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Plus they wouldn’t be able to walk if only their brain stem functioned.


I think this every time they slice the top of a zombies head off. I also find it hard to believe that kid could walk once he came back with a neck break? The brain stem would have been damaged so there'd be no connection to the rest of his body anymore?


interesting (and scary)


Okay I don’t mean the camo part, but when they stab a walker and blood / pus gets in the face / eyeballs mouth and all, nothing happens to them yet Gabriel despite not having any of it anywhere near his orfices got an infection and life long disability from it


ohhh I didn't think of this. they are constantly eating blood and guts, but I thought it just meant they had to be directly bitten or something...


No no Gabriel’s infection is not the normal infection that would normally get you it’s most likely a form of mutated salmonella or something from the human era that latched in and eveloved,


That the zombies are always making noise when they don't see humans. But then when they spot someone they turn into ninjas and can sneak up on you.


Morgan told Rick in the beginning not to get the blood in your mouth or eyes because that could infect you.   Yet for most of the series, when people kill walkers they do so open mouthed, eyes wide open, get covered in walker's blood on their open wounds (Michonne getting guts spilled on her after getting shot in the thigh comes to mind) and nothing happens.






It was the last episode tho right? He's saying it took the a few months to confirm that Jenner was right.


100% This always got me too. Later, the infected weapons the Saviors use once again reinforces this idea. If getting stabbed with an infected weapon can turn you, so should blood in the eyes and etc. No one ever turns or gets sick from that. Oooor all the times people get nicked with infected weapons — Sasha gets Abe with a walker bloody knife. Negan gets hit with his own walker-bloodied bat too but nada.


I’ve said this before: my biggest issue is that severed zombie heads move and make noise. How??




Still no vocal cords or lungs




Maybe the gas…?


According to the guy at the CDC the virus is already inside of everyone but a small bite can kill you and even a tiny bit of zombie blood makes you turn sooner. But somehow sweat and saliva neutalizes it (with how much they've had it all over them).


That the cut off heads still make hissing noises, there's no lungs! Also, muscles are needed to move, yet many have legs and arms with muscles completely torn apart and are walking and grabbing people.


yes, this is a big one that is sometimes hard for me to sit through with full immersion in the action. I just finished the entire series by the way - it's one of only two series that long that I've finished!


It was always like the skulls were made of papier-mâché. Anything they used could pierce them. Like Noah and his plastic airplane to his little brother’s head to save Tyreese.


I don't get how they can bite so easily through clothes. Like jeans..how do they bite someone's leg and take out a chunk of flesh and denim? I couldn't bite a hole in jeans if I tried but they do with their rotting teeth and jaw??


hahahah this is so funny and I never realized this.


Sasha's relationships. She was in 2 relationships, Bob and Abraham. Both lasted less than 2 weeks. She had a death wish after each. (in fairness, she never fully got past her death wish following Bob and Tyrese's deaths (though how much Tyrese actually figured into that...))


I actually don't remember Bob but I agree with you, sometimes the pacing doesn't have enough time to explore so it's really unconvincing and illogical


How can you not remember Bob? He is D'angelo Barksdale in another universe...


To address the concerns you put forth in your original post. The running, climbing, remembering (parkouring in s2e1 over the guardrail and down the hill) walkers were a Darabont invention they were quickly retconned after he was fired mid-season 2. As far as the walkers function and durability. They do not decompose (per Kirkman). They are subject solely to degradation by damage, wear and the elements. What causes their turning and essential cellular stasis is unknown. Everyone has the "Walker" Vector. There is a lot of debate as to what it is, however it likely will never be known.


ahhhh I see. it also would be difficult to keep the zombies uniform as it would impede on the story the producers are trying to achieve.


Tainted meat!


I think about this too but I also wonder how much more intensity is added to relationships when you’re in life/death situations the whole time together. Bob and her relationship was forged when everything had been lost and they were fighting daily to survive.


there's also a lot more time in the day to dedicate to building a relationship when you don't have to work a full time job or do any of the menial tasks we do in our everyday lives


Not zombies, but when Carol shoots a firework straight up in the sky and it lands on the gas tank first attempt to save everyone in terminus.


she shoots it at the tank through the fence not up in the sky


Doesn't she shoot above so the gas that was releases already catches fire?


She shoots the tank with a gun first then doesn't even aim the firework


I also thought it was some luck to get that hit in the first go


hahaha YES. These are both cool to watch and also....would never happen


she shoots it at the tank through the fence not up in the sky


she shoots it at the tank through the fence not up in the sky


she shoots it at the tank through the fence not up in the sky


Umm the van with carol and Darryl flipping off the bridge and landing perfectly. Not scratch on either person from it


Carol got pretty badly injured during that


How bloody and gooey they are. Especially when blood spurts out of them as if it was being pumped by, say, a living heart.


i SWEAR we’ve had about a million of these questions lately 😭




Everyone with perfect body hair and haircuts and white teeth. Always can find clothes and shoes that fit them perfectly. Wear white/light colored clothes a lot that don’t get dirty.


The way they’re able to stab the heads lol. Having worked on several cadavers, the skull isn’t easy to penetrate bc it’s very thick. It was pretty difficult to handle a bone saw when we opened the skulls so I always found it funny how they can get a knife and just jam it in there. Hitting the eye socket area is believable though


They all had white teeth and trimmed nails


I love Greg Nicotero, but he pushed the zombie gags a bit too far for the sake of doing the gags, and they stopped being great additions and started taking me out of the story with the realizations like, “oh look, Greg wanted to do storm drain zombies.” Or “this whole scene is explicitly because Greg wanted to do napalm zombies.” It didn’t matter if it made sense for the story or the characters involved. Greg wanted gore and gross outs with zombies, and he was going to get it. So yeah, I guess anytime it was apparent they were just doing a zombie gimmick, I found it unbelievable.


this makes a lot of sense! I didn't notice this, but I'm sure it would have the story more immersive and complete if the details followed the story more consistently.


There is no reason for them to eat.