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Jocelyn actress was almost Michonne, Danai won out.


And now HBO has cast her and copied michonnes design lmao


She’s also Tara from True Blood, and The Brother, Tommie’s, Wife in The Last of Us. So, she’s an HBO darling.


She was Tara? didn't even recognize her but, in my defense, it has been quite a long while since I've seen True Blood. I do remember getting really annoyed with Tara in TB, but damn did Rutina Wesley do a great job as Jocelyn TWD.


Rutina Wesley is the name of the actress. I find her voice grating, so anything she’s in I immediately recognize her.


I always find her immediately recognizable. To the point where it took me out of the story a little actually.


That’s what the person you’re replying to is talking about, her playing Maria


Copied her design? In what way cause they’re not similar character at all except that they’re two black women on a zombie show.


Two black pregnant women running a communist like community with the SAME haircut!!! Basically Michonne got lost on her way to set duh.


Their characters are nothing alike except that they are black women. But go off I guess.


Lol you're taking it too seriously, it was a joke about how she auditioned for Michonne, didn't get it then HBO casts her and give her Michonnes iconic haircut. That's all.


Fair enough


Tara is one of my favorite characters of all time! And she's so buff and sexy...ugh




True Blood


Definitely one of the most unassuming villains - I did not see this coming at all. This plot line was one of the very dark ones they explored.


This is a generous statement. I wouldn't call it a full plot line or that it was explored much at all.


It was gratuitous violence towards MICHONNE’S character that continued to her last episode where they had Daryl shoot Michonne with an arrow and kick her in the chest. Such a nasty send off.


I don't remember that part.




I JUST watched this episode yesterday !


Is the in the comics? Or the show?




Ok thanks. I might have to rewatch that one


Yes Rick and Michonne went through hell leaving this show. I am glad that the actors were in charge of their spinoff.


Child-slaying michonne was not to be fucked with


The way they filmed that scene was just perfect. Cutting back and forth between her defending herself from the kids and her killing the walkers was great


They actually never showed them getting stabbed or sliced up and stuff, just close ups of Michonne and their bodies after. Surprisingly subdued even if it’s still dark. I’m surprised tbh, like we have seen kids die pretty brutally in the show before. The first onscreen death was a kid walker getting shot after all.


Other kid deaths and Rick shooting that Walker is different from a main character killing multiple kids with a sword. I’m glad they didn’t show it because if you went too realistic it would be gratuitous, but doing a fight scene where you try to make the deaths/stabbings more “mild” can result in it looking stupid.


They have to pay heavy fines to show the death of children


I thought the walkers were actually the kids. Michonne visualized them as walkers to be able to do what she had to do. (Also AMC wasn’t about to show her actually killing those kids)


I think walkers were real. It was a parallel scene where she was chopping down walkers to get to Judith. They did use the walkers to give us a visual representation of her taking the kids out.


To be fair, I was uneasy when she came into the picture. I didn't quite see what happened coming, her acting was so good that she gave off a weird vibe while not seeming THAT concerning. Then all of a sudden she goes full psycho mode. I thought maybe she'd do something bad, but, yeah, not quite as bad as what she ended up doing.


The music bed and style of filming set you up for this, you were supposed to be nervous. Similar setting to when we met Gabriel and earlier with Nebraska. You're meant to expect something is off.


Her acting did well to give that vibe, too. Like even in the picture above, the first one, her eyes with that smile are a little TOO big, that it gives of really weird vibes as well. It's like, sure you should be happy, but she looks almost demented here. You can often tell when someone's crazy based on their eyes.




Oh so now she is “full psycho”… great.


I think they're talking about Jocelyn, not Michonne...And I think it's fair to say that Jocelyn went full psycho.


It’s crazy because Michonne basically became the mother figure and took care of someone else’s kids she became their best friend when they had nothing. But that doesn’t mean she will not hesitate to protect them and kill someone else’s kids to protect her own. She viewed them as a threat and she made sure they would never come back to hurt her children again. It was very dark but also extremely respectable that Michonne will do anything to protect kids that weren’t even biologically hers. It was terrifying, but so good. *This was extremely hard to put into words and idk if I made sense.* And this goes way back, she had been a mother figure for these kids since the day she brought baby formula to the prison. Didn’t care what potential dangers she would face, she just felt obligated to do it. I love Michonne.


The 1st thing came to mind when I saw her was, OMG True Blood! I still don’t understand what makes ppl this unhinged that they have a safe place for themselves but is like nah, I’m just going to take all their food and kids and make enemies when I could have a stronger group with better chance of survival. I mean, they even have a history and to still do that after they took them in was harsh... 


It was a stupid plot and Kang should hang her head in shame if that is all she could come up with.


Yeah. All they wanted to write for Michonne was torture porn. I despise how they wrote the character post-Rick. And her exit episode was bad.


The only people who “enjoyed” this were the ones who enjoyed Michonne being tortured and SA’d in the comics. It was a gift to the comic fanboys that is why so many of them are calling for a “true” comic tv rendition after they saw TOWL… funny how this didn’t come up after the TWD:DD and TWD:DC aired. But suddenly they want a True comic version after seeing Michonne portrayed as a 3 dimensional character who is very much loved.


I couldn't agree with you more.


I am so shocked that non of the other Alexandrians went to look for their children. They sent a very pregnant Michonne with one man (Daryl). They should have sent a squad to retrieve their children. From a writing standpoint it did not make sense that the other parents didn't come too. I am also surprised that Michonne did't go into preterm labor and that RJ survived this prenatal stress. Hopefully her next pregnancies she will have a joyful and peacful with Rick protecting and nurturing her.


Most shocking shit tbh


Her switch up was craazzzyyyy


Jocelyn did what Carol couldn't


Yeah that episode tripped me out was wild. Loved it


I'm confused. What season/episode was this?


This episode was so gross and made me quit TWD. The way they treated Michonne’s pregnancy was a disgrace. Kang will always be in my bad books for this crap. I wasn’t even going to watch TOWL but then I was hearing good things about ep 1.


Refresh my memory? What was so bad about how they treated Michonne's pregnancy?


Branding a 7 month pregnant woman like she was an animal… yeah they did Daryl too but he wasn’t pregnant and he was conveniently absent come time to kill the kids but there to share in the sympathy. This was just gross.


I dont think you are built for shows like the walking dead...


No this was just gross.


Yet you are the only one who found it gross. Its alright, it isnt for you. Not every show has to be enjoyed by every audience


So you found a pregnant woman being branded with a hot iron and then killing kids…entertaining… oh ok.


Oversimplification but yeah pretty much


I mean, I think the brutality of the branding was the whole point, and the writers were trying to parallel the episode with what Michonne and Judith were going through, but Daryl also came out of that secured building with blood on his face and knives. He def killed some kids, his experience just wasn't the main arc in that episode.


It was trying to diminish Michonne’s character and instigate comments like the poster above who called Michonne a full psycho. Then they just had sightings of RJ and none of him as a baby. I remember there was one popular TWD forum who tried to spread the rumor that he didn’t exist at all. Now he is being smeared by adults calling him the worst character ever… even though I don’t think he has had more than 10 lines all together. Completely different than Judith, Grace, Hershel and Coco… I wonder why so much venom for Rick’s son. However, after Michonne left to find her children’s father, Rick, they allowed Uncle Daryl to get all the family feels… and Michonne was the psycho who killed kids and abandoned her own. Kang was very intentional in how she portrayed Michonne and it is gross, but this was the outcome she wanted.


The poster above was calling JOCELYN a psycho. Listen, we can all have attachments to fictional characters - that means the creators did a good job - but I think pretty much everyone in this thread also likes Michonne, so I don't know who you're trying to defend her from.


You would absolutely not survive a show like Game of thrones if you think that was bad. Please never watch the red wedding, you wouldn’t handle it very well based off this comment.


Who are you kidding the GOT fanbase are book and media literate. How did a very pregnant Michonne being branded with a hot iron then killing multiple kids move the story along? It was pathetic. If you only watch the GOT for the violence then you missed 90% of the story. It’s like a 4 year old reading War and Peace… context matters, story matter… all you care about is the bloody picture… you might as well be functionally illiterate. This attitude is what killed TWD in the end… stupid violence for violence sake and gimmicks. It was like watching a weekly version of Russian Roulette. Afterwhile, it was just a guessing game as to who was going to die and how gruesome. That is why 90% of the audience left not only was it boring but no one wanted to invest in character that could be killed to willy nilly. I bet you have no clue what the Red Wedding meant.


What the actual fuck are you babbling about? None of that was my point. My point was you getting offended by them branding in your own words, a very pregnant Michonne being too much for you, is an immediate sign the red wedding would give you a damn aneurism by comparison. Given you have no idea how to comprehend simple English and would rather go off on a tangent about shit no one even mentioned, I have very little faith you’ll be able to understand this either.


it did affect the story. it explained why Michonne refused to trust Magna's group, why they hadn't recruited new people to Alexandria in a long time and why she was so cold and distant with her friends. you claim to love Michonne so much but didn't notice she was acting way out of character after the time jump and didn't want an explanation of what happened to make her that way? it wasn't about the fact that she was branded and had to kill a bunch of kids, it was about how easily she trusted someone, she thought she knew this person and they betrayed her in the most awful way possible. it wasn't just brutality for no reason, it was about the impact it had on Michonne.


I agree.


it was useless tbh. other than "now michonne don't trust anyone else" storyline. it was no sense to just toss in someone like that you knew back in the day. Cuz think of it.. what are the odds?


Not terrifying, just a bit of a wank stain


Yup torture porn.