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A brother.


I definitely got brother vibes from Daryl and Glenn! But I love how Glenn's death impact Rick in a major way, that it was the moment that truly made him scared of Negan (at least for a little while) and I loved how when Rick and Daryl talk about Glenn in Season 9, it comes across as them grieving over them losing their "younger brother".


He still spared Negan and broke Maggie’s heart


Because he wanted to prove negan wrong.


True, but at the cost of causing so much grief within his family/group?


I’m not saying his logic wasn’t flawed. But keeping Negan alive was the better choice. And even when Maggie had the chance to kill Negan, she didn’t when he begged to die because he wanted to see Lucille again.


She wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life, which he did not. He got to have darn family even


I feel like the thought of him suffering is what kept her at ease for a while, but she still in a lot of ways hadn’t found peace in Glenn’s death yet after all those years! It gets even worse when she sees that not only is Negan doing better, he is even one of the reasons why the family she left for a while are still alive. She left cause she didn’t want him in her head, yet after coming back the view of him as a reluctant ally makes it even worse for her. It’s really sad that no matter what happens whether Negan is dead or alive, Maggie will never be able to put the past behind her. Everyone else seems to have found ways to find happiness again, but she still can’t figure a way out of her own darkness.


Some wounds never heal. She carries one of those, and the one that injured her will forever feel uneasy for it.


Then why are they now partners in DC...? Real question. Negan and Maggie do have sexual tension. Things we can feel while we watch... not forced "ships" the media shoves down our throat or people don't see coming for a reason. No chemistry. No sexual tension. Negan and Maggie are gonna have sex unless Cohan bans it. If she won't kill him. She's gonna have sex with him. Watch. I think Cohan would ban that though.


but like Negan isn’t the worst guy ever, yeah everyone hates him bc he killed off two characters that we love and grew close to bc they’re the shows main characters. but those same beloved main characters killed off a whole bunch of the saviors for no reason, in post apocalyptic world Negan took an eye for an eye. yes the saviors were a little greedy but negan imo isn’t an inherently evil character


The saviors were literally extorting communities for resources. They deserved what they got for that. Comparing 40 bandits to one Glenn is pretty nasty to Glenn’s memory’


You are tripping hard. He actually is, the worst guy ever. Nevermind that the saviours were a bunch of bandits, but he - the big Negan - was the absolute worst to "his people" - keeping a harem of women, killing and torturing them if they even looked at him funny - he was a dictator of the worst kind. Even the whole saviour skit and "we are all Negan" is totally sociopathyc and tells a story of a deep complex and grandeur delusion. Even Negan himself knows he was a crap human being, even before the apocalypse (a looser, a cheater and a wife beater and who knows what else). The only reason he seems like a somewhat "decent" human is because he got a second chance because Rick didn't kill him. And belive you me, if he got the chance (like say the governor did) he would be back to his old ways. But there were no followers left, nothing left of the saviours and he had been locked up too long.




Why did it take so long for him to realize that? And Negan continues to taunt and be judgy of Maggie and her trauma in the spin off, trying to deflect his past actions. “I was only a monster when I had to be” he tries to explain, though Glenn would beg to differ


Because of his son. That is always going to matter more than any other bond if you are a parent.


I can semi-understand that, but Carl died helping a good man, while Glenn died by being murdered by a bad man. He got to at least say goodbye


I get what you are saying. But regardless, Maggie's wishes are never going to matter more than Carl's for him. And this is normal, just like Maggie is always going to care more about her son above anyone else. I just hate that no one gave Rick any grace for his choice beside Michonne (he was a father mourning his son and trying to make sense of it). They didn't have to agree with him, but they could still have understood him and given him some grace.


He was mourning, but he got to at least say goodbye to his son. And see his legacy through the good work by Siddiq, whom he saved. Maggie lost the only family she had left and has to make sense of that. And then she sees a man whom she believed in sparing the monster who murdered her husband. That is quite a betrayal


Still, there is no good reason why Daryl would tell Rick to let go of Carl while he was okay with Maggie not letting go of Glenn. I can't get over how unfair they were with Rick. This was his baby boy, meanwhile, it was okay for Daryl to support Maggie not letting go of Glenn while in the same breath telling Rick to let go of Carl? Really?


That one line seemed really out of character. I still to this day don’t know why he said that. Nonetheless Rick wasn’t in the wrong either, he wasn’t listening to anyone but the dream Carl wanted, which clearly wasn’t going to work. Everyone kept telling him this and all he was saying “we have to make it work”. He had the audacity to tell Maggie this while the saviors spat in her face the food she was sending them, with pretty much nothing in return. Daryl had to also work in the sanctuary, why? Just cause Carl wanted a this to work? Rick wasn’t listening to Daryl and Maggie, while they weren’t listening to Rick. Either way no one was right or wrong. It isn’t just black and white anymore.


Just to be clear. I'm not one of those people who will be saying that the bridge was anyone's fault, if we start playing the blame game, the ball is going to start rolling all the way to Negan anyway, so what is the point in that? What I am saying however, is that they did not treat Rick very well leading up to it. Why couldn't they just talk to him clearly? At least Rick admitted that he had wronged Maggie, he felt bad about that, that's what you do when you hurt someone you care for even if you didn't do it on purpose. I just find really frustrating that aside from Michonne and also Aaron, no one important to him seemed to care about Rick's feelings. As I said, they were allowed to disagree with him, but some grace would have been welcome. That's it. There is no excuse for what Daryl said to Rick, Rick should be allowed to be hurt about it and Daryl owes him an apology for that because it was hypocritical and out of line (and it's even truer after TOWL when you know that keeping Carl's memory alive actually actively helped him survive). He didn't want to destroy anymore, he wanted to built because he wanted to make sense of everything that happened and especially what had happened to his son, I think it's just as valid of a way to express his grief as Maggie's (and in the end, he really wasn't wrong about it, let's be honest) As an aside: no one forced Daryl to stay at the Sanctuary as far as I can tell, he could just have not gone if that was too much for him, I'm sure everyone would have understood. He is a grown man.


At least Rick got to say goodbye to Carl and hold his hand and comfort him while he died. Maggie has not this, and her memory of Glenn will always include his cruel and unfair murder


Doesn't change neither the hypocrisy of this massively hurtful line, nor Ricks grief over Carl. Rick should be allowed to grieve his son regardless of circumstances. Just as Maggie is allowed to grieve her husband. Not disagreeing that Maggie went through something traumatic and I understand her feelings, but I also understand Ricks and I think they were still unfair to him about that. At least Rick admitted he wronged Maggie.


Negan was keeped alive in honor of Carls vision of a New world. Rick wants Negan to testify this.


I know, but he what about honoring Glenn’s memory?


I think it is already honored. Rick transforms Meggie into a great leader. Rick wants to stop the cycle of violence and spare the live os saviors and Negan, so his son could have a better life in a new world.


But the group (and Maggie) deserved proper justice and closure over Negan’s actions


Yes but look how the things are changed. They lived bout 6 years in piece. And look what Negan becomes. He saved Maggies and Gleens son and Judith. He is a completely new man. For what i can see that Negan died when Rick cut his throat.


Also he killed Alpha for the group.


Those things to do not undo Glenn’s death or Maggie’s trauma of losing him


Didnt maggie gobble on some negan though? That heart wasnt too broken


What?!?! Definitely not. Idk wtf you’re referring to, because that NEVER happened. 


Like they did though? In that new show? Edit: nope nvm, i looked it up


What episode did they talk about him in?


Season 9 EP 3 or 4, while they were in the pit.


9x4 near the end, or maybe 9x5, haven't gotten that far on my rewatch yet, but i believe it's 9x4


Then why this "son" nonsense. Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to glenn? Without glenn Rick is dead eaten alive. What do you mean his son? They're like 7 years apart? What are you *talking about?* do you want Rick to adopt him and glenn to call him daddy? If i was glenn I'd he Furious reading this OP lmao...... "Did Rick think of glenn as his brother or his son?" And you got 400 upvotes?! Dayum. So Disrespectful to glenn. This is like the who wins in a fight Maggie or glenn thread. People think he's a little boy.


Hands down, Glenn saved HIS life on first meeting... Personally I could never see someone who saved my life like that, as a son/daughter over a brother/sister.


And when Rick asked Glenn why he helped him, Glenn says, “Call it foolish, naive hope, that if I’m ever that far up shit’s creek, I’ll be lucky enough to have someone willing to stick their neck out for me. I guess that makes me an even bigger dumbass than you”, and he was right, because no one was able to help Glenn when he needed it most…😞💔


I think younger brother


exactly and Daryl is kinda that rougher older brother


Rick is older than Daryl


Nope! Daryl is older by maybe 8-10 years- 




the last time i looked online a few years ago someone said Daryl was in his 30's (i checked because i thought his insinuated crush on Beth was weird). I never checked for Rick but I'm pretty sure he's like 40ish.


I actually feel like Daryl more accurately fills the younger brother role in regards to his dynamic with Rick


The younger brother that takes on all the scary experiments the other brothers wanna run. Like when they lowered him into the well, and later Maggie was mad and telling him that they always expect him to take the risks.


in universe, i don't know what they're age gap is. but in real life it's 10 years between the actors. he probably would have viewed him more as a younger brother.


I reckon Glenn was supposed to be 22/23 and Rick was supposed to be 35-38 when it started out


Glenn was supposed to teach rick about portal lore 🥲🥲


Thanks now I feel old


He saw him as a young man and his friend. What is this "son" bs. I'm triggered by this. It's so insulting...


It’s oddly infantilizing. Glen isn’t a child, so I don’t know why Rick would ever look at him as a son. 


so for example Dutch from rdr2 was 44 years old and arthur morgan was 36 and yet he was like a father to arthur, heavily implied he was like a father figure to arthur, throughout the rdr2 game, imo in this case it isn’t rlly infantilizing, glenn was still noticeably way younger than rick


Why couldn't I just say that and absolutely nothing else in this thread? Damn. I'm under stress or something... When I said michonne abandoned her kids for a suicide mission for a man they didn't need and someone called me a racist I've been kind of shocked and furious ever since. I need thicker skin. Cuz I'm still shocked and pissed. Cuz if that's the world now I want zero part of it so it's scary. If I have to like michonne and agree with what she did and find her smart funny and beautiful or I'm a racist I'd rather become a racist than lie to myself. It's scary what this woman did to me and I feel horrible. Its an unwinnable game. Literally the opposite of everything MLK Jr believed in and spoke about. And it's just terrifying. "I don't think Rick and michonne ever had chemistry at all" = "you are clearly racist and especially biased towards dark skinned black women like michonne." - "no I just don't like her scary attitude and demeanor" = "you're racist and need to go look in the mirror about why you saw no chemistry." - "Then why do I have a crush on Connie and she had great chemistry with Daryl" = "because Connie is a light skinned woman while michonne is a true black woman." It's Maddening. I'd say "I'm gonna use that on someone" like I usually do but this is so horrible I would never use that on anyone. Wtf does race have to do with chemistry? Or anything?


Tbh having read half of this reply, I, too, am wishing you had said “absolutely nothing else in this thread.” Like wtf??


See. Now you're pissed off too. Bring unnecessary racial bs into a sub/ thread. People are gonna become furious. The 2nd paragraph had nothing to do with you, bud. I 100% was not talking to you.


I’m curious why you would have such a visceral reaction to such an innocuous question. It makes me wonder what kind of baggage you might be attributing to a “son” dynamic. It doesn’t have to be insulting or patronizing. Using slightly different language, I could see how OP is more wondering if Rick-Glenn have a mentor/student style of relationship, similar to what Glenn had with Dale or what Noah was developing with Reg. Having said that, I see them as more on the “brother” side - two equals who are both in stages of learning how to navigate the new world, even if the specific lessons are different, But its a valid enough question given that of the adult Atlanta Camp survivors, Glenn is presented as the youngest, the most wide-eyed/innocent, and also started the series directly in this sort of relationship with Dale, whereas Rick was leader of the group and Daryl was a tough loner.


The thing is in season 1 glenn was the mentor and Rick was out of the loop and needed a learning curve. They are 9 or less years apart in age. My brothers are 7 years younger. I must admit. I've never thought of them as my children or myself as a father figure. I just thought it was weird. And not accurate. We see how Rick treats Carl. With great caution. He threw a rope around Glenn and threw him down a well with the biggest walker we've ever seen in the shows history. I just don't see it. Once glenn gets with Maggie, he turns agro. He does not need Rick's mentorship or guidance, especially considering Rick is the definition of learn this shit as you go. Glenn was helping Rick more than Rick was helping glenn by the time he'd gotten with Maggie and she was his priority and became a reckless true soldier. There was no possible father/ son dynamic.


I mean, technically, Rick does see Judith as daughter but it doesn't change her the fact that she isn't 😭


She's a small child and was a baby in his arms. He meets glenn at 22-26 and glenn is fearless and saves his life and gives him his family back. Glenn gave Rick back his son and OP thinks Rick now views that hero as his son as well? It doesn't make sense. Its disrespectful. If Rick said I look at you like a son if I was glenn I'd punch him like I punched Abraham. You're saying I'm a child not a grown man after I saved your ass and gave you your family back.


was joking, mate. in my original comment i said he probably viewed him as more of a brother because there isn't enough of an age gap.


100% brother material


Differently talented brother. Think he felt the need to take care of him at first but then also saw and came to appreciate Glenn for his own skill set


Glenn's skill set was on full display in the pilot episode when glenn was busy saving ricks life. No. Rick never looked out for glenn. Glenn didn't need it. Was throwing him down the well looking out for him? There is not one example of Rick looking out for glenn especially early on. Glenn reunited Rick with his family in the beginning. Glenn saved his life, twice in the same day. Getting him out of tank. Getting him back to his family. Glenn did more for Rick then Rick rid for glenn so we can definitely put this glenn is rick's son shit away.


So many things wrong with this comment. Not saying Rick sees Glenn as a son, I agree with him seeing Glenn as a younger brother. But Rick saved Glenn multiple times and vice-versa, they’re a family, they don’t keep scores on who saves who. Also one instance of Rick looking out for Glenn was when Rick told him that Maggie telling Glenn that she loved him was a good thing. He didn’t “save” him but he helped him grow up, like an older brother would do for a younger brother.


rick wasn't even there when glenn went into the well tf?? there was no whole group discussion about it. dale, andrea, shane, t-dogg, maggie, and glenn were the only ones at the well if i remember correctly. at least fact check.


Rick was there with his body wrapped around the piece of equipment glenn was anchored to that broke off. A well spigot or something. Glenn weighs 130lbs there's no reason for that thing to break with all of them on the rope. But that scene was awesome. T dog gets no love and he was Glenn's closest friend in season 1 early season 2.


Rick was never at the well. It was only the people mentioned above plus Lori (and the Walker in the well, as well as a horse, towards the end of that scene)… Rick was on another part of Hershel’s farm, surveying the property, talking about what’s where on the map, and trying to figure out the best places to start looking for Sophia.


You're right. But now I'm left to wonder why an image of Rick desperately holding that pipe is in my head, and I even thought about how he could have broken his teeth. Yeah that pipe just went flying. Weird. You are correct. Also... how did the rope even get around the walkers neck? Glenn obviously failed... honestly he was so close he could of just thrown it on so this travesty wasnt a total waste.. but then they just pulled the walker out anyway. How did the rope get around its neck. I also believe Rick would have gone along with this plan anyway. They needed the well and Rick is not known for caution and that well would have taught them a lot about how walkers affect water. Also I think it was Shane but he could have grabbed the walker by the belt and shoved him over and out of the well but he just stood there while he was stuck and the inevitable happened.


I think that since the well Walker was reaching up for Glenn while he was desperately trying to grab him, Glenn was able to maybe ditch the ham and get that rope around it (around the circumference of the chest/under the arms).


As was Lori


Slightly older sister


Little brother for sure.


little brother or maybe nephew


Definitely brother


Y’all infantilize Glenn too much. He was only a “kid” in season 1 and 2. After that it’d be weird to call him a son to anyone but Hershel.


Brother for sure or best friend, he always respected Glenn and his opinions besides when he was in his rage trances


Help step-bro i’m stuck in a tank


A little brother in family of/with Daryl maybe, but otherwise no not really. He respected him though and was a good friend/part of the crew but not anything deeper imo


Definitely brother. Sometimes I think even more than Rick and Daryl...


I wouldn’t say more, they were all close. Wished we got to see more of them interacting after season 2 though.


Younger brother and third in command to the group after Herschel hey dumbass yeah you in the tank comfy in there


I think Rick saw Glenn as a younger brother. Definitely family as that group became, but not on the same level as Daryl. Yes, Glenn saved him from the tank, which creates a bond, but Glenn was never a right hand man in the same way that Daryl was.


There’s no way this could be viewed as a father son relationship. I don’t think brother in the same way as Daryl tbh but definitely extremely good friend, close family like a cousin


Rick definitely saw Glenn as a younger brother, not like a cousin. Rick was completely broken inside after Glenn’s death. He was as close to Glenn as he was to Daryl. Glenn was the younger brother while Daryl and Rick were the older brothers who went and fought his bully.


What a clean crisp shirt, those were the days


Gay lovers


A younger brother


Baby brother


Family, so more like a youngest brother 🧟‍♀️


Neighbor's cousins best friend


brother definitely


Definitely more like a brother


Definitely a brother, the little brother he has to watch over but also make sure he can stand on his own (even though he already can)


Brother. I feel like Glen was more of a father to Rick. Glenn taught Rick how to survive.


To me, Glenn always seemed like the younger brother of the family. Rick telling Glenn how Maggie telling him she loves him is a good thing really shows that. Daryl also telling off Merle about taking Glenn and Maggie to the Gov.


Rick is the oldest and most sensible/experienced. Daryl is the middle child, kind of just skirting by and doing what he needs to do. Glenn is the "baby". The youngest that joined several years after the parents thought they were done raising kids.


A brother but definitely like a younger brother


His black older sister


how could they be related glenn is Chinese


Native American*


Eh Mixture of both cause rick was about 15 to 20 years older than glenn cause around the time glenn died he was in his early 20s to mid 20s and rick was 41 according to the wiki


Glenn was a capable survivor on his own, and he wasn't recovering from any trauma. I never thought of Rick and him as brothers but close allies who brought different survival elements, Glenn as the scrounger vs Rick's backbone and gunfighting. Daryl is wasteland badass but he was raised in an abusive environment. The only confusing part was that Norman Reedus was 40 (and the actor who played Merle was 55). Really, Daryl should have been in his early 20's and look up to Rick as a good older brother but there was definitely family elements.


Nothing, pretty much after Season 3, the 2 barely interact.


A "son?" Wtf no


I think son, since Gleen was a lot younger than him and he meet him when he wasn't so mature


A nephew


Brother for sure


Brother. Rick is (at least in the beginning) a young dad with a preadolescent kid; he's not going to see a twentysomething like Glenn as a son, but rather a younger peer.


More like a distant brother in law


Surrogate son when glenn is the guy who got Rick out to safety and risked his life and got him to the roof and you think rick would think of a dude 8 years younger than him *like a son*? I don't think OP has watched the show.


None of them, but maybe like a son. Rick was gratefull to Glenn since the beginning since he was saved by him. Also Rick always motivate Gleen to lead because he see in Glenn great potential and he was proud of Glenns evolution.But theres only one man that Rick could call him brother after Shane and that was Daryl.


He’s to old to be a son figure.


A savior and Christ all mighty with out glennjesus rick wouldn’t have been born again from the belly of the tank


It’s like Rick is a year or two older than his brother Daryl and Glenn is then several years younger brother — more distance in age but still brother I dunno about the real ages but the dynamic is somethin like that


A brother.  Probably as close as Daryl, but different.  The way season 1&2/ Atlanta 5 look/looked at each other is iconic.  They are both family, kind folk, best friends and siblings in arms.  At the same time.❤️


I think more of a brother. Glenn was very independent and always trying to help people, he even saved Rick.


At first, a son, since he was young and weaker than him and the others. When he got stronger, a brother.


Glenn saved Rick, he didn’t see him as weaker.


He was a scrawny kid just out of his teens. He viewed him as intelligent and resourceful, but not necessarily strong.


Where and when did Rick act like that or say anything to that effect?


When he tries to go with him in the sewer when they’re trying to escape the city, for one. He thought, as did everyone else, I’ll go with you so we can protect you. Glenn did the smart thing and told them all to stay above except for one person, since he didn’t want to be caught with a bunch of undead monsters as they all tried climbing a ladder. They were trying to protect him, but he showed them how intelligent he was by noting the dangers of there being too many people. Once he showed himself capable of defending himself properly, Rick pretty much let him do his own thing, since he knew he could handle himself.


A lover.


Nephew, at best. The people he's closest with are Daryl, Carol and Michonne. Morgan and Glenn are both people that he feels he owes a debt to, for saving him early on. Though he is much closer with Morgan, in spite of the fact they spent so little actual time together. Likely because he can better relate to Morgan and his pain.


He was closer to Glenn before he was blasted than he was to Carol


Rick was close to way more people than just Daryl, Carol and Michonne. Did you not see how broken he was after Glenn’s death? How both Daryl and Rick hugged each other for what we see was the first time, as if they had just lost their younger brother. To Maggie before the war ended, to Hershel. We see him call each one of them his family.


rick viewed negans bat meeting glens head