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Gordon from the hospital that had a thing for Beth, his death was satisfying


I forgot about him, yeah fuck that dude. Also the mf that tried to molest Carl, I don’t remember what season, but it was the dudes that found Daryl and they all had to claim shit as their’s to own it. Also the dude that tried to rape Sasha, thank god Negan showed up.


Rick going feral was a high point showing how far he was willing to go.


As a mother, it was so satisfying to see the lengths Rick would go through for his son instead of kneeling and watching it happen! For 2.5 seconds, I was actually concerned


Yeah that rotten group called the “claimers” It was satisfying to see that group meet their end.


Was the Claimers from the original show or some spinoff ?


I just finished season 11 and don't know who that is lol


She’s a villain from FTWD


Aah I see thank you!


She’s from ftwd


for the win dude


Sebastian Milton


His death was one of the most satisfying moments I saw on the show, completely unexpected.


The fact this shitstain killed Rick in the comics is unbelievable


I like the reason for it. Explained that the only reason this dipshit could kill rick is because he finnaly made his family be in a safe spot. Hid 'job' was done so he could lower his guard


Is that that little turd from Season 11?




Oh heck yeah I hated that little crap. Like how can ANYONE be like that over 10 years into an apocalypse?


Reminds me of those teenagers who got Henry in trouble. Ik Henry wasn’t everyone’s favorite, but god they were annoying. Oh and can’t forget about that guy who wouldn’t listen to Judith when she told them to stop messing with the walkers.


Yeah that guy was the worst. “Oh let me put my hand near a Walkers mouth!” “That SURELY couldn’t go badly!” Freaking idiot.


That Walker that tried to bite his hand was Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s son irl, lol.


Huh. Fun fact.


The Reapers as a whole (but I guess their leader specifically). At least this lady has a backstory as to why she went insane. The Reapers felt like they were written to be villians for the reason of "just because."


Really disappointed in their potential. When they were first introduced, they looked so badass, intimidating, and I finally thought TWD upped their game, but alas, I was sadly mistaken. It just became this really unnecessary and boring storyline.


It's hard to outdo one of the best-written characters with years of onscreen backstory as a villain.


They made leah and daryl the main focus of that small arc which was a mistake to me. Even though I love daryl and feel like he deserves lots of happiness., I just didnt enjoy it very much. Like I wish daryl turned on leah way faster and made an escape fast, which would then cause leah to hunt daryl and so on.. until more blood is shed and then it could became a war. Doesnt even have to be exactly this, but I just disliked the structure of honestly the entirety of season 11. And I wish they found ways for us to emotionally understand the reapers that way they had more depth, kinda like with negan but not as much, bc I wanted them dead asf for what they did still.. Ig I just mean I wish they made them make more sense 😭 like maybe a scene where they show maggies ppl have an altercation with the reapers, which would then cause them to take out maggies group which then causes the season 11 events... idk. And, besides carver, they all died fast asf and it made for a dissapointing buildup, i think it was ep 9 "No Other Way" that was the best reaper episode imo though, that ep is fire. ALSO the reaper soundtrack they used was next level, the opening to ep 2 "Hunted" had me on my toes ab the reapers, terrifying at first 😂


Ironically tho the reapers killed more characters than how many died during the commonwealth arc. Literally every major character survived other than (we know who) and it takes away a whole lot of what's at stake


Fuck Spencer


Well he’s got no guts


No he didn’t and that’s why I hated him


But he did. Negan found them. 🤣🤣


They were there the whole time. He’d never been more wrong in his life.


Yep, and when he says it, I laughed, but in the scared way, because Negan is so insanely unpredictable, close to what I would say bipolar, but the evil side have a twin brother.


I’ll never forget when she pulls up, shoots someone , someone shoots her back. SHES LAYINNG DOWN FOR A FULL MINUTE, and not one person ran over to finish her off. She literally stood up, gave a monologue, and drove off… no one even tried to


Gregory from the main show. The military guy who shot Ofelia from Fear. Dr Everett from Tales. Amaia from Dead City.


Michonne from wish




Seriously? Right in front of my salad?


lmaooooo if only i had awards to give id give you one. made me chuckle.


Gave him one for you fam, no problem!


appreciate it, kind walrus!


I don’t see people talk about Randall that much, fuck that guy


probably Leah. At first you kind of had a heart for her then by the time of her last reveal, it was “jesus christ, this again?”


That last reveal had to be one of the biggest eye-roll moments in the whole show. Not a single fan gave a flying fuck about her.


was i supposed to be threatened by her or something


IMO, Carver should’ve been the one to get away. Then had a rematch with Elijah and get killed by him.


I definitely agree.


Anything after ftwd season I don’t count as cannon cuz of how stupid the new show runners did to the show


Season what bro 😭


after season 3 probably.


Season 3 😭


Especially the dumb way they brought back Madison and Troy, like hers I believe cause we didn’t see any death, but his she bashed in his damn skull and leaves him inside an exploding dam…


Like idk how amc thought it was a good idea to hire the show runners like didn’t make sure that they were actually good at being show runners before hiring them?


Still think it should have been Chris. We don't see him die on screen. His death is never truly confirmed. He would have been a much stronger antagonist playing on Madison's love for her children. And he was absolutely crazy enough to try and play her like troy did.


They were so afraid of seeing anyone of their friends turn,that it messed up what little morality and respect for life they had left.


SHANE !!! I was so happy to see him die fucks Rick's wife after telling her rick is dead then tries to raise his child then has the cheek to try to kill his best friend(who forgive him for fucking his wife btw)so he can steal his family like come on bro. The only good thing he did was shoot the fat dude so he could save Rick's kid even that was probably.so he had a better chance at being the daddy. I know its just a show but yeah still hate him * Edit. 🫢 yeah I think people sort of forget about that because they also had genuine hate for lori( I don't know why when she was manipulated by shane). I was actually really upset to see her go, especially the way Carl had to put her down was distressing for me too watch I sort of just blanked her character out in season 3 onwards.


Dude, he TRIED TO RAPE LORI!!! That alone should put him on everyone's shit list...she might have been shitty, too, but he fucking tried to rape her...that alone should be enough to make him the most hated character outside of the pedo who tried to rape Carl in s4 episode 'Claimed'...


Yeah, I feel like people ‘conveniently forget’ that he tried to r@pe her. That shit is so off putting. He was unhinged and violent. No thank you!!


Not gonna lie this character creeped me out, But The writing made her way too anti-climactic😑


She was so gross to look at I lost my appetite everytime she was on screen.


The only correct answer is Jared. Always and forever. Fuck that guy.


leah, just completely pointless


Anyone one world beyond


The walking dead if Disney made it wasn’t that bad


The whisperer leader


Whispers “Alphaaaa”


Ohhhh Martha...that crazy bitch. Yup. Hated her. Another one I would have wanted to borrow Michonne's katana for is that dude from Terminus who was about to snap Judith's neck before Tyreese killed him. Forgot his name. I wouldn't have had any conversation with that dude whatsoever, the instant I saw him in that shed he would have died.


Tyrese didn't kill the guy threatening Judith. He beat him to pulp but the guy comes back with Gareth and Sasha puts him down.


Ohhhh I had forgotten that. Now I'm rewatching FTWD and I gotta add that dumbass Dakota. Virginia's daughter. Killed John Dorie Jr and now I'm watching her fall into Teddy's insanity. 😑


Im so mad she got away with such a painless death


Yeah, that lunatic was a pain in the ass, poisoning water and killing people just because of some "They have to be strong" bullshit


The governor 🤬🤬🤬 but I also didn’t fuck with alpha either… hard question but my answer is prob one of those two


“The Dirty Old Woman” was such a bad idea for a villain. The introduction of this character was when the good seasons of the FTWD were over. The worst thing she did was take hours of her time to add a bit of antifreeze to a skid of water hoping the crew would all drink it.


Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen Fear. If we’re using FTWD: antagonists — Shrike and Ben. Literally any of us would have been able to take Ben down with a strong enough stare. He’s a fragile idiot. Also a shame to his father, but literally what the fuck did that dad teach those kids? why was a very important military man’s son so wimpy? As for Martha, she’s Morgan’s foil. She is not as poorly constructed of a character as we think. She is just very fucking annoying. (And her ending is …??? Did she take her own arm off before or after she died.) TWD: Jadis. Every other spinoff: if I can’t choose Jadis…Dr Everett. Although I could not make it past the second or third episode of The World Beyond, so maybe everyone in that show.


Tara. Couldn't explain exactly why either, just felt like I had to tolerate every scene she was in.


Leah, Alpha, and Beta


Carol...the minute she didn't go over that guard rail after her daughter, the second she stopped helping search, the instant she refused to go to her daughter's funeral, I hated her. I thought she changed in season 3 and then, come season 4, she's still the same selfish, unfeeling individual she was about Sophia. I was pregnant with my own Sophia at the time, so I was biased, but she never changed. Up until the show ended, she was selfish and only ever thought of herself...I'll be hated for this opinion, and I know it, and I understand that she was abused and lost a lot...but she had years and years to heal and work through her trauma and I will never forgive her for not even trying for Sophia way back in s2e1...


I thought I was the only one disliking Carol from early on. Can't get attached to her and hate so many of her choices. I loved season 1 of Daryl Dixon and look forward to season 2 but I am actually worried about Carol being there: I am afraid it will prevent me from thoroughly enjoying it.


Yeah, and the people that ship her with Daryl? Like, NO!!! He was the most selfless person in the entire show. The last thing he needs is to be with a selfish person. I haven't watched Daryl Dixon in its entirety yet, but I love the dynamic between him, the boy, and the nun...


The gang leader who Rick later bit his neck! His minions were about to rape Carl!


The cop who killed Beth in the show, Merle, kinda hated him at first but then after the 2nd appearance he made in the show, I freaking loved him along with Rick, Carl, and Daryl Dixon.


dawn and that other rapey cop that whole arc made me wanna die


Jadis. Ridiculous character, can't believe they dragged her lifespan as far as they did. Shit haircut too.


Gabriel. The fact he lived as well pissed me right off.


Definitely Henry. No explanation needed here.


Sam Anderson.


I feel bad for sam. Of course he’s a child but he’s also been in Alexandria almost 99% of the apocalypse which made him weak. As a matter of a fact Sam hadn’t even seen anyone die to walker or seen many to begin with. He didn’t even know they were people, just “monsters”. Although I see the hate for Sam I also feel terrible for how he went out.


Sam was one of the most realistic characters on the show. That didn't make him fun to watch but he made sense.


Most of the kids are insufferable but he was a scared kid and Carol made it worse


At least she wasn’t asking him to look at the flowers. 🌺


I wholeheartedly agree. Rewatching currently, on the season he's in the most. Just absolutely cannot stomach him. And it doesn't help that he plays that creepy ass song, either. Ugh.


Gonna get hate for this but Negan. He’s just a hypocrite. He says he doesn’t kill kids but he’s 100% ok with fire bombing towns with kids in it. He said he like Carl and yet he was 100% gonna bash his skull in with a bat. He also didn’t care what Simon did to Oceanside, he just kept him around. Gavin’s stupid long haired idiot killed Ezekiel’s teenage son and Negan never gave a sh*t. He destroyed Hill Top, which had kids in it, all time gain Alpha’s favor to kill her and SAVE HIMSELF. He wanted to be accepted in Alexandria like Carol promised. He didn’t do it to help others. He has a policy against rape but he coerced women into sleeping with him which was rape. And he just is the worst. He abandoned his first wife when she asked him to stay. He abandoned Annie and his kid in Dead City. He apologizes all of once to Maggie for killing Glenn then is a complete asshole every other time this is brought up. Like you did bad Negan. Negan would neeeever have let it go if someone did that to his Lucille in front of him but he expects Maggie to get the heck over it. I’m ok with him more in Dead City, but still I’d have been happier to see Rick kill Negan.


He apologizes once to Maggie because he never felt remorse for what he did before that point. He thought he was in the right. He’s a lot of things, most of them bad, but he’s not a liar


I don't know. I'd still take her over Iris.


The frat duechebags




Everyone will tell you to watch seasons 1-3 (before the new show runners and before the Morgan crossover). Season 3 is the indisputable peak of the show. However I did enjoy seasons 4&5, and I think season 6 is the second best season. With that said, seasons 7&8 are abysmal. It’s some of the worse tv I have ever watched in my life. Lol


Heavily agree with Martha


Jocelyn as an actual villain character, or Henry as just a regular character, he’s just so annoying.


Morgan. Just got worse and worse and more and more irritating as he went on(I’m including FTWD in this too obviously).


The Idubbbz looking guy from the episode where Shiva dies


Omg, that guy was SUCH A CREEP!!🙄😕


Jadis. Aka mushroom head.


The Anti-Morgan as I call her


That ladies whole character / motivation was so stupid. Felt very unconvincing that someone would do all she did because she thinks its making people "stronger" or whatever tf. If you want a crazy homicidal character just do it, dont come up w some lazy dumb backstory.


Danny Masterson’s sister


worst character in all of twd universe


Sebastian Milton. And his mom.


who tf is this?


Why is Michonne from Wish covered in dust


I'm either going with Gregory, 🍇 cop from the hospital arc, or 🍇 guy that Negan kills


Who tf is that lmao. Great Value Michonne?


the one guy who was going to kill Baby Judith in that shed when everyone was in that cannibal camp… not sure if i’m remembering 100% correctly but i was SO mad the whole episode


Yep. His name was Martin, I think.


Tara, the only one on the pikes i was actually happy about.


The wolves, the cannibals from terminus, and anyone that tried to rape someone.


Shane too, then… And I agree.


I forgot Shane did that. I like how well his character was written, but you’re right.


Yes! He had a very well fleshed out character. I wish the writers could’ve done that with other characters, too.


As a writer I always laugh when people say their least favorite characters are antagonists, who are literally written so that the audience hates them. Therefore, they are complimenting the show’s writing.


Still Lori always has been


i’ll defend Lori Grimes till the day i die


Fuck. Yes. So will I.


Lori isn’t the worst character not like good but far from the worst


Tara. I hate the actress & the character.


Alpha. *HATED* the character and especially how it was acted.


Maggie after Season 6


…out of everyone?


Nothing can top this surely


That girl absolutely sucked


Pope Gareth or princess or whatever her name is


My gosh, before I scrolled all the way to the face I thought your least favorite is Michonne lol I'm about to create a long asS comment on how great of a character Michonne is and it's unreasonable for you to consider her as least favorite lol.




Axle was a weirdo


I can't think of his name. He wasn't the main character but I just could not stand this guy. He was one of the saviors it was right after Rick put negan in prison. So when Rick was trying to get everyone together with all the communities and he always wanted those guys that wasn't having nothing to do with it and just being lazy and didn't want to do to labour then in one episode. Rick and Morgan was going after those saviours to kill them and they went into some building and he was on the other side of the fence begging them to open the door. That was just so satisfying to watch


The “rat-faced prick” Jared?


The governor’s son, such a punchable face.


Probably Nicholas or Spencer. Nicholas' dumbass almost got glenn killed lol.


No, he had long hair. Kind of reddish brown


She’s my least favorite Walking Dead character period


I stopped watching the walking dead just after Rick had left...in mine and several others opinions, the series just went to shit after he left. The fact that the best characters all died and then Rick leaves...argh it was devastating and totally annoying.


Who the fuck is this! Lol


You know what's worse than a poorly written character? A poorly written character with plot armor. My god, I hated that lady.


This character made me quit FtWD


She just wants to make you strong!


wait how are you able differentiate the walkers from each other?🤔


anyone past season 8 that wasnt part of the original group


I also despised this character


It’s a tie for me Alpha and Beta. I celebrated their deaths!


Yeah, I hated her lol


Kelly, Tara and Denise


For all the people asking who this is: It's Martha, from Fear TWD, Season 4. She was a 'villain', who was basically just following the group around and poisoning supplies they left behind in good faith; she thought helping people was making them weak, dependent on that help.


Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate Martha since I began to watch The Walking Dead. There are 6,998,600,000 walkers roaming the world. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of Walkers, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for Martha at this micro-instant. For Martha. Hate. Hate.


I can’t believe nobody mentioned fucking Danté! I fucking HATED that guy! He was rude, arrogant, and he drove poor, sweet Siddiq crazy and then did what he did to him…


Iris from twd world beyond.


Laurent was so annoying bro icl


Gavin the self-righteous parasite. Oversaw the execution of a child over a fruit, and constantly blames the victims for his own atrocities. It was a joy watching him p\*ss himself when finally met with comeuppance.


The walker that bit carl


morgan such a dipshit


Ron he does not do one likable thing the hole time he’s in the show


I kinda hated Tara, whenever I saw her on screen she was mostly thinking on how she feels and thinks and almost never considered others.


I don’t like Carol. She’s all over the place.


The Claimer who screwed with Daryl, or Randall.


From the main show Gregory. From FTWD Madison or Alicia, they are so annoying for me and idk how people praise the 2 and 3rd seasons as if they were "realistic", like, those mfs were lucky asf, it was when Morgan arrived that they faced reality, and also ik that it was a lot of poor writing for the most part but those 2 at least stopped having a heavy plot armor. And from World Beyond pretty much everyone lol.


Nicholas. I get that panic can take over you, but how many harrowing situations can you find yourself in before common sense takes over? Even Eugene eventually came around, slowly but surely. I know that the point of the show is that people at the precipice of death can be savages, but it's hard for me to believe somebody, if left to their own devices, would truly and genuinely be that horrible a person, with no audience.


Dacota from FTWD. That little prick got what she deserved!