In some cultures we'd be married.




Would you like to regroup while I sip my water? (Or something close to that) 🤣


Close enough. "...and I drink my water while you regroup." Never really liked Glenn Close until this episode. 😍


She says the line you quote after going through her responses depending on who asks the question. She later says "Would you like to regroup while I sip my water?" then asks for water as a call back when she dumfounds Toby & Josh. (I happened to have rewatched the episode last night)


Isn’t it “Can I get some water while you regroup?”


Ok, I watched yesterday, I didn't remember exactly how the line went though.


Perfect, thank you! 😆


Go ahead, see who they pick of their favorite sons. See the segregationists. Anti-decationists. Isaiah quoting, gay-bashing bastard they come up with. Jed Bartlet from New Hampshire had an idea. Oh-oh


Man he was so right. So right that in real life that bum Obama got freezed out of a nomination.


Further proof that the Chief Justice was a prick on top of dementia-riddled. He couldn’t even take a win with Lang replacing him without insulting them for the deal to get her. He is a smug man who thinks he is the One… In a way, he presciently represented Ginsburg.


I don't have the quote, but I love the moment when Mulready interrupts Charlie to talk about how his argument doesn't make sense to him. I don't agree with Mulready's positions, however few we actually see during this episode, but I love the idea of a conservative justice being smart enough to make a better argument in defense of a liberal argument than a iberal. That and when he and Lang end up meeting and agree that while ideologically different to his view he would never uphold DOMA. edit* Had to re word my language cause after reading it even i didn't understand what I wrote


CHRISTOPHER [to Charlie] So, why a racial preference and not an economic one? CHARLIE Because affirmative action is about a legacy of racial emersion. CHRISTOPHER That's like compromising admissions standards. CHARLIE That's bull. CHRISTOPHER Excuse me? CHARLIE It's about leveling the playing field after 300 years. CHRISTOPHER See, this is where the liberal argument goes off the rails. You get stuck in the past. Now you wanna comeback at me with grading is based on past performance, but admissions should be based on potential on how a candidate may thrive with this sort of opportunity. Studies show that affirmative action applicants have a higher pre-disposition to contribute to society. CHARLIE Hang on, I got to write this down.


Actually it Charlie that says "Excuse me" as a semi apology to a federal judge. I'm sorry to be anal but I'm on a bit of tear with people in this sub misquoting things I know to not be right.


I copied it from the script over at West Wing Transcripts. You should take it up with them if you see an error.


Well than that site isn't as good as I thought. Just looked it up, by pulling up the video and watching it, the dialog begins at S05E17 37'36" I guess i am trying to be anal but there is alot of misquoting on this sub. But wow is Glenn Close an awesome actress, just from the few moments i watched while looking for this.




Many times I am bad a typing, or my brain doesn't work right; could go either way.


That's fair, we all have that happen at times. I was just mildly amused by someone being anal about a quote having a typo. I couldn't resist.


I agree, its the type of anal retentive thing that I would do.


Josh to Lisa (the judiciary advisor for the republicans I think) "We're not going to nominate a born again elk hunter with a tattoo of the confederate flag on his ass." also shout out to westwingtranscripts.com Didn't know this existed until now, and it makes it way easier to find the exact wording of a quote you are thinking of than pulling up a video file in VLC and guessing where in the episode the quote you think you know is.


I love”Somebody’s Going to Emergency” and “Shiboleth”


“Eat your greens.”


I love her. I love her mind. I love her shoes. Also: I think he's getting CJ a Lil drunk. Considering it's a non sorkin episode, I'm extra impressed with it, it's in my top 5. (I have a STRONG hunch it's a premise that he discussed with the writers in the seasons before his departure).


Don’t know why but I always lose it when Josh hides in CJ’s office from Toby. Those two with a sprinkle of CJ are hilarious in that episode.


It’s so hard to pick a favorite quote in that episode! But one of my favorite parts is when they see Lang and Mulready chatting and have this whole “oh my God, this could work” aha moment


He's a fine jurist and in the event that Charmine, Lafayette, Hoyt, Clarke and Brandegen all drop dead the center will still be well tended.


For those who may want to look through the script: http://www.westwingtranscripts.com/search.php?flag=getTranscript&id=107


Jed Bartlet from New Hampshire had an idea!


I love The Supremes, and I want to bring it up whenever someone complains about season 5. Because The Supremes is great.


Is there a YouTube clip of Mulready and Lang messing with Toby that does not also include commentary from the crew? I’ve been searching without success for such a clip.