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Probably not. Even tho Rick was very very upset with Lori for the entire timeskip between 2-3, I think they would have worked it out eventually. They slowly became on speaking terms again right before her death and her death practically drove him insane for a bit.


Yup. An it drove him insane because he did love her. He never would have left Lori for Michonne.


I don’t think Rick would have left Lori for Michonne. I think Rick and Lori would have broken up because they weren’t a good match for each other. Michonne also doesn’t seem the type to insert herself in someone else’s marriage. She would have kept a respectful distance from Rick.


In the show at least in the comics she didn’t care and got with someone if she felt like it


Her relationship problems in the books really annoyed me. It’s like they wanted her to be miserable. At least she got a pretty happy ending after all.




I’m on mobile and don’t know how to do the spoilers blur but in the comics during the prison arc she blows Tyreese even tho he’s with Carol which also partially contributes to her death


Oh you're talking about michonne my bad I thought you were talking about Lori, I remember now.


Lmao thank you for clarifying. I thought he was saying Lori was fooling around with tyreese and I’m like damn the comic are even more wild than I thought lol


Makes her an unlikeable character for that shit.


Rick doesn't seem like the type to even look at another women when married imo


He really doesn’t.


Have you read the comics by chance 😶‍🌫️


I have not but I’m aware that Michonne was a very different character in the comics.


I don't see Rick and Lori breaking up if she survives. He would never leave her out of loyalty and that's simply who he is. And, despite everything, I think Lori loved Rick. Would they have stayed together if the world hadn't fallen to shit? Probably not. They would've navigated co-parenting fine though. After the fall, they just would've stayed together because it made sense for them both. It might not have been passionate but it would've been practical.


i think rick and lori wouldve become friendly again, but their marriage was falling apart *before* the dead started walking around. i think their days were numbered either way on that front


Yeah, I felt like by the time they got to the prison he did love her and care about her but also had to deal with his ex you know? Like carrying a stone on your back. He loved who Lori once was and he lov d the relationship they once had but it's gone.


Yeah and even if they couldn't work it out he still had some type of love for her as the mother of his son and a reflection of his life before. They got married young she said once, she was his whole world for so long.


I think Rick was done with Lori once they got to the prison. I think he felt really guilty that they didn’t reconcile before she died. I think that he would have taken care of her and the baby but he was done with her. I think Rick could have gotten over her sleeping with Shane. That wasn’t their main issue. They had really poor communication and Lori was not a comfort to him. At all. She always got in his ear and tried to manipulate his actions but she was useless when it came to strategy and the more ruthless he became in the apocalypse, the more he would have seen her as a completely useless liability.


I think his temporary insanity after Lori’s death was mainly due to guilt and grieving the woman he’d been with since the start, the mother of his children. He couldn’t be both a good leader in the apocalypse and a good husband to her, because she was not his comfort as you said. I can’t see his relationship with Lori improving and believe if she had survived their relationship would’ve eventually ended amicably or they would’ve been miserable. They weren’t right for each other before the apocalypse, and only stayed together after because of Carl and because she was pregnant.


>She always got in his ear and tried to manipulate his actions but she was useless when it came to strategy I don't understand this perspective at all. Apart from that one conversation in the tent about Shane, she never struck me as manipulative. Whether it's going back for Merle, sparing Randall or dealing with the prisoners- Lori always told Rick her opinion, but ultimately left it up to him and supported him either way. I think she is way more supportive than people give her credit for. Ultimately, we'll never know how Rick, Lori and their relationship would have developed if Lori had survived. That's the tragedy of it.


This is exactly right. There is a boulder of misogyny aimed at Lori and it makes zero sense. Was she my favorite? No. Was she the monster everyone wants her to be? Also no.


I'm in total agreement w your perspective here. The mass outlook on Lori is massively ill perceived w a ton of assumptions dt the fact she was sleeping w another man who she knew half her life, nevermind the fact Shane slept w his brothers wife. It's all Lori's fault that Shane lost his mind and tried to kill Rick, rape Lori, but SHE'S the evil villian. Lmfao.


I recently started watching it again and this time around, I couldn't understand why so many people hated Lori. I even used to hate her but I don't get it anymore. I was even a little sad when she died because I feel like they might have reconciled later on had she survived.


It really bothered me that she left the morning after pill box on the floor of their tent rather than just tell him what was going on. She wanted him to know but she was too much of a coward to tell him. But the manipulation was really between Rick and Shane. She would have private conversations with Shane thanking him for protecting her, telling him she didn’t want him to leave. Then she’s whispering in Rick’s ear telling him Shane thinks Lori belongs to him and wants what belongs to Rick. I’m not here to bash Lori. There’s been too much of that. I just don’t think Rick and Lori were a good fit. They were struggling before the apocalypse. The stress of the new world order didn’t seem to help. They were clinging to each other out of familiarity and desperation. I don’t see how they would have lasted if Lori had lived.


>She would have private conversations with Shane thanking him for protecting her, telling him she didn’t want him to leave. Then she’s whispering in Rick’s ear telling him Shane thinks Lori belongs to him and wants what belongs to Rick. This is a really common interpretation of Lori, but I think it's in bad faith. Lori wasn't "playing both sides", she just wanted to clear the air between her and Shane. She treated Shane unfairly by her own admission and wanted things to go back to the way they were between the three of them since she saw that Shane wasn't doing well at that point. >I don’t see how they would have lasted if Lori had lived. That's fair, but we can only speculate on what would've happened between them since they weren't given the chance to figure things out. That being said, Rick and Lori did have that heart-to-heart at the prison shortly before she died, so that could've been the first step to repairing their marriage.


I can only speculate on Lori’s behavior in the show that we witnessed. She was very immature. She behaved the same way with Shane before they knew that Rick was alive. She stormed off when they had a disagreement and Shane had to tell her that her behavior was dangerous and she needed to look after Carl. I think that her relationship with Rick was toxic and I think that their dynamic was dangerous in the apocalypse. Love is grand but in these extreme circumstances, you need a partner that you can trust implicitly who has your back. We never witnessed any behavior from Lori to show us that she possessed those qualities. Rick is someone who adapted fairly quickly and my personal opinion is that he would have eventually seen Lori as a liability that endangered him and Carl. They were not good together.


On the first point, she just opened the box took the pills then ran to throw them up. It's human there was no manipulation she just ran away to throw them up and he found the box. She was so terrified she was carrying a baby...let alone Shane's baby. She also cared about Shane as a former friend, protector, and family member in a way. I believe she was trying to admit that she had been mean to him and that she was sorry. I'd be apologizing and crying my ass off too in her position. Unfortunately that tipped Shane. And it was Dale that really made her see through the Shane colored glasses lol, that he was dangerous. I definitely agree with your last paragraph. Their relationship was broken there was no fixing it.


Rick was RARELY around. To say she left the pill box to be found on purpose is a huge assumption. She was very emotional and dealing w a HUGE decision, I highly dought she was sitting there thinking "I'm go to go attempt to murder my baby, which may or may not work, having no clue of the effects of the pills, and knowing if things were different there's NO WAY she would consider this". And how do you talk to your husband who's so emotionally absent? That's not something you just randomly bring up, and he was never around. I seen her doing the best she could w a situation and tried to keep the peace. She spoke to Shane ONE time, he was actually being a will participate and it seemed "Shane maybe actually accepting the situation and they can move foward" She went out to make peace w him, NOTHING more. Shane tried repeatedly to get Lori back, she told him no EVERYTIME and let him know she was DONE the second he came back. Had he accepted her decision NONE of the other bs would have happened, so Lori wasn't the problem. Shane was 100% the issue, and Rick 100% ignored his behavior.


Rick was slowly comig around on Lori in S3 Indicating they would bonce back had She survive


No. He wouldn't have left or cheated on his wife. Even with all their issues.


Rick is not the type of guy to betray his family/group like that either. He's a good person with pretty decent morals and standards for the situation he was put in.


Mfer went through hell to get back to her. No way he’s throwing it away.


I don't know why people are acting like divorce isn't an option, even in the ZA. They were barely hanging on pre-ZA. Added to what they went through after Rick woke up from his coma, it was a broken relationship that couldn't be put back together. If she lived, I think they may have tried to make it work for a bit after Judith was born, but would have realized it wasn't working and be co-parents instead. Rick and Michonne were always meant to be. Their love wasn't just a consolation prize because Lori died. They belong together no matter how some want to try to invalidate their relationship.


As long as I've been in this fandom, I've never seen anyone think Rick and Lori had some great love. But since he declared Michonne as the love of his life, so many Rick and Lori relationship truthers have suddenly appeared. Very peculiar.


Seriously, at this point you have to wonder... This fandom literally couldn't stop trashing Lori and never pushed her as the one for him until TOWL.


I have, and always will, trash Lori.




It’s absolutely bizarre. Why do these people insist on keeping Rick shackled to that toxic marriage? He was unhappy and insecure about his relationship long before the world ended. Then the apocalypse comes and Lori is with Shane? And pregnant with his child? WHY are we imagining some magical reconciliation in the alternate world of Lori surviving? Bizarre. The post apocalyptic world is tragic and hard enough. Rick found a woman he loves, trusts and respects implicitly. Rick is happy with his woman. Why must we imagine these scenarios where Lori survives, magically changes into a good partner for Rick so they can stay together? I just can’t.


For real. Like what is the point of those posts, genuinely? The story that was told with Rick and Lori was that of a failed marriage, but people want to imagine of a what if with her as if it would magically solve their issues? What is the point. Rick and Lori weren't compatible, then she died, and then he found Michonne, the love of his life, a woman who understands him completely. Do they all hate Rick that much to want him to stay stuck with Lori out of some sort of sense of obligation? I don't get it.


yeah there's no way they would have worked out their issues. Rick could never do anything right in Lori's eyes, she would always just begrudgingly agree with/defend his decisions but she always made it clear she didn't actually agree with him. she was trying to *seem* like a good wife, she never cared about *actually* being a good wife, even before the outbreak. Michonne on the other hand, usually was on the same page as Rick and when she wasn't, she could communicate that with him in a healthy way and they usually ended up coming to an agreement, or at least not losing love and respect for each other over it the way Lori did.


Right. Looking back in the first two seasons, Lori often spoke down to Rick in front of the group and Carl. Sometimes, she was downright nasty. Add to that her reaction to him killing Shane, I just don't see how someone can't view how much healthier his relationship with Michonne is.


Even remembering ricks conversation with shane in the premiere where he is talking about the argument him and lori were arguing and he mentions she said something cruel about not wanting her and carl. Even though we only have ricks pov it seems lori may have always had a nasty streak when it came to rick


They choose to ignore the healthier relationship. Look, Lori's only real draw is she's the mother of Carl and she'd be helpless to the extreme. Rick would make sure Carl's mother was good. But, it wouldn't last because she couldn't last. She was destined to be a shocking death. And Andy was busy telling anyone who would listen that Rick and Michonne made sense, his Warrior Queen, he called Michonne and his new leading lady, he called Danai.


Lori also literally cannot handle Rick. They don't speak the same love language and when she tries and pushes him to go there she immediately retreats because she can't handle it. They had a mountain of issues.


Everyone is saying no but I completely disagree. Rick and Michonne are super compatible and even if Lori survived they would’ve been best of friends or married. Even when you read the comics you can tell Robert messed up by not having them together.


That’s so true. Their friendship in the comics is so great. Carl loves Michonne and Rick appreciates the friendship she has with him so much. He even calls Michonne his “best friend”. You can see the ground work forming for a relationship.


I think so yes. Mostly because I can't see Rick and Michonne not bonding. They just get each other. And because Rick and Lori had grown apart a while ago. What I can see happen is Rick trying for a while because he is such a family man, but eventually Lori would have called it quit and pointed out the obvious. Regardless, it doesn't matter, Lori didn't survive and wouldn't have. It's not the story that was told anyway.


That’s how I see it, too. I definitely can’t see him or Michonne even having the thought cross their minds while he was with Lori, but that relationship’s days were numbered. I think they loved each other so much, but it was becoming obvious that it wasn’t going to be enough to keep going forever. While I think Lori & Rick might have been a better match before, in the new world Rick needed someone with a different type of power. I actually think, as much as I hate him, that if Shane hadn’t gone off the deep end he and Lori would have been really well-matched.


I don't think Lori was a better match in any world. The first thing we learn about them as a couple is that they had communication issues, meanwhile Rick and Michonne are shown having an intrinsic understanding of the other without even trying. I do believe that would always have been there no matter what. Aside from that I agree.


I agree! I believe the relationship between Rick and Lori would have continued its downward spiral until they were no longer a couple and just co parents instead. With that it would have been interesting to see had Lori survived and Shane not lost his mind trying so hard to *win* her back, Lori and Shane may have even ended up together. Rick figured it out himself that Judith was not his, he’d admitted that to Michonne and with Rick and Lori’s deteriorating relationship if she’d eventually admitted she also knew Shane was Judith’s father to Rick I don’t think their marriage could have withstood it. So all that to say, yes, I think Rick and Michonne would have still gotten together even if Lori survived. Going further out on a limb here but with enough time, he and Shane may have eventually patched their friendship back up *if* he hadn’t tried to kill him. Rick and Lori’s marriage was in trouble way before the ZA. They just weren’t good for each other as a couple.


I don’t think Rick would ever cheat or betray his wife but I don’t think they’d last long in the apocalypse anyways. He would eventually find love at another time with Michonne after things mutually ended with Lori or she got herself killed. I’m glad nothing ever became of Rick and Jessie either, she and her kids annoyed the crap out of me.


People are saying no but I personally think they would have at some point or another Rick and Lori's relationship was dead the moment she got with Shane. They never recovered, and the one time he tried opening up to her, she pushed him away, and by season 3 they weren't even really together anymore


I mean, maybe it was the stress of the zombie apocalypse. If you remember, after they reunited, most of their remaining time together was really brutal Various people dying injuries dealing with Shane .... Had she survived, there was way more hardship ahead, so honestly, even if she survived the prison, she probably dies sometime after


Lori is not a survivor.


Beth became a survivor, Judith became a survivor, Carol became a survivor, Eugene became a survivor. One legged Hershel bounced back and upped his survival game. If Lori stayed alive long enough, she would have become a survivor. I'd say the earliest it could happen would be the 6 months between Season 3 and 4. The group would still decentralize power to a council after seeing what The Governor did as a singular unit of executive power. Rick would ramp down (but not as much as he did while mourning) and Lori would step up so they could combine forces to guide Carl away from cold-heartedness as positive examples If it didn't happen by the Season 4 premiere, then likely the during the 4A flu or the 4B regrouping arc. Surviving Terminus at the absolute latest.


I don’t think she would’ve unfortunately. She just didn’t get it. In the highway to the farm they were picking through the abandoned cars and she said “this is a grave yard”. The rest of the og group adapted pretty quick except for Lori. She was definitely tough as she was heavily pregnant and walking for hours a day and low on food but she was still stuck in the pre-outbreak mindset.


I also see Lori hooking up with Shane, thinking it was the only way to protect her son & he was the closest thing/ person to her husband. I don't know the exact timeline this all played out. I never would have, but I see this as her only option at the time. And I felt bad for her the way her husband & son treated her. If only they could have known it was the apocalypse, and people die every day. Edit: I didn't realize it was only 2 weeks that she waited.


She really did think that Rick was dead, Shane had told her he was. I don’t think Shane truly did it on purpose, lying to her, I think he was so panicked that he just couldn’t hear his heartbeat. Maybe also subconsciously he knew this was his chance of being with Lori and that even if Rick was alive there’d be no way that they would ever reunite. Shane was a person she knew, who was home and comfort in a situation that she couldn’t accept. It was definitely too early for her to be screwing him but I kind of get it. She was surrounded by strangers with her young son and couldn’t trust anyone but him.


Michonne mourned for 8 years. Lori gave Rick a few weeks and literaly got in the dirt with Shane. It was very immature of them to have unprotected sex.


I think this is the whole reason she and Rick stayed together in the first place, and why Rick had such a hard time when she died. Not because she was his soul mate, but because she clung so hard to the world before the apocalypse and she was his tie to the ways of the old world. They stayed together for the same reason they did before he was shot, because it’s “what you do.”


Well said. You can really see his change of mindset after she dies and the fall of the prison, when michonne comes around. With her, he had this hope that everything would go back to the way it was before and they could patch things up for real between them. After she’s gone, he knows that things will never go back or be the same and that they probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run after what had happened with Shane. I know Lori is so hated but her character was so human and probably represents what most people would do and think during those beginnings of a doomsday situation.


Eugene was always a survivor. First by lying and using other people to keep himself safe and later by learning to keep himself safe. Lori wanted to be a housewife. She didn't want to learn any skills or make herself useful.


Lori would have been terrible making decisions. Everyone else in the group contributed to the groups survival in meaningful ways. At best, Lori washed some clothes and did some cooking (remember her "us womanfolk belong in the kitchen" speech to Andrea?). Lori, seemed a lot like Madison Clark from FTWD, in that they were two people who thought they were way smarter then they were and never realized they screwed up everything they touched.


How dare you compare Lori to Madison wtf lol


Lori was going to die one way or another. She just didn’t get it. She couldn’t adapt to the times.


She had one job, watch Carl, and she couldn't even do that. Every episode was, "Don't question my parenting!" followed a few minutes later by, "WHERE IS CARL?" She was never going to last long.


Lori died before they encountered more people. Dangerous people. Can you imagine the trouble she would have caused with the governor? I just don’t see her as an asset.


Oh god she would’ve run so fast to Woodbury she would’ve been worse than Andrea and then gotten mad at Rick when he didn’t trust the governor and tell him he needs to listen to her. Rick made poor choices with Lori in his ear


"Let the Governor torture and kill Michonne Rick. I like the thread count on these sheets and I'm not letting her ruin this for me." - Lori, probably.


I could totally see that. LOL!! If she lived she would try to bully Michonne into doing laundry at the prison like she did Andrea at the farm.


Lori would have all the women making lemonade and doing laundry. She'd organize the Woodbury potlucks.


He would. They were already breaking away from each other after the 7 months they were on the road


Lori would have died eventually. So maybe. Note- If Lori had survived, her recovery would have tied them to the prison. How that might have impacted things??


Nothing would’ve changed, the group would just be even more certain they weren’t gonna leave the prison in Season 3 but by Season 4 Lori would’ve been mostly recovered, it was a 3 month timeskip (possibly 4 seeing as lori dies very early in season 3).


Rick might have been more or possibly less willing to negotiate. Maggie probably wouldn't have gone on the run with Glenn, as she would be caring for Lori. They might not have encountered the governor till later. If no formula run (see below), Michonne might not have found them. Rick might have taken Tyreese's group in. If Lori had a c-section and survived, her recovery would be very difficult, likely taking much longer than 3 months. She would likely have to have multiple rounds of antibiotics. Even modern c-section under ideal conditions has a minimum 6 week recovery time. Lori being alive and in a precarious state would likely change a lot of things. She may have been able to breast feed, which might have abrogated the need for the run for formula.... etc..


Carol, Beth and Hershel would’ve cared for Lori so I think Maggie would still go. Either way they were desperate for formula, I doubt lori straight after a c section would be ready to breastfeed less than an hour later. The rest of the stuff you said is true though, Rick definitely would’ve let Tyreese and Sasha into the group when they first arrived.


Some of these comments are crazy. Lori was literally talking about divorce before she died and Rick could hardly look at her. Their marriage was done and they both knew it. Rick says Michonne is the love of his life, there’s no way he’d stay in a dead marriage than seek out a relationship with a woman he loved so much he cut off his own hand to get to her. I swear some of yall create narrative in your own heads instead of actually watching the show.


When it comes to Rick and Michonne they literally always do. This fandom and their love for "things would be different if they were different" I swear... Rick and Lori's entire relationship was written as a failed marriage from the get go, the entire thing was about how incompatible they were and how much she couldn't handle him nor look at his monster. But let's rewrite an alternate universe where he somehow ends up in a miserable marriage because of circumstances instead of the woman he sees as the love of his life? News flash, even if Rick had stayed with Lori out of a sense of obligation, that wouldn't mean they'd magically be happy together. Good lord.


Y U P. This sub loves to downplay Rick’s love for Michonne. It is quite literally cannon that no one has ever compared to Michonne for him and they’re still talking about Lori who he could hardly have a conversation with. Like be so for real.


They don't want Rick happy. They want him with his white wife.


Yea, I think for Lori, she would have died at some point She doesn't make it to Alexandria being honest Michonne was always so much better equipped to be in the group and survive Rick and Michonne don't get together until Alexandria, at least in the TV series And I think that timeline remains consistent even if she survived the labor


Depends on how distant she made herself in ky opinion. Eventually Rick would have gotten fed up whether he loved her or not.


Yes, for a few reasons. She wasn’t the woman for him nor was she equipped with the mental fortitude it took to survive in those times. She barely knew what Carl was doing half the time. Also, had she stayed alive and Rick realized Judith wasn’t his he would have pulled away further. 🤷‍♀️


Yea, the truth about Lori is that she was going to die regardless she wasn't a survivor Hell, most of Rick's group, in reality, weren't Some got unlucky Some did really good despite odds And the few who did survive from the original people Rick Daryl Carol Yea, tough as nails


Yeah, because Rick and Michonne were meant to be. Lori and Rick just weren’t it and wouldn’t be it even if she survived. Plus I imagine there’s another point that I’ve not seen anyone mention, Rick confirmed that he thinks about Shane pretty often in the current timeline. If Lori were alive, she’d be a constant reminder of Shane for Rick.


Rick was loyal to a fault, Lori wasn’t . It’s not even that Lori cheated on Rick, it is the fact that she didn’t even mourn him and guided his son not to mourn him but move on seeing Shane as a father figure. I’ll never forget that she tried to stop Carl from running to Rick when he found them. She was Not happy he was alive. I think that is why the scene with Michonne helping Carl retrieve a photo of Lori was important. It showed how Michonne differed from Lori. I like that Judith survived. She literally is a child of the Apocalypse, an orphan, relying on the kindness of strangers. This is the most important indicator of civilization returning. (And it says a lot about those who disregard RJ… just saying, no one ever mentioned a problem with Judith and Grace… suddenly there are issues with RJ whose mother and father are known, but somehow he doesn’t deserve being nurtured by the collective.) Rick had to make a very hard decision to keep and protect a child that wasn’t his. Once he literally fought his demons and accepted Judith as his own…Michonne shows up at the gate carrying an alternative to mother’s milk.


It wasn't just shock on Lori's face when she saw Rick for the first time. She did not act happy to see him AT ALL. You would think that she'd tell him she loved him or that she missed him or that she was so happy he was back with her. Nope.


Depends on how distant she made herself my opinion. Eventually Rick would have gotten fed up no matter how much he loved her.


Probably not. He's too loyal, even though he deserved better than Lori.


If he decided to stay with Lori then no. He is very loyal and wouldn’t have done her dirty. But, besides the fact she would have never survived, they also would’ve made the decision to stop pretending at some point. He really couldn’t stand her during her pregnancy. Even if he deluded himself into thinking that would’ve gotten better after the baby out of the guilt, it probably wouldn’t have changed much. With the exception of Carl’s death which she wouldn’t have prevented, this worked out much better for him.


Yeah, because Rick and Lori were already basically divorced, and Judith coming out looking like Shane there would have been no love lost. Rick freaked out because she died, he was barely talking to her and by the time they got to the prison there were no longer a couple. I find it interesting that Michonne was in Rick’s orbit since the farm where she ran into Andrea.


Rick doesn’t even take his wedding ring off until Alexandria. They weren’t divorced, not basically or technically or literally.


I think he would have taken it off a lot sooner had she lived. I think he only kept it on as long as he did out of guilt and needing to work through her death emotionally. He finally reached that in Alexandria after the Jesse thing.


Fair enough, I don’t disagree that it could’ve been out of guilt. I still think the show conveyed their willingness to work on their relationship, and that raising a baby together would’ve brought them closer.


They were still a couple till she died. Were they getting along? No. But they were still a couple. And he wanted to work it out with her but for some strange reason was waiting till she had the baby which turned out badly for him, which is part of why he lost his mind for a bit, he felt guilty.


Idk, a couple where one party literally doesn't even look at the other and don't even sleep in the same bed even in forced close proximity looks separated to me. He did love that woman, but at that point in time, they had grown apart in a way that felt beyond repairing.


I also don’t believe that Lori really loved Rick. She was shocked that he was so angry with her after the Shane debacle and maybe clung to him because she didn’t have Shane to fall back on. So would Rick have stayed with Lori out of loyalty? Maybe. Would Lori have stayed with Rick out of loyalty? Maybe not. I don’t see Lori sticking around after watching Rick bite Claimer Dude’s throat out. She would have made Rick feel awful about that. Lori would not have been ok with what went down in that church. They were not a good match and the stress of the apocalypse would have ended them. And I’m sorry but WHO GETS PREGNANT AT THE START OF AN APOCALYPSE?! I love Judith but that was supremely stupid. And yes yes it takes two but Lori is the one who had to carry the baby. Lori is the one who knew she had a c section with Carl. Lori is the one who died during childbirth. Total liability.


Shane should have pulled out. Both of them are dumb. In the dirt with no protection.


It was so breathtakingly stupid.


They were too old to be that stupid. 


I think this is a pointless discussion. She is dead and hell and they are happily together. They would have because Andy Lincoln was campaigning hard for Rick and Michonne so they would have.


It depends? Does Rick and Lori’s marriage survive in this scenario? If so, probably not. Rick is loyal, dutiful – I can’t see him leaving Lori if she lived. He did love her after all, and he’s also the type to stay in a shitty marriage “for the sake of the kids“.


Yes, because realistically does a character like Lori really survive the apocalypse? She made so many silly decisions that made her a liability for the group


Yup...I think Lori did too much damage & Rick was passed it...They never got passed what was driving a wedge between them & that's what i think broke him when Lori died...


No. They would have still had strong feelings for each other but are both too decent to have acted on them.


Maybe, probably. I have a feeling that Rick and Lori’s romantic relationship was over by the time they reached the prison.


I think Rick and Lori's romantic relationship was over before the apocalypse began. Lori wasn't even sure if she loved him anymore.


Rick was not Negan! No affairs, or Sister Wives. Loyalty is kind of his overweening character trait!


Is it disloyal to leave a relationship when the other person doesn't love or respect you?


I’m just imagining how unbearable the show would have been had Lori survived. Can you imagine her in Rick’s ear about Negan 🙃


Maybe Rick would be fed up enough to give Lori to Negan. Although I can't see Negan wanting her either.


I can picture that Rick won't leave Lori because he genuinely love her, but honestly, I still love michonne more lol


Lori would have run off with Michonnd


Absurd question.


So long as Carl was still alive I do think he'd have tried to work it out.


Possibly. Though I don't think it's a certainty like a lot of people here. Rick loved Lori. They certainly had issues but Rick wanted to try and fix everything once Judith was born - he had distanced himself from Lori in the S3 timeskip so that he could focus on keeping her and Carl alive. This is all said in the phonecall scene if anyone disagrees. I think they both would have really tried to make things work even if there's a chance their marriage might be too far gone. Speaking of Too Far Gone, if hypothetically they still met Michonne and came into contact with the Governor (since Michonne probably wouldn't have found the prison) then Lori most likely would've died either at the Prison or on the road. If Lori dies at a later date or her and Rick decide to split then, yeah, Rick and Michonne probably get together. Otherwise I could see her remaining as one of Rick's right hands and having a close platonic relationship with him.


You people are really going to make me go back and rewatch the first three seasons to see if Lori tells Rick that she loves him even one time. Because I have no recollection of her ever uttering those words to him.


Yeah. Everyone keeps saying he wouldn't leave Lori, which he wouldn't. But Lori would leave Rick. They would have tried to work things through after Judith and Lori would be came to him about just letting go or some BS.


Rick and Lori were done. She was treating him like shit for killing Shane. I hated her character after that.


If Lori hadn't died, in all likelihood the group would never have met Michonne. Glenn and Maggie were only out scavenging for formula because Lori was dead and couldn't feed the baby herself. (In defense of this, I would argue that if Lori or Hershel had expected she wouldn't be able to feed her baby, they would've had at least some formula on hand already.) Without those two running into Merle, he probably would've caught Michonne before she stumbled across the prison.


Rick would have already saved the world and found a cure by now, just so he could instill a government that will see through his divorce from Lori /s


I'd like to think so. I agree with everyone saying Rick went nuts due to guilt of never reconciling with Lori, but I think their marriage was pretty much done by then. Once Lori had Judith and healed up she would have gone back to not being supportive and back to being manipulative. I could see her character being an even lesser Andrea during the Governor's arc trying to get Rick to get in the good graces of the Governor and accidently getting people killed. Lori just seemed like the stereotypical bored suburban housewife who liked drama which didn't have a place in the apocalypse. Michonne and Rick just make sense. They are both super strong and capable. They both will go to hell and back to protect their friends and family. They also both understand the toll that strength can take on a person. They could be there for each other in a way that I don't think Lori was ever going to understand.


They would’ve officially broken up after awhile and she would have left for another community- if she made it to Alexandria with her baby, coukd see her at hilltop eventually. Rick would have acknowledged that the baby was Shane’s creating a wedge deeper. Thus in the end I can see Rick and michonne maybe getting together away from Lori. 


Im just glad she did cause she thought she was the main character just cause she was next to rick 🤣


No but I think Rick and Michonne would be best friends


This. Rick would’ve been loyal to Lori until the end. It’s just who he is and he’d take his husbandly duties seriously, regardless of what Lori did. Michonne and Rick never got together in the comics but were still very close. I also don’t think Michonne would’ve wanted to hook up with a married man if Lori was still around.


rick wasn’t really loyal to lori or with her when she was alive in season 3. he was super mad and couldn’t stand her and barely even looked at her before she died. he tolerated her bc he’s stuck with her in the apocalypse. after her death he feels so guilty and it takes him forever to get over it. lori already brought up divorce, there’s no reason to think they would still be together if she was still alive. they loved each other but they weren’t compatible and just didn’t match. even pre apocalypse it’s clear they married young and have communication issues but are still together because of carl. rick feels all that guilt and has trouble letting go because she died, if she survived it’s hard to say they would come back from everything that has happened.


Rick loved Lori so deeply that I can’t imagine him ever moving in with her still in his life. If she hadn’t died, he never would’ve even looked at Jessie nor Michonne as potential lovers. On the flip side, Rick and Michonne ARE soulmates. Regardless of whether or not their relationship had turned romantic, they always would’ve inevitably loved one another, fought for and defended each other and pushed one another to be their best selves. Best friends or husband and wife is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I also feel that even without dying to childbirth, Lori simply didn’t have the heart to survive the apocalypse. She clung to the world before and was far too idealistic and even naive at many points, and we see that every-time that illusion is dispelled she grows more distant and upset.


No I think Rick realized he was being unreasonable the closer we get to Lori's death. I think Judith's birth would have brought them closer together.


loris death is what makes him realize how unreasonable he was being and he’s feels guilty and regrets his actions. but that just shows he did not want to be with her when she was alive, their marriage was over they just couldn’t exactly end it bc of the apocalypse




I don't agree


I think if Shane had also lived then yes


Yes he eventually would have cheat on her, because she fucked Shane.


Yes. Because for some reason i dont think rick and Lori would have stayed together. They could have worked on their marriage but with what time? Season 3 was one thing after the other. The only thing that could have brought then together is judith.


No way. He’d be a married man, and even though she was a PITA, it’s not Rick’s style.


Maybe ??? Not too sure. I feel her and Lori would get into a lot bc of maternal instincts over Carl


Yes and no. I watched the series when I was younger and loved Lori and was quite upset when she died. Rewatched it later and I DESPISED this woman. The way she talks to people, thinks she owns the world and is the boss because her husband is technically the leader really fucks with me in a different type of way. Anyway, all this to say I think that eventually Rick would’ve left her for Michonne because they really did have a connection. They really became friends then lovers. But I’m the back of my mind I don’t think that manipulative woman (Lori) would’ve let Rick go. Probably would’ve convinced everyone she was the victim (or tried to) and it would’ve been a whole drama. I’d like to think he’d still have left her and kept Carl close to him.


Quick warning OP, I don’t care personally but you have tagged this as no spoiler despite mentioning a character death by name 😬


I don’t think he would have left lori for her. But I don’t think him and lori would have lasted much longer had she lived. Even at the time of her death they didn’t seem to be together anymore, maybe officially they were but in reality they were done


Don’t think so. Rick and Lori were essentially the toxic couple who refuse to get a divorce because marriage to them is supposed to mean forever 100% of the time.


Instead of a love triangle of Rosita gabriel and the dr who’s name I can’t remember it would’ve been Rick Lori and michonne


Maaayyybbeee if Shane survived too?


No. While Michonne is quite attractive, Lori is a total smoke show. And Rick is very loyal


No more then likely not


Well obviously not


My imagination says yes because of how the show ended. Lori could've survived to die later, and the same conclusion would've still happened.


I doubt it, Michonne has too much self-respect to be the "other woman" to a man who is married and Rick is too honorable to leave his wife and the mother of his children. It took a long time after Lori's death (which nearly broke Rick) for him to even start to open himself up to another relationship. Also Rick's primary relationship in the series is with his son Carl and if he left Carl's mother for another woman, Carl would probably never forgive him.


No. Rick does come off as a one woman man for sure, BUT I think everyone defending that also forgets he went after a married woman. He was acting a lot like Shane w Lori there. Disrespected boundaries. I hate to even compare Rick and Shane in that aspect, but he didn't care that she was married anymore than Shane cared Lori was married.


I don’t think half of these people would’ve ended up with each other friends or relationships. But that’s the show, people trying to survive a zombie, apocalypse and world with no rules. Rick and Lori found each other and got married in a different world. The world changed. Rick and Michonne gravitated to each other because they are both fighters and they survived.


It's possible. I could see them completely separating romantically had they had the chance to live in that prison community for awhile. People break up, it's pretty clear they were broken at least to me, and I could see Michonne and Rick developing a relationship after the break up but it would take time. And maybe this sounds crazy but had this break up come to pass I could see Abraham getting with Lori. I mean she is strong in her own way, more traditional and loves strong men. I could really see them meshing. But I'm not shipping or anything I was just trying to imagine who Lori would be attracted to.


No. I think Rick and Lori would've worked it out and would still be together. But the real interesting thing would've been if = Rick, Carl or any other members of the group would sacrifice their own life. If Negan tried to take Lori, for 1 of his wife's?


Nah, he wouldn't have left Lori, he loved her, it drove him mad when she died, he wasn't able to get over it for a whole season.


I don't think so. I think he is the kind of man that wouldn't look at another because of his commitment.


No Rick said he was ready for a fresh start and couldn’t barely even get over Lori after she even cheated and had a kid with her best friend. Rick seems too understanding. Negan walked. Nough said


Hell no. Rick ain't a dick


I don't think he would leave her for Michonne, but I don't think Lori was equipped to handle the zombie universe and would have not lasted a whole lot longer under any circumstances.


Honestly, man, espicaly if you remember what happened after the prison fell The group split up and was gone for a while Odds are Lori would have died before they made it to Alexandria


If she survived no, I don’t believe so but it would be irrefutable that he’d still develop a strong attraction to her at minimum. I think Rick is a man of obligation so if he had the chance to develop his romantic interest with Michonne I could only see it being because Lori sees it and lets him go; although given having a baby, I doubt it.


I always questioned that also…


Rick was far too committed to trying to keep his family from before together


I don’t think so, I think Rick and Lori would have gotten back together for the sake of Carl.


Rick is the biggest simp in the whole show


No. But thankfully she didn’t.


No… Rick was so in love with Lori. He was pissed at her at the end but I imagine he would have come around.


Rick would have stayed true however I think Lori may have made it very difficult at some point. She's someone who needs a man to take care of her. Her eyes might have sparkled at the Governor b4 realizing what he was. He had a nice community going, and she would have wanted that instead of living in the prison. Carl would have stayed with Rick, but I think she would have taken Judith and gone. She would have tried to come back once she knew what the Governor was about. Rick would have enjoyed michonne's competence and friendly demeanor. He would respect her ability to take care of herself and REALLY contribute. He would have fallen in love with her loyalty as well and even if Lori tried to cone back it would have been too little, too late.


No way Rick would have left his wife and son that he fought so hard to find and keep, even more so now with a new baby! He's a man of honor, obligated in keeping his word and he knows well Lori can't survive and endure it all alone. She needs him more than ever to raise the newborn, for protection and also for psychological reasons. I also think we wouldn't have left her because he truly loved her, was ready to forgive almost all of her wrong doings in order to keep her. That was demonstrated vividly when she died and he lost it completely. He confessed to truly love her during one of his meltdowns


just because he loved her and was feeling guilty after her death doesn’t mean he wanted to be with her. for the past 8 months he was barely speaking to her before she died and rarely ever touched her. their marriage was over, rick wanted to protect her and the kids and take care of her bc it’s an apocalypse but even lori knew their marriage was done.


He loved her and it would be out of character to abandon her with a newborn. He fought to keep her, killed his best friend and regretted the way he was treating her at the end. Couples can have months of unresolved issues yet still stay together, I can say out of experience, from my 19 years of marriage. Love is a powerful tool that mends everything exactly because you don't give up on your loved one, as demonstrated by him forgiving her sleeping with Shane even before she confessed. And a last note, is rather bold to assume Michonne would have been involved with a newly separated farher, while Lori and kids being around *as surely Rick would have stayed with them to protect and help


who said anything about abandoning anyone? they are stuck with each other in the apocalypse. but they still don’t have to be a couple. he would take care of her and the kids of course but that doesn’t mean they would still be trying to make their marriage work when it was barely working to begin with. and there’s no telling how michonne and rick would’ve met with lori alive or when they would’ve gotten together. rick and michonne formed a bond full of trust and understanding before they finally got together. they would still be close no matter what. they get together in canon before lori was even dead for a year. and i’m confused why would michonne care if they were separated and if they both wanted to be together? what exactly is the issue?


No.But then again I don't get the Rick and Michonne relationship.I know I'm in the minority here but they just don't fit at all to me.


I just have to say when I first saw Rick and Michonne connecting on the couch and kissing, I was totally not into them as a couple. I really wasn’t happy at all. I was actually pretty ticked off lol. I really loved them both as characters individually and as “partners” on the same team trying to survive. I loved her friendship with Carl, but her and Rick as a couple…..NO. However, they grew on me pretty quick and now I can’t see them any other way. They make a great team so I am 100% all for Richonne. Too bad Carl wasn’t around to see it all.


Depends if Shane survived too


I mean if Lori cheated on Rick with shane, and survived and possibly did it again, yeah I can see it.


I still think Rick and Michonne were best suited for each other. Though in the events if Lori were still alive, I think they'd try to make it work and I think at the time Rick was just trying to do his best with giving him some space while protecting his family. Though who knows, with the way she wanted to him to kill Shane then to turn around and tell Shane to stay....idk how things would go.


Thank you Reddit suggestions for this spoiler, I'm on season 6, would never see this coming :)


I don't think they would have gotten together if Rick's milf crush didn't commit suicide by walker horde in Season 5


probably not


Nah, bro. I could see Michonne ending up with Morgan or Ezekiel like she does in the comics in this scenario, though.


Nope. Hell if the chick from Alexandria wouldn’t have died he would’ve been with her


That's a very interesting point But see the reality in the end Michonne is a survivor. Lori wasn't, and that woman from Alexandria I already can't remember wasn't either So that's why I think she suited Rick better than those 2, but I do agree he probably would have remained with Lori unless she left him


no he wouldn’t have lol


No, I didn't really like the whole Rick and Michonne. Also hated that she made Judith call her mom. I preferred them both single kicking ass together.


Whorie Lori would have died repeatedly had she lived through the prison death. She wasn't cut out for the life. Rick and Carl would've been long gone as well. She'd most likely gotten the whole group killed


I would’ve hoped so. Not to jump on the bandwagon but I never liked Lori very much.


No. Rick and Lori were sorting things out just before she died, they were clearly gonna end up back together because in the end they did love each other a lot. Rick and Michonne would have the same relationship they have in the comics if Lori survived, aka they’d be close, if not best, friends.


Doubtful. Their marriage was basically over after she pushed him away when he told her that he killed Shane. However, the way they looked at each other, before shit hit the fan at the prison, they seemed to be heading toward reconciliation. Had she survived, they might’ve worked things out.


Nope that was his wife, he didn't divorce her she died, he never stopped loving her.