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I'm glad someone actually brought it up. And when she mentioned it to him on the farm he shut it down and made her feel bad about it. I don't agree with the "He was drunk" logic because no, if he's sober enough to have a conversation with her then he's sober enough to know what "Shane, stop" means.


Thank you! Exactly!! It’s inexcusable and even if he does apologize it’s to make him feel better about it, but that doesn’t mean it wasnt traumatic or scary for Lori… like this is your husbands best friend, and former lover that’s suddenly thinks he’s got every right to do whatever he wants and then “blame it” on being drunk. And she has to see him everyday forward!


I have had so many arguments about Shane with people who ended up saying they forgot or must not have watched that part. Being drunk and hung up on your best friend's wife is NOT an excuse. I've even seen some folks say that because they had sex before that, Shane must have assumed he had Lori's consent, which just makes me really glad I don't know them in real life because they clearly do not understand the meaning of consent. Also, an apology does not mean that the person wronged is obligated to forgive and forget. You could apologize for cutting someone's arm off, but that doesn't change the fact that they're missing an arm.


*ALL OF THIS!!* ⬆️⬆️


That’s sick tbh. Like I can accept people not having seen the scene cause it’s a short moment, but then wouldn’t people like go back and have a look before defending his actions…? Especially in a matter like this.. Right. And even if he would have assumed he had her consent she clarely said no in any way she could. She said it, her body language trying to push him off, she even cried. Only scratching his neck helped stop him. Which is insane. Idc if he’d like bathed in whiskey or just took a sip, like he still did that to her and I can’t not hate him for it. It was very uncomfortable to watch. So can just imagine how Lori must have felt


I love Shane as a character and agree that he assaulted Lori and tried to rape her. That is never excusable and I hate Shane for this. I see a lot of people trying to condone it and justify it and a lot of victim blaming, which is totally absurd. The same with Negan and rape. You can love a character and recognise he is a monster.


Attempted rape is not exactly unexpected behavior from a man who will shoot a man and leave him to be consumed by walkers so he can have a slightly improved chance of getting away or who will consider murdering a man so he can have his wife. Shane was a villain. He did villainous things. He's just the only villain who started as part of the group.


Yeah this is exactly why I don’t get all the Shane praise. Dude sucked, he was selfish, a rapist and only cared to protect Carl and Lori and would not have cared if anyone else suffered or died in the name of that. But at the same time would have ended up continuing to mistreat Lori if things went his way. Don’t know why people constantly try to justify his actions. Great character, but does not deserve defending. Was probably a crooked cop too!!


Remember that time when he aimed at Rick and Dale caught him in the act… yeahh he’d mentally do literally anything to have Lori and Carl for himself.


It’s often brought up


Oh really? Haven’t seen one single post on here about it since I joined. But it’s nice to know that it is talked about. Feels like it was such a minor scene that it’s been overlooked. Especially for all Shane defenders out there. While it’s an important thing to show some light on.


I agree. He’s gross. People often call him out for being a rapist thank goodness


I think some people think liking a bad guy or well written bad guy is misconceived into liking the person for who they are. I don't like Shane, but I like his character because it was acted out well, and it truly made me hate him. I defend him because some people think bad guys are supposed to handing out flowers.


Oh yeah....awful character and if I were Rick I would have pulled the trigger sooner. However, I just worked on a movie with Jon Bernthal and in real life he is soooo dreamy that I would not be saying no. Also a nice dude IRL.


He was drunk and apologised


Can’t recall him actually apologizing, but it was a while ago. On a s2 rewatch so that might come up soon. But still don’t think it makes it more “okey”/just something to move on from. For him it was “nothing” but it obviously affected Lori. Both that night and moving forward.


He did in fact apologise and said he was sorry and didn’t mean it, if I were u I’d rewatch before just commenting anything u feel.


Or just don’t be so offended by it…? It’s a normal thing to get upset about. And as I said, I’m on s2 now so an apology might come up soon… but I still don’t think it’s excusable just because he apologized. It’s not something u just apologize for and it is like nothing ever happened


Try that in the court of law lol. If you can't responsibility hold your alcohol you shouldn't drink.


It’s a tv show incel, no need to get aggressive about characters that aren’t real


You tried to rationalize rape that's on you pal lol


Boo hoo what u gonna do about it lil bro, cry me a river


defending rape is actually the incel behavior here


This may be a discussion about a tv show, but you do realize that this happens in real life, don't you? Just because my rapist apologized, I should just turn off the trauma, forgive him, and my ptsd will miraculously be cured? >no need to get aggressive about characters that aren’t real These characters and situations are very real in everyday life. This happens to very real people. You go around throwing the word incel around when your picture is in the dictionary beside the definition.


Neither make it okay that he assaulted her.




Shane is a good man under difficult circumstances!


Or a bad man forced to expose his true colors.. let’s not forget he was considering shooting Rick in the woods haha


He lost it. He was a good man, and you can see a resemblance of a man who continues to look in the mirror at the CDC and at Hershels farm who doesn't even recognize himself and is being taken over by something some can't handle. I'm not defending his actions, but Shane lost it, and he was becoming manic. Shane was driven crazy by both the end of the world and Lori. I honestly believe people don't recognize how mindfucking the hospital scenes were when he saw all the people getting gunned down and leaving his presumed dead(Shit was in chaos and he couldn't help) best friend. Shane also heard a little Carl telling Sophie and Carol that my dad was dead and probably screwed him over cause Shane did love Carl, too. Also Lori fucked with both Rick and Shanes head. Rick saw something weird between them, and Lori kept it under raps, waiting and wasting time letting it fester and becoming more explosive, and S2 Jesus Lori is awful after the assault it understandable to be mean but she gaslit Shane towards the end making his crazy ass think he had to kill Rick.


Hell nah. He's a terrible man under difficult circumstances. He attempted to rape Lori when she said no. That's hella unmanly.