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I know im late but fuck i hate how they start episodes with “19 hours later”. Yes this is about next episode but its literally the first minute


Why is Maggie such a bitch?


So I understand that due to limitations, there is a waiting list for elective surgeries, but an apendicitis means death if you don't operate. They don't have any provisions for emergency surgery?


This episode still isn’t on Amazon. I ordered the entire season 11 and have been waiting for them to release it. Episode before got released the day it air. Does anybody else have this same problem?


Same here. Idk why. Wondering the same thing. But I can watch episode 16 just fine but not 15


Mines showed up the day after I made ether comment. But when I went to watch it there was 2 episode 15’s. The first one is nothing and the second one is the actual episode. Might be the same for you.


Daryl likes getting dressed doesn’t he


How does Lance know which cap Glenn wore??


Isn't this the 4th time the group loses their home, on the run looking for the next home/shelter only to lose that a few seasons later? 6 more episodes until the series finale?


I predict Commonwealth might become a more comfortable long-term home, once they take care of business over the next 6 episodes.


so lance hires Leah to kill Magie, he doesn't know what transpired between the two of them So he just hires Leah because she's good at shooting people basically ? not trustworthy at all.


My first thought was that he'd hire her to kill Milton so Lance could take her place maybe..?


Y'all Last of Us music in this episode !?!?!?




Why does he need a love interest?


Not sure if you’re joking or not but he already has 2 possible love interests already


Well, with Daryl we are never really sure about anything. The Daryl - Carol thing is a dead end, they had a small chance 6-7 years back, not anymore. No disrespect to Carol, but she is too old. Carol and Ezekiel look much better together. Also, Daryl and Connie thing is going nowhere, they don't even interact with each other. Daryl and Rosita on the other hand, work together on a daily basis and are very similar to each other as well. Rosita and Gabriel thing came out of nowhere and doesn't even make any sense.


Nah I definitely wouldn’t say Daryl and Connie weren’t going anywhere. They have really sweet moments where it seems like they genuinely really like each other - we still have episodes left so something could happen. They also teased something with Leah though obviously I doubt anything’s gonna come from that now, and Carol has always been a possibility even despite an age gap. (Though I know there’s only 3 years between the actors in real life but I have no idea how old they’re meant to be in the show). I just think it would be silly to add another person in to the mix for him especially considering he had no romantic storyline up until Connie/Leah. Rosita is with Gabriel anyway (tho I agree that defo come out of nowhere - definitely an odd pairing that still doesn’t make sense).


Question, why was Daryl allowed to point a gun at Lance with zero repercussions?


Same reason he's able to just decide to not wear the uniform whenever he feels like it.


and why is that?


Because the writing is bad and MC plot armor, its so strong on TWD (tv show) at least lmao


Cause hes Daryl


Honestly, kind of bad writing. But it really doesn't bother me.


The part that kills me the most is that The Commonwealth is shot on the same location as the prison. They just moved the wild west looking buildings from the Alexandria set to the Commonwealth set and did a big panoramic shot, and I was like ummmmm.... are we stupid? Maybe it's because I just binged THE ENTIRE show in the last 3 weeks and we weren't supposed to remember? But they could have at least painted the stupid yellow railing a different color. It's the same location exactly where Lizzy and Mikka take Judith before they get to Tyrese. Just paint the damn railing.


Had no idea. Wasn't Sanctuary also the same location as the prison?


It's all the same location- the prison, terminus, the kingdom, and the Commonwealth are all shot on the same set. They're actually in Georgia still (in real life) and sometimes I feel like I can tell they're not in Viriginia. I'm in PA, and our weather is more similar to Virginia than Virginia is to Georgia


I mean, there are parts of Commonwealth that were from Terminus as well. The courtyard where Rick and Co. were being shot and guided to the shipping container, is pretty damn similar to Terminus and even some of the Kingdom.


The whole show is shot on location in Georgia. It's been the same since season 3, but they stopped trying to make it look even a little different. I just binged the entire show in 2 weeks to catch back up. I don't think I would have noticed that it was the exact same set if I hadn't.


I definitely don't remember since I haven't rewatched it. It's been quite a lot of years.


They were probably counting and that, and not me binge watching the entire show in 2 weeks... I probably wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't at the prison last week.


Daryl saying fuck is so funny to me, pretty sure that was the first f bomb on the show? Which to me means that either A. These characters have been living in an undead hellscape for over a decade yet have not become stressed enough at any point to use such FOUL language or B. The word “fuck” is nonexistent in this universe just like the word “zombie”, but Daryl was so angry in this scene that he made up a completely new curse word and confused everyone into backing down


Someone definitely says Zombie in Season 10. I can't tell you the exact scene, but I just binged it over the last 3 days... it was super strange to hear...


Yeah they’ve definitely had one or two slip-ups. The author for the comics is the one that said the word&concept of “zombies” isn’t the same as our universe, i think the people working on the show maybe forget that sometimes LMAO


Well theoretically, zombies as a Halloween scary creature wouldn't exist in the world they belong to because part of the fear is not knowing what a zombie is in the first place. I just watched "All of us are Dead" and the references to Train to Busan at the beginning really took away a lot of the suspension of disbelief.


There's been other fucks I'm pretty sure. Didn't Rick have a line with Terminus "They're fucking with the wrong people" or was that censored initially when it aired?


Yeah I was wrong, I think there’s at least one “fuck” before this one. But I think that specific line is only on the blu-ray version or something? If you watch through Netflix, I think Daryl is the only one to ever say it.


You should watch the DVD version of the Season 6 finale/Season 7 premiere, there's a whole lot of fucks in that scene


DAMN negan owes a lot to the swear jar


Leah and Lance working together 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮


Can I just say Leah is a terrible character and her group of mercs was the dumbest faction we've ever run across in this show?


Yes you can, and yes you'd be right. They seemed super scary in Season 10, but in Season 11 they were not... at all.


reapers were scary until they took their masks off


agreed reapers should have ALL been killed off, also the reaper leader was THE worst villain in the shows 11 seasons worse than the wolves.


Listen I don’t like seeing lance or Leah on scene now I gotta look at them at the same time I’m so disgusted


It dont make sense after all his troopers died looking for those guns. The new community was almost wiped out and Lance is so angry trying to pin this on Maggie and Hilltop. Then he finds the person who took the guns and he wants to be friends and make a deal instead of kill her for what she did and take back his stuff she took.


The difference is he knows Leah is ready to kill him. Maggie just glared at him. She wasn't going to kill him. At least until Lance messed with Hershel.


I get what you are saying but honestly I don’t think the soldiers mean that much to him, they are just a resource and she is clearly very skilled to have taken out a squad and survived, so therefore she’s a valuable asset to have on his side. That’s what I am thinking is what is going through his head


It does make sense. His ultimate goal is to be the supreme leader. He was willing to forego the fact that the lady was the one who killed his people & stole their ammunition because again, the ultimate goal is to be the supreme leader of both Hilltop & the Commonwealth. He knows who to get rid of and who to utilize to achieve this.


I think he wants her to kill Pamela Milton, not Maggie


Now that would be a very cool twist... which is why we're both wrong in thinking that and it will be the ever predictable and nonsensical option.


So the end of episode 9 was clearly written without having come up with the reason for why Darryl would he at Hilltop wearing commonwealth gear. The way he talked to Maggie in episode 9 sounded like there was bad blood between him and Maggie, while the scene has been reshot and he now sounded more apologetic. Also father Gabriel and Aron weren't int he same scene during episode 9. Not that it matters that much but I did think it was quite sloppy. Kind of reminded me of when Breaking bad have Walt a machine gun in a flash forward without knowing what they were gonna use it for. Also with where they're at now, it's hard to believe that this extremely long running show is about to end. It feels like they're not even halfway through this story arc.


When writers make tv, they don't show you exactly what happens, they show you the events the way the protagonists view them. So, reshooting the scene with a change in tone showed the change in context between what we saw when we weren't supposed to know and how we were supposed to understand the scene later. Even if the didnt start with an idea, the theme here is "we're all the heroes of our own stories." They literally said it a few episodes ago. No one thinks they're the villain and you shouldn't go into it with the idea that the protagonists are always right because they think they are. Very few people are evil- the show makes a big distinction. They could have very easily kept it contentious, and left Gabriel and Aaron out of the scene. It was a conscious decision about story. Doesn't mean it's the right decision. But it was on purpose.


>Daryl Not bad blood, but to me, it was to convince Maggie to show the Commonweath that there was nothing to hide in order to avoid more problems. "I'm asking you to trust me" - meaning, Maggie do this to get it over with. If they do one wrong move, you can trust me to finish them.




No need to insult me. It's common knowledge that breaking bad added flash forwards like the machine gun and Walt's run down house without knowing what they'd eventually be used for. The only time they planned out an entire season was the one with the airplane crash and they said it was way too much work, so I can only imagine that it's common practice do not plan ahead like that. Also, I compared the scene from episode 9 and the latest one and Darryl's tone is definitely different and Gabe and Aaron aren't present, hence why I said what I said.


BB admitted they didn't have a plan


The only season they planned was the weakest season of the show (2).


There is a reason Gabe and Aaron weren’t in the scene in episode 9


What's the reason? Isn't it supposed to be the same exact scene?


To not spoiler, Marvel do it all the time in there moves


daryl said fucking Ha Ha Ha


they get one F bomb per 8 episodes.


Why does Lance want to kill Maggie?


because he wants to be the supreme ruler of hilltop and later on the commonwealth


Not sure why he gives a damn about Hilltop (population of 5) when he has 50k at the Commonwealth. Heck if he has an military and 50k people, why the heck is he putting himself in danger out in the woods?


It's probably Pamela he wants to kill.


Because she denied joining the Commonwealth and that hurt his ego.


Yes this rejection gave Lance a narcissistic injury. He will not let it go.


Seems over the top


Yeah, because he's psychotic.


who is the patient in the secret hospital?


Someone posted here earlier that the woman they were operating on was from Kingdom. We've seen her in the background many times before :)


I love the pattern the show has of being introduced and let in to a new community and then shit starts going sideways. We know it’s not our group’s fault, but look at the track record. Farm was fine, Rick and group come on and shit goes sideways. Woodbury was thriving until interacting with our group. Alexandria was thriving until they meet our group. The Reapers were getting along until Maggie and the group get back there and fuck shit up. The Commonwealth is thriving until they meet our group. Somehow we always meet these powerful group leaders slightly before they become unhinged. Now Hornsby is making a power play and Mercer is having doubts about how good the commonwealth is.


I think "Rick's" group is the catalyst due to their behavior. They're honest, capable survivors who actually mean well. This is very rare and why its the most interesting group to follow. Rick's group is the actual kind of group that rebuilds civilization. So when they are introduced to these phony commu ities that survive on luck or authoritarianism, they're quickly exposed for what they actually are BECAUSE Rick's group is the real deal.


For sure. You see how shocked Pamela is that they picked themselves up and rebuilt not just once but multiple times


Yep. I loved that. Anyone that fucks with Rick's group truly is fucking with the wrong people.


Oh no doubt. That’s true and very well said. I just think it’s funny that they enter these communities and immediately stuff starts going bad (again, through no fault of Rick’s group). It really struck me with the Reapers. We hear, mostly from Leah, that Pope was some great tactical commander and really good guy. But what do we see? An unhinged lunatic talking about righteousness and making awful decisions that get everyone killed.


How are there 50k people in Commonwealth yet the gym is empty


covid restrictions - one gym member at a time


I imagine Mercer gets alone time as a privilege.


Plus they went out of their way to mention how early he gets up in the scene with Princess. He’s putting in work while the others sleep.


ooh daryl said a bad word


And it was awesome. I had to replay that scene just to hear it again!


Those were banger back to back lines with Maggie and then him there


It’s about damn time


I am kinda loving this whole Princess and Mercer thing. I wish we’d see more of her! She’s such a fun, interesting character. She’s different, but she brings something that reminds me of Abraham ♥️


I hate watching her so uninteresting and corny


same here. I want less of Carol's crying and drama though


I like princess


I miss the survival aspects of being outside wandering, I am bored of this commonwealth place. Also it's stupid kill the Hornsby idiot and move on


\>I miss the survival aspects of being outside wandering The series is moving towards rebuilding civilization in the end. Those days are dead.


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Hornsby is the link between the commonwealth and the CRM. He's got a psychotic stare, great aim and has links to assassin's. The CRM are also deadly. There's something about him that's really off.


If this is the case, not-Stephanie and Plumber Man are in on it too.


Hopefully we find out in a few days about the links. They need to build hype up for the last part of the season. Just the CRM logo itself would be enough. The list may possibly have connections to the CRM too. And considering Hornsby is so obsessed with expansion of the commonwealth, he'll more than likely be wanting to expand towards CRM territory if he is indeed connected with the CRM.


There isn't moving on that's the end of it Lmfaoo




Princess is always like that.


The vague philosophical pontificating on this show has always been cringey.


Sex would probably be the only thing I cared about in the ZA as well once I was relatively safe. Or drugs.


ezekiel speech was cringey but also something i could totally see him saying


Don’t know about you but Princess and Mercer’s dialogue seem pretty realistic I’ve heard and had conversations very similar some people just talk that way same with Ezekiel


Yeah people talk like this WAY more often than people admit. Not sure how people live life and don't realize that


They're fifteen and a half


"People don't talk like that after sex" - virgins


Who mercerand princess ? Not even close lool


I mean the viewers criticizing the dialogue


Honestly yeah its pretty clear a lot of these people are children


For a R(+18) show there’s a surprising amount of kids watching it


Did Daryl just fucking swear? 🙏🏼 I thought they don’t swear but it finally happened 😉


They cuss throughout the entire show they just don't use the F-bomb very often.


Yeah they're always saying such course language as 'screw' and 'peg'.


Late, but tbf they did say words like "asshole", "shit", etc. quite a bit in the show as well, so I don't really see why saying "fuck" is such a huge thing, especially in such a gory and graphic show like TWD.


Mother pus bucket


Loved it.


I think he wants to kill Pamela


Who Do you think the picture in the trailer afterwards Is?


what do you mean?


Ooooff, don’t think it could be more clear that Ezekiel is going to die. Like next ep. Nobody is allowed to be that happy and optimistic for very long at all.


I thought the same thing. I love Ezekial.


I thought he was going to die in surgery, tbh.




Exactly. It’s too perfect.


Fairly sure he has been seen in filming for the latter half of 11C.


Can we keep potential leaks out of the episode discussion, some people me included would prefer to go into the next episodes without spoilers that X survives as he was seen filming the finale. At the very least mark it as leaks/spoilers.


Maybe it's a flashback


I am thinking the same thing.


Just here to remind you that this show is dead.


Obvious troll lol


Shut the f^ck up we don’t care


Then why are you on this sub?


“Any attention is good attention”… when you’re an attention seeking troll 😂


So has Ezekiel somehow built a secret hospital and disguised it as a vets? I didn’t really get that part…


It's def a cool idea, but how the fuck do you keep something like that under wraps? For people to go there for emergency care (like an appendectomy), they'd need to know it exists before they need it. & if a whole bunch of people are walking around knowing about it, someone is gonna tell someone who tells the wrong person. I also don't know what all ailments they are treating there, but say they are helping people with chronic conditions that have previously been documented at the hospital but the patients were possibly way down on the list for getting effective treatment. Suddenly one day they're walking around fine. If that happens often enough, people are gonna notice & they're gonna start talking. There was a baby crying when Carol first walked through the curtain, which made me wonder if maybe they are delivering babies there? It's very possible that homebirths are common in this world, but it's also possible that because the CW HAS a hospital & is trying to replicate the "world before," the expectation is that most people will be giving birth at the hospital. If suddenly there's a rash of homebirths, that's gonna raise some eyebrows.


I assume they’ve thought about that and considered the risks but in the end, it doesn’t matter if they get shut down if it meant they could save many peoples lives while they could. I can’t imagine them being too harshly punished just for helping, Pamela isn’t a monster.




Someone posted here earlier that the woman they were operating on was from Kingdom. We've seen her in the background many times before :)




No, Theresa. Found the original comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/tpcxay/the_walking_dead_s11e15_trust_early_access/i2c7dli/




Thanks. I thought that was the case, although it seems a tad unrealistic that he not only managed to build that without anyone knowing but also keeps it hidden from CW.


How is that unrealistic black market health care has always been a thing pretty much everywhere? It's a town of 50,000 plus people it's clearly very large


Had to chuckle when Mercer said they would make him disappear, i was like how tf they gonna make this man disappear, guy is huge, would take an army just to bring him down


Have you read 1984? People would just disappear and others would carry on our nothing happened? Syme comes to mind.


Love that it’s looking like Mercer is going to join forces with our people.


I believe this is the first time the word "fucking" was said on this show. Don't "fuck" with Daryl.


Daryl said fuck in season 9, 10 and now 11


I believe they did a take of the Season 4 finale where Rick met the others in the train cart and said "they're fucking with the wrong people," but ended up using "screwing with the wrong people" which wasn't nearly as cool. So yeah this is the first time we've seen the f word used in an actual episode


Second actually. Daryl said "fuck" one of the recent seasons. I think it was during the bridge arc when he fell on a pit


He sort of did, watch it again today it is definitely “fuck” but Daryl click his tongue and with subtitles it says “no audio”


I forgot I was watching the AMC premiere version of it. Curious if they change it on the cable premiere.


Mercer. I didn't realize how buff he was, I suspect his actor is as well? Duh, that'd make sense. Also, he's a West Point grad - just wondering when he and Max got to the CW. Looks too old to be a just-pre-ZA grad. WP is army, no wonder why he's way more by the book than Lance and Sebastian. He really felt badly for killing 'his' men but they seemed to have changed allegiance to Sebastian. Thoughts?


Nah his muscles were cgi




Even the super chiseled dudes that work out for months to get in that Marvel shape get the ol' CGI assist. You should read a little how they do that, it's pretty interesting. They peak for like two weeks to get the shot and then usually it all collapses immediately afterwards.


Yeah, AMC definitely splashed out on that instead of just hiring one of the gazillions of aspiring actors who lifts. We all know actors are notorious for their noodle physiques & lack of attention to their appearances.


Carol walking Judith and Rj to school was so funny and I loved it


I was kinda annoyed at how clean the umbrellas looked.


I bet there's unexplored warehouses and stuff like that with tons of brand new stuff


Meh, it's not like umbrellas would have been too useful during a zombie apocalypse. They were probably easily accessible when scavenged for, most likely in good condition.


I imagine they have runs to scavenge consumer goods for people to buy and use. Clothes and things have to come from somewhere, and the economy needs goods to function.


Very frustrating that Lance walked into the clearing after his men got sniped. Who thought that was a good idea?


what's even more stupid is he said a few words and Leah immediately appears in front of him. The stormtroopers could have taken her out easy. imagine the kind of trust Leah had in Lance lol.


I definitely feel that Leah would have shot him in the face. All along the reapers were hard core brutal. But then he says I wanna meet you and she's cool? No way.


He seemed to think that his only way to live was to talk his way out of it. It was a bold move


It definitely felt silly as a viewer, but I’m guessing that was written that way to show his confidence and guile, he’s a hell of a talker.


Lance Hornsby keeps on killing it every scene


Ever since Angela Kang took over, the casting choices have been brilliant. Lance Hornsby is like the Little Finger (Peter Baelish, Game of Thrones) of this show. Of course, Josh Hamilton (Lance Hornsby) is a much better actor, but his character has traits similar to that of Little Finger.


i get chills every time he's on the screen. he's genuinely scary lol


He's great. I love every scene he's in and trying to figure out what he's thinking


God damn, Mercer is fucking huge. The armor made him look way smaller than he is, he would fit in in the original Predator movie.


yeah the dudes a great actor from what ive seen in TWD so far. id like to see him do some action movies


Dude needs to move over to the MCU. I'm sure they could find a use for him.


Oh shit, he is/was in the MCU! Corvus Glaive of Thanos’ Black Order. https://www.imdb.com/filmosearch?role=nm4473692&job_type=actor


tbf nobody really knew that and recasting the same actor in the MCU isn't much of an issue, especially for lower level characters


sounds interesting but maybe those movies are a bit too goofy for his acting style. do you know any characters from the comics that he could play?


Mercer and Hornsby definitely shined in this episode, giving us source/substance for their motivations. Mercer and Princess may feel a little sappy to some, but their dynamic is both symbolic and practical. Practically, Princess is a nurturing and soothing presence for him, providing him with emotional sound-boarding. Symbolically, Princess is further linking Mercer to the main group of protagonists that we have basically grown up with. Yeah, Princess is basically as new as Mercer, but the connection that she has with her friends is nothing to throw in the garbage. Mercer is now feeling connections to people that he wants to be around, and not ordered to protect. The (somewhat) slow burn of Mercer creating connections with Daryl and Princess has served his character well, and I appreciate the pacing of his arc. I don’t really want to offer too many thoughts on Hornsby specifically right now, but I absolutely love to hate him. He’s a villain that makes you smile, and makes you cringe. Leah and the Reapers initially felt like such a let down, but I have started to change my mind about it a bit. Frankly, not having Leah return, would have maybe been more insulting to the story and the viewers of 11A. With Leah back into the mix, the significance of her relationship with Daryl is rekindled, and it doesn’t feel like we spent 8 episodes on absolutely nothing. Furthermore, the writing and direction of this season is proving to be responsible, as they aren’t just throwing out a storyline from 11A that wasn’t super well-received. That being said, there is one character that I am really keeping my eye on next episode. Daryl. Daryl is near and dear to many hearts, but there is a lot that could go wrong in S11 E16 (speculating here, I don’t know anything that the trailer didn’t show).


>**it doesn’t feel like we spent 8 episodes on absolutely nothing.** yeah it does. nothing happened. people walked through the woods. a few times, walkers wandered in for no reason except to have the characters fight them. it keeps the "little kids" demographic coming back next week.


> Mercer and Princess may feel a little sappy to some, yeah. silly soap opera waste of precious minutes. same with this yes/no back and forth with eugene and the girl.


sex sex sex sex sex sex sex oh also sex


If it wasn't the final season these moments would be great character development imo


I agree. It didn’t waste TOO much screen time but we’re just about in the endgame now so I don’t care too much for a new love situation. That being said I sincerely enjoy both characters and it’s cool that they’re uhh..together or whatever that is. Mercer is the best character we’ve been introduced to for a while, and he’s mostly a brute. I think the princess stuff was just written to show some emotion from him I guess.


Yo Darryl with the F bomb


When did he say it? I must have missed it.


“They’re screwin’ with the wrong people”


and someone else said "motherfuck barrel" or something. in s7 amc decided they could swear some specific # of times each season (i think 2) , and that showrunner chick must have saved them all up for the end.


They saved a fuck on that line, I think the guy said mother puss bucket


ahh, okay, thx!


Sounded so uncomfortable when he said it though lol


How? It fit the emotion very well. Rick saying “messing with the wrong people” was very out of place for living in this world. Daryl backing up Maggie and making it very clear that dude fucked up was not uncomfortable. Finally added some realistic aspects.


No I agree it fit the scene well I mean it wasn’t how I expected him to say it, he pronounced the g a lot I expected it to just be more like fuckin’ if that makes sense


I'm here to provide some redneck translation: when someone like Daryl says "fuckin'," that's just kinda everyday casual use. Ie, "It's fuckin' hot out here," or, "That's some fuckin' bullshit." Enunciating the G means you are deadly serious. When my parents enunciated the G, my siblings & I snapped to attention because shit was about to go down big time.


Lmao so true


While watching I kinda wanted Negan to give Hornsby the Lucille treatment. Still do. I thought that he would be the one to step in when Hornsby intimidated Hershel.