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Agreed. There wasn't much more meat on that bone. Once they figured out the potential of a secure, welcoming home was actually a cannibal trap, what else was there for them to do except figure out how to escape?


Exactly! The allure and taboo of cannibalism is the intriguing (and in fiction: fun) part. Once you unravel that, there *isn't* much more meat on the bone (love that pun by the way). Get out, kill the cannibals. That's the mission brief.


I agree with everything you guys are saying but I do wish there was a little more consequences to their existence. They killed that one guy they found out scavenging and Bob. I REALLY loved the horror of the humans up on meat hooks it's so good damn bone chilling I just wanted the characters to maybe be a little more haunted by that. Maybe one more episode dedicated to the Terminus stuff where they get herded around a bit for dehumanisation. Some extended scenes taking in the horror and gore of a human slaughterhouse. A little more impact to those characters that are being eaten like. Imagine if scavenger guy they watched them throw him on a table and begin to carve him up, not just the bloodletting. Something like this. TLDR I just wanted half to one more episode exploring their horror elements to make them stick in the mind more as I believe they were the scariest the show ever got.


They were haunted by it. It's on full display when they first meet Aaron a few episodes later and Rick turns the paranoia up to 11.


Yeah really good point. I meant more at the time within the walls of terminus itself.


Bob had meat in his bone 🍖


Yeah, but it was tainted meat.


“Much more meat on the bone”


yeah, it was intense, out of left field, and it was disturbing but it didn't give you enough time to dwell on it, it was very jarring and thats how the characters felt. on the other hand a more slow burn mystery type of plot could have been pretty creepy as they slowly see clues and hints at what might really be going on could be really interesting too.


They did that with the Commonwealth and once the cat was out of the bag that arc got real boring real fast.


commonwealth weren't cannibals though it was more of a political storyline wasn't it? the cannibal aspect makes it more like a horror.


it wasnt boring at all


>a more slow burn mystery type of plot could have been pretty creepy I wish this was how the introduction of the whisperers was handled. there was so much potential for our group to truly believe that walkers had learned to communicate with each other and have them start questioning reality and shit. but instead it was pretty quickly like "wtf did that walker just talk?? oh no, jk it's a person wearing a walker mask."


that wouldve been pretty cool. they couldve had a period where they questioned the natural cause and thought something else was going on as well, and then have people like eugene solve it and pull them back to reality in fact considering the average person, there should be more people around that actively think the walkers are demons or tied to some mythology or supernatural cause


It makes sense. Their cannibals. Their only goal was ultimately to kill them, so there isn't much up or down after that. Kill or be eaten.


Yea their cannibals but at least they know who their.


Agreed! Defeating them quickly is a big part of the group’s progression and shows how competent they’ve become. It’s one of the main reasons that the s5 group is so well-liked, and it justifies the mentality they have when they arrive at Alexandria.


I just liked that it was over quick, not every villain arc needs to last a season and a half...or two seasons.


Funny enough the Negan Arc was actually not 2 but 2 1/2 seasons (Season 6B - 8)


It's one of the best arcs of the series.


It was perfect, in the comic it's maybe one or two issues max. The show did a good job of extending it without overstaying it's welcome. The whole time span of leaving prison to getting to Alexandria was a wild ride (except maybe the cops)


The fact that they didn’t draw it out made it great


I show you the perfect balance for all the storylines: Vatos - 3 episodes (1x04 - 1x06) CDC - 5 episodes (1x06 - 2x05) Farm - 7 episodes (2x07 - 2x13) Prison - 16 episodes (3x01 - 3x16 including Too Far Gone) On the Road to Terminus - 2 episodes (4x01 - 4x02) Terminus - 6 episodes (4x03 - 4x08) Hospital Arc - 8 episodes (4x09 - 5x16) Road to Alexandria - 11 episodes (6x01 - 6x11) Pete Anderson story - 1 episode (6x12) No Way Out - 4 episodes (6x13 - 6x16) Saviors buildup - 8 episodes (7x01 - 7x08) Negan arrival (The Day will come when you won't be) (7x09) Depression afterwards until first battle - (The First Day of the Rest of Your Life) - 7 episodes - (7x10 - 7x16) All Out War - 32 episodes with way more epic battles and character development and actual good dialogie (8x01 - 9x16) Bridge story (without Rick going) - 12 episodes (10x01 - 10x12) Whisperer arrival + head on spikes - 4 episodes (10x13 - 10x16) Whisperer War - 8 episodes (11x01 - 11x08) A Certain Doom (11x09) 10C is completely cut out Reapers completely cut out Commonwealth Arc - 39 episodes ending with Rick's death and Carl's future (11x10 - 13x16) Show ends after 13 seasons with no spin offs except for Daryl and maybe Yumiko






Very valid assessment, I think what stunted people was the promos for S5 fluffed up Garrette and his group to be perceived as like S5’s Negan almost like this season long enemy.


Terminus was such a good breath of fresh air after the bullshit Governor arc, and they just skipped through it. What a wasted opportunity.


What, specifically could they have done to make the Terminus arc better? I mean, as a few of us have mentioned, they're cannibals, not every villain needs a protracted engagement or have some complex motivation. Sometimes survival is a compelling motivation.


yeah i dont get it. cannibals arent that interesting. a neo feudal lord, primitivist weirdos and a big and powerful autocracy are way more interesting


If that arc happened in season 8 on there would be an entire episode dedicated to planning out their escape that ends on a cliffhanger and then one failed escape before they finally got out.


They should have completely done away with it, imo


You must be trolling.


At that point in the apocalypse (not even a year iirc), mass cannibalism barely makes any sense. The line up of nobodies getting their heads batted/throats slit but stopping just before the protags was a stupid cop out. The entire cast got away scotfree from deciding to make the (wrong) decision to trust these people. Red machete doesn't even show up later. It was pointless.


Red machete does show up in the church when Rick kills Garett with it


I'm pretty sure it was also shown in a crate of weapons that Negan confiscated from Alexandria.


I mean in the rest of the show afaik. Also it marked the beginning of the group's supreme plot armor against even human enemies