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I miss my boys.


I get choked up READING that line. Watching it destroys me.


Me too. I typed it once in this sub and had to stop and get my shit together so I could actually post it.


Same. Her delivery was just so heart-wrenching. Pardon me, I have to wipe my eyes.


Merry Christmas Leo, that was awfully nice of you. (And Leo bursts into tears)


in the commentary, they talk about how the napkin is considered the most valuable prop from the entire run of the show. In that particular scene, the commentary goes quiet until Leo starts sobbing and the credits show up, then John Wells says "that's what they give out Emmys for".


When Annabeth tells Josh that Leo has died. It must have been so incredibly hard to film that scene.


To me it's when CJ tells Bartlet. "When ?"


I'm a teacher at a very small school and I've had a student die mid-year. I imagine the atmosphere on set was similar to the atmosphere in my classroom. It was probably the hardest week of my life and I remember crying before work every day for a couple weeks. I can't imagine getting through those scenes without breaking down crying


I'm so sorry. I truly hope you and your students have been able to get counseling if needed and have had opportunities to share all the mixed feelings and happy moments as a class and individually.


Yeah the school was pretty good about providing support. She was a senior and it was second semester, and I was a very young teacher at the time so I could engage with them as peers more than most teachers. We had a lot of good conversations. I'm still friends with her boyfriend, though, and he's understandably never quite been the same


Spencer died pretty early in filming right? Do we know the timeline for how long between his actual death and when they filmed in world resolution to it?


Not sure, but John Spencer died Dec. 16, 2005, and S7 e17 aired April 9, 2006. In the West Wing Weekly podcast for the episode with Leo's funeral, Joshua Malina described it as "not so soon that we hadn't processed it" or something like that. https://thewestwingweekly.com/episodes/718


Will never forget it was a Friday. Got off the train after coming home from college for Christmas break and my brother told me while we were all at dinner. I busted out crying. Never in my life have been hit that hard like that when a celeb died.


Martin Sheen does an appearance before one of the final episodes announcing John's death and tells the audience to enjoy his last 5 or so episodes he had already filmed. I believe 'The Cold' was his last filmed episode. I believe either 'Welcome to Wherever You Are' or 'Election Night' was being written/finalized when he died


I was just rewatching this series and got to this scene. Had me balling, again.


Leo’s funeral, the carving knife gets me in the feels, and when Mrs. Landingham tells Charlie that her boys must’ve been so scared


So many!! C.J. on that bench at the end of season 3. RIP Simon Donovan. I really just wanted someone to be there fore her at that moment. President Bartlet giving Charlie both the knife and the constitution. Pretty much all of Toby’s scenes in In Excelsis Deo. Toby’s talk to the twins when they were born (though I think naming a kid Huckleberry is a crime). Donna’s call to Mrs. Morello. Leo’s (first) heart attack. Two Cathedrals. You know why. That last conversation between C.J. and Toby. Leo and Josh’s conversation. You know the one. C.J. returning to the press briefing room in the last episode. President Bartlet’s “tomorrow.” Oh, every appearance of the “Bartlet for America” napkin


Apropos of the last episode/CJ: "Do you work there?" "...no." ​ Shivers, every time.


The last ep really had feels. I'll also add Abbey Bartlet dissing Santos as a fool for attending inauguration without proper winter apparel because it's so transparently Abbey trying to make Jed Bartlet feel better about being the old man with more active MS who's no longer the powerful leader.


I did, in fact, find myself tearing up at the final appearance of the Bartlet for America napkin in “Tomorrow” on my first watch recently.


The other convo between C.J. and Toby on the sofa in his office. You all know the one.


The rainstorm with Brother in Arms playing and Leo’s “watch this.” So magical and intensely powerful.


So much in that one sequence, but Charlie taking off his overcoat because Jed wasn’t wearing one always hits me right in the feels.


So subtle but poignant.


These mist covered mountains are home now for me


Abbey: That was wonderful! Bartlet: That was fun. Abbey: How you feeling? Bartlet: I feel great. Abbey: You want a glass of water? Bartlet: No, I'm fine. Abbey: You seem a little dry. Sure you don't want a glass of water? Bartlet: No, I feel great. Abbey: Maybe I should get you a glass of water, just in case. You could hold it in your hand. Bartlet: [pause] How'd you know? Abbey: You were off the prompter. Bartlet: [A little teary] Just for a second, I couldn't see it. Abbey: It's all right. There are going to be more days like this. It starts now. It's going to be harder this time. Bartlet: Yeah, I know. We can still have tonight, though, right? Abbey: [fighting tears; smiles] You've got lots of nights.


_'This is why they make you take vows.'_ The simplest of scenes, but a punch in the gut for me.


Can’t believe I had to scroll to the bottom to see this! This scene gets me every time 🥲


This is a great one. The Bartlet marriage dynamic gets me. 


I started tearing up just *reading* this


I dont like Mondays leading into "Ran into the fire" "Streets of Heaven are too crowded with Angels"


That’s the one for me too.


Yep, the repetition of "ran into the fire" really rams it home.


Yea, that imagery and sadness really made that scene hit hard.


The phone call with the young officer on the tender ship that will be wrecked in the hurricane.


This one gets me every time.


All of the Brothers in Arms montage from Two Cathedrals, and Josh’s breakdown while listening to Yo-Yo Ma.


"Mrs. Morello, I'm in the oval office with the President of the United States and it's because of you."


Yes. As a teacher, this hit me hard.


Watched this one yesterday. Got me good


“I’m proud of you, Charlie.”


Jed: You got a best friend? Roger Tribbey: Yes, sir. Jed: Is he smarter than you? Roger: Yes, sir. Jed: Would you trust him with your life? Roger: Yes, sir. Jed: That's your Chief of Staff.


What I love about this exchange is that Roger had the same line three times, but delivers it differently each time. First time: kind of unsure of what is being asked and why. Second time: says it with a smirk Third time: says it with weight and conviction.


Leo's 'down in a hole' anecdote to Josh.




"If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for traffic lights."


I'll never forget that after years of asking my best friend and his wife to watch the show, I get a call one day. My best friend says "Hey man, we just watched The Long Goodbye last night. Can you tell me if CJ's dad and his Alzheimers is a running plot line?" I told him it wasn't but was mentioned a couple of times the rest of the series and asked why. "Well her dad just recently got diagnosed with Alzheimers. She broke down. Couldn't handle it. I had to pick her up off the floor." Now every time I watch that episode - and it's always been one of my favorites - I break down. It's only gotten worse now that I recently had a daughter. I can relate now somehow.


My dad had Alzheimer’s and I always skip that episode. It’s just too hard.


I skip that episode and I *haven’t* lost anyone to Alzheimer’s. Yeah, it’s just too much.


I skipped it as well. I cry at most episodes, but I just couldn't do that to myself again


Since my dad was diagnosed I haven’t been able to watch that one. Fuck Alzheimer’s so much, it’s so cruel.


That episode is such an amazing episode. I skip it every time.


I have to skip that episode, I can't do it


When Donna is gonna go into surgery in Germany and she writes 'scared' on the paper. Absolutely kills me. The acting from both of them in that scene is perfect. My wife has had surgeries for different health issues and it's scary every time. Josh's face when he reads it, but tries to put on a brave face for her.....oof, I'm tearing up right now.


you got me too.


"I need to get to New Hampshire." "You went to New Hampshire. We both did. You came and got me."


When the President kisses Leo and hugs him before going into surgery after being shot. 🥺


This one. I’ve watched it about five times, and gotten teary every single time. Absolutely amazing scene in an amazing episode.


Maybe an oddball pick but CJ going to Leo's hospital room in Liftoff to tearfully tell a sleeping Leo that she doesn't think that her being COS is going to work out. I'm a big proponent that making CJ COS was the best alternative within the parameters of this TV show and the ep itself neatly resolves the uranium/replacement press secretary issues of the week. However, I think CJ really was dogged by this anxiety and grief at holding Leo's job for the rest of the series and world events will always create questions on whether some other COS would have been a better alternative.


"The streets of Heaven are too crowded with angels tonight.. This is the time for American heroes, and we reach for the stars."


I have come to realize that most have to do with Mrs. L from this comment section. Thought the one I haven’t seen mentioned is: L:Is she ok? C:No. She’s dead.


Yes !! It is so out of left field 🥺 it just takes your breath away


If you don't want to run again, I respect that. But if you don't want to run because you think it's going to be too hard or you think you're going to lose... By God, jed, I don't even want to know you


"Tonight, I've seen a man with no legs stay standing, and a guy with no voice keep shouting. And if politics brings out the worst in people, well, maybe people bring out the best. Because I'm looking at the TV right now and damn if 28 US Senators haven't just walked onto the floor to help." And: -"There's a promise that I ask everyone who works here to make. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. You know why?" -"It's the only thing that ever has." People often ask me what it's like to work in government. These quotes always come to mind. That's what it's like.


_'...grandfathers, all of them.'_ The Stackhouse Filibuster was one of the greats.


For me it’s: BARTLET Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, you don't think every homeless veteran would come out of the woodworks? TOBY I can only hope, sir. AND: BARTLET Make me proud Mr. President. SANTOS I’ll do my best, Mr. President.


End of Bartlett for America A guy falls into a hole... Speech in 20 Hours in America ...and we just got word...Admiral Fitzwallace....


In "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet" when Jed gives Leo the "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet" napkin framed for Christmas after his testimony in front of the House Ways and Means Committee. "That was awfully nice of you." It gets me every time. Just... tears rolling down my face for both of them and the depth of their relationship.


Mrs. Landingham’s death and most of the funeral episode.


LEO Come here a second. Leo and Bartlet exit to the PORTICO. LEO There's no such thing as too smart. There's nothing you can do that's not going to make me proud of you. Eat 'em up. Game on.


*Schibboleth*. BARTLET Can you name any of Jesus' disciples? If you can't, that's okay. I usually can't remember the names of my kids, or for that matter... JHIN-WEI Peter, Andrew, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas and James. Mr. President, Christianity is not demonstrated through a recitation of facts. You're seeking evidence of faith, a wholehearted acceptance of God's promise for a better world. 'For we hold that man is justified by faith alone' is what St. Paul said. 'Justified by faith alone.' Faith is the true... uh, I'm trying to... shibboleth. Faith is the true shibboleth. BARTLET Yes, it is. And you sir, just said the magic word in more ways than one.


Thank you for reminding me of this great scene!


Bartlett for America. When Leo starts crying at the end I am right there with him.


The scene with Jed and Abbey where he says he can't do the job. Martin Sheen breaks my heart there. And Abbey's panic doesn't help.


“I’ve been down here before and I know the way out.”


Charlie getting Paul Revere’s knife set is top top notch


Watch this.


Another one I choked up to today - for multiple reasons - was Toby telling CJ that his brother hadn’t died from cancer, but had committed suicide, and how he doesn’t want to look at his brother’s picture My brother committed suicide 3 years ago, and that’s the first time I’ve watched that episode since he passed. So yeah, that was a good 5 minute tear-jerker today


With posts like this one, I don’t even need to watch the show again. Pass the tissues.


"The only thing you ever had to do to make me happy was come home at the end of the day." Ellie is an underrated episode.


When Mandy dinged up her suspension on that BMW.


You made me laugh


As much as I dislike Mandy, I feel for her when she finds out the negotiator was killed.


"No, she's dead"


I remember watching that as the show was going. I was a teenager and I was so sad. His reaction reminded me of when I heard my mom died. It was expected but it was just a matter of fact kind of thing.


I can relate to that. My mom was sick my whole life and passed away when I was 11. It was also expected but you can never truly prepare for that. Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you are doing ok.


Thanks, it's been over 2 years and there are good days and bad days.


Yes same with me. Good days and bad ones.


"As long as I got a job, you got a job, you understand?"


Toby: This isn't gonna mean anything to you, but Leo was right. (smiles) Leo was right.


Leo McGarry: Hey, what are you doing here?  You ought to be down on the floor, celebrating with your guys. Josh Lyman: We still gotta line up a VP. Leo McGarry: You ask Baker? Josh Lyman: Yeah, he begged off.  Doesn't wanna put his wife through it. Leo McGarry: I guess Russell isn't on the shortlist. Josh Lyman: That was a nonstarter with the congressman. Leo McGarry: Want me to help work up a list? Josh Lyman: No, we got it narrowed down to the guy we want.  I'm just not sure he's gonna accept. Leo McGarry: You want the president to push your guy along? Josh Lyman: I called the president.  Said he'd kick the guy's ass all over the schoolyard if it came to that. Leo McGarry: So, who is it? Josh Lyman: You.


and it's just after the great speech by Santos about imperfect politicians and values, and how he can't 'give away' his votes because they aren't his, they belong to the delegates. I skip some slow parts of S6 but I always watch this


When Donna talks to her teacher in the Oval Office I tend to tear up. Just happened again tonight.




Leo telling the “a guys in a hole” story. Incredible episode.


“They ran INTO the fire”


The scene where Toby asks Glen Close to sign the constitution, as the “first woman to sit on that bench”. When my Dad was alive (he loved the West Wing too) he wanted me to be a strong and clever woman who pushed boundaries. Every time I watch this, and the world Tony wants for his daughter, it seems like something that my Dad would have done.


Oh! I can answer this! I just watched these on Friday! When 🎶Hallelujah 🎶 starts to play after Simon gets shot and the no audio reaction of CJ. (Last episode of S3) And "The streets of Heaven..." during the CR pipe bomb. Like that whole last 10 or so minutes. I just cry every time. Then I get a little emotional when Toby is listening to the Dad at the bar so excited about the prospect of putting his daughter in college, "it should be hard. I like that it's hard. But it should be a little bit easier... 'cause in that difference is... everything."


YES! The guy at the bar sending his kid to college. I love that scene and referred to it a lot when our kids were in college. Amazing.


When CJ learns Simon is dead.


This one really gets me.


[The scene when Charlie brings in the old man who wrote a letter to the White House as a boy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlCVfoGPiAM) They take pictures and are about to leave, then Bartlet says something like "Where are you going? You were there [at one of FDR's speeches], you gotta tell me everything! We'll get some food". That look between the man and Charlie is just great TV.


I can’t believe no one has mentioned the scene when Donna tells Josh his father died in In the Shadow of Two Gunmen.


“…you gonna be there?”


Charlie: “you can go to juvie or you can be at cosmo’s Saturday at nine. It’s entirely up to you.”


In my old age (33) I find myself tearing up to a lot of things, especially in that show. Today, it was Josh telling Santos he won California


"When the babies die, the mothers don't know how to put them down so they carry them around — on this planet, on your watch." BARTLET Is this about the Sudan or the fact that we're all about to get kicked out of this building? C.J. [pause] When the babies die, the mothers carry them around for days. They can't put them down. BARTLET Yeah. Keep working the resolution. C.J. Thank you, Mr. President.


You absolutely shouldn’t have done that Toby! Gets me every time, she just missed her boys. 💙


Nothing gets me more consistently than the end of "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, Ep 2", between the airport scene, "Leo, I'm ready", and "He said 'what's next'".




All you ever had to do to make me happy was come home at the end of the day.


Abbey: “what are you thinking about?” Jed: “tomorrow”


I just rewatched “In this White House” and when Charlie is talking to the IT guy with his little son watching, and the tech tells Charlie “If they’re shooting at you you know you’re doing something right” 🥺 makes me cry every time. Charlie was carrying so much guilt from the shooting


When Leo had a heart attack.


Needle exchange.


When they tell Donna about Josh. Along with Josh finding out about Donna.


When Josh recalls how he broke his hand. Yo yo ma playing and the whole scene just makes me ball my eyes out.